Infantilism Blaine

By multifandoms23

192K 2.3K 282

Warnings for: infantilism, nappies, bottles, sippy cups, crib, dummies, oversized high chair, stroller, car s... More

Blaine's story
Bringing Blaine home
Blaine's Muslins
Meeting the Warblers
Little Dribbler
Learning how to sit up.
First Words
Birthday Boy!!!
Blaine's new room
Blaine's day at the zoo
Introducing Blankie and visiting the Doctors
The joys of babysitting Blaine and Britt
2 Doctor's Visit
Blaine's Firsts Steps
Barbecue and pool party
Blaine starts to get sick
Bad Nights
Blaine starts to get better
Finn babysits
Tired Babies and Temper Tantrums
Shopping with Blaine
Tantrum in the pushchair and saying a bad word
Cooper comes to visit
Blaine and Daddy Time
Day out at the Museum
Girls' Night In
Trying new things
Trouble Maker
Tummy Bug
Ignored by Daddy
Ignored by Daddy 2
Meeting Mummy
A Trip to the Hospital
The next day
Safety and Park Fairground
Helping mummy move
Meeting the Warblers...Again
No nappy and rainy days
Sick Again...But Worse
Car accident
Ellen Degeneres
Trick or Treat!
Christmas Shopping and Feeling Poorly
Christmas Eve and Seeing Santa
Mean Brittany
Unexpected News - Part 1
Packing and Suspious - Part 2
Flying - Part 3
Jet lag and Swimming - Part 4
Off to Disney - Part 5
Swimming and Packing for home - Part 6
Going Home - Part 7
Grandparents Babysit
Blaine's 2nd Birthday
Terrible Twos
2 Year Check Up
2 Year Check Up - Part 2
Looking for a Nursery
Looking for a Nursery - Part 2
Auntie Santana Babysits
Seeing the Warblers
Beach Day
Glee Choir Room (Shooting)
Glee Choir Room (Nightmares)
First Cinema Experience and Meeting a New Warbler
Bee Stings and Stitches - Part 1
Bee Stings and Stitches - Part 2
Daddy's Birthday
Haircuts and Shopping for new toys
Kurt's Trip to New York
Blaine and Papa Time
Sebastian's in Hospital
Lego Batman Movie
Not a Proper First Date
Unexpected Guests
Not a Good Day
Brittany and Blaine Sleepover - Part 1
Brittany and Blaine Sleepover - Part 2
Brittany and Blaine Sleepover - Part 3
Flu Shots and Ice Creams
A BBQ at Mummy's
Renewing Vows
Authors Note
Seperation Anxiety
Shoe Shopping and a Night Out
Happy Halloween!
Bad News
Terrible Tantrums
A Warbler Sleepover
A Terrible Day
Christmas Eve
Christmas Day
Two Sick Boys
A Day at Santana's
A Week in London
First Day of Nursery
Moving Out
Helping Santana Move and Redecorate
Swimming and Lazy Days
First Fights
Milk and Duck Issues
Another Day at Santana's
Stressed Out and Nappy Explosions
Friends and Barbecues
First Words and Daddy's Operation
A Beach Day
Another Warbler Sleepover
Hey guys
Babysitting Adventures
A Sick Baby
A Day In The Life
Another Wedding?
Visiting the Grandparents
Rainy Days and Sleepovers
Rachel's Birthday Party
One Grumpy Baby
Sick, Sleepy Sebastian
Soft Play and Sleepy Babies
Baby Shopping and A Date Night
New Words and Meeting Parents
A Stalker - Part 1
Reporting and Investigating - Part 2
Interviews and The Court Room - Part 3
Parks and Ice Creams
A Weekend Trip
Another Baby Regressed
Swim and Chill Day
Another Warbler Meet Up
Sleepover at the Grandparent's
More Babysitting Adventures
Growing 4 Months
Sebastian's Week Away
Happy Christmas Eve
Happy Christmas
Lots of Shenanigans
A Surprise Visit for A Sick Baby
Trampoline Park Fun
A Finchel Wedding
Grandparent's Visit
A Joint Birthday Party
Blaine's 2nd 1 Year Appointment
Finn and Rachel Babysit
A Late Night Trip to The ER
First Day Back at Nursery
A Family Photoshoot Gender Reveal
A Bad Bus Expericence
Pamela Babysits
Meeting Finn and Rachel's Baby
Fun Rainy Days with 2 Babies
Blaine's New Habits
A Sick Baby with Smashed Fingers
Blaine's 'No' Day
Looking After Three Kids
Haircuts and Picnics
A Trip to San Francisco
A Warbler Meeting
A Grumpy Baby
A Dinner Date
A Proposal
A Marriage
The Aftermath

A Glee Club Reunion

422 9 1
By multifandoms23

Today was a Glee Club Reunion. Will managed to get the choir room free for today once the students left for the weekend.

