My random thoughts

By 0l34nd3r

737 48 24

This is just a collection of my thoughts, posts, etc. I decided to start journaling as a coping device for my... More

Entry #1
Entry #3
Entry #4
Entry #5
Entry #6
Entry #7
Entry 8(?)
Entry #9
Entry #10
Entry #11
The Boulevard
Mourning and Acceptance

Entry #2

70 3 4
By 0l34nd3r

I have therapy tomorrow and I am NOT looking forward to it.

The last session was SO AWKWARD. Like REEEAALLLYY awkward. I felt she was ANNOYED with me the whole time, and it really freaked me out. Anyways, idk what imma say. I mean, I've pretty much said everything to her, but if I ever miss a session, the whole week I feel like shit, so they must be doin SOMETHING. Anyways, I'm gonna browse Wattpad. Night peeps :)

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