golden > reddie oneshots

By grazer_boi

170K 3.5K 13.5K

a book of IT oneshots mostly reddie (some don't belong to me and I will credit the appropriate owner) More

do it again
Must Love Dogs
Im Letting You Go So You Can Be Happy Without Me
Youre so patient (sick of waiting)
The Art Room
a masterpiece
babysitters club
The Irony of Forgetting
Pizza Panic
Im Letting You Go So You Can Be Happy Without Me (part two)
What's My Name?
cut my hair
youtuber au
heart made of glass (my mind of stone)
The Sea Around us
makes me feel like i cant live without you
you trip me up
everything you and I have got (it takes so long to find)
The Flame

love me hard

6.5K 61 110
By grazer_boi

by: me

steddie (stan and eddie)
4,425 words

・゚: *・゚:*       *:・゚*:・゚

eddie loved college.

he loved being on his own, away from his mother. he loved that he could do whatever he wanted whenever he wanted.

today though, he was coming very close to driving off the nearest cliff.

first, his alarm didn't go off and he was 20 minutes late to his first class. then, someone bumped into him and spilt coffee all over his sweater, and to top it all off, he found out he failed his test in psych.

and now, he was stuck sitting in his apartment studying with his best friend Bill. he was just hoping for some peace and quiet at this point.

bill lives in the university dorms, but eddie chose to have his own apartment a little ways from the university. which now, seems like the worst decision because the morning traffic is hell.

eddie laid on his stomach in bed with a textbook open in front of him as bill sat at his desk and typed away on his lap top for his writing class. it was quiet...

until the floor started to rumble and muffled music blasted through his apartment walls. he slammed his head into his text book and bill groaned.

"jesus how have they not gotten kicked out of their apartment yet?" bill rubbed his temple and eddie shrugged

"i don't know but it's annoying" eddie grumbled

the apartment across from his was constantly blasting music that eddie could hear all the way into his apartment. it's lead to sleepless nights and failed study sessions, much like this one.

bill sighed and began packing up his things, "i can't focus"

eddie closed his book and walked bill to his door. the music only got louder and it only made eddie angrier. he watched bill walk down the hall and then turn into the elevator and finally lost his shit.

he walked across the hall and banged on the door.


stan banged on his roommates bedroom door, "Richie! turn down the fucking music!"

he had just woken up from a nap to richies loud ass music. he did this when he had his heart broken by some whore or failed a test. stan hated it. couldn't he just have break downs in silence like the rest of them?

he heard a bang on their apartment door and huffed. he walked in his bedroom to put a shirt on but then he heard richies door open. he ran out into the hall just to see richie freeze in his tracks and run back in his room to lock the door. stan banged on the door again and then the front door banged.

he grunted, anger catching up with his usually calm composure. he stomped into the living room and swung the front door open.

"what the fuck do you want?!" he yelled and then looked down to see a boy with a shocked face.

eddie looked up at this gorgeous guy. he had tight fawn curls and emerald green eyes. he was tall and had sharp features. and he wasn't wearing a shirt. eddie couldn't speak.

stan stared down at the boy who's cheeks were turning red and suddenly seemed to shrink. he looked down at his own bare chest and sighed. if the boy weren't so cute he'd slam the door in his face and tell him to fuck off.

"hey stan where's my—" richie stopped just behind and looked down at the cute guy standing in front of his roommate. he looked back up at stan who was glaring at him. "is this your fuck buddy?"

stan rolled his eyes and eddie glared at richie, "fuck buddy?! i came over because your music is so damn—"

"richie turn off the music before you find all your shit in the dumpster tomorrow." stan seethed and richie hurriedly went back to his room.

stan looked back at eddie and the music abruptly stopped leaving silence. he sighed and rubbed his hand over his face.

"look, i'm sorry, he's an asshole"

eddie hid the smile on his face and coughed, "yeah." he turned on his heels to go back into his apartment just when stan was about to ask for his name.

stan stared at the shut door across the hall and smiled softly, "207..."

the bed dipped suddenly and stan opened his sleepy eyes to see richie hovering over him with a wide grin.

