Twilight (Fairy Tail Version)

Autorstwa violet_express

57.8K 1.7K 565

-COMPLETED | Dec 31, 2019- BOOK 1 High-school student Lucy Heartfilia doesn't expect life to change mu... Więcej

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Six
Chapter Thirty-Seven
Chapter Thirty-Eight
Chapter Thirty-Nine
Chapter Forty

Chapter Twenty-Nine

1.2K 33 12
Autorstwa violet_express

"Are you still faint from the run, or was it my kissing expertise?" Natsu said, sitting in the driver's side of my Beetle. We were in route back to my house.

He was a totally new person. Touching me didn't seem to bother him anymore (the fiery temperature of his skin made him think it bothered me,) and he was so lighthearted... so human. I fell all the more in love with him. I knew it would cause me physical pain to be separated from him now.

"I'm not sure," I blushed, covered in the coat he brought with him. It was practically soaked in his scent and warmth. He only had to turn the heat up for a moment to cancel out the cold my body felt from the rain. His coat handled the rest, "I think it might be both... I'm still kinda woozy."

He laughed, "Well then it's a good thing we agreed on me driving back." He said softly, his blazing thumb rubbing against the back of my hand. I looked out the window to see us passing by the fellow cars and trees in a blindingly fast speed. How could my Beetle even go this fast?

"Are you insane?" I chuckled.

"I can drive better than you on your best day." He teased, and I laughed with him, "You have much slower reflexes."

"I'm certain that's true, but I don't think my nerves, or my car, can handle this, Pinkie." I shot, and he smirked.

"You should be thanking me. I've spent a great deal trying to keep you alive, and I'm not about to let you risk your life by getting behind the wheel." He continued, and I rolled my eyes at his dramatics, "Besides, I don't let friends drive drunk."

"Drunk?" I exclaimed, and he nodded with the same stupid mischievous smile on his face.

"You're intoxicated by my very presence." He said breathlessly, adding to his antics. I playfully swatted his bicep.

"Can't argue with that." I chuckled, and he looked at me, "Are you not taken by me at all, though?" I asked, and his face transformed again. Joking and playful to soft and comforting.

He looked back at the road, "You have no idea, Heartfilia."


"Are you ever going to tell me how old you are?" I asked after he had raved on and on about his favorite times in regards to music. He went all the way back to the 20s, so I just had to know. He looked at me skeptically.

"Does it matter?" He asked.

I shook my head, "Not at all, but you know how curious I am... There's nothing like an unsolved mystery to keep you up at night." I baited him, and he sighed.

"I just wonder if it'll upset you." He mumbled, turning into my neighborhood.

"Of all things?" I inquired sarcastically, and he smiled.

"True." He said, cutting a corner. He looked at me, "I was born in Alvarez in fifteen-oh-one."

My gasp was uncontainable. I stared at him for a while, and he kept his eyes on the street with a clever smile on his face.

"I know, I know," He nodded, "I don't look it." He flaunted, and I broke out in laughter.

"Jeez, my boyfriend is such an old man." I gasped, and he rolled his eyes. He liked the title though, considering the corner of his mouth perked up ever so slightly when I said it.

"I died at eighteen, but Zeref kept my body frozen for two years. It was like fifteen-twenty when he finally recreated me. Laxus, Mira, and I left around seventeen-hundred." He explained, and I blinked in astonishment.

"Why didn't Zeref recreate your parents?" I asked, and he quirked an eyebrow.

"I'm not sure why he chose me out of the three of us, but the spell he used was only good for one person." He shrugged, and I blinked with a pang of sorrow for him. He couldn't even remember his parents, thus their deaths didn't bother him. "It makes sense, I mean the price he paid after its use was pretty extreme."

"Obviously." I mumbled, nodding while he chuckled, "Are there a lot of your kind? Not just Dark Wizards, but Light Wizards and Demons period?"

