Eyeless jack x reader

By EyelessJack2209

1K 26 63

This is not your ordinary x reader where you go to college go in the forest almost die by jack and your in t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 3

154 4 19
By EyelessJack2209


blah blah jack and jenny don't belong to me. giving full credit to their creators blahh

Beware off any violence, cursing etc if you are sensitive don't read this it will only get worse ;)

love youuuuuu


During class you couldn't help but stare at jack he truly was attractive. You wondered why no one else has said hi to him, or gone up to him except jenny However when you caught yourself looking at jack so was jenny she was admiring him as well but not in the same way you were something was different. you sighed before continuing with your notes. Your teacher spoke " yes this is the first day but don't you guys will be let off with no homework, find a partner and make a paper dissecting this paper I give your group, pull all the types of language out and explain, nothing to hard." it was like she was happy to give homework.

Jenny made her way over before it was our time to leave "hey jack do-"

"nope" he grabbed your hand firmly but softly and turned away from her staring at you giving you the eye to go along with it.

Your face was warm like an oven ( your taste was sugary sweet, if you get this I love you) quickly looking at Jenny to see her reaction.

She looked hurt and dumfounded you almost felt bad for the girl, you gave her a sympathetic smile, she smiled at you and walked away.

She left just you and jack, he scratched his head before saying' yea uh I'm sorry do you wanna be in a group together I just had no excuse to tell her no I've given her everything already."

you giggled quietly before nodding your head yes "so how did you guys meet?"

"you ready for story time?" he asked you, you nodded before he began

"well like I said earlier over summer I did dual enrolment, I wad doing it for biology and some math classes to get it out the way and to be honest it was going good I was actually liking it until Jenny came along. Jenny was in my biology class and she was fine until we got closer till school started she started to show heavy interest in me saying she needed me for something. And it only got worse from there I started catching her outside my house. I haven't called the cops because I feel bad for her. She started saying weird things like your going to me him soon, and like he's waiting. I think she's a little special in the head. but hey you said you wanted to be a psychologist study her." he started laughing

"yea jack sorry to burst your bubble but earlier she said " hes a perfect subject don't touch him he's mine I need him for" and then she stopped talking, I know I only just met you but I advise to stay away from her. ive taken a couple psychology classes and by the looks of it she could have many many things from dissociative personality disorder, to schizophrenia. "

jack just looked at you before speaking "your intelligent its cute." he soon realized what he said and started laughing "anyways my next class isn't till 12 do you wanna go to the library and start working on this project shit." you nodded

" my class is at 11:30"

your teacher walked by and handed you a document "this doesn't even look like English" you sighed earning a laugh from jack

you all got up ready to leave there wasn't a bell since classes were at different times. you and jack gathered your stuff before you quickly looked at jenny this time she wasn't looking at jack she was looking at you, she was smiling. you smiled back trying to be nice even thou she was crazy before making your exit with jack. Her eyes were scanning your entire body before you finally left.

"hey jack where's the library?" you questioned

he laughed "this way I think"

"see you don't even know!" you laughed

you haven't had this feeling in a while

'mommy whats wrong why are you crying', you desperately tried to comfort your mother but she as covered in red . you walked up to your mother to see a broken bottle, "are you hurt mommy? do you need a docter"

"go away june"



you shook your head from those thoughts when you were met at the library jack opened the door for you, him earning a smile from you "you know not trying to sound like a creep but you have a really beautiful smile why don't you smile often?"

you titled your head and looked at him "im not sure to be honest maybe it because no one makes me smile" Everything seemed to good to be true you haven't been noticed by boys so why now?

That shut him up he just opened his laptop before pulling up a PowerPoint and sharing it with you. "so yea this doesn't look like English" you said throwing the paper across the table. J ack laughed before inspecting the paper "is Shakespeare you dumb nut"

you pretended to look hurt " how could you, out of all names call me a dumb nut" you started laughing before jack joined in the laughter

you grabbed the paper and started to section of the pieces of the document needed for dissection, it was 10:11 when someone's phone went off. you looked at your phone, your was as dry as a desert. you looked at jack to see his face drop, tension grew in the air as jus stared at his phone. you touched his hand which made him flinch " you okay jackie?' you asked

"i gotta go" he growled he grabbed his stuff not even bothering to put his stuff away before running out the library.

Jack Pov

Staring at June she was beautiful seeing her smile gave me warmth without thinking " you know not to sound like a creep but you have a beautiful smile why don't you smile?"

her response was unexpected when she said " im not sure to be honest maybe it because no one makes me smile"

that made me stay quiet so I made her smile am I important? All those thoughts pondered my brain, I see her started the work she truly was beautiful. I opened my laptop and created the PowerPoint to share it with June. Her soft voice has caught my attention " so yea this doesnt even look like english" then she threw it across the table

I inspected the paper before realizing "its Shakespeare you dumb nut" o my god I just called her a dumb nut out of everything a fucking dumb nut you were lost in your thoughts about calling her a dumb nut when you saw what she was doing, she was prentening to be hurt by you calling jer a dumb nut. " how could you out of all the names you call me a dumb nut" we both laughed with her soon getting back to work. When we actually stopped messing around and started to get to work someone's phone went off I was pretty sure it was mine but it was cute watching her check hers, however she then got sad but I didnt like that.

I looked at my phone and saw that it was 10:11 before looking at the text it was from jenny

'Get to the east wing before your little girlfriend gets it'

I grew angry she wasn't your girlfriend but I was tired of this fucking girl getting in my way.