"morning staniel. how was your shoot and scoot?" he wore a shit eating grin and stan rolled his eyes

stan shoved richie off of him, making him nearly fall off the bed, "i didn't sleep with him"

"damn, i would of. you see that ass?" richie whistled and stan shoved him

"don't look at his ass.." stan grumbled and richie raised an eyebrow at him. he began poking stans side and 'ooo'ing

"ooooo stans got a crush! look at you getting all protective!" richie gushed and stan frowned and blushed

"do not." stan rolled his eyes and swatted richies hands away.

richie jumped off the bed and adjusted his backwards hat, "do to, and lucky for you, i'll be out tonight at the club with beverly. soooo.... you have time to fuck this mystery boy"

stan threw a pillow at richie as he ran out of the room giggling.


he stared at the flowers in front of him. some were bright and others were an assortment of dark shades. daisies? marigolds? carnations? no too much...

in a glass case laid a few deep red roses. just enough and not too much.

stan has always been a perfectionist. especially about how he looked. like his clothes, they were always washed a certain way and his outfits always matched. he kept his hair cut nicely and used product to keep his curls from frizzing uncontrollably.

today, he wore a dark blue sweater vest over a light blue button up shirt, rolled up to his elbows and black jeans to match. not too fancy but also not lazy.

he stared at 207's door and sighed. "now or never"... he said under his breath as he knocked on the door.

he heard the patter of feet and the door click as it opened to show the pretty boy with big soft eyes and a warm blush. his hair was neatly parted to the side, blonde waves contrasting with his light golden tan skin. today, said boy was wearing overall shorts and a black hoodie underneath it. his feet had white socks with frills at the hem.

stan smiled softly down at him, his nerves melting away when he looked at this angelic boy, "hi, i just wanted to come by and apologize for my roommates awful behavior"

a small smile appeared on the boys face and stan held out the rose between two fingers. the boy looked at it in awe, hesitant to take it. stan, of course noticed this.

"for you," he smiled as the boys fingers gently brushed over his own as he accepted the rose, "and i'm usually never this forward but a rose is fitting for a pretty boy like you"

his sweet eyes looked up at stan in awe and he smiled widely, "my names eddie"

stan took his outstretched hand and smiled back, "stan, your a lot cuter when your not yelling"

eddie blushed and giggled, "sorry about that, yesterday was just an awful day—" he looked up at stan and shook his head gently, "um rambling... thank you for the rose"

stan nodded and was about to turn to leave when eddie chased after him, "wait!"

stan looked back at eddie as he shifted awkwardly and blushed crimson. stan loved the shade.

"do you wanna maybe... come in for some tea or coffee? if your not busy..." he fidgeted with his hands and stan smiled softly


eddie smiled again and stepped aside to let stan in. he guided him to the couch and went into the kitchen that was connected and put on a kettle.

stan looked around curiously. it wasn't messy, rather clean actually. it smelled like cupcakes, sweet and comforting. the couch dipped next to him as eddie took a seat.

"do you go to the university near by?" stan asked and eddie nodded

"yep. guess my major"

stan chuckled and hummed, "is it... art?"

eddie raised his eyebrows in shock, "how'd you know?"

stan gestured to the art hanging on the walls, "hand painted. just a guess, but it's really good"

eddie beamed, "thank you! do you go to the university too?"

"yes, but for psychology" he shrugged and eddie nodded

they talked for what seemed like hours as eddie made tea for himself and coffee for stan. eddie thought stan was funny and stan enjoyed eddies smile. it warmed his heart.

somehow eddie was a lot closer to stan by the end of the night, knees bumping and arms grazing. eddie found himself throwing his head back in laughter and stan found himself comfortable around this stranger. eddie was like a magnet, all warm smiles and bubbly personality. stan was charming and sweet, making eddies stomach flutter with butterflies.

stans watch beeped and he looked down at it to see it was 9pm. he'd been there for four hours, it felt like minutes. eddie seemed to just notice the time too as he checked his phone.

"oh, it's late" eddie said in an almost disappointed tone. stan hummed, not knowing how to feel. was it weird that he didn't want to leave eddie?

"i guess so" he shrugged and eddie tried to read him. he's so hard to read most of the time. but what eddie loves was when stan laughed. how he had the prettiest smile and his curls bounced as he did. he seemed so free.

"can i have your number?" stan asked after a moment of silence. a smile bloomed on eddies face and he nodded, holding out his hand for stans phone.

