"The Younger Brother"

By AshleySNHU2020

934 28 59

Joe Jonas isn't just your regular twenty five year old, he's now a college graduate in music education, was o... More



428 7 11
By AshleySNHU2020

Joe's POV:

"Dude I can't believe that this is our last year of college." My buddy Taylor said as we headed to baseball practice. "Gosh I know and our very last game is coming up in like three days." I said. "I know man then with graduation around the corner." He said. "Yea dude. Don't remind me." I said as we entered the locker rooms. "Why? Aren't you excited for graduation?" He asked as we arrived to our lockers. "Well yea, I'm pumpped to graduate but you know the closer that graduation gets the closer finals are." I groaned. "Finals sucks!" He said getting dressed. "Bingo!" I said taking off my clothes and putting on my baseball uniform. "So does your sweet thing know about Dallas?" He asked. "No I haven't told her anything about it yet." I answered putting on my cleats. "So you haven't even asked her?" He asked. "No but I will real soon." I answered. See everybody maybe I should tell you about myself. I am THE Joe Jonas, yes I am the one from the Jonas Brothers. I am twenty four for right now until August fifteenth. I am originally from Dallas Texas but now I live here in Natchitoches Louisiana. I haven't seen or spoke to my family in four years since I left the band. I have never spoke of this to Ashley, EVER! For the simple fact that she's a fan of ours and we kinda made a cover saying that we couldn't agree music wise when in actuality it was cause of me wanting to go to college, but since I plan on bringing her back home I need to spill the truth.

Ashley is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I just can't see myself living without her. We met one day our freshman year at the very first football game that we had, man I just couldn't keep my eyes off of that beautiful cheerleader. Lets just say that was a hazard for clumsy o'le me, because I ended up getting injured. I don't care that she has a illness, our parents taught us to ALWAYS look at someone for what's on the inside and not what's on the outside. I love everything about her, she's so smart, I love her personality and sweet doesn't even come close to how much of a sweetheart she is. Kind and carring she doesn't lack in, oh and did I mention how sexy she is? I mean those baby blue eyes get me to twist around her finger every time. I love when she has her long brown hair straight down or full of curls, but she mostly has it up in a pony tail especially when she in that sexy cheerleader uniform. I can't wait to bring her back home to Dallas and show her to my family, especially to show Kevin that I can get a very pretty girl myself that's also a sweetheart. Plus to show Nick that I also can get a beauty queen, oh yes guys my Ashley does them beauty pageants too. I want to take care of my girl forever.

"Hey Jonas! Snap out of it!" Taylor said laughing and slapping me on the shoulder with a white towel. "What Lautner?" I asked popping out of my daydream of Ashley. "Quit thinking of your sweet thing before you're late for baseball practice." He teased. I nodded, got up off the bench and followed him outside. Taylor Lautner is younger then me but is one of my best buds around here and is the second most popular guy around. "So do you think that Ash will accept the invite to Dallas?" Taylor asked. "I hope so, I mean if not that ruins a huge plan." I answered while grabbing a helmet. "Oh really? Like what?" He asked with a grin handing me a bat. "Like me popping the question." I said with a huge smile. "No man. THE question?" He said excitedly. I nodded and said. "Yea. I'm going to ask my brothers to help me find the perfect ring." I said smiling and waiting for my turn to practice batting. "Jonas getting hitch. I thought that I'd never see the day." He teased. "Shut up Lautner!" I said laughing and hitting his shoulder. "Joe you're doing what?" Max said coming behind us. "He's popping THE question to blue eyed Johnston." Taylor answered Max. "Sexy little blue eyed Johnston?" Max said shocked. "Ok ok guys stop talking about MY girl like that and yes Max Ashley Johnston." I said chuckling. Before Max could say anything it was my turn to practice batting. Max is my other best bud however he doesn't graduate for another two years. I also have another friend named Corey who's a freshman and then theres Aaron who's graduating.

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