
By mamwadhi

133K 4.5K 315

The next alpha in line of the Hilton pack is arranged to marry the son of the alpha of the Skyla pack.This m... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13

Chapter 1

14.8K 405 24
By mamwadhi

I woke up at 6 as usual.I never wake up late.I always clean up after myself and another thing is i can't seem to stand anything dirty.In other words I'm a perfectionist.My older brother Kim Seokjin always calls me a clean freak eventhough he is one himself.My mother died a while back when I was ten.I felt crushed then but not anymore because my brother and my father always fill that void.Since I'm an omega the both of them used to be overprotective over me but not anymore.I assured them i was not week and that i was capable of taking care of myself perfectly well.There is a thing they don't know about me and that is I'm on suppressants.You know heats can be real bitches.

I'm very self sufficient eventhough my dad is super rich.He is a pack head after all.As time went on pack members stopped living in the same house.Every family had their own home.Our own house is very huge.We have a hall for pack meetings.Well ,about me,I'm 25 .I graduated two years ago.I got a business degree .I work at my father's insurance company.Who says an omega can't be a CEO of a company.I happen to defy all odds.Thanks to my suppressants no alpha is running after me.Only a few people actually know that I'm an omega.

My brother Jin is a beta and also a very successful surgeon.He really nags a lot.I just wish  he just get married and leave this house.Please don't get me wrong i love my brother i really do but sometimes he is just extreme.There is also Yoongi Hyung .He is a really nice guy.He can be cute and then  scary the next minute.He is one of the strongest alphas in our pack.I'm almost convinced that he will be the future head of our pack.

There is also Hobi Hyung.He is the sun himself.He has the ability to liften people's moods.His smile melts anyone 's sorrow.He has always told me that he wants to marry me since we were kids.I thought he would stop when we are grown up but he never did.I always say that i would marry him to get him off my chest.He is also a formidable alpha.

Today is a weekend .I woke up and didn't see my dad.I went downstairs and saw my brother having breakfast.
"Hyung ,where did dad go this early"I said as I was sitting down  on the dinning table.
"Good morning to you too,I don't know where dad went .Maybe he went to his office or something"He said as he was putting butter on his toast.
"He really should be resting you know"i said as I was picking up an apple
"Ah Tae come on .Cut the old guy some slack.Maybe he is hanging out with someone .Maybe getting laid"he said and winked at me.
"Hyung you are really sick, you know that he doesn't even have time to do that"I said as I was munching on my apple.
"Are you going out today?"he asked arching a brow.
"Yah I'm meeting the Parks for a drink later"I said.
"That reminds me.When did you last see Jimin"he asked.
"I never saw him since we graduated but we do talk on the phone"i said looking down.

The college that we attended was on neutral grounds .This meant that people from different packs were welcomed.Jimin was my best friend.He is from a different pack but i can't remember the name.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when my brother asked me something.
"So when is your long term fiance finally going to marry you?" he teased.
"Ah HoseokHyung?I think I'm gonna have to run away before that"i joked and he laughed.Just then my brother's phone went off and he excused himself.I knew something was up.He had been talking to someone in secret for a while.I wonder who it is.Maybe that person was going to set me free from my nagging brother.

Somewhere else
Jungkook's Pov
Ah my dad is such a pain.Everything would have been fine if he wasn't such a lazy ass.He always make me do all his work using that stupid excuse "because you are the future alpha".It is getting old real quick.He spends his time drinking tea with mom while i don't even get a minute to breathe.Things were so much better when I was in college since i didn't have to put up with him.I stayed at the dorms.These two years of my life have been hell.When will this old man ever give me a break.

Today is an exception .I don't have to do any work since i have to be present when our guest arrives.I.don't know why my dad said i have to be there.It seems he is being lazy to do his work as head alpha and wants me to do it for him again.Poor me.At this rate i will die without even mating.

The alpha of the Skyla pack arrived at our house.He and my dad arranged a marriage between me and his omega son.I was really shocked but i could not refuse because of this"because you are the next alpha."Talk about irony.I was busy complaining that I would die without mating and here I am arranged to get married to a guy i don't even know.I wonder how the moon goddess thinks sometimes.I bet she is even laughing at me right now.Well they said it's a marriage to ensure peace between the packs.I just hope that I don't get forced to marry a snobbish brat.If I do, I swear on my unborn children  , I will put him in his place.Why am i even talking about kids?.I just hope that my old man won't force me to have kids with this guy.Ah where is that Jimin when I need him the most.What a causin I have.And Namjoon Hyung is also not here.If I don't talk to someone I might just get crazy.This is just overwhelming.

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