Island for Kings and Queens

By Morbidhuman

196 8 3

Not everyone is the same in this world , we may think we are the same with certain people. Yet we are not, no... More

Chapter 2: Was this a Blessing or a Curse?
Chapter 3: A Flight of change
Chapter 4 The Gang is All Here
Chapter 5 Heated plans
Chapter 6 Adventurer Problems
Chapter 7 Inhabited Island?
Chapter 8 First Fight
Chapter 9 Kind Soul
Chapter 10 Reflection & Rebirth
Chapter 11 Strange Source
Chapter 12 Preperation

Chapter 1: Only Me...

22 2 0
By Morbidhuman

"Flights now departing for San Diego please board." Was heard on the speaker system that echoed through the whole airport for the what seemed like thousands of passengers lugging suitcases around trying to get to where they needed to be. Yet one young African American young adult seemed to be hating the world around him as he sat watching people go by. Large black headphones covered his light brown ears playing music that stopped him from hearing the outside world perfectly. Until he was disturbed by someone taking them off and slamming them into the males lap. It was in fact his large farther tossing a ticket into his lap.

"After this flight you go wherever the hell you want. I don't care, you can keep the clothes in your suitcase, the phone and such. Yet you won't be coming back to my home. Don't worry you can have all your important documents so you can live but I sure as hell wont be helping you nor will any other family member you faggot." The males obvious farther said before walking away onto the other side of the seating area with a much smaller middle aged woman, being his mother. The mother looked sadden with tears in her eyes gazing at her son she seemed to be abandoning.

Taking his two hands and rubbing his head made a sigh of stress blow out of his mouth trying to process his new life once he returned back to the United States. Thoughts of living and eating plans began to race through the males head while he tried to figure out what he was going to do with his life now that he would completely be on his own from one mistake.

"You are an abomination. Your the black sheep meant to be alone. Only me... Why the hell am I this way..." The young African American male said quietly as he moved his hands to his face, covering it, again letting out another sigh waiting for the plan that would take him back to his new independent life.

Another mother and her daughter then walked past the male down on his luck trying to find a seat, obviously the mother was looking around for somewhere to sit while the daughter was looking at the male in deep thought. Opening a small slot between his finger, the stress man caught sight of the girl looking at him, she looked to be no more than fifteen as she was fairly small but obviously still growing. A wave came from the girls hand to the man making him shake his head placing the headphones back his ears so he could people watch and think, he had bigger things to think about than waving back at some teenager.

While he people watched minutes rolled by easily with the assistance of stress and music, eventually it was time to start boarding the plan back to the United States. Casually he went through the line and when it came time to show his ticket his name was called saying.

"Have a nice flight Xavier."

Not a reply came from Xavier's as he walked on preparing to board the plan with his back pack on his back and headphones on his head. Sitting down near the back of the plane Xavier could see that this flight was full of people and he could see his parents more than twenty seats ahead of him, this only made him angry. When he had walked by his father only glared with eyes of disgust.

With the headphones still on his head Xavier couldn't help but let the stress take over his mind yet again. The idea that they created him a monster so why was he to be judged for it. Xavier even than began to blame god in the privacy of his mind, screaming that it was him enjoying the suffering he caused. Yet no one would hear this in as it all stayed inside creating more anger inside of himself. Once everyone was seated with seat belts secured properly, flight attendants began to go through the common instructions about what to do in emergencies. Like usual Xavier ignored the instruction as he seen it to many times from him flying all his life, so he simply began to drifted asleep trying to gather what he would need for when he came back to the united states.

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