"i'd be stupid if i said no" he typed his contact into stans phone and handed it back to him, "you know, your really amazing stanny"

stan smiled at that and chuckled lightly, "oh yeah? thanks. i think your adorable. and funny, and sweet, and—"

eddie shushed him and giggled, "okay okay i get it.."

stan chuckled and rose from the couch as eddie led him to the door. he reached about half way through the hallway and stopped.

eddie looked at him with a raised eyebrow until stan turned back around to look at him. he took two long strides over to eddie and gently cupped his cheek, leaning down until he was inches away from eddies face. he didn't miss how eddies pupils grew and how he took a sharp breath. he never missed anything. especially when eddie leaned up to close the space but hesitated.

stan leaned down and connected their lips. it was soft and sweet and everything he imagine and more from eddie. eddies hand gently wrapped around stans wrist and he leaned into the kiss.

stan pulled away and looked down into eddies eyes. he looked beautiful, completely blissed out just from a kiss. it made stan want more.

(smut ahead. and it's some kinky shit because we all know stan and eddie have the kinkiest sex out of all the losers club ships, fight me)

so he leaned down for another kiss and eddie stumbled back into his apartment and stan kicked the door shut behind him. eddie found stans hand and laced their fingers together, leading stan back to his couch. he sat down and stan lunes over him, catching his lips in a messier kiss. he licked into eddies mouth making the shorter boy moan softly.

eddie wrapped his arms around stans shoulders and laid back against the arm of the couch. stan held eddies waist as they kissed softly, licking into each other's mouth and hands roaming bodies.

stan was already becoming hard just from eddies soft moans. he slid his hands under eddies hoodie and ran his hands over his soft skin. his hands nearly covered eddies entire stomach.

eddie moaned and wrapped his legs around stans waist, rubbing against him making stan groan and kiss him harder.

"stan.." eddie moaned as stan kissed down his jaw.

stan left a few bruises on his neck, biting the skin and then soothing it with his tongue. he hummed as eddie moaned his name for a second time.

"please-" he whined and grind against stan, already becoming hard and needy.

stan looked down at eddie and ran his thumb over eddies bottom lip, "you sure?"

"yes, please" eddie whined and ran his hands down stans form chest

stan smirked and pressed a kiss on his forehead, "can i take you to dinner sometime?"

eddie blushed and grinned, "of course"

stan nodded and easily lifted eddie up off of the couch. eddie wrapped himself tightly around stan and buried his face in his neck, kitten licking his throat and pointing to where his bedroom was.

"don't leave marks baby, i have classes tomorrow" stan warned and eddie nodded, keeping his tongue to his self and instead leaving butterfly kisses.

stan pushes eddies bedroom door open and laid him down in the bed, kissing his roughly and then standing at the edge of the bed and looking down at eddie.

"what do you want baby?" he asked softly, running his finger tips down eddies creamy thighs.

eddie whined and squirmed, "i don't wanna say"

stan noticed the embarrassed blush and hummed. the last thing he wanted was for eddie to be uncomfortable. but what he gathered from eddie, told him pretty well how he wanted it in bed.

he leaned down and spread his fingers against eddies thigh, groping them and using his other hand to caress eddies pretty face.

"i think... you like it rough," he spoke in a low voice making eddie moan and lean into his touch, "i think you like to be used, and treated like a special little whore" he slapped eddies thigh leaving a red print and making him squeak in surprise.

" do you want it rough baby? want me to fuck you good and hard?" he smirked and leaned down to kiss eddies throat.

"fuck, yes.." he moaned and tangled his fingers in stans curls as he left another hickey

" yes what?" stan whispered hot against his neck making eddie squirm

"yes daddy" eddie whispered back. stan groaned and stood up, looking down at eddie with list filled eyes.

"strip." he commanded and eddie looked up at him as if he didn't know what to do. so stan guided him, "take off these cute little overalls baby" he tugged on one of the straps and eddie began unbuckling them.

he slowly pulled them off over his thighs, leaving just his briefs and hoodie. stan smirked and ran his hands up eddies thighs, leaning towards him and whispering against the shell of his ear, "your not done... the hoodie and your briefs"

eddie nodded and pulled his hoodie off, leaving his body completely on display. he shimmied his briefs off and almost felt the need to curl into himself. stan wouldn't let him though, taking eddie in with his eyes and licking his lips, "god your so pretty baby boy..."

eddie blushed splotches on his chest and his cheeks. stan caressed his face and kissed him softly, looking into his eyes, " i need you to listen to me. do whatever i tell you. can you do that for me baby boy?"

eddie bit his lip and nodded, "yes daddy"

stan smirked and sat at the edge of the bed. he pointed to the other side of the bed and eddie followed, laying down on his back.

