50 Shades Of Destiel

By DestielNochester

395K 10.5K 30.7K

What happens when Castiel Novak finds himself falling in love with the handsome CEO Dean Winchester and learn... More

50 Shades Of Destiel
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 9

24K 619 1.3K
By DestielNochester

Castiel opened his eyes and Anna was sitting on their old, barely used stool, next to his bed, staring at him, as if she was watching over him. He felt a little uncomfortable, but sat up, so they could talk.

"I came home yesterday" Anna said "You were a sleep, so I didn't want to wake you, but you didn't wake up at all, so I got worried"

Cas looked at the watch, it read 02:07pm, he rubbed his eyes and looked at Anna and frowned.

"You have slept up until now, I thought you had gone into a coma or something. When you didn't wake up for breakfast today I called an ambulance, but they told me to just watch you, if you wouldn't wake up today, they would come get you"

Castiel tilted his head back against the wall and closed his eyes "Good thing I don't have any classes today then" Cas tried to joke, but Anna wasn't laughing.

"Castiel Novak, this is serious"

"I know"

He sighed and lowered his head to look at his friend, she had a concerned look on her face and Castiel looked down at his lap. He folded his hands together and shrugged.

"I just... I don't know what to do"

Anna sat down beside him and put her arm around his shoulder, leaning him on her shoulder.

"You don't have to do anything, just ignore it and focus on school, the finals are next week"

"I know, I just-"

"No! You will focus on school, it will take your mind off of  Dean, okay?"

Castiel nodded and Anna smiled, pulling him in for a long hug. They sat like that for a long time, before Anna got up and asked if he was hungry, Cas shook his head, he was hungry, he just didn't feel like eating right now. Anna nodded and left the room, but didn't close the door completely shut, she was really worried about him.

It didn't take long for Castiel to pull up his computer and start his school work, he had that paper about ancient Rome to write and he couldn't wait any longer. He had two weeks left and he had to get it done. Two weeks, that meant it was only two weeks left of this semester. He had this paper, his finals, whole next week was going to be nothing but finals. He had one in English, which collaborated with advanced English, one in History, which collaborated with advanced history, one in math and one in advanced writing, all that and this stupid paper. He didn't have time for Dean and he knew that, so he had to focus. School was important.

     After hours reading and writing, he was almost close to finished with the paper. He had written almost 8 whole pages and the minimum was 10, so he decided he could take a short break. It had been almost impossible writing that many pages, but with a little faith and imagination, everything was possible. He didn't know how well he was going to do, but he didn't care about that right now, as long as he didn't fail. Castiel took a moment to think, should I open my inbox? The red circle was flashing in the top corner and it read 2. One of them could be from his school, so he didn't have much choice but to open it and he was right, one of them were from school, Bobby, to be exact and it was just information about the paper that was due in two weeks, sent to all the students in his class, but the other, was from Dean. Castiel felt his stomach drop and he started shaking. What did Dean have to say? Did he forget something? Did he have to come get it? Or could it be about the internship? He hesitantly opened the email and took a deep breath before reading it. This could be either good or bad.


From: Dean Winchester

Topic: Another chance?

Date: June 16th , 08:53pm

To: Castiel Novak

     I believe you have seen the article about us? If not, you should. I thought it was very cute, although, I had a lot of explaining to do to my family. I hope it didn't cause any problems for you.

     I want to see you again, Cas, I need to see you again. I haven't slept nor eaten since you left on Saturday. You're making me go crazy, I have never been like this. Normally, it doesn't affect me this much, but you, man, you're something special.

     As your dominant I shouldn't be begging you to come back, but fuck that, please Cas, I really want you. I won't say we're not going to use my room, but it can wait, until you're ready, if you will ever be ready. Just give it another chance. If we keep going and you never get ready for it, I will let you go, I just need to feel you Castiel, because you feel so damn good.

     I want to be real good to you Castiel, I can make you feel real good, if you let me. As promised before, I won't hurt you, outside or inside that room. A promise is a promise. I will take care of you.

     You don't have to reply to this email, if your answer is yes, be at my office tomorrow at noon. I will be waiting. Hoping.

Dean Winchester
M! magazine Inc.


Castiel didn't know what to say, so he was glad he didn't have to reply to that email. He was out of words. Dean Winchester wanted him to come back. He was begging for it, he said so himself and as a dominant, that must have taken a lot from him. Cas closed his computer and leaned his head back, staring up at the ceiling. What was he going to do?

