Stardew Valley OneShots

By Bizzbell

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A small collection of oneshots I made a long time ago during my humble writing beginnings :) More

Sebastian-Heres a scarf!
Elliot-Huzzah! My inspiration!
Leah-How I feel about you
Harvey-The right words
Shane-We're a family
Abigail-Dynamic Duo
Shane-I know how it feels
Sam-I win! Now go out with me!
Alex- Opposites Attract
Poll winner!
AO3 is here
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Harvey-you can trust me

11.6K 182 86
By Bizzbell

      Y/N wasn't so sure at first when moving into pelican town, but when they got to know everyone, all the doubt faded away. Everyone showed them nothing but kindness, it was far different back in the city.

     Y/N loved them all dearly, but sometimes that wasn't enough. Sometimes the memories would return, and Y/N would get frightened again. Y/N wasn't a very confident or loud person. In fact, they were the polar opposite.

     Y/N moved here to get away from it all. The scars on their body had healed long ago, but the ones in their mind wouldn't heal as easily. No matter hard they tried they would always come back. It didn't seem like anyone could make them go away.

Except for one person.

     Dr Harvey felt like the only one that Y/N could fully trust. It's not that they didn't trust anyone in the town, it's just that Harvey was different. Neither approached each other. Y/N was simply due for a checkup. When Y/N first met Harvey, Y/N thought only for a split second, that it was love at first sight.

     Harvey was kind and gentle to the farmer. Soft spoken and innocent. He wasn't the strongest in the town or the most confident, but to Y/N, he was a knight. A knight who would protect what was important to him. Deep down, Y/N hoped it was them.

     The annual checkup rolled around and Y/N was on their way to the clinic. Y/N was determined to tell Harvey the truth, not only about their feelings, but also about their past. They slightly shook at the thought before entering the clinic.

The familiar scent of the clinic filled Y/N's nostrils. It wasn't a bad smell though. In fact, it smelled of grapefruits. They were greeted by the smiling nurse known as Maru, who worked behind the counter. Sebastian sat alone playing Solarian Chronicles. He noticed Y/N and waving with a small smile, before returning to his game. Alex was coming out of the clinic with a bandage on his leg. It must have been from his rough housing.

     It didn't take long for Y/N to be called to the back room. There, the first thing they saw was the gentle smile of the mustached doctor. Taking a seat on the examination table, Harvey walked up and spoke.

     "How are we today Y/N?"

     "I-I'm ok doctor."

     "Have you experienced anything different the past few months?"

     "No, sir I haven't." Harvey put the stethoscope on Y/N's chest, which startled them ever so slightly.

     "It's ok Y/N. Remember, I'm here to help." Y/N smiled and let Harvey do what he had to. The whole process took about 20 minutes. When all was said and done, Y/N was about to leave the clinic when Harvey stopped them.

     "Excuse me Y/N, but can I talk to you for a second?" Y/N seemed confused but didn't see why not.

     "A-Alright, is everything ok?"

     "I should be asking you that. If you don't mind following me I'd like to talk to you in private." Harvey had Maru hold down the fort before bringing Y/N upstairs to where he lived.

     Y/N settled on the couch while Harvey prepared a healthy meal for the both of them. While they were eating, Harvey cleared his throat.

     "Y/N, I'm really sorry if I'm invading your privacy but I need to ask something." Y/N looked up with a questioning look.

     "When you first arrived in this town you said you wanted to escape. I thought that meant escape from the burden of modern life. However, the x-rays we performed were concerning." Y/N's eyes widened.

     "W-What are you getting at?"

     "I saw that your bones were bruised. Not having a cast must have been painful for you. That's why I'm going to give you one." While Y/N was grateful of the thought of Harvey looking after them, the thought of him knowing where the bruises came from scared them.

     "While I'm getting the cast ready, why don't you stay here tonight? I'll sleep on the couch." The thought of spending the night had Y/Ns heart thumping.

     "O-Oh no I don't want to intrude."

     "It's not a problem Y/N. Why don't you go change into something more comfortable. I have some old clothes you could use. They're in my room. Make yourself at home."

     Harvey then left for a cast downstairs and Y/N went to Harvey's room for some pajamas. They dug around his drawers until fine an old shirt that was a bit big for them but decided to wear it, along with a pair of sweat pants.

     Y/N was right about to put on the shirt when Harvey walked in.

     "I have your cast Y/N all I need is for you to-" He stooped mid sentence to look at Y/N's upper frame. Y/N stood in shock.

     "Aaaaahh! Y-Y/N I'm so sorry!" Harvey quickly left the room. Y/N could hear him yelling sorry over and over again as he got farther and farther until Y/N swore that he left the building.

     Y/N was afraid of what Harvey has saw. Not so much that he saw their upper body naked, but what was on it that was concerning. Y/N couldn't really talk to Harvey about it for a few reasons. Reason one, it was very hard to talk about and showing someone was just as difficult. Reason two, Harvey was running all across Stardew Valley.

     Y/N sat in the building waiting for Harvey to return. Eventually the clock struck midnight and decided to sleep in Harvey's bed. They tossed and turned trying to sleep but didn't have much luck.

    They heard steps coming from outside the room. The steps got closer and closer until they entered and stood beside the bed. The lights turned on to reveal Harvey, he didn't have his green jacket on.

     "Y/N..." Harvey sat on the bed and Y/N sat up next to him.

     "A-About earlier, I'm so so sorry I walked in on you. I should have knocked."

     "It's alright Harvey. It's more of what you saw on me that concerns me."

     "Y-Yeah...if you don't mind, what happened?" Y/N sighed before standing and turning away from Harvey. They took off the shirt to reveal scratches and scars that had healed long ago, all along their upper body. Harvey sat there with concern and shock in his eyes.

     "I wanted to escape. Escape from everyone. If I stayed long enough they would have...would have..." tears began to form in Y/Ns eyes.

     "Please Y/N, don't say anymore." Harvey walked up and hugged Y/N from behind. Y/N flinched before quickly melting into the embrace.

     "Whoever did this to you isn't here anymore. They can't hurt you here. I'll make sure of it. We will all make sure of it." Y/N turned and embraced Harvey, staining his white shirt with their tears.

     "You can trust me Y/N. I'll protect you. I'll always be with you. I love you Y/N."

     "M-Me too Harvey. Thank you."


If anyone tries to touch you, tries to hurt you, tries to abuse you or sexually assault you, you let someone know. You let anyone know. NO ONE should get away with harassing someone regardless of who they are.

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