Only you

Oleh ehern11

863 437 19

My name is Riley and I have a confession... I think I'm in love with my best friend. Problem is, I also have... Lebih Banyak

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30

Chapter 4

28 16 1
Oleh ehern11

I wake up late the next morning with my head pounding. As my eyes cracked open, and the sunlight stabbed me in the eye, I rolled over and jerked my bed comforter over my head. I hear loud footsteps coming towards my room. I don't lift my head because I already know who it is.

"Wake up, sleepyhead!" Madi says in a sing-song voice. "Come on.... you need to spill some tea and I need all the dirty details, plus I brought you Starbucks!" That's a good enough incentive, I flip my comforter and see her big smile. "Alright, tell me everything! start from the beginning, how did Kevin ended up bringing you home?" She stares and waits for me to begin spilling all the juicy details.

I tell her the whole story and kind of confessed to her my fillings for the two brothers. I sit up yawning and listen to her.

"Wow, Riley. I can only imagine. Actually..." Her eyes went wide. "I don't even want to imagine," Her eyes meeting mine. "Kyle is so frigging perfect. Gorgeous, considerate, sweet, faithful," She continued. "But no...oh no. Kevin is an idiot, a loud-mouthed, jerk, a manwhore who will shove his penis into any girl." She said the last words with a disgusted expression on her face.

Except me. He regrets even a simple kiss between us.

"Whoa!" I sat up straighter. "What the hell? Madi I thought you liked Dilllon but now it sounds like you actually like Kyle?" I finally ask her.

"What? No. And yes, I like Dillon. But he's just so..." making a face she adds. "So..."

"Nice?" I take a guess and raise an eyebrow waiting for her to finish.

"Serious!" Madi burst out as if that's something horrid. "Can we not talk about this?" She says.

Taking a deep breath in and out, I nod and smile at her. "You know what? You're absolutely right."

"I know." She smiles back. "I just need to find myself a hot guy. Not to be mean but I do like Dillon, just not as a boyfriend."

"No." I shake my head. "Not about that. You were right about him being too serious and he needs a good girlfriend and the girls I hang with are losers so...your loss bitch!"

Madi's mouth fell open. "What? I was just being honest."

"Ha!" I snort out a laugh.

"What's so funny?" Madi asks.

"I was just kidding with your dumb ass," I shake my head, disgusted. "I should've been honest to Dillon since the beginning of our relationship but I didn't," Lowering my voice I continue. "I'm a bad person, Madi."

"No, you're not. You just gave it a try and it didn't workout." She says while glancing at me, her gaze full of sympathy.

Madi stands and starts going through my closet."What are you doing?" I ask.

"I have to go to work so I'm borrowing an outfit." She says turning her attention back to me. "Do you have any plans for the day?"

"Sleep, eat, and repeat." I groan.

"Wow. Awesome! Well, I gotta go later bitch!" She says and she slams my room door.

Around the afternoon, I roll out of bed and walk to the bathroom for a quick shower. As I stand under the steaming water, I replay last night in my mind for the hundredth time. I thought it was ridiculous, how he pulled me out of the party. Could he be jealous?

After my shower, I feel pretty damn good. I decide to take a fast tour to the nearest market and grab a couple of snacks.

As I'm pushing my buggie through the aisles, I start filling it up with junk food.


I turn around to find Kevin right in front of me. I stare at him. He's so handsome, with his hands in his pockets and one of he's mischievous grind.

"Kevin Alexander Benson, are you stalking me?"

He nervously smiles. "Uh... no sorry to disappoint you, but no."

"Uh" I say and play my hands on my hips. "So, why are you here, then?"

"It's a market, Riley. I'm grabbing a drink for my friend." He shakes the cranberry and apple juice.

"alright... I'll see you later."

"Bye Kevin, don't forget, use protection!"

Kevin clears his throat and looks around to see who heard me. "Fuck Riley! Can you say it louder?"

I smile and walk away. But not before doing some spying to find out who the "friend" is. I notice it's a too skinny girl from another town.

Oh Kevin! He could do so much better... like me obviously.


After the long weekend, I woke up as my alarm for school went off. I tossed the covers off my bed, got up and walked into my bathroom to take a quick shower. Apparently, as I focused on getting ready for school,I lost track of time and was running late. I decided to send a text to Kyle to let him know I didn't need a ride from him since I'd be walking to school. After I received a text back from him, I continued to take my precious time drying and brushing my hair.

