My Complicated Life! (AU Harr...

By sassygirl93

1.3M 32.8K 9.7K

Eva Jackson was that one girl in high school everyone knows about. Nearly all of them thought she was the coo... More

My Complicated Life! (AU Harry Styles Fanfic)
Chapter 1:
Chapter 2:
Chapter 3:
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8:
Chapter 9:
Chapter 10:
Chapter 11:
Chapter 12:
Chapter 13:
Chapter 14:
Chapter 15:
Chapter 16:
Chapter 17:
Chapter 18:
Chapter 19:
Chapter 20:
Chapter 21:
Chapter 22:
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24:
Chapter 26:
Chapter 27:
Chapter 28:
Chapter 29:
Chapter 30:
Chapter 31:
Chapter 32:
Chapter 33:
Chapter 34:
Chapter 35:
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38:
Chapter 39:
Chapter 40:
Chapter 41:
Chapter 42:
Chapter 43:
Chapter 44:
Chapter 45:
Chapter 46:
Chapter 47:
Chapter 48:
Chapter 49:
Chapter 50:
Chapter 51:
Chapter 52:
Chapter 53:
Chapter 54:
Chapter 55:
Chapter 56:
Chapter 57:
Chapter 58:
Chapter 59:
Chapter 60:
Chapter 61:
Chapter 62
Chapter 63:
Chapter 64:
Chapter 65:
Chapter 66:
Chapter 67:
Chapter 68:
Chapter 69:
Chapter 70:
Chapter 71:
Chapter 72:
Chapter 73:
Chapter 74:
Chapter 75
Chapter 76:
Chapter 77:
Chapter 78
Chapter 79:

Chapter 25:

17.2K 421 199
By sassygirl93

Eva’s POV

I wake up to my phone buzzing, I groan and reach over to my nightstand, and picked it up. I unlock it and see I have a text from Liam. I hesitate a second before I open his text.

From Liam: Sorry if this wakes you, but I was wondering if you would like to come over for the day. We’re having a movie day and Elise is making a big dinner… We would love for you to come, if you have plans or don’t want to its okay…

My first reaction is no, but when I look at my slightly swollen wrist I remember the events from last night… Harry and that girl at the party and then seeing them in his room…I try to shake the image out of my head, but it’s imprinted in my head. Seeing him on top of her like that… it hurts, but the way Harry pushed me and yelled in my face hurt even more. I know I’ve been stubborn and I haven’t forgiven him, but he has no right to hurt me physically.

To Liam: What time?

I get out of bed and walk to my bathroom to use the bathroom and take a long hot shower. I stand under the hot water for a while before I finally get out. I wrap a towel around my body and walk out of the bathroom and over to my closet. I lock the closet door and drop the towel from my body. I slip on my matching black lace underwear and bra set before slipping on a pair of black leggings. I walk over to where my sweaters are hanging and grab my light grey sweater, and slip it on over my head. I pull the sleeves down so they cover my wrists. My left wrist isn’t severely swollen, but it definitely doesn’t look normal. I don’t want anyone asking questions. I unlock the door and walk over to my bed. I sit down on the edge and grab my brush and began brushing my hair. Even though it hurt like hell I pull my hair to the side and start fishtail braiding it. Once I’m done I walk to the bathroom to get a few bobby pins to pin back a few pieces of hair that fell. As I’m brushing my teeth I hear a knock on my bedroom door. I freeze… please not be Harry. I rinse my mouth and walk to my door. I open the door and see Isaac standing in front of me.

“Just wanted to let you know we are home.” He smiles. He is definitely Harry’s dad, because they have the same exact smile, dimples and all.


“We are going to go to lunch and movie if you would like to come.” He tells me.

“I’m going over to Liam’s today.” I shrug. He looks slightly surprised, but he covers his shock with a smile.

“When are you going, we can give you a ride on our way?” He offers.

