Secret Love Story

By MultiMaty

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[just know this is my first fan fiction and English written book] This story is about Barry Allen's big love... More

Chapter 1 ~ Party or not
Chapter 2 ~ stalking and homework
Chapter 3 ~ Jitters
Chapter 4 ~ The Party
Chapter 5 ~ The alley
Chapter 6 ~ life or dead
Chapter 8 ~ Trust
Chapter 9 ~ thoughts
Chapter 10 ~ Silence
Chapter 11 ~ I Love You

Chapter 7 ~ Killer Frost's identity

531 12 5
By MultiMaty

"Oh my god.." Barry won't believe his own eyes this could have been everyone!
Why her?
"It make sense.. Kara told me you often was busy and you had to cancel the party." Barry says.
Barry doesn't understand why but Caitlin Snow is standing right in front of him and are about to cry.
Is it that bad he knows she is Killer Frost?

"Caitlin I-" he doesn't know what he wants to say.

"No- just-" Caitlin is waving him away with her hand. She cover her face with her hands and run out of the room.

"Should I talk to her or...?" Barry ask.

"Yeah. Good luck with that" Cisco says.

"Why are you saying it like that?"

"It's just- no it's not my secret to tell" Cisco says. He goes to a desk with two computers on. "She's in the freeze-lab" he says.

Barry have no idea where the freeze-lab is.
"I will show you the way" Harrison says. "Come."


Caitlin is sitting leaned up at the wall when Barry comes into the big freeze-lab. She already changed her bloody shirt to a S.T.A.R. lab sweater.
This is definitely the place she is training.
It's pretty cold and there's Killer Frosts kind of icicles around in the room.

"Hey... I um- I'm sorry"

"For what? you haven't done anything wrong... yet"

Barry goes and sit next to her. "What do you mean yet? I promise I won't tell anyone."

"Good. If you do, Killer Frost will personally kill you"

"I saved your lif-ves. Why are you pushing me away like this? Caitlin-" Barry look her straight into her eyes. "Caitlin I won't tell anyone... I. Bartholomew. Henry. Allen. Promise by Killer Frosts icicles that I won't tell anyone you are Killer Frost."
Caitlin laugh quite.

"Thank you Bartholomew Henry Allen" Caitlin smiles.

"Can I ask you about something?"


"Why haven't you told Kara?"

"I- um..." Caitlin looks away. "It's too dangerous. She can't know."

"Okay I understand..."


"No. But I promised you something"

"Awwe. Come let's go back to the cortex and find a sweater for you too" Caitlin smiles and take Barry's hand.

"So I have some questions" Barry says.

"Harry is a Harrison Wells from another earth a long and complicated story and Cisco stalked all from my school...anything else"

"Waow um no."

When they are coming into the cortex Cisco is kissing a black haired woman.
"Children alert" Caitlin laugh and cover her eyes.

"Sorry. We thought you were in the freeze-lab" Cisco says and take a few steps back.

Caitlin removes her hand. "Aha. Well... Barry this is Gypsy... Cisco's girlfriend"

"So you and Frosty are okay again?"

"Yeah. Barry saved us."

The way Caitlin smiles and look at Barry makes his cheeks heat up.

"It was nothing. I mean. Just think about all the times you have saved the city."

"Yeah exactly without you I cou-"

Caitlin stops talking when the room turns into a fire alarm.

"What's happening?"

"I have to save the city. Jerk"

Barry looks at Caitlin.
Her voice got some kind of icy echo. Her hair is turning white and her eyes are turning into a light blue.

"Killer Frost?!?"

Barry doesn't know what to say. She's so beautiful standing right here in front of him. It's like the whole world stops and stare for a while.

Barry looks away when she takes off the sweater and takes a blue jacket on.

"Here you should probably change don't you think?" She hands him the sweater and looks at Cisco.

"Where am I going?" She is asking Cisco who is standing in front of the computer.

"Jitters and you better hurry it's Krane."

"You better give me a lift then"

"On one condition."


"When I say you can't beat him. Come home before you get hurt. You come home. You can't risk your life like that. Yeah some people get hurt but you could have died out there tonight and I know you care about Caitlin that's why I'm saying if you can't beat him and you aren't coming home I breach Barry over there to pick you up"


"Are you done?"

"Yeah" Cisco nods.

Barry thought Cisco was about to throw something when a big blue thing is showing up in front of him.

"See ya later" Killer Frost jumps right into it and disappear.
It must be some kind of portal Barry thinks.

Cisco is staring at the computer while he is forming his hands to fists.
Gypsy walks to him and stands behind him.

"I love our little girl but do you really think she can beat him?" she says.

"No. But she can beat us if we doesn't let her try."


Barry is walking to the others so he can see what's happening on the computer.

"Ohhh did you hacked Jitters surveillance camera?"

"Yeah. But you're a dead man if you tell anyone"

"I won't" Barry watch how Killer Frost's icicles is flying through the air but also how her body gets thrown through the air like a doll.

"Frosty are you okay?" Cisco ask.

No response.

"Hey Frost are you there...Caitlin?"

"I will go" Gypsy says. Cisco nods.

"Me too" Barry says. "No way" Cisco says.

"Come on I already saved her once. Why can't I do it twice?"

"Because people will recognize you this time."

"Can't i just cover my head or something?"

Cisco thinks. "Actually" he find a red headformed mask "you can wear this and nobody would recognise you. And take the swaeter on upside down so no one see the big S.T.A.R. labs"

"Thank you" Barry takes the mask and the sweater on he got from Killer Frost. "What about you Gypsy?"

"What about me?"

"Don't you have to wear a mask or something?"

"So you are that new" Gypsy says and looks at Cisco. He nods.

"Um yeah so-"

"Can we take this conversation later we have a Frosty who needs our help here" Cisco interrupt.

"Yeah sure."

Gypsy makes the same kind of portal as Cisco. "Come."

Barry see how she disappear into the big whole. Barry is just looking at it and don't know if he trust Gypsy enough to jump right into it.

"What are you doing? It's just a breach it's not gonna kill you" Cisco says.

Barry takes a deep breath in and jump...


This chapter is dedicated to Toni
aka shway.edits because she is

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