Twins of the Dead

By TheFlaminGirl

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The Death Duo, named by their siblings as of age 10. Now they're adults, figuring out how to survive in a nor... More



9.9K 129 50
By TheFlaminGirl

The Umbrella Academy, a place where eight children were adopted, and only five remained. One vanished through time, another died, the final ran away without knowing what they were doing. The thing is, numbers Eight and Four were a whole new experiment, a new type of special, they were twins. Why not just be number four and five? Well, two fours make eight, and after all, there were two fours...


I sighed as I woke up from yet another academy dream, each night I remembered my old life, a life I left 16 years ago. Each morning I'd wake up and tell myself to go back, but never being able to. I missed my family, I missed my twin, Klaus. I hadn't even been able to summon Ben, making me assume he was with said twin. My only company was the old woman who had a heart attack in the apartment upstairs, and even then I refused to talk with her. My powers just got in the way, I had lost count of how many times I'd spoken to a spirit thinking they were alive. Also, I'd run away from that life, still unsure of how I could've left my siblings like that, but I did, and I've never been able to look back. I glanced at myself in the mirror. Small scars littered my shoulders, my escape. Klaus had drugs, I had a small blade.

"Number Eight." I froze as I heard a man's voice coming from my living room. I knew that emotionless voice. I shoved on a hoodie, and some jeans, before walking out. Upon seeing the old man, I froze. "Dad? How'd you find me?" I questioned, he just did his usual knowing stare.
"It's good to see you again, Number Eight. You're the one that got away." I warily walked closer to him, waiting for a huge speech. "You should come home, you've missed years of training." He stated, I scoffed and rolled my eyes.
"I'm not stupid, dad. I remember perfectly your idea of training, locking Klaus and I up in a fucking mausoleum when we were thirteen!" I watched as he stood from his seat.
"Watch your language! You always have been capable of so much more, you and your brother. Shame he took to poisoning himself with that rubbish." He referred to the drugs.
"And not once did you figure that you were the cause, huh? Had to stay the cold, selfish, bastard, protect your name?!" I shouted at him this time, pointing an accusing finger. He looked down in thought, "you should go back." Next thing I knew, he disappeared through the door. I rushed over and opened it, nothing. Instantly, I knew the truth, Reginald Hargreeves was dead. Something in me snapped, the urge to go back even stronger than ever, so I grabbed any money I had, and left. I had to go home.


A day later, and I stood before our definition of hell. What should be a happy place, which it was most nights, particularly Saturdays between 12 and half 12. It just reminded me of the demons, (some literally), I had run from. I opened the black gate, it still creaked the same. Then, I went inside, just like the gate, nothing had changed. As soon as I stepped foot inside, I felt Klaus, the bond was strong again, and to my left stood Pogo. "Welcome back, Miss Coryn." He smiled, walking over. I shrugged, "ahh, well. I guess 16 years is long enough." At that moment, I felt him get closer, and I turned to the stairs.

"Rinny?" Klaus rushed down before I could even say a word, wrapping me in his arms. I started to cry a little, "I missed you so much, Klaus." I whispered, pulling away. Our only contact had been a phone call every two months, if not less. He nodded, wrapping an arm around my shoulder, it was then I noticed he had tattoos on his hands. One said 'hello', the other 'goodbye'. He was also wearing, what I assumed to be, Allison's skirt. "You're so high right now, aren't you?" I questioned, looking at him.
"Yes. Now, since the old man is gone, what do you say we hit up his bar?" I suggested, wandering towards the living area. Klaus happily followed behind. It was as if I'd never left, we needn't say anything else. Everyday, since we were born, we had felt each other, I'd felt Klaus through it all, every bit of pain, and he'd felt mine.

We walked straight past everyone, Luther, Allison, Diego and Vanya. Each of them had changed loads, and each stared as we walked by. "Coryn?" Allison was the first to speak as I sat by the bar, Klaus took to grabbing bottles. "Oh, hey guys." I smiled, handing Klaus a glass for each of us.
"I see you two haven't changed, still up to trouble." Diego pointed out, I smirked and gave a brief nod.
"How'd you know about dad? I mean, you've been gone all this time and..." I cut Vanya off.
"None of you contacted me?" I gestured to the group ahead, "Yeah, the old man figured he'd pay me a visit himself. Did his grumpy lecture about how much training I missed, and that I should come home, didn't realise he was dead until he walked through my door." I laughed slightly, thinking about how little I'd managed to use my powers and then suddenly he appeared. The person I'd least want to contact in the afterlife. "Okay then. I guess we should get this started." Luther cut in as Klaus started to pour our drinks.

We never really did get along with the four in front of us as closely as we did with Ben. Five would swap between, but on missions he'd mostly stick with us, due to our lack of 'useful' powers. It was always them and us, excluding Vanya, who I regretted leaving out every day of our youth. It was the way we were raised, she wasn't 'special' in our dad's eyes, so she couldn't be special to us.

"I was thinking we could have some sort of memorial service in the courtyard at sundown. Say a few words, just at Dad's favourite spot." Luther explained. Klaus handed me a glass,
"Dad had a favourite spot?" Allison questioned, Luther turned to her.
"Yeah, you know, under the oak tree. We used to sit out there all the time, none of you ever did that?" As he spoke, we made our way over to the group. Klaus sat beside Vanya, carrying his drink and Dad's urn as I perched on the chair arm. "Will there be refreshments? Tea? Scones? Cucumber sandwiches are always a winner." Klaus asked, causing me to roll my eyes. I wasn't bothered by his high state, been that way since we were thirteen, since we got out of the mausoleum, and it hadn't changed anything between us. "What? No, and put that thing out. Dad didn't allow smoking in here." Luther ordered.
"The old man's not exactly here though, is he dear brother?" I mocked, taking a sip of my drink. Then Allison spotted Klaus' attire.

