Melt Away - A Deadpool Fanfic...

By ThatHotGuy_Alex

6.9K 235 68

Deep down, Alix always knew what she could do. Not that she ever liked it much. A letter. Red ink, with a me... More

Astrid Fury and Alix
Home Sweet Home
Long Night Tonight
Off-Day Training
A Month Or More
Kill Guy, Go Home

It's Tomorrow

1.9K 54 9
By ThatHotGuy_Alex

I felt the cold air of the evening snow upon my already frozen cheeks. I watch as vapour forms when I exhale, allowing myself to be fascinated by its cloudy form. For a second, I let forget why I had exited the warmth of my home. And then, I remember, and stretch out my arms. The cold hit me in its full harshness, my under-protected body nearly frozen.

Kill me, cold wind.

Kill me, winter.

Kill me.

I sucked in air, as I removed my cardigan. I gasp as I freeze, before falling into the snow.

A flash of red.

And then, nothing.

I awake to the sound a crackling flame, and for a second, I wonder if I had died. But I heard no church bells, no singing choir. No sounds that told me of my death. I am alive, to my own dread. I sighed and rose from my bed, and then I paused.

I'm... At home. Alive.

I certainly did not move myself in my unconscious state. I could not have.

Someone had saved me. And I wonder who that someone was. I wish I knew. I really, wish I died. Why would anyone save me?

A stranger who was crazy enough to come by.

I sigh, standing up to go sit by the fire. And then I see a bottle of brandy on my table, and a shotglass.

"Drink up. Don't let yourself freeze to death Alix." Said the red words written on the label. I sigh.

"Whoever's doing this is an idiot." I said to myself, pouring myself a shot. Then, after my fourth shot, feeling slightly drunk, something hit me on the back of my head. I grabbed my head in pain, and then I looked down to see what was it that hit me. A folded-up note that had been taped to a pebble was found on the floor.

"I'm an idiot? Says the one who just tried to commit suicide by freezing to death. By the way, it isn't pleasant. Trust me, I tried."

I ran to my window to yell at the idiot who threw that stupid note at me, but I saw nothing except the swirling wind and snow. It was like a ghost had visited me, but there was no one there. Like always.

Is this where I introduce myself now? But would anyone take any notice? In this pine forest, would anyone take notice of a little log cabin? Perhaps they would, but there would be no-one crazy enough to come by. I suppose I should, for the sake of the readers.

My name is Alix. And just Alix. I can barely remember my age, I've been in this forest alone for far too long. But I know I have to be at least an adult, but I won't go into dirty details. I have forgotten the day of my birthday, I have forgotten my name. 'Alix' is what I chose to go with.

I'm a Mutant. Does that explain why I live here alone? Indeed, I am hiding from the cloudy minds that would eventually rain on me. They would soak me through until I start to break and melt away. I cry a lot, in this small cabin I built for myself many years ago. There would be nobody to hear my cries, nobody to tell me it's alright. And I'm used to it. I don't cry very much now. Because I started receiving little notes. Usually they'd be thrown in through the window, or left somewhere obvious. I have set myself upon trying to make a lock, but I had not been so lucky as to find any metal that I could fashion a sturdy lock out of.

Did you want to know my Mutant ability? Well I'm sorry I left out such an important part of this story. But I would leave that for later.

Enough of talking to myself. It is a thing I do when I'm afraid of being alone. I forget that I am alone, and speak to the walls as if they are people I wish to meet. People who are reading my stories, page - by - page. But who in the right mind would read a story about me? It doesn't make sense.

And then something was being slid under my door :

"Hey look, it's tomorrow. Better go to sleep. Good night Alix."

Indeed it is, my secret friend. Indeed it is. It's tomorrow. It's a good night.

"Hey... Are you still out there?" I say aloud.

"Could you... Tell me who you are? I'm all alone... Please. Tell me your name. Tell me who you are... Please." I am now begging the cold, still air. I could hear someone walking back to my home, but then those footsteps stopped, and moved further and further away from me. Like everything else I once had, the footsteps moved away from me.