"Hey, we ready to go see everyone?" I coo as I change his nappy.

"Ah" he kicks his legs about.

"Ok" I chuckle as I start dressing him into a blue sleeveless vest with a bear on it, a pair of jeans, a black and white stripe elephant jumper and some blue starry socks.

"Alright, let's go find baba" I say as I pick him and we head downstairs where Sebastian was finishing up packing a bag.

"There's my boy" Sebastian smiles before taking Blaine from me.

"We just about ready?" I ask him as I start putting my shoes on.

"Yeah" I put Blaine's navy blue and grey shoes on before we head out to the car.

"Are you excited, bud? We get to see Sam and Mercedes" Sebastian coos.

"Ah" he happily squeals.

"Yeah" we both chuckle. We soon get to the High School and head to the choir room.

"Unca 'bastian" Brittany comes running up to him.

"Hi sweetie" he coos before picking her up.

"You look very smart" he tells her as she wore a pair of floral leggings with the matching blouse, a pair of white and blue stripe socks with some blue and white spotted shoes.

"Bubbie" Blaine squeals as soon as he noticed Rachel and Isabella. She wore some pink tights with a floral dress and the matching green cardigan.

"Go say hi" I chuckle as he ran to them.

"Hiya Blaine" Finn chuckles before picking him up.

"We're just waiting on a couple of the other guys and then we shall get on with it" Will explains.

"That's fine" soon everyone turns up and we all just chat for a bit.

"So, Emma's pregnant with our second child and it's another boy" Will announces.

"Aww, congratulations"

"AAAHHH" we hear someone cry so we all turned heads and saw Brittany on the floor.

"Honey, what happened?" San coos whilst picking her up.

"Ell" she sobs as she pointed at the chair.

"You fell off the chair?" She asks her, making sure that's what she was trying to say.

"Eah" she cries.

"Ok, you're ok" she rocks her back and forth as she was sat down on San's lap.

"Baba! Bubbie" Blaine says as he patted Sebastian on the arm before pointing at Isabella, who was trying to play with him whilst she sat in Finn's lap.

"Yeah, bud, look, she wants to play with you" he tells her.

"Ah" he squeals before laughing with Isabella.

"Just watch him" I tell Bas as I nodded my head toward Blaine.

"Of course" I soon wander over to Santana, who was still comforting Brittany. She wasn't crying anymore, she just seemed a little upset.

"What's happened? Is she ok?" I ask San.

"Yeah, I think she was trying to tell me that she had leant to far forward on her chair and just fell out of it" she explains.

"Aww, bless her"

"You ok now, sweetie? Look, do you want to go play with Blaine and Isabella? Blaine's playing with her" I tell her but she just shook her head 'no', which meant she was probably a bit embarrassed and upset because she would never turn down an opportunity to go play with Isabella.

"Oh no, look at the time" Bas comes over to me.


"What's wrong?" Will asks.

"It's about lunchtime and Blaine will immediately want it if we say it out loud" I explain to him, whispering the word 'lunchtime'.

"Oh ok, we can go now if you want?" He suggests.

"Are you sure?" I ask him.

"Yeah, I'm a little bit peckish now that I think about it" he chuckles. We all head down to the cafeteria, making sure that Blaine was with someone in case he did a runner or something.

"Sit there, bud, I'll be back" Sebastian tells him as he set him down next to me and went to go get Blaine's food.

"Baba" he whines, wanting Sebastian to take him back.

"I'll be back in a sec" he tells him.

"Baba" he whines.

"Take him with you, just make sure he stays with you though although there's no one else in here except all of us" I say as I set Blaine down and he follows Sebastian.

"C'mon bud" I soon hear Sebastian as Blaine was just looking around, slowly following Sebastian. He sets the tray down that he somehow managed to fit all of our lunches on before chasing Blaine.

"Thanks Finn" he says as he took Blaine from Sebastian.

"He's fast" Finn chuckles.

"Yeah, perhaps we should sign you up for the football team" Finn jokes. (soccer)

"Yeah, maybe you could get them to win" we soon eat lunch and just sit around the tables, talking whilst Daniel, Brittany and Blaine chased each other with Isabella laughing at them.

"Aww, I can't wait for her to start joining in with them, it'll be cute" Rachel coos.

"Not when she's at home, getting into everything" we joke.

"Well yeah, that's true" she chuckles.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" We soon hear Puck call out as he started playing with them after a while.

"What's wrong?" San asks.

"They were just going a little fast and almost ended up in the corner of the table" he explains.

"Ok, you want to take the kids back to the choir room? You know, where it's a little safer?" Will asks.


"Come on kiddos" Will gathers them up and we all head back to the choir room.

"Dada" I hear Blaine as he turned around and started running towards me.

"Oh gosh" I chuckle a little.

"Dada" he squeals happily as he reached my arms.

"Hey baby" I coo as I picked him up and kissed his cheek.