He tilted his head, "No, not many. The Demons like me come from Zeref, and they either stay with him or are nomadic like most Dark Wizards. Only those who have given up hunting human souls, like my family, settle with a human population for a long length of time." He said, "We've only stayed with one family like ours, the family I ran off to. They're like cousins for us, and they live up in Mount Hakobe."

"What about the nomads?" I asked, and he shrugged.

"We run across a few every other year to decade." He stated, "We're positive those loose serial killers are a few of them."

I shivered, "Would it be possible for you guys to... come across them?"

"Levy's been keeping an eye out for any 'future texts' about them. We would know beforehand." He assured me, caressing the back of my hand as I sighed in partial relief.

He pulled into my driveway. Jude's car was still gone, so I was still in the clear. As I looked back at Natsu, my stomach rumbled.

"I'm sorry, love, I'm keeping you from dinner." He said softly, the back of his fiery fingers grazing my cheekbone.

I blushed, "I'm fine, really." He wasn't convinced.

"No, no. Go on and get something to eat." He said. I shook my head.

"I want to stay with you." I confessed. It was so much more easier saying it now.

He sighed, looking out to the night sky. It was evidence for how many hours we had to drive. 

"I could come in..." He suggested. It sounded more like a question though.

"Absolutely." I said, and in the next second he was outside of the car, opening my door. I chuckled, "Great way to be human."

He laughed his beautiful laugh, "Oh, it's definitely resurfacing."

He reached the door ahead of me and opened it after using Jude's hidden-mat-key. 

"Um... I've never used that key in front of you before, mister." I accused, and he rolled his eyes.

"So spying on you sets you off, but climbing into your room at night doesn't?" He accused right back.

I rose an eyebrow, "Touché." I said, and we walked inside. Immediately, I dove into the fridge and fished out the leftover lasagna. Natsu sat down at the kitchen table and watched me prepare it, "So other than protecting me, what's the thrill of watching over me at night?" I asked suddenly. He chuckled.

"Well, you do talk every now and then." He said, and I dropped the large fork I held.

"What?" I asked, horrified.

"You do." He declared, and heat swam in my face.

"What kind of things?" I asked in embarrassment. He stood up and walked slowly toward me.

"You miss your mom." He said, "You have conversations with her in your dreams. When it rains, you start to kick, and you used to talk about missing home. Not so much anymore. Once you said 'It's too green!'" He laughed, standing behind me.

He hesitated, and I could feel his eyes blaring into the back of my head. I tried to focus on stirring the broccoli I had in a saucepan, but when I felt his hand gently touch my stomach from behind and his breath in close proximity to my ear, I froze.

"You said my name." He whispered, and I was breathless.

"A lot?" I mumbled back, and his arms wrapped around my waist.

"How much do you mean by 'a lot'?" He whispered directly into my ear. I breathed in both annoyance and blissful agony as his lips pecked at my jaw, "Don't be self-conscious about it, love." He said seductively. He must've known I loved that nickname, "If I could dream, I'd dream of only you. I'm not ashamed of that."

I sighed, my mind cloudy from his loving assault.

And then the sound of tires rolled on to the driveway outside. Natsu froze, his nose grazing the spot just under my ear, one of his large hands gently holding my stomach while the other firmly grasped the edge of the countertop beside me. 

"Should he know I'm here?" He asked in a soft strained voice.

"Not exactly..." My voice was faint as I tried to think through these oncoming events.

"I'll be upstairs." He declared, laying a kiss on my shoulder before disappearing up to my room.

Jude turned his key in the door, "Luce?" He called, and I hesitantly continued to prepare dinner.

"In here." I announced, and I heard him chuckle before stepping into the house and closing the door back. As I sat our plates on the kitchen table, I noted that his footsteps sounded overwhelmingly loud compared to Natsu's calm and silent stride. I'd grown used to it after being alone with him all day.

"Don't you look beautiful." He smiled, noting my Spring attire.

I blushed, and thanked him, "So how'd it go?" I asked after we both sat down and began to eat.