Please... I don't want to be alone.

*** *** ***

And far away and out of their sight,

There is a house in the forest of trees hid away

And can you bet there no one crazy enough to stop by...

*** *** ***

Tomorrows are difficult to avoid, especially if it is as cold as this morning's tomorrow. Or today, whatever you call it. Tomorrows become Todays after experiencing Puberty, also known as sunsets and sunrises. Quite accurately describing puberty in people really. Harsh, painful, beautiful, frightening all at the same time. Ouch.

Today like any other day, I pick up my rifle and ammunition, and then I exit my home. Despite the potential of being robbed, nobody is crazy enough to try to rob an empty house. I sigh. Yesterday, about eight or nine hours before this, I could easily had killed myself. I thought about it as I climbed a tree, sitting comfortably as I let the pine needles swallow me up in an unlikely camouflage.

Here rabbit rabbit... Or if I'm lucky, a deer.

I aimed carefully as I noticed the small, docile creature down below. I smirk. Breakfast.

And a split second before the trigger was pulled, a red figure dashed past and-


"Oh god." I nearly shriek as the red figure crumpled to the ground. I jumped from the tree, and landed softly on the snow-covered grounds. The red figure was an actual human person. I could see a mask, a red suit. Guns, knives. I had two options.

Save him, or rob him.

I chose to save him.

"Oh god. I'm so sorry." I said to myself as I pulled out my swiss army knife. It was useful to have around.

"No don't bother." Came the agonised voice. I could hear the desperation to cover up in that voice.

"Yeah sure! I just shot you for heaven's sake! How are you still talking?!" I replied, panic filling me. Focus Alix. Your right hand Alix. You have to do it.

I let the numbness overwhelm my right hand, feeling it pulse. Even the air seemed to solidify, purify. And then I pressed it against his wound. I had shot him clean in the neck, and it had gone right through his trachea. No bullets to dig out, so I put it back into my pocket.. He coughed up blood, and I could see how contorted his face was in extreme agony.

"Hang in there." I said, picturing his blood vessels mending, willing for the cells to fix. Willing for the blood to stop splurting out of the open wound. And it did. It took less time than it usually would.

"There." I said, feeling glad I had saved someone. Maybe I never needed to.

"God... That was painful. Should've told you about my healy thing." He said, sitting up. I shrugged.

"Yeah well, I didn't think I'd meet another one. Besides, that quickened your healing, didn't it?" I replied, trying not to sound surprised. Now it was his turn to shrug.

"I guess so. I'm Deadpool by the way."

"I'm Ali-"

"Alix." He finished for me. I looked at him in shock, only to find him staring straight at me.

"So you..."

"Stopped you from killing yourself, yes." Deadpool said, and I stared at him. Really? This guy saved me? The guy I just shot... Was my saviour?

"Oh god. I'm so sorry I shot you. I am so sorry. Now I have to do something to repay that, and I let a rabbit escape." I exclaimed in a panicked rush, and he laughed. Geniunely laughed.

"Nah. It's all good. Wish I stayed secret for longer though. Would you mind helping me up? And be careful of the arm, I think I broke it." He said, wrapping his left arm around me, as if he expected me to help out. But I suppose I already had the intention. I helped him up.

"Let's go back to my place, and I'd fix you up faster. I know your healing factor takes a while." I said, guiding him. But then he stumbled over and fell on his face.

"I forgot about my fuckin' leg." He groaned, rolling over. I sigh.

"Alright, Mister Crybabia. Let me have a look." I said, with the intent of mocking him.

"Don't call me Crybabia- ARGHHHHHH!" He shrieked in pain as I pressed on where I could see blood seeping through the leg of his suit. Serves him right. I sighed.