"Ah dada" he coos at me as he looked at me.

"That's right" I smile at him. We soon reach the choir room and Blaine had fallen asleep on my shoulder.

"Ok, well, he's out" I say as I sat down.

"He sweep?" Britt comes up to me and asks.

"Yeah, he is sweetie, are you not tired yet?" I ask her.

"No" she laughs as she shook her head 'no'.

"Oh ok" I laugh with her.

"Pway" she then says a little sad as she pointed at Blaine.

"I'm sorry sweetie, when he's awake he can play, but he needs his sleep if not he's grumpy" I try and cheer her up as I tried to pull my best grumpiest impression of Blaine.

"Do you know what we call him when he's grumpy?" Sebastian asks her and again she shook her head 'no'.

"We call him Mr. Grumpy Pants" he says, making her laugh.

"Yay, we cheered you up" Bas and I cheer, making Blaine shuffle a little in his sleep.

"Huh" Brittany gasps.

"No 'umpy 'ants" she says.

"That's right, no grumpy pants so he needs to stay asleep" I tell her. She soon goes off and plays with Daniel and soon the other three kids had fallen asleep. It was an hour later and they all woke up again.

"Let's go get your bums changed" I say as we head to the toilets. I change Blaine's nappy but he didn't want his trousers on.

"Come on baby, you need your jeans on" I say as I tried to put them on him.

"No" he whines.

"I know you don't want them but they need to go on" I say as I managed to put them on him. We soon head back and the kids start playing again.

"Hey, be nice" I warned Blaine as he almost took a toy off Daniel but clearly turned around to see if I was looking. It was soon time for us to say goodbye to one another. We did a couple songs before hugging everyone and we all left.

"Let's go get some dinner" I say as I clipped Blaine into his car seat. I get in and we head to McDonald's for a quick drive thru.

"Ehh" Blaine whines as I tried sorting out who's was who's.

"It's coming, baby" I try and soothe him as I cooled it down a bit.

"Here we are" I say as I pass it to him. Bas and I soon grab ours and Sebastian starts driving home.

"Oh dear, what happened with your fruit shoot?" I chuckle as I went to get him out of his car seat but he had the juice all in his hair and down his clothes.

"Oh nice, you're all sticky" I say as I carefully get him out of his seat.

"Looks like we're going straight for a bath" we head inside and take Blaine upstairs to the bathroom where Sebastian was already running a bath. I carefully strip Blaine from his clothes and nappy before placing him in the tub.

"Ok Mister Fruit Shoot man" Sebastian says as he washes him whilst I go and get his nappy and pyjamas ready.

"Here we are" Sebastian soon comes back through a few minutes later with a towel wrapped Blaine. He lays him on his changing table and puts him in a fresh nappy and a short sleeve blue vest with the matching sleepsuit.

"It's a little bit early to put you to bed so we'll go play for a bit" we let Blaine play for a little while whilst we watch some telly as the house was already clean because we did it all before we left.

"Woah, careful bud" Sebastian says as he managed to catch Blaine before he fell off his ride on toy.

"Aha" he laughs before being sat on it properly and riding off.

"See ya" we chuckle. He soon rides around on it and his sleepsuit was a little big so the feet kept dragging so we had to quickly stop him in case they got caught under the wheel.

"Come 'ere a second, bud" Sebastian pulls him off, which he didn't like at all.

"AAAHHH" he sobs as he threw his head back.

"I'm sorry but you're gonna trip over your own feet" I coo as I put his sleepsuit back properly.

"Here we are" Sebastian places him back on it but he just continues to cry.

"Shall we go to bed then?" I coo. I pick him up and we head upstairs, I quickly change his nappy before giving him his round blue dummy, his dark blue cloth and then wrapped him up in his dark blue blanket.

"Get some sleep, baby" I whisper before kissing his forehead. Sebastian does the same and we quietly leave the room as he settled himself.

"Dada" he soon sobs.

"Here we go" I sigh but with a smile.

"He's probably just sleepy, as always" Sebastian smiles too before kissing me. I go into his room and he was stood up, holding onto the bars. 

"Come on, it's night night time" I soothe as I lay him back down.

"Dada" he cries.

"It's ok, it's ok" I soothe as I put his dummy back in his mouth and tap it gently. He soon settled down and once I knew he was properly out, I leave the room.

"He asleep?" Bas asks once I got to our room.

"Yeah" I go for a shower and Sebastian gets in after me whilst I get tucked into bed.

"Hmm" I hear Blaine shuffle through the monitor. I check on it and see that he was just trying to find his dummy before he settled back down.

"Did the monitor go?" Sebastian asks once he came out of the bathroom.

"Yeah, he was just trying to find his dummy" I say.

"Oh right" he gets into some pyjamas before getting under the covers with me.

"Night, I love you" he kisses me.

"I love you too" we kiss each other goodnight before finally going to sleep, snuggling one another.

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