"Pretty well. The dogs caught a scent up East. We should find them pretty soon." He confirmed, and I nodded in relief, "How was your day?"

"Good. I went out, 'cuz it was honestly too nice to stay in doors." I said. I wasn't technically lying.

"I'm sure you did. You never wear skirts." He nodded and I chuckled nervously. Isn't he observant? I finished my lasagna and got up to clean my plate, "In a hurry?" He asked when I was two steps out of the kitchen.

"Yeah, I'm tired." I said, and he rose his eyebrow.

"You look kinda excited." He noted. Why the fuck did this have to be his day to pay attention? "It's Saturday, you don't have any plans tonight?" He asked skeptically.

"No, Dad, I'm just tired." I said. He was suspicious, but he was trying to play it cool.

"Night, hun." He finally said, and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"Night." I replied before heading upstairs. I had a feeling he would creep into my room to check on me tonight. I tried to make my stride sound slow and tired until I got to my room and shut the door firmly.

When I turned around, Natsu stood right in front of me with glowing eyes. My heart skipped as his flaming fingers locked with mine. He leaned in, the tip of his nose grazing the side of mine as he breathed in my scent.

"Hi..." I breathed, trying to clear a small part of my mind to ask him something.

He hummed in response while his head dipped down so his lips could press softly against my neck. My mind fogged up again, and I sighed into his ear, making him kiss on me harder. His scorching hand trailed up to hold the side of my head while he kissed up my jaw to my cheekbone. I whimpered when he kissed the corner of my mouth before hesitantly locking his lips with mine.

He pulled his other hand from mine and held the small of my back while I gripped the collar of his vest. The hand on the side of my face dropped to take a fistful of my skirt, pulling me closer to him. When his head tilted and leaned further into mine—causing my back to come in contact with my bedroom door—I nearly lost my mind and wrapped my arms tightly around his neck.

He tore his mouth from mine and zoomed backwards on to my bed. I let out a heavy breath, panting as his fists clutched my comforter.

"I'm sorry." I said as soon as I could formulate the words. He shook his head, a fist coming up to lock into his pink locks.

"It wasn't..." He said, trying to catch his breath like me, "It wasn't your soul... Not this time... It was more... me than you..." He breathed, and I tilted my head in confusion.

"What are you talking about?"

"I got too... excited..." He mumbled. Blush spread drastically across my cheeks.

"Oh." I squeaked, and a devilish smirk crossed his face.

"I can't ever lose control with you, Luce. I'm sorry." He said, and my expression softened.

"Trust me, I'm not complaining." I chuckled, and he shook his head. The day started weighing on me, and I wanted nothing more than to join him on my bed... But I had to get out of this skirt. I remembered what I wanted to ask him, "Can I have a minute to be human?"

"Absolutely." He smiled sweetly, and I looked at him up and down.

"Stay." I commanded, and he smirked.

"Yes, ma'am." He obeyed, stilling on my bed before I went to my dresser to grab a large white t-shirt and some pajama shorts. I looked at him before walking out to my bathroom. Hearing the television downstairs, I closed the bathroom door loudly so Jude wouldn't come up to bother me.

After a fairly long, hot shower, and fiercely brushing my teeth and wet blonde locks, I stepped out of my bathroom a bit less nervous. Natsu's been in my room before while I was aware of him, there was no reason for me to be a nervous wreck... But he'd never jumped my bones like that with a perfectly comfortable bed present before.

Hopefully, Jude being in the house would keep us in check.

When I walked back into my room, Natsu's eyes appraised me, "Nice." He breathed, and I rolled my eyes, "No, you look... damn."

I smiled in slight confidence as I slowly climbed on to the bed with him.

"I'm surprised honestly." He said once I sat right next to him.

"About what?" I pondered, and he smiled down at me.

