Spots (mxm)

By TheoryKierei

4M 88.7K 25.1K

Book one of the Shifter Series. Arron had been asking his father if they could move for the better half of hi... More

Chapter 1: Spots
Chapter 2: Whiskers and Claws
Chapter 3: When Bathing a Cat, Don't.
Chapter 4: Tough Skin
Chapter 5: It's Always a Trap
Chapter 6: Cubs
Chapter 7: Vet
Chapter 8: Teeth
Chapter 9: Explanation
Chapter 10: Fixing the Problem?
Chapter 12: Problematic Paws
Chapter 13: Fur and Skin
Chapter 14: Cake and Frosting
Chapter 15: Can We Be Friends?
Chapter 16: Other Fun Things
Chapter 17: Gifts
Chapter 18: Birthday Date
Chapter 19: Unfriendly Reunion
Chapter 20: Something to Laugh About
Chapter 21: Larro
Chapter 22: A Phone Call
Chapter 23: Father Figure
Chapter 24: A Fun Day Out
Chapter 25: Forgiveness
Chapter 26: Leaving
Chapter 27: Wake Up Call
Chapter 28: Why Care
Chapter 29: You Lose Some
Chapter 30: A Little Leeway
Chapter 31: Pull it Together
Chapter 32: Spoiled Paws
Chapter 33: A Little Control
Chapter 34: Testing the Waters
Chapter 35: Oh Boy
Chapter 36: Earning a Place
Chapter 37: Taming the Lion
Chapter 38: Epi-A Wild Family

Chapter 11: Spots and Tusks

43.6K 2.4K 450
By TheoryKierei

With very, very cautious movements, Arron crawled backward on his hands and knees.


Rylan was following his every move, his eyes burning gold with hunger. Arron didn't need to look at the lower half of his body to know that he was reacting... and it was completely his fault!


Hearing his name only seemed to spur him on. He took a step forward as Arron backed up down into the grass. After another few feet of mirroring him Rylan hopped down, his feet making a light compressing sound as they landed in the grass. Arron thought that if he could just get to the fence he might be able to scurry over it before Rylan made a move to grab him, but as soon as Arron felt the back of his right heel tap against the wood Rylan was there, trying to get behind.

Horny lion alert!

"Rylan, snap out of it!" Arron yelled, trying to keep his back pressed firmly against the privacy fence.

There was a loud snarl in response, then an abrupt shove as Arron face planted into the thick grass. Arron could feel him trying to move overtop him within seconds. No thanks, you crazy cat. Arron's elbow came back blindly and managed to land a hit between Rylan's ribs, but he barely flinched.


Arron heard something heavy running toward them, then arms were wrapping around Rylan, trying to pull him off. Thankfully, Jordan was able to move him after a few moments, but that didn't stop Arron from darting over the fence, through the neighbor's yard, and out onto the sidewalk.

His feet took him down the street at a run, not really worrying about passerby's since young shifters commonly made mistakes and tore off their clothing in public. He only slowed to a stop when a car pulled over about half a block ahead of him and Erin stepped out from the driver's side. His face showed confusion and worry but he didn't hesitate to open his arms in a welcoming gesture that Arron desperately needed right then.

Arron slammed into his strong body, leaving him dizzy for several moments as the air got knocked out of him. When he came too, he was nuzzling Erin's car seat as he lay in the back.

"Hey, are you okay? What happened, Arron?"

He sounded concerned as he looked back in the rear-view mirror at him, but he couldn't bring himself to answer him with anything but a loud grumbling purr as Arron rolled his body over. His seats smelled so good.


Blinking a few times, Arron moved onto his side, then glanced up at Erin again, who was now staring over the middle consul at him. Wait... when had he parked the car again? When Erin noticed that he had his attention he sighed and reached over. Arron flinched slightly, remembering Rylan's attack, but Erin was much more gentle as he felt his forehead.

"You're burning up, kid. What's wrong? You're acting strange, too."

Arron's cheetah pushed through his control just a little to mew in response.

Erin blushed a little, his ears turning a little red. Arron wasn't too interested in the colors coming to the guy's face, though. He was, however, much more interested in the hint of interest he saw in Erin's eyes. His cheetah easily took over control of his human side again and rolled him onto his back, then had him wiggling around to rub his scent all over Erin's seat.


He heard Erin swallow and move a little, but when he opened his eyes to look at him again and mewed once more, Erin gave a deep rumble and jumped in the back. Everything felt like it was happening in slow motion but Arron knew that Erin had his clothing off in seconds, his shirt shredded and his pant's button broken off. His pants and boxers were stuck by his ankles, being stopped from coming off by his shoes as instinct pushed them to do the one thing he'd been warned to get protection for in case of, a now current, emergency.

It was definitely not the most comfortable thing in the world. He remembered hearing other guys at school talking about using lube with their girlfriends to make it less painful, and boy could he have used some of that stuff. His instincts pulled him to actively participate, but Arron felt like Erin was doing more than enough of that for the both of them. The guy seemed nearly crazed, but thankfully was not being too aggressive with his continuous actions.

A single quiet whimpering sigh left Arron's lips before they were covered by Erin's. It was nice to finally have a kiss while unintentionally procreating. It felt like it actually meant something, instead of his pheromones or hormones just messing with them both. At least he could feel his cheetah's heat slowly becoming sated. While he hadn't intended to do such a thing at all, and definitely not with Erin, Arron was at least glad that he didn't act anything like Rylan. He hadn't use his size to intimidate or threaten him. In fact, even with the throbbing pain between his legs Arron still felt completely safe in his strong arms.

So tired.

Erin had slipped free of him a short while ago, allowing them both to catch their breath and slowly process what they'd just done.

"I... have no idea why I did that to you. What the hell just happened?" He asked, looking at Arron with a confused, stunned expression.

"I'm sorry. I really don't know what's going on but the doctor I'm seeing said that I might somehow attract males sometimes now... I didn't think that it was actually so strong." Arron said, his voice rasping with stress as tears began to sting at the edges of his eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you do that."

Erin only seemed upset for a few moments before he sighed and reached over, tugging Arron into his lap to hug him tightly.

"That really wasn't an activity I'd planned on doing today, but I'm not angry. Let's just cool off a bit, then we'll figure this out, okay?" He asked with a small smile.

Arron sniffled and nodded. Erin was right. They just needed to calm down and think clearly... which he could finally do since his heat seemed to have gone away after their bit of fun.

"Okay. We'll figure things out soon." He mumbled as he got a little more comfortable in Erin's arms and let his eyes drift closed, intent on resting for just a short time. 

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