“Hold on.” I hold up my finger and walk over to my phone to see if Liam texted me back. Sure enough he did.

From Liam: 1?

I look at the time and see its twelve fifteen. I guess I was in the shower longer than I thought I was.

“I have to be there by one.” I tell him. I’m hoping they won’t be able to drive me. I don’t want to be anywhere near Harry. 

“Perfect, we were planning on leaving at twelve forty-five.” He claps his hands together.

“I don’t mind walking.” I tell him.

“It’s okay, we don’t mind.” He tells me. I nod and watch him walk away from my room and over to Harry’s. I close my door and walk over to where I keep my socks. I grab a pair and put them on before grabbing my red converse. Once I put them on I walk over to my phone and text Liam that I will be there, and then grab my black purse and stuff my phone inside before walking out of my room. I walk downstairs and walk to the coat closet to get my coat. As I’m putting my coat on I see Harry coming downstairs. My heart starts pounding, my hands begin to shake, I step back and look down at my feet.

“You ready to go?” Isaac asks.

“Yeah.” Harry answers.

“Eva, are you okay?” Emily touches my shoulder causing me to jump.

“I’m fine.” I lied.

“Okay, let’s get you to Liam’s, yeah?” She smiles at me.

“Liam’s?” I hear Harry whisper to his dad.

“Eva, is going to Liam’s, so we are dropping her off on our way to lunch.” Isaac replies quietly. Emily and I walk to the car and we both get into Isaacs car, Isaac and Harry aren’t far behind. It’s not a long drive to Liam’s. We get there a few minutes before one.

“Thanks for the ride.” I tell Isaac as I unbuckle my seatbelt.

“Anytime.” He smiles.

“Are they having a party or something?” Emily asks me. I look and there is about four cars in the driveway, two more cars than usual.

“I don’t know.” I shrug. I start to get nervous, but push my nerves away and get out of the car. I thank them again and walk up to the front door. I ring the doorbell and Elise answers the door. She smiles at me and then waves behind me. I turn around and see Isaac was still in the driveway. He waves back at her before pulling out of the driveway.

“Come on in, how are you?” Elise asks me.

“Good, thanks.” I tell her.

“Here let me take your coat.” She holds her hand out. I take my coat off and hand it to her. She takes it from me and hangs it up in a closet in the foyer. I put my purse next to the table by the front door.

“Everyone is in the living room, I have to go check lunch.” Elise smiles. I nod and slowly start walking to the living room. Who else is here?

“Hey, how are you?” I turn around and see Liam smiling at me.

“Good, you?” I ask.

“Glad you’re here.” He smiles. I don’t know how to respond so I just smile.

“Who else is here?” I asked him quietly.

“Elise’s little brother and his girlfriend are here.” He looks nervous.

“Oh, okay.” I don’t know if I feel comfortable meeting these people.

“They are really nice.” He smiles at me. I look down at my shoes.

“Trust me on this.” He tells me.

“Trust is hard for me.” I blurt out before I realize. He doesn’t say anything, instead he gives me a small smile and places a hand on my shoulder, and guides me to the living room. As we get closer I can hear the girls squealing and laughing.

“He always gets them riled up.” Liam sighs. When we walk into the living room I see a man who looks to be in his early to mid-twenties on the floor tickling Lacey and Lydia. His light brown hair is pushed up into a quiff, he is wearing a maroon t-shirt and black skinny jeans. I can’t really see his face, but I can see his behind and let me tell you his butt is bigger than mine. There is a brunette sitting on the couch watching the scene in front of her.

“Okay that’s enough. Girls look who’s here.” Liam announced. The girls look up to see who their dad was talking about. I can’t help but smile when I see big smiles spread across their faces as they see me. (I must have made an impression on them, because I’ve only met them once.) They push the man away and run over to me and hug my legs tightly. I bend down and give them both a hug.

“Hi, I’m Louis.” The man smiles. His eyes are a piercing blue.