"In the last five centuries I never would have imagined something like you." He said, and I blushed again, "I didn't even think I'd find someone... didn't think I'd deserved this kind of happiness. But to know that I'm lucky enough to experience you, and to know that I'm good at this..." He shook his head astonishment.

"You're good at everything, sir." I laughed, and he laughed with me, "But how can it be so easy now? I mean I've gotten to you three times today."

"It's definitely not easy, Luce." He said softly, "I've been cautious because I don't know when it'll be too much. Only when I'm sure I'm strong enough do I advance on you." He smirked, and I smiled in amusement, "I'm trying though," His voice sounded pained, "But if I think I won't be able to... If it gets too much... I'll surely be able to leave."

I scowled at him. The talk of leaving made me sore.

"It gets better the more I'm with you. If I'm away from you for too long I'll have to start all over, but I've been so desensitized by the aura of your soul that next time won't be so bad." He reassured, and I nodded.

"You seem so... different now." I said, and he smiled gently, "I can't describe it, it's like you're different on your own and different in my perception of you."

"I know what you mean. Isn't it supposed to be like this? The glory of first love and all that?" He joked, and I nodded in agreement, "It's funny how different it is from what you see in movies and what you read in books."

"I know right. It's more of a force than I imagined."

"Emotions are so much more... prominent than they were at all before." He added, and I rose an eyebrow, "Like jealousy... I've never had to be jealous of anything or anyone apart from the fact that nearly everyone around me is normal... But do you remember when Ren asked you to prom?"

If I had some water, I would've spit it out. Natsu was jealous of Ren? I nodded in bewilderment, "It was the day you came back."

"Right," He chuckled, probably flattered that I was only thinking of his presence when Ren was the topic of conversation, "I was shocked at how easily, how quickly I resented that boy. I couldn't place it, but I was so aggravated that he had the audacity to even breathe." I laughed, and he shook his head amusement.

"Well how do you think I feel about hearing that Erza, the literal manifestation of beauty, was originally meant for you?" I scoffed, and he rose his brows in surprise.

"Lucy, there's no competition." He said.

"Exactly, that's why it upsets me." I said.

"No, love, I mean Erza can't compete with you... At all." He said, and my eyes widened, "She is beautiful, in her own way, but even if she weren't my sister and Jellal wasn't around, she couldn't hold a hundredth of the attraction you hold for me."

I smiled softly, "... Well if that's the case, you shouldn't feel uncomfortable at all about Ren." I retorted, and he rolled his eyes.

"For centuries, I've lived around my kind and yours, and I've been nothing but complete within myself. I didn't know what I was looking for, and I didn't find anything simply because you weren't alive yet." He pursed his lips.

"It's not really fair." I said with a sour face, "I haven't had to wait for anything."

He laughed with no amusement, "Yeah, yeah, I should make this so much harder for you." He said sarcastically, "It's not like you're risking your life just to be with me. You only have to turn your back on nature, on your whole species, what's that worth?"

"Nothing." I answered, "If it means I can stay with you."

He may have been looking away from me, but it gave me so much joy to know that the smile on his face came from my words alone. It faded in the next moment when the floorboards creaked. He was gone when I looked back at him. 

"Act asleep." He whispered in the darkness, and I hastily obeyed.

I covered my body with the sheets and attempted to breathe steadily, sleepily. Jude creaked the door open, peeking inside and standing there for a moment—probably unsure of whether I was asleep or not.

I fooled him enough, because the door closed back and his footsteps faded down the hallway. Natsu was suddenly in bed behind me.

"You're a horrible actress. I'd say that career is out for you." He teased, and I snorted while his arm wrapped around my waist from behind.

"Dammit." I said through my laugh, and he chuckled before nuzzling into my hair.

"God, you smell amazing. You have such a sweet scent... Like vanilla and berries." He whispered, and I chuckled from the tickling sensation his nose brought.

"Yeah, it's an off day when someone doesn't tell me how edible I smell." I joked, and he laughed into my hair.

