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Ashley's POV:

I was in my dorm getting changed with the help of Hilary and Katie. "Are you sure that you what to wear this?" Hilary asked holding up my aqua t-shirt and my blue skinny jeans. "Yes I do. Cause I mean come on we aren't going no place fancy, probably just going to get ice cream or burger king something like that." I said laughing a little. "So wouldn't you still want to look hot?" Hilary asked rolling her eyes. "Hil let her wear whatever she wants." Katie told Hilary while she was helping me in my clothes. Once I was dressed and in my wheelchair they helped me finish getting ready. Hilary put on my black, pink and white sneakers with aqua shoelaces on me along with some white socks, then she placed my aqua watch on my right wrist along with my silver diamond heart ring that Joe got me on our first anniversary on my ring finger on my left hand. Katie was busy behind me brushing my hair and fixing back in another pony tail, then placing my glasses upon my face. "Lets put on some makeup." Hilary said excitedly. "No." I said shaking my head. "Oh come on just a little please!" Hilary begged holding the makeup in her hands. "No Hilary!" I said again looking at myself in our little minor. "PLEASEEEEEEEE ASHLEY!" She continued to beg. "Hilary the girl said no so the answer is no!" Katie said defending me. "Oh shut up Katie!" Hilary said shoving her in the right shoulder with her free hand then turned to me smiling and said again. "Pretty please!" "Fine Hil!" I said giving into her. I parked my wheelchair in front of Hilary as she sat on my bed facing me and began putting on the makeup. After she was finish putting the makeup on (which thank god was just a little) there was a knock at the door.

"Well hey there Mr. Prince Charming." Katie said smiling as she answered the door just to reveal my handsome man on the other side. "Hi there Katie! Your play toy want's you to call him." He told her teasing. Katie just gave him one of those "Go to hell" looks then walked away from the door, grabbed her phone and called Taylor. We just laughed at them. "Hey baby!" He said walking over to me, hugging me and kissing me softly on my lips. "HEY! You're going to ruin my master piece!" Hilary fussed at Joe for kissing me. I just smiled at them both. "I want to mess up more then just the makeup." He said smiling and winking at me. I just giggled and switched the conversation. "Why do you give Katie so much hell?" "Cause I enjoy it." He said excitedly and smiling. I just laughed and shook my head. "You're ready?" He asked. I smiled and nodded. Joe picked me up cradle style and placed me in my push chair. "See you guys later." I told Katie and Hilary. "Katie, stalk you later!" Joe teased. She then smacked him straight across the face, then said. "Quiet being a male species." He laughed while he pushed me out into the hall and said. "Alright I'll see what I can do." "Grrr you jerk!" I could hear Katie scream from inside. I laughed as we headed to his shiny black convertible. Joe is forever giving someone a hard time, but his favorite person to give a hard time to is Katie. Joe and Katie grew up right next door to each other up until high school then Katie and her family moved here to Louisiana because of her father's job. Joe is about two years older then Katie, so she was just starting high school when they moved. They were so in shock when they found out that they were going to the same college.

Once Joe carefully placed me inside the vehicle I waited patiently while he placed my wheelchair in the trunk. "You know if I would have known that this was a dress up date I would have put something nicer on." I told him as he got in the driver's seat. He was wearing his nice blue jeans, his nice black dress shoes and a nice gray short sleeve button down dress shirt with a pocket on the left, a white folded down collar and white around the folded sleeves. "You always look beautiful." He said smiling at me. "You're such a flirt!" I said smiling and laughing. "Only to you sweetheart." He said looking at me while placing his right hand on my leg. During the whole drive he kept stealing glances at me, this always makes me smile. "I was driving around the other day and I found this restaurant, so that's where we're going." He explained smiling. "Mmmm Hmmmm." I said nodding. We were driving with the windows and the top down enjoying the spring breeze blowing on us. We then arrived to a restaurant called "Mariner's Restaurant", it's on a lake. Joe parked the car in the nearby handicap parking space, then he hung up my handicap parking tag on his minor. He then got out and went to get my wheelchair out of the trunk. "I brought you here so we could have some time alone and talk." He said opening my door and carefully picking me up then placing me in my wheelchair. "Ok that's nice, but we do we need to talk about?" I asked. "Just something." He said kinda nervously while rolling up the windows and putting the top up then locking the doors. I looked at him and he does look very very nervous about something. I wonder what it is that we need to talk about, because every time that Joe mentions it he gets really nervous.

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