     The next day Cas woke up before his alarm and made an easy breakfast, still not sure what to do. He could go down to the office and he would be with Dean again, or he could not go down to the office and he would never see Dean again. He placed his head on the kitchen table, arms hanging down on each side. Castiel didn't have time for this, he had the paper and finals and having this on top, it would be too much. Maybe he could go down to the office and explain to Dean that it all had to wait until his finals were over and maybe Dean would understand, or maybe he wouldn't, could go either way. If Cas told him to wait, he would go against the whole dominant/submissive thing and that would probably make Dean angry, but Cas wasn't a natural submissive, if anything, he was a dominant as well, and that would never work. Dean wanted a submissive, not a dominant. He wasn't right for Dean. Cas lightly banged his head on the table. He had never in his life been more frustrated and confused, and Dean was the reason for it all.

     Castiel pushed open the front door and gave Ellen a quick smile before heading over to the elevator, pushing the button repeatedly, fully aware of what he was about to do and he couldn't wait a minute longer, he was already five minutes late, but that was intentional, he was going to surprise Dean. The elevator doors opened and out walked that skinny, brown haired man, Cas had seen earlier with a huge smile on his face.

"I got it Ellen" He said and almost jumped on his way over to the desk.

"Good for you Mr. Fitzgerald" Ellen replied with a bright smile on her face.

Castiel understood that this boy had gotten the internship, something that made Cas a little disappointed and a little annoyed with Dean, like he knew that Cas would come back to him. He entered the elevator and heard Ellen say "So I'll see you around then" before the doors shut. Castiel looked at the doors, he could feel the blood rush through his veins and he could barely stand still. When the doors opened he almost ran out and over to Dean's office door. He took a deep breath and opened it.

When inside, he slammed the door shut, making Dean turn around and drop his phone. Cas quickly locked it and went over to the window, pulling the curtains for so no one would see what was going to happen.

"Cas? What's going on?" Dean asked, obviously very confused, good, Cas thought and waked over to Dean, taking a grip around his tie and pulling him close. Their noses brushed.

"Showing you who you're dealing with"

Dean swallowed hard as Cas pushed him up against the desk and bent down, unbuckled his belt and pulled down Dean's pants along with his boxers.

"Cas... Wha- oh God!" Dean said.

Cas wasn't slow with putting his mouth around Dean's cock and Dean gripped so hard on the edge of the desk that his knuckles went white. It didn't take long before Dean had a full on boner and Cas deep throated him, like he had done this a million times, not gagging once.

"Jesus, Cas... oh fuck" he could hear Dean moan, trying not to be too loud.

Cas stopped for a moment and pulled back, looking at Dean's desk and finding exactly what he was looking for. He grabbed the yellow pen and gave it to Dean. "Chew on this".

Dean nodded and put the pen in his mouth, preventing him from yelling too much. Castiel went back to business. He exchanged between going fast and slow, hard and soft. He used his tongue and Dean was close to breaking the bed, squeezing his eyes shut and moved one hand into Cas' hair, taking a firm grip, letting his hand follow Cas' rhythm.

Castiel licked some pre-cum off the head and looked up at Dean. Dean used the hand that was not buried in Cas' dark and thick hair, to remove the pen.

"Oh Jesus, Cas, don't say you're finished."  

"Not even close"

Dean gasped and automatically placed the pen between his teeth again, fully aware that he was going to need it. Cas kissed Dean's boner a few times, before placing his lips around it and going down on him, deep.

Dean started fucking himself into Cas' mouth and Castiel let him, following the rhythm of Dean's hips and hand. Dean tugged on his hair and when he came, Cas didn't pull away. He let all of Dean come into his mouth before slowly and carefully backed up and looked up at Dean before swallowing it all, making a small moan escape Dean's throat.

"Jesus Christ, Cas" Dean said, leaning against his desk and Cas pulled his pants back up and buckled up his belt.


"I did not expect that" Dean said and looked into Cas' blue eyes, now standing right in front of him.

"What did you expect?"

"I don't know, you shyly walking through that door, like the last time you were in here, not..." looked down "not this"

"Not what?" Cas was playing with Dean. It was dangerous, but he was proving a point.

Dean let go of the desk and closed the gap between the two of them, "not the best God damn blow job I have ever gotten".

Cas brushed his lips against Dean's before turning around and placing himself at one of the chairs. He put one leg over the other and crossed his arms over his chest. Dean got the message and sat down in his big, black, leather chair and rested his arms on the desk.