Getting to school as I power-walked towards my locker standing randomly by it, I see the guy from the party who I unfortunately wasn't able to speak with.

He smiles. He's cute. Really cute. Well... I'll admit he's a sexy looking guy, all six feet, and I don't know how many inches of him, with an athlete's body. With his tousled blond hair, crystal blue color eyes, and kissable full lips, he's the kind of guy that makes you stop and daydream a bit. But, of course nothing compared to my Kevin or Kyle. As I stare at him still wondering what he could possibly want, he smiles and holy moley... he has a cute dimple in his right cheek.

As I finish approaching him, he just keeps standing there in front of my locker without moving. I seriously don't know whether to admire him for his bravery or to pity him for messing with the wrong girl.

"You're blocking my locker. Can you please move?" I ask him as I come to a stop in front of him placing my hands on my hips. He is still not making a move to get out of my way. Which made my good mood quickly disappear.

"Hey, I'm Jake." He's all smiles showing me his white teeth that are practically sparkling, reminding me of one of those toothpaste commercials.

I finally get back on track and irritatedly cross my arms and continue to hold my ground not braking our stare. I didn't know what to say to get him to move, I slung my backpack over my shoulder. It has been a while since I noticed a guy flirting with me. Since most of the time I'm with Kyle or Kevin by my side and no one has dare to look in my direction in school and the very few that did, well, they hadn't been flirting at all.

I blink a couple of times finally breaking our gaze "Jake, are you lost?" I ask, cocked my head and studied him.


"Well, great you need to move. I need to get my books."

Was he serious? He obviously had no idea who I was. He pretends to ignore my signals that I'm a ticking bomb about to explode with anger, and just runs his fingers thru his blond hair.

"What's your name?" He asks in a deep voice.

Oh so sexy!!  No, Wait! What am I thinking!

"I'm not going to tell you my name, you're a stranger and I'm going to be late to my first hour. Now, move! Please." I push some wavy strands of hair back from my face. His inconsideration was seriously pissing me off.

"Well, I'm going to find out one way or another," He taunts.


"Riley" I say with a full-body shudder in defeat.

"Riley I like it. Now, that wasn't so hard, was it?" He says slowly.

"Huh. . .I'm glad you approve. Now, if you'll excuse me—" I know that I have irritation plastered all over my face, and this guy needs to get a clue fast before I explode.

"Sure you do, sweetheart," He does a quiet chuckle. "We'll have to take a picture together soon."

"What?! Why would I take a picture with you? That's not going to ever happen." I wave my arm between us.

"We seem unable to stop staring at each other, and a'll last longer."

"Ugh...bye, Jake." I raise a brow at him, I swear I hear him chuckle, but I don't really care because I'm late and it would be totally crazy to stay and chat with him any longer.

"I'll see you around, babe."

Babe? Only Kevin calls me that.

I walk away without getting my books because him calling me babe just finish annoying me, and I knew the last bell was about to ring. I was going to be crazy late for class. I hate when people turn and stare, which they always do when you enter a classroom any minute after class has started. I can't stop smiling as I think about that guy, despite his nerve not to step away from my locker, he totally made my morning a little interesting. By the time I finally get to class the last bell rings and I get to be the last one in.

"Miss. Riley! Glad you could join us." My biology teacher says, as he approaches me and hands me a stack of papers that are all graded. Mostly A's and an F What the fuck!?

"It's all right, girl. We're all in the same mess." The girl behind me says, as she eyes her graded papers.

"I guess more studying for me and less of a any sort of social life..." I say, and I sigh loudly and my shoulders slump.

God, my life sucks.

The classroom door opens and everyone stops what they are doing once again, now to see the Jake guy walking in. He turns to smile at me while he hands the teacher his class schedule.

"Mr. Marty, welcome and I hope you don't make it a habit to arrive late to class." He frowns when he notices how Jake keeps on eyeing me.

"I got...lost but it will not happen again, sir." He winks as he passes me heading to take a seat.

"Great," I whispered, with annoyance.

I don't even know why I care. It doesn't matter. I'm not interested, but he is extraordinarily hot... He seats next to Kelly. Kelly glances at him as she sends me a text message.

Kelly: do you know him?

Me: nope

Kelly: dibs

Me: all yours ;)

I smile and shake my head at her and she mouths "He's so sexy." I wrinkle my nose and give her a another but weak smile, as I slip my phone back into my backpack.