“Eva.” I smile.

“Louis is Elise’s loud little brother.” Liam teases Louis.

“Loud and amazing little brother.” Louis smirks.

“This is my fiancé Eleanor.” Louis introduced me to the gorgeous brunette who was sitting on the couch. She is about his height so about 5 6’ he is only a few inches taller than her. They are a good looking couple.  

 “Nice to meet you.” She greets me.

“You too.” I’m so uncomfortable right now. The only people I’m comfortable around in this house is the two little girls running around the living room.

“So, I popped some butter popcorn and some kettle corn, so let’s get this movie marathon going.” Elise cheers. Liam walks over to her and takes some of the bowl bowls out of her arms.

“Thanks.” She smiles sweetly. I look down when Lacey grabs my left wrist and pulls me to the couch. I cry out in pain and I pull away from her grip.

“I’m sorry.” Lacey’s bottom lip starts to quiver.

“It wasn’t you sweetie.” I tell her.

“What happened?” Liam rushed over to me.

“Eva wrist hurt daddy. Kiss it better?” Lacey tells him. He gently grabs my forearm and lifts my arm up so he can look at my wrist.

“What happened?” he asked as he examined my swollen wrist.

“I…um.” I don’t know what to tell him.

“Did someone do this to you?” He asked. I look around and see everyone staring at me waiting for my response.

“No, I slipped and fell last night.” I lied. I’m not really sure if Liam believes me, but if he doesn’t he doesn’t call me out on it.

“I will get you some ice.” Elise tells me.

“Thanks.” I mumble.

“Okay let’s watch some movies.” Louis shouts. The girls squeal and jump up onto the couch and get comfortable. Elise gets me some ice and I ice my wrist on and off throughout the afternoon. Before dinner Elise wraps my wrist with an ace bandage. Dinner started off a bit awkward, but Louis starts cracking jokes and it breaks up the tension.

“I want to show you something.” Elise whispers to me. She grabs my good wrist and pulls me away from everyone. No one seems to notice us leave. Elise leads me down the hall and she stops us in front of a door.

“I don’t know if you will ever consider moving in here with us, but I want you to have a place of your own if you do. Or if you just want to stay over every once in a while.” She rambles. I basically just met Liam I’m not going to be moving in here.

“I designed and decorated a room for you.” She smiles. I don’t know what I’m supposed to say. This is freaking me out. I don’t want to move in here, not that I want to stay living with Harry at the moment, but it’s better than living here. She opens the door and I’m in shock. The room is really basic, but there is an orange accent rug in front of the bed, and a few orange pillows on the bed.

“Do you like it? Would you move in?”

“Is this why you asked me all those questions the other day?” I asked her.

“Yeah I wanted to put some personal touches to your room.” She smiles.

“This isn’t my room.” I snap. She looks taken back.

“It could be.” She whispers.

“Well it’s not.” I reply sternly.

“What’s going on?” Liam asks.

“Did you know about this?” I ask him.

“About what?” He’s clearly confused.

“Do you really think adding a few orange accents to a room will make me want to move in? This is not my home!” I shout at her.

“I just thought…” She pauses.

“I need to go.” I back away and rush back to the living room.

“You okay?” Eleanor asks me.

“I need to go. It was nice meeting you. Tell Louis I say bye.” I tell her before heading to the foyer to gather my things. As I’m putting my coat on Liam comes rushing up to me.

 “Please don’t go. She didn’t mean to upset you.”

“I just can’t do this right now.” I tell him.  

“Just stay for desert.” He begs.

“I need to go.” I tell him.

“Okay I understand. Please don’t let this stop you from getting to know me…us.” He corrects himself.

“Ok.” I tell him.

“I’ll drive you---home?” Yeah I don’t know what to call the Styles house either. I live there so it’s technically home, but in the same sense it’s not.

“Thanks.” I tell him.