"Okay, not making you take off your pants because first, it's cold. And second, it's awkward. So give me a second." I hovered my right hand over the bleeding part, and a hole was torn over the large wound. It looked deep too. I could hear teeth being ground.

"If you feel pain, you have to let me know. I carry anaesthetics with me. You know. For myself." I said, and he shook his head.

"Won't work with me."

"Oh." There was no tone in that. I just focused on closing up his wounds as I blocked out the sounds of his constant screaming. There. Finished.

"There you go, I'm pretty sure you can walk now." I said, helping him up. A movement caught my attention as I grabbed the nearest gun - which so happened to be his - and shot the rabbit. Guess I got breakfast after all.

*** *** ***

A heart so cold became ice, I guess that I wasn’t able to make a friend
And all I see everyday can never be much more than a thing
The world outside there is made from pictures in books
So please could you forgive me thinking such terrible things
Will someone please let me see with my own eyes?

*** *** ***

"OUCH!" Deadpool shrieked again, as I tried to mend the broken bone. This was difficult, I had to figure out exactly where the break was. But from the number of scars on him, I figured he would be used to pain by now. I guess not.

"Sorry! It's only a little bit more I swear!" I respond quickly, trying to reassure him like I used to reassure A&E patients being sent into the hospital by ambulance.

"A little bit more?! Why not now?!" He yelled out in more pain. But the bone had nearly mended, and I felt the need to feel guilty when it was.

"There, done. You're good. I fixed your scars too, by the way." I added, and he looked at his arm curiously. He seemed to be admiring it. I smiled a little, throwing the rabbit onto my dining table.

"Can you throw me a knife?" I asked as he began to stand. A knife was in fact thrown, and it was lodged into the table. I didn't flinch.


I began skinning the rabbit, and Deadpool hung around, not really saying anything. That's odd. What I usually hear about this guy would be that he never shuts up. Seems quiet.

"Sorry I threw the knife. It was an attempt at humour with regard to your expression." He said, leaning over the table to watch me skin an animal. I laughed.

"Don't worry about it. Sides, if I could heal you, I can heal myself."

"Yeah but for someone trying to prevent you from committing suicide... I'd rather not." He mused, and I laughed again as I put the rabbit fur aside. It would add to my collection as I figure out how to make a coat out of all those I have. It would be nice having something fancy.

Breakfast was simply just roast rabbit. I pulled off a leg to eat, and then Deadpool needed to as well.

"You want some brandy Deadpool?" I asked, pulling out the bottle he had left behind for me. He shrugged.

"Maybe. Oh and also... You can call me Wade. You know. That's fine with me."

"Good. Deadpool was beginning to sound like a nickname. And I hate nicknames."

"Says the person who doesn't go by her real name."

"Hey I forgot what my name was okay?!" I yell, slamming the bottle of brandy on the table. Bits of it broke off the bottom. Wade stepped back. I realised I had an outburst. Not exactly my fault. Wade triggered me. Wade. I like the sound of that name.

"Sorry." I said while picking up the little bits that broke off. Okay, so maybe they weren't so little. More like I-Can-Fix-Them-Back kind of little.

"Don't worr-"

"Don't look into my eyes while I do this." I said, glancing at the bits, and willing them to fit back into the places they fell out from. They did. Perfectly. And I knew my eyes were glowing bright red. They feel hot. And I know that Wade could see them too. But I kept my head down. I don't want to melt anyone. Wood can't melt. It can burn, but that isn't what my eyes do. They decompose shit, and I just fixed his arm. And leg. And also that spot I shot through. I still feel guilty.

When my eyes cooled off Wade stretches.

"Thanks for the help. Now I'm gonna have to get back to - urgh - work. See you later, I guess?"

"See you later Wade. I'd try to get some venison."

"Oh, and one more thing."


"Please don't cry anymore Alix."

*** *** ***

Please don't cry

Please listen to me

Please don't be afraid, I won't do anything

I'll cry with you, for you

Please, don't be scared...

*** *** ***

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