" do you have lube?" stan asked and eddie nodded pointing to his dresser drawer. stan grabbed it and a rubber and sat back down. he handed the lube to eddie.

"finger yourself." he spoke so simply yet so roughly. it was a demand, not a request.

eddie turned red at the thought of doing that in front of someone. but it also turned him on. so, he made his fingers slick and held his pointer finger at his entrance.

"push it in" stan said, his eyes locked on eddies fingers

eddie slowly pushed his finger in to the last knuckle and moaned softly.

"move slowly." stan ordered and eddie began moving his finger in and out slowly. he moaned softly and closed his eyes tightly from the slight sting. he added another finger when stan told him too. this time he curled his fingers and moaned louder, his toes curling and eyes squeezed shut.

"does it feel good?" stan whispered and eddie nodded quickly

"s-so good.." he moaned and moved his fingers a little faster. he felt a sudden slap to his ass and opened his eyes to see stan leaning over him with a frown.

"i said slow." he commanded and eddie moved slower. it felt good though, he wanted him to do it again. so he moved his fingers faster again and stan slapped his other cheek, making him moan and bite down on his lip.

stan smirked and grabbed eddies wrist, making him stop and pulling his fingers out. "you like that don't you slut?"

eddie whined, "mhm.."

stan chuckled and sat back. he pat his lap and eddie crawled into it, straddling his legs and resting his clean hand on stans shoulder. stan kisses his neck a few times and ran his hands down the curve of eddies back, stopping on his ass and slapping it once. eddie jumped and his leaking cock rubbed against stans stomach.

stan grimaced and took his vest off along with his shirt, throwing them aside. he felt eddies eyes on him and looked up to see him staring down at his abs. he worked out a lot, his abs becoming more visible and defined.

stan grabbed the lube and slicked his own fingers up. he held them under eddies ass and held his chin with his other hand a little roughly.

"ride my fingers until your begging for more."

eddie nodded and sat up a little so stan could put his fingers inside him. two digits went in at once and eddie instantly moaned in pleasure. his fingers were so much longer. he sat back down and began moving his hips as stans fingers curled torturously slow inside of him. stan slapped his ass when he got too excited, leaving a delicious sting. he'd be lying if he said he wasn't being bad purposely just to get a spank.

as he bounced the tip of his dick rubbed againt stans hard stomach making him come closer to the edge. he began moaning louder as stan prodded until he found that one spot that made eddie scream and bounce faster.

stan instantly pulled his fingers out making eddie whine, "no.." he was so close to feeling so good.

"what? baby boy doesn't want my cock anymore?"

eddies eyes snapped open at that and he shook his head quickly, "no! i do daddy! please!" he begged and stan smirked.

"then lay down" he instructed and eddie quickly got off his lap and laid down.

stan stood up to take his pants off and fold them to put them aside. he took off his briefs and eddie stared at his cock. he was long, maybe 7-8 inches and thick, the tip red and leaking pre come.

"can i suck your dick daddy?" eddie asked innocently and stan smirked.

"how can i say no to you?" stan sat down and eddie got off the bed and sat between his legs on his knees. he looked up at stan for permission and he nodded.

he pumped him a few times before wrapping his lips around the head and swirling his tongue around it. stan wove his fingers in eddies hair and leaned his head back in pleasure.

"fuck.. your doing good baby boy.." he moaned and eddie sunk deeper until his nose touched stans abdomen. he bobbed his head slowly as he relaxed his throat.

he hollowed his cheeks and stan moaned, pulling eddies hair slightly. eddie moaned at the feeling and pulled off with a popping noise.

"fuck my mouth daddy?" he said sweetly and stan felt his dick twitch

"open your mouth." he commanded and eddie did so. he shoved his dick down eddies throat and fucked into his mouth roughly. eddie moaned at feeling used as tears trailed down his cheeks. he couldn't be more turned on though. the burn in his throat became numb.

he swallowed around stans dick and made him groan and then pull out of eddies mouth as eddie caught his breath and coughed.

stan held his shin between to fingers and made him look up at him, pressing a steering kiss to his lips and pulling him up into his lap. eddie followed and straddled his lap, licking into stans mouth and grinding against him as he slid his tongue into his mouth.