“Today was fun though.” Liam smiles as we get into his car.

“Yeah.” I smile to myself. Louis is really fun to be around, I’m actually glad he was there, because he made it less awkward. Eleanor is really sweet too.

“The girls really like you.” He adds.

“They’re really sweet.”

“Did you really slip and fall or did someone do that to you?” Liam asked out of nowhere. I guess he didn’t believe me earlier. I don’t know what to say. I mean a part of me wants to tell him the truth, but the other part of me doesn’t.

“I slipped on my dress last night and fell on the tile.” I decide to lie.

“Why were you wearing a dress?” He asked curiously.

“Isaac had some work party last night and he invited me along.” I shrug.

“Oh, cool.” He seems upset about that.

“Look I think I know how you feel about it, but if you ever need a place to stay for whatever reason, just come on over.” He hands me a pink leopard key. I stare at it before I hesitatingly take it from him.

“Just in case.” He adds.

“Just in case.” I repeat. I put the key in my coat pocket and take a deep breath.

“Who’s that?” Liam asks as he pulls into the driveway. I look up and see the slut and Harry leaning against what I assume to be her car.

“Harry’s girlfriend.” I snarl.

“Don’t like her?” Liam asks.

“No comment.” I say, Liam chuckles and parks right next to Harry and the slut. Harry turns to look at us and he glares at me… no it looks like he is glaring at Liam, but why?

“Thanks for having me over today… I had a good time.” This is awkward.

“Thanks for coming over. Sorry about before though, we are all trying to figure out how to do this.” He points his finger between us.

“Together.” He continues.

“A little less forceful?” I offer advice.

“I can do that. I hope that key doesn’t make you uncomfortable.” He panics.

“I don’t know how I feel about it yet.” I whisper honestly.

“Okay, well go ahead and get off to bed, it’s late and we do have school tomorrow.” He smiles at me.

“Ok, bye.” I smile and exit the car.

“Who is that man? Is that her boyfriend?” The slut asked Harry.

“Who knows…” He answers. I snap my head towards him and glare at him. Liam is pulling out of the driveway.

“What?” He snaps. I roll my eyes and walk to the front door.

“Got something to say?” The slut growls.

“Nothing to you slut.” I spit. She lunges forward and Harry grabs her and holds her back from me.

“You picked someone just as violent as you.” I tell him solemnly, I turn around and walk into the house, not waiting for a response. I take my coat off and hang it up in the closet. I set my purse on the bottom stair and walk to the kitchen to get a cup of water.

“What happened to your wrist?” Isaac asks. I look up and him and Emily staring at my wrist. I open my mouth to answer when Harry walks in.

“What are you staring at?” Harry asks his parents. He follows their stare and see’s my wrapped wrist.

“Apparently I’m really clumsy.” I shrug and take a sip of water.

“When did this happen?” Emily asked.

“Last night.” I reply.

“Does it really hurt?” Harry asks. I can’t tell if he looks concerned or not, probably not.

“Yes.” I lie, well not really, but I want him to feel bad.

“Do you need to go to the doctors?” Emily asks.

“No, it’s just sore.” I smile kindly.

“If it doesn’t feel better in a few days let me know and you will have to go.” She tells me.

“Ok, well I’m going to go to bed. See you in the morning.” I smile at Isaac and Emily.

“Goodnight.” They smile. I head up to bed and I can hear Harry and his parents talking downstairs. I roll my eyes when I hear Harry start to yell. That seems to be his new favorite thing to do.

Who is this Harry and what happened to the one I came to know?

A/N: I think this chapter speaks for itself… I hope you all liked it and please VOTE and COMMENT!

35 VOTES and I will post the next chapter J

Thank you all for reading, voting, and commenting on this story… you ALL make me so happy and you are all making it really easy for me to sit down and write again.

I’m just about to leave to go see DEMI LOVATO!!!! So excited! :D AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

Love, Allie :D

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