As he introduced himself to the class, I take advantage of  the moment to openly gawk at him without him knowing. I bite down on the edge of my favorite pen. I dare to take another peek at him, he turns my way and smiles, I swallow and shake my head. My heart jumps and my cheeks feel hot even more as he stares back at me. I take a long, slow breath, hoping that the blush quickly disappears from my face. I shouldn't have been staring at a him while in class, or at all. but, damn those dimples.

Sweet baby Jesus!

The vibration of a new message takes me out of my daydream. I grab my phone to read the message thinking it's another message from Kelly.

Kevin: Why was Marty talking to you?

Oh boy! I quickly type out a reply.

Me: He was lost.

I hoped he believed me because the last thing I wanted was for him to get suspended for fighting with the new guy.


Sitting in the cafeteria eating lunch with Madi and a bunch of other girls, when I see Jake sitting with some of the guys from the basketball team. Immediately Madi notices I was looking at Jake.

"Oh! he's a total hottie. Riley, don't you think he's cute?" Madi elbowed me in the ribs to get my attention back to her.

"Yeah, he's good looking, but I think he's a little bit creepy." I say not even bothering to check him out again.

"Well, you don't sound so convincing and look at him with he's perfect blond hair, blue eyes, and...those dimples! He's...adorable!" Before I can answer, she waves her hand in his direction.  "Let me explain this to you.  He's hot and single. You're hot and single. You guys are perfect for each other." She wiggles her eyebrows.

"Ok... he's cute. Alright? Still I have no intentions of joining his fan club any day soon."

"Hey... did you guys see the new guy?" Kelly asks as soon as she arrives at our table. "He's in our biology class." She informs the rest of the girls of how lucky we are.

"He looks like a Abercrombie model." Another girl says.

"Riley should totally date him." Madi insists.

"Oh my God!" I groan. " If you find him so attractive, you should totally date him." I stick my tongue out at her.

"Hey sweets! Scoot over for me." I look up to see Kyle standing over me, holding his lunch tray.

He looks  so cute wearing his dark jeans with his polo shirt. I shift over and he seats right next to me. I glance one more time to where Jake is seating and I guess I was a little too obvious.

Following my gaze. "Did you met the new guy?" Kyle asks me.

"Unfortunately yes."  I answer.

"He seems like a nice guy."

"Yeah, I guess."

I don't even care about Jake when Kyle is sitting next to me and I'm trying to calm down all the butterflies in my stomach.

"Let's go to the movies tonight, yeah?" Kyle asks me.

"Yeah, it sounds like a great plan" I easily accept.

Damn he's so sweet, kind, nice, and I sort of snuggle closer to him. I snap out of my daydreams when some giggling starts.

"Aw you two look so cute together." Madi teases.

"Watching them is sooo. . . romantic." Teresa one of the girls from Madi's group of friends adds.

"Shut it!" I say and felt myself begging to blush,

"Awe... she's blushing!" They added, so I glared at each of them in turn and flipped them off.

"Okayyyy... I gotta go, but I'll see you tonight?"  Kyle says, and gets up.

"Yes, see you tonight," I confirmed. He gave me a quick kiss on my forehead, and he's gone.

"Well, you're no fun." Kelly rolls her eyes at me.

Kelly is a nice girl and the rest of the group are cool to hang with as well. We all know each other because most of us have one or two clases together.

I raise an eyebrow. "Where's Dillon, Madi?"

"He went home," she answers. "He wasn't feeling too well."

"Maybe you should go check on him." I say to her hoping she gets a clue and stops with her comments about Kyle and me.

"Maybe I will, friend," She gives me a side-eye. "So you guys are going to the movies?"

"Yes, want to join us?" I ask her.

"I don't need to be you kids chaperone, Riley. I have dates at my disposal twenty-four hours a day."

"Awww, you're so awesome." I laugh.

As we keep on enjoy our lunch, Kevin walks in to the cafeteria. Some girl approaches him and I shake my head, disgusted. When Kevin catches me watching him, and his lips quirk like they always do. I roll my eyes and give him a thumbs down, letting him know I disapprove of the girl talking to him. He winks at me.


I swear he went out of his way to be the biggest man-whore-asshole in our small town. I just keep on staring at them. I remind myself 'this is his last year here, if I had to put up with his shows for much longer, I'd pull my eyeballs out. I have to remember Kevin isn't mine. Maybe this was what I needed to get over my crush on Kevin.

Damn, It fucking hurts to see him with other girls!

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