"please fuck me" eddie moaned and stan chuckled, rolling eddie over on his back and spreading his legs open. he ran his hands down eddies thighs and leaned down to kiss him, trailing down to his neck and leaving a bruising kiss.

he hooked his hands under eddies thighs and pulled him closer before reaching over for the rubber.

"wait," eddie stopped him from opening it, "fuck me raw"

stan raised his eyebrows at eddie and cupped his face gently, "are you sure, eddie?"

eddie nodded and bit his lip, reaching down to wrap his hand around stans cock, "i want to feel all of you"

stan groaned and his gentle touch disappeared. he wrapped his hand around eddies throat and used the other to spread eddies legs open wide. he pressed the head of his dick against his entrance and tightened his grip making eddie moan and choke.

"you want my cock?"

eddie just nodded unable to speak

"you want me to fuck you so good you can't walk?"

nodded again.

"doesn't matter, i'm gonna do it anyways."

with that, he thrust forward until his balls hit eddies ass. stan let his grip loose to hear eddie moan. and watch his back arch off the bed. once he got use to eddies tight hole he began rocking into him slowly to stretch him.

eddie moaned and that amazing stretch and sting from stans dick. he clenched the bed sheets in his hands and moaned loudly as pleasure ripped through him. he wanted to go faster and harder so he thrust back with stan.

stan began moving in faster and harder, his hand around eddies throat and the other gripping his waist and leaving bruises. he threw his head back and ran his fingers through his hair to get the curls out of his face. eddie was so tight and his moans filled stans head. it was intoxicating.

he lifted eddies leg up around his waist and fucked into him harder until he found that on spot that made eddie scream. when he hit it this time eddie practically screamed.

"harder daddy!" "fuck so good!" he yelled over and over as stan fucked him into the mattress.

"your so fucking tight.." stan groaned and aimed to his his prostate each time. a series of
uh uh uh spilled from eddies lips as he came close without even being touched.

"come for me baby boy" stan groaned in his ear as he thrusted faster. eddie left scratches down stans backs as his hard dick rubbed against stans stomach. he came with a loud moan. "fill me up daddy"

stan kept going, chasing his high until he finally came with a groan. he could feel his come leaking from eddies hole. eddie smiled at the feeling and took heavy breaths and stan pulled out. when he opened his eyes again stan was back with a towel and cleaning them both off.

eddie watched as stan began to put his briefs on. he was about to put his pants on but eddie frowned and sat up.

"did i do something wrong?" he spoke up as his nerves settled in. why was he leaving so quickly.

stan looked back at eddie with furrowed brows, "of course not" he saw the sad look on eddies face and his heart stuttered in his chest.

"than stay?" it came out as more of a question

stan smiled softly and nodded, dropping his pants and leaning over the bed to kiss eddies forehead. he laid in the bed as eddie got up and waddled to put clean underwear on. stan smiled softly as eddie crawled on to the bed and laid on top of him with his head on his chest. he wound his arms around his small figure and carded his fingers through his soft hair.

eddie closed his eyes and listened to stans heartbeat. he really wouldn't be able to walk much tomorrow.

5 months later

eddie sat in stans lap playing video games, his tongue sticking out the corner of his mouth in concentration. stan turned the pages of his book as he gently rubbed circles on eddies stomach.

the door opened and the calm faltered as richie stepped in with bill behind him.

"oi mates! how about we get dinner tonight?" richie asked as he held bills hand and pulled him into the living room.

eddie was to focused on his game to pay any attention so stan answered, "if you go to McDonald's again you can count us out."

"stan, don't be a McBitch." richie teased and stood behind bill to wrap his arms around his waist.

"he's not a McBitch richie, your just a child" eddie sassed and stan laughed

"you always take his side spaghetti man" richie rolled his eyes

"it's because stan dicks him down all the-"

stan cut bill off, "if you guys shut up we'll go"

"yay!" richie cheered and ruffled stans hair making him huff and swat at richies hands.

richie and bill disappeared into their room and stan sighed, setting his book aside. he wrapped his arms around eddie and pressed his chest against his back. he leaned his head against eddies back and kissed his shoulder blade.

"i love you" he whispered and eddie paused his game to turn around and face stan.

he smiled warmly and kissed his nose, "i love you too stanny"


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