"The Younger Brother"

By AshleySNHU2020

934 28 59

Joe Jonas isn't just your regular twenty five year old, he's now a college graduate in music education, was o... More



166 5 17
By AshleySNHU2020

Ashley's POV:

"So Ash how's everything with Mr. Jonas?" My friend Leslie asked. "You know the same old same old." I answered adding. "What about you and your long distance love with Mr. Manziel?" "Oh Ashley quit avoiding the question of you and Joe." My other friend Katie teased. "Shut it Katie! You're just jealous because everybody knows you and Taylor's business." Leslie teased adding. "Me and Johnny are just amazing as ever. This weakened is our one year anniversary, so he's coming down and we're spending the weakened together." "Aw that's sweet." I said smiling. Katie just rolled her eyes. "GIRLS QUIT TALKING AND PRACTICE!" Our cheer coach Ms. Carlton shouted. "And she wonders why she's not married." Katie said sarcastically. "I HEARD THAT YOUNG LADY!" She yelled right in Katie's face adding. "NOW GO GIVE ME TWENTY BACK FLIPS, TWENTY FRONT FLIPS, TWENTY CARTWHEELS AND RUN AROUND THE TRACK TWENTY TIMES!" "Harsh." Katie smarted back. "DO YOU WHAT THIRTY OF EACH?" Coach yelled. Katie shook her head and took off to start doing the flips, cartwheels and run the track. "AND YOU TWO." Coach began looking at me and Leslie finishing. "WHERE'S ABY, SHON'TAVIA, HILARY AND MCKI." "Well Aby is sick. Hill and Tae are late and McKi quit cheer." Leslie explained. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN MCKI QUIT?" Coach yelled. "She's doing soccer now." I answered slowly. "SOCCER... I HATE SOCCER..." Coach yell slapping her fists together. Finally Shon'tavia and Hilary arrived for practice, once they got in line Ms. Carlton started on them. Hilary had to go join Katie with doing the flips and junk while Tae had to wheel around the track.

Let me tell you about myself. I am Ashley Johnston, I am twenty three until December seventeenth. I am one of the most popular girls here at NSU. I am a Theater major, a NSU cheerleader, a beauty pageant competer and I can't forget that I'm with the most popular guy not only here at Northwestern but in the world Joe Jonas. We have been a steady couple for four years now, ever since freshman year. I have six best friends Shon'tavia, McKi, Aby, Katie, Hilary and Leslie. Aby, Shon'tavia and me are the first cheerleaders at Northwestern State University that made the team despite having physical limits. Aby and Shon'tavia both have Cerebral Palsy, except Aby can walk using crutches and Shon'tavia uses a wheelchair. I on the other hand was born with something called Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type Two. It causes my muscles to become weaker over time or some to not work at all. I never walked at all so I use a wheelchair, I have two wheelchairs a electric one that I can operate myself and a push wheelchair that me and Joe uses when we go on dates which he has to push me. I am from a small town four hours from here in lower Louisiana, I try to talk to my family as much as possible. I have been a huge fan of my boyfriend along with his brothers for years, I always beg him to reunite him and his brothers for another CD but nothing. I always asked about the brake up but all he says is "You already heard the reason from the media, besides it's family matters only." So I guess what the media says is the truth, I guess that they really couldn't come to an agreement on the genre of music they wanted. What I really don't understand is why Joe doesn't speak with his family anymore especially his brothers, Joe even has a niece that's a few months old and he has yet to see her. This fude between him and his family over whatever it is has to stop. He doesn't think that I know that he doesn't speak to his family but I do, I was told by his lovely friend Aaron one day when Joe was in a bummed out mood and it was because of just that.

"Since this crap of a practice is over lets go and crash baseball practice." Hilary suggested smiling. "You just want to see Aaron!" Katie teased her. Hilary just stuck out her tounge. See it goes like this: Taylor and Katie have something going on we just don't know what quiet yet. Leslie is with her long distance famous football boyfriend Johnny Manziel. Hilary and Aaron have been together for years now. Me and Joe have been happily together for four years now. Shon'tavia is dating this new British exchange student named Edward Styles, he's on the baseball team too but Joe and Him however doesn't see eye to eye for some reason. Aby is with this little Australian freshman named Shane who's in a band. McKi is with this Soccer player named Louis. Joe's best bud Max is dating this freshman named Lacey and Joe's other bud Corey is dating a Sophomore named Kimber, if you asked me I think they should switch girls since Max is a Sophomore and Corey is the Freshman. "Okay! Okay! Girls stop arguing!" I said coming back from my thoughts to Katie and Hilary arguing. "Lets just go." Shon'tavia said. "Yea thanks Tae." I said smiling and adding. "Besides I wanna see my man!" On the way to the baseball field we ran into Shane. "Hey girls!" Shane said smiling while hitting his drumsticks together. "Hey Shane!" I said smiling. "Where's my beautiful girl Aby today?" He asked in his Australian accent. "She's sick today." Leslie told him. "Oh then I'll call her then." He said. We then talked just a little bit more, then started heading off to the baseball field again. "JONAS! CARTER! THERE'S SOME VERY BEAUTIFUL LADIES WALKING OUR WAY!" Taylor yelled as he seen us walking up towards them. Katie went straight up to Taylor and started flirting with him. Hilary and Aaron done their thing like always, start with a hug then walk away from everybody. "Hey why didn't nobody tell me that my pretty thing was here?" Edward asked in his British accent while hugging Shon'tavia. "Cause you're not liked around here Styles." Joe snapped at him. "Shut it Jonas." Edward snapped back. "Hey baby." Joe said hugging me then placing a kiss on my lips adding. "I love you." "I love you too." I said smiling at him. "Hey how about I go and get out of this dirty uniform and get cleaned up then we can go somewhere, maybe out to eat so we can talk." Joe suggested still hugging me. "Talk? Talk about what?" I asked concerned. "It's nothing bad I promise." He said kissing me again. "Alright then. See you in about two hours?" I asked. He nodded and gave me another kiss, we then parted our separate ways going back to our dorms to get cleaned up.


warning this is my story so things will be probably different then in real life and I don't care ok thank you.

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