"Is that my skirt?" She pointed. Klaus looked up, "what? Oh, yeah this. I found it in your room, it's a little dated, I know, but it's very breathy on the...bits." He stood up, doing a small spin, before flopping down again.
"Listen up. Still some important things that we need to discuss, all right?" Luther cut in, always was too serious for his own good.
"Like what?" Diego challenged.
"Like the way he died." Was the response.
"And here we go." Diego muttered, Vanya sat up beside us.
"I don't understand, I thought they said it was a heart attack." She said.
"Yeah, according to the coroner." Luther replied.
"Well, wouldn't they know." Vanya argued.
"Theoretically." Now Allison joined in, and when she was against Luther, he was usually wrong. "Theoretically?"
"I'm just saying at the very least, something happened. The last time that I talked to Dad, he sounded strange." I chuckled as he changed his story slightly, getting a glare in return. "What? When didn't he sound strange, man was messed up in the head." I stated, and Klaus gurgled beside me. "Oh, quelle suprise."

"Strange how?" Allison stopped our mucking around.
"He sounded on edge. Told me I should be careful who to trust." Luther explained. Diego stood up, and walk up to him.
"Luther, he was a paranoid, bitter old man, who was starting to lose what was left of his marbles."
"No. He must have known something was going to happen." Then he turned to Klaus. "Look, I know you don't like to do it, so I'll ask Coryn," he looked at me, "I need you to talk to Dad." His words made me choke on my drink, Klaus bursting into laughter at my reaction. "Okay, I've already spoken to him and he seemed perfectly normal. Besides, I spent the last 16 years suppressing my powers, this isn't easy shit." I protested, hitting Klaus lightly in the shoulder to shut him up. He put his lip out, and I shook my head with a small laugh.

"Klaus." Luther cut in, my twin's eyes rolled at the sound of his name. "We can't just call dad in the afterlife and be like, 'Dad, could you just stop playing tennis with Hitler for a moment and take a quick call?' Like Rinny said, it's not that easy."
"Since when? That's your thing." Luther argued.
"She's out of practice, and I'm not in the right...frame of mind." Klaus stuck up for us. "You're high?" Allison cut in.
"Yeah! Yeah!" Klaus laughed, "I mean how are you not, listening to this nonsense?"
"Well, either you sober up, or Coryn get back into practice. This is important." Luther demanded, Klaus sighed, and I walked out. I didn't come back to be badgered by a mini version of Reginald.

I wandered up the stairs, walking into the room I had shared with Klaus. Upon opening the door, and walking inside, I saw my part of the room was untouched. Everything was the same as it was when I was younger. I walked up the the bed and sat down, just staring out of the window like I used to. "He could never bring himself to change it." I jumped as I heard a voice behind me. When I turned, I saw Ben, and jumped up to wrap my arms around him, almost causing me to fall straight over. Tears formed in my eyes as I looked at my brother, "I missed you." I whispered, and his own eyes filled with sadness.
"I tried Rinny, but you've always suppressed your powers." He explained, and we sat side by side on my bed.
"I guess I didn't realise quite how much, I always assumed you were watching over Klaus for me."
"Well, it's a mix of both." Ben stated, letting out a sigh.

"How bad has he been, Ben? I know he'd never tell me." I asked, knowing that Klaus had always wanted to keep me safe, always arguing it was because he's older by 4 minutes. "Well, he's alive, there's that..." Ben said, trailing off.
"Did he ever talk to you, does he?" I looked up at him, a pleading look on my face. "Sometimes, majority of the time I can get to him if he's high. It's hardest when he's first on drugs, take now, for example." He explained, and I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. He was dead and watching his brother throw his life away. "I wish I'd never left him, maybe he wouldn't have slipped so far. You know?"
"I get it. But enough talk on Klaus, what about you?" Ben smiled.
"Believe me, my life has been nothing but boring. There nothing to talk about." I replied.

"I'm sure that's not true, hey Ben." Klaus smiled, walking into the room and looking in the complete wrong direction, making me jump slightly. "You can't see him, can you?" I responded, getting a shake of the head.
"Jackass." Ben mumbled beside me, making a laugh escape my mouth.
"Okay, just because I can't see you, does not mean you can slag me off. Come on Rinny, twin pact, remember!" Klaus whined. I face palmed, and Ben looked between us.
"You had a pact! I knew there was something going on!" He stated, shooting up.
"Yeah, sorry bro." I smirked, then Klaus noticed my teary eyes.

"Come here." He said, opening his arms. I walked over and accepted the hug, Ben smiled, nodding, before disappearing again. He knew we needed to be alone. "Klaus, I'm sorry. I never should have left." I muttered, the tears now falling. He rested his head on mine, "it's okay. You had to go, believe it or not, I was happier once you'd left. It meant he couldn't hurt you anymore, besides, we're never truly apart."
"I know, Klaus. I feel you, and I also felt every cry for help. I could never bring myself to return, and I feel so guilty." I apologised, looking into his eyes. They reflected my own guilt. "Stop apologising, I love you no matter what, sis. Besides, when did I ever cry for help? I'm tough." He flexed his arms, making me laugh.
"Yeah, whatever, big guy. Come on, let's go. I'm going to summon this old prick."

"You know what, fuck you too!" I shouted, throwing my arms up in defeat and looking at Klaus, who watched with an amused smile. "Klaus, sober the hell up. I'm having another drink."
"What? Why me?" He whined, eyes going wide.
"Do you see anyone else who can talk to the dead? No? Get on with it." I replied. He tipped his head back, glaring out a groan, "Ugggghhhh." I stole his drink, and pushed him forwards. He turned to the urn, and took a deep breath. This was going to be worse than I thought...

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