June touched my hand making me flinch before following with a response " you okay Jackie?"

I got up before growling " I gotta go" June was so confused and sad it hurt you but you had to go for her sake, you just met her but her sweet attitude was something so pure you couldn't let go of.

I grabbed all my shit and headed for the east wing to meet this bitch

Your pov

Watching jack leave like that made many questions run across your mind "who texted him? What was it about? Is he okay? what's happening?" you sighed and packed up your stuff to attempt to go find your dorm room before class.

Sad. Confused. But you didnt let it distract you, looking on the over head you looked at the words "east wing" you entered into the cold atmosphere looking for bulding 3.


you briefly looked into building 1 to see that's where all the bitches were at, they were putting on makeup wearing slutty outfits.


you saw jenny, you stopped before she raised a knife to her lips to inquire "shh" this sent chills through your entire body


you sighed and entered those double doors to look for 124 walking down the hall you see jenny walk by scraping the knife against the wall staring at you through the windows. Tension illuminated through the air, you froze "great a bitch out to get me already its the first fucking day" you finally found your door and slammed the key into the hole before running into the room.

you slammed the door shut to be staring at a girl who was staring back at you. you held the key up in defense and she started laughing "hey roomie I just settled in where's your stuff? "still shaken up from that experience it took you a second before answering " I didnt know I had to stay in a dorm until yesterday so I have to still pack it I just wanted to find it before my next class"

she smiled " well my name is april and-"

you started laughing "what she asked"

"thats just funny because my name is June"

you both laughed together to realize you guys had names of the months . "this is going to be great" you said looking at her.

" come in girl put your stuff down lets talk" she giggled

you guys sat on the couch talking about what yall like to do "im a party animal speaking of party there is a getting together party tonight where you meeting everyone I'm going would you like to go? "

you got a little nervous " well ive never been to a party before"

"ooo girl its going to be fun there's alcohol, weed, cute boys" she said you started to tune her out when something caught your attention

you saw jenny by the forest line no longer holding the knife and jack running up to her. By the looks of it they were aruging. Your new friend stopped and looked at the window as well and sighed "theres jenny and jack" you turned to her and looked

"what about them" you questioned

"girl? you haven't heard lemme tell you a story, during summer a lot of kids were doing dual enrolment including me jack and jenny, jenny is just flat out crazy lemme just state that however jack was sweet and lets not forget sexy anyways he felt bad for the girl she was always by herself and people warned him to not get involved with her but he did anyways. Like I said he's sweet. They started holding hands but something happen something clicked in jack where he wanted nothing to do with her no one really knows what happened except them and she's been completely obsessed with him ever since. However rumours had already started that she wants to kill who ever he was sitting with today in the library."

you stare at her "April I was with in the the library"

she looked at you with shock in her eyes "what?"

"he's in my first period he was showing me around and we were given this project and you needed a partner and jenny went to go ask jack but he said no and grabbed my hand. She was being nice to me and smiling but on my way over here she was taunting me holding a knife scraping it against the walls following me" you started to tear in the corner of your eyes

April pulled you into a hug " I dont know you yet but you seem very very sweet, let me just tell you a rule here everyone thinks jack is sexy but you want to know why no one tries anything with him because of that crazy bitch jenny, hes always looking for her beecause she stalks him. she killed someone once, she staged it and made it look like an accident. Jack started to seclude himself because he didn't want anyone to get hurt so for him to make a move on you is very weird, but shit feel special girl. "

you turned to look out the window to see jenny charge at jack with a knife you screamed and April saw it, jenny turned her face to your window and pointed the knife at you. you ducked down and started shaking. Trembling, you froze not knowing what to do. you looked at April who just gave you a sympathetic smile. "girl come here i have something that will help.

you stand up and walk into her room she digs in her bag and pulls out a cookie. you look at her and start laughing "a cookie? this is going to help me"

"dumb bitch its an edible" you laughed

now this caught your attention you smiled and thanked her before opening the package to be hit with the smell of weed and chocolate. you go to spilt it but see her pull one out for herself "my sister makes them and gives a shit ton to me to taste test"

you nod before eating the cookie " that shit was good I dont feel shit, April this is going to be a great year"

" you must have never had an edible before huh" she laughed

looking at the time its 11:22 " FUCKKKKK I have class in 8 min"

" ill see you later April,"

"okay girl if you need help getting shit from your house I can help you"

you nodded before running out the door. you see jack leaving the east wing you ran past him trying to find your anatomy class. he yelled your name but you didnt want to deal with drama.

you finally got to your class out of breath. Before sitting down. you looked at the other students in to the room to see jenny staring at you "are you fucking kidding me"you sighed

Suddenly you got all tingly and you couldnt help but let out a small giggle fuck im high you thought you tried to keep your eyes open but it was so hard. your hardest task was trying to pick up your pencil. you gave up and started laughing about how stupid this was. Class was almost over and you decided to go talk to jenny no matter how your mind screamed at you no.

walking to her was so hard it felt like your feet had rocks in them to prevent you from walking. Every step felt like you were sinking into to the earth to never be found again. you whispered "these edibles were gooddddd" she kept her eyes glues to you no matter what until you reached her desk.

she stared at you waiting for you to speak "i dont want jack" you stated bluntly

"yea he's fine as fuck but I don't like liars, and I don't like when people threat to kill me so you trying to drop the beef or no?"

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