It was quiet for a moment, and I felt his thumb rubbing against my stomach, "Did you fall asleep?" He asked in probably the softest voice I'd heard from him yet.

"No." I whispered back, "I was wondering..."


"I understand... why you, Gajeel, and Laxus have the powers you have... but the others were random." I explained, and he turned me over to face him, both of us laying on our sides.

"So what's your question?" He asked, and I smiled in curiosity.

"How do they get the powers they have... What decides what they get?" I asked, and he smiled in understanding.

"Well it is random... But Laxus believes that those who get plain Ethernano are enhanced rather than changed completely." He explained and I rose an eyebrow, "With Levy, he believes she was verbally strong, and that she had a strong sense of premonition before this life. With Jellal, he believes he was very aware of the energy around him, very spiritual. With Mira, he thinks the reason behind her jumping off of a cliff changed her heart, so she had a much darker side to her when she was changed. That side translated into her power, known as Take Over Magic."

"So, a dominant trait of someone would be enhanced magically?" I asked, and he nodded.

"That's one idea." He said, "There's also the idea that magic comes from lineage. If one's ascendant wielded magic, then their magic type would be passed down. There are a bunch of theories about it."

I looked at him in wonder, already pondering ways magic types could be decided.

"You ready to sleep or do you have more questions?" He asked, pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Only a million or two." I chuckled. So did he.

"We have tomorrow, the next day, and the next..." He trailed off, and I beamed at the idea.

"You promise you won't vanish into the night sky?" I joked, and he smiled softly.

"I won't leave you." He promised. My heart leaped.

"Then just one more..." I cheesed, and he smiled wider.

"Go 'head." He said. I hesitated, the weight of the question becoming overwhelming before I shook my head. "You can ask me anything, Luce." He assured.

I looked into his eyes, trying to find the courage to release the words into the universe... But I was suddenly terrified of the answer.

"I told you how aggravating it gets since I can't read your mind." He mumbled, annoyed.

"I'm glad you can't read my mind." I admitted, looking down at my fingers which grasped gently at his shirt. He lifted my chin to make me look at him.

"Please." He begged softly, and I sighed, my resolve disintegrating.

"Well... Mirajane and Laxus are married... So... I wanted to know if that part of marriage was the same... for humans." I confessed. He surprised me by laughing.

"Is that what you're getting at?" He grinned. When I didn't answer, he continued, "I'm sure it is. Human instincts are buried deep for us, but they're still there. What made you ask?"

I fidgeted, "Well... I was... I was curious about us... If someday..." I trailed off.

He was instantly serious, all evidence of his amusement gone, "I don't think that... that... would be possible for us." He said and I nodded in disappointment. "You saw what happened a second ago, only you don't know how much danger you were in. You're so... fragile, Lucy. I have to pay attention when I'm with you so I don't hurt you, and I could so easily hurt you." He said before raising his hand to rest it on the side of my head. 

"For instance, if I was too hasty... If I wasn't paying enough attention and meant to simply touch your face... I could crush your skull by accident." He explained, and I looked at him in shock, "You're so breakable, love. I can't afford to lose any kind of control with you."

I breathed sharply as we looked at each other, and his finger caressed my cheek as he rose his head to kiss mine.

"Are you scared?" He asked.

"No." I answered.

"I have to ask now," He said, his voice light hearted now, "Have you ever..." He trailed off suggestively and blush shot across my nose and cheeks.

"Absolutely not." I said quickly, making him chuckle, "I told you, I've never felt this way about anyone before."

"I know." He said confidently, "It's just... Love and lust don't always coincide with one another."

"They do for me... Now anyway... Now that I really know what they're like." I replied, and he smirked.

"Welp, I've answered your questions. Go to sleep." He said, touching the tip of my nose with the tip of his finger.

"I don't know if I can." I said, clinging to his shirt and snuggling against him.

"Do you want me to leave?" He suggested, already knowing the answer.

"No!" I exclaimed, and he laughed before hugging me tighter to him.

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