"I'm not a natural submissive" Cas said

"I have understood that"

"Good" Cas replied "but, I can be, if..."

"If what?" Cas thought he heard a hint of desperation in Dean's voice.

"If we can avoid using the room"

"Cas..." Dean said, letting out a deep breath.

"I'm not saying we'll never use it, I'm saying as little as possible, oh and if we do, I'll come down here, every Tuesday, at noon, and repeat what I just did"

Dean gasped and Cas could see him shifting position, he was turned on and Cas smiled in victory.

"You know" Dean started "Normally, I would have punished you by now, you're so disobedient".

Cas just shrugged and Dean laughed, followed by a long sigh and Dean wiped his mouth, shifting position again.

"Fine" He said and Cas raised an eyebrow "I'll agree, but, I will add, when we then use my room as you call it, I get to do as I please, anything, no questions asked, no hesitation, even tying you to the ceiling, got it?"

Cas thought about it for a moment, he didn't like that idea, but if it meant they would barely use the creepy nightmare room, he could agree, but then again, what exactly did Dean mean by anything?

"Deal" Cas said, before his mind was done thinking.

Dean smiled and stood up from his chair, walked over to Cas, making Cas stand up as well. Dean pulled him close and whispered against his lips "you're impossible".

     Cas was walking home, he had told Dean that he had to finish school before they could start doing anything and Dean had agreed, school was important, but he had added that he couldn't wait until Cas' semester was over so he could have him all for himself. Cas' little visit hadn't ended with the blow job, not even close. Cas could still feel the pen who had been digging itself into his back during the whole act. It wasn't on purpose, it just wouldn't roll off the table when Dean cleared it in one quick move. He traced his hand over where the pen had been digging in, he hadn't noticed until Dean pulled out of him and the pen was still hanging on his back while he sat up. Office sex, he could get used to that.

He made his way up the stairs and opened the apartment door just in time to bump into Michael.

"Uh, Cas..." Michael said, but Cas just gave him a smile and quickly walked into his bedroom.

He could hear Michael ask Anna about why Cas hadn't told him to leave or cursed at him or anything and Anna replied with "He finally understands"

"Dean?" Michael asked and Cas couldn't hear anything else, but he was sure Anna just nodded. He heard the door shut and a long sigh before his bedroom door opened.

"Why do you always just run into your bedroom as soon as you get home? Are you avoiding me?" Anna asked and leaned against the door frame, like Dean always did.

"No, I just, thought you wanted to be alone with Michael, that's all. Did he leave?"

Anna nodded.


Anna rolled her eyes and laughed, "You're impossible Cas"

Anna's statement made Cas grin and Anna laughed even more.

     They ate dinner together and talked, until they both fell asleep. Neither of them caring about the upcoming finals, today was their day off.

     "You'll do fine Cas!" Anna said giving him a hug, he has his last final, advanced history. It was the most important one of them all. Math, English and advanced writing went well, he didn't know the results yet, he wouldn't until next week. Now it was Friday, and his last exam. His paper was submitted, he aced, typical Cas had Anna said. "You didn't even work that hard on it, you wrote it in, what? two nights?"

"It's just very important" Cas said and read his note one more time. Anna snapped the papers from his hands.

"If you read more now you're just going to confuse yourself. Now go!" She pushed him insde the door and of course he tripped and everyone looked at him.

He had gotten used to that now. Ever since that article came out, everyone had looked at him, stared, for a long time, before looking away and whispering. Sometimes he caught someone saying fag, but most of the time he hears, unfair and fucking lucky. He would always smile for himself, because Dean was his, but then he remembered that Dean wasn't his.

He hadn't spoken to or seen Dean since Wednesday last week and Castiel craved him. It was a strange feeling, but he needed to feel Dean's skin on his, he needed to feel the touch of his hands, his lips, his-

His thoughts were interrupted by the bell and the old lady handed out the papers. She was wearing a green skirt, red sweater, grey stockings, black boots and a black vest. It looked horrible. Her hair was white and fuzzy and she had oval glasses. Castiel frowned and looked down, and he started.

     He wrote, erased and pulled his hair multiple times, he couldn't focus, all he could think about was Dean. How Dean felt on him, inside him, how he tasted, how soft he was. He thought about Dean's sweaty body grinding against his, his fingers trailing his muscles. He thought about pulling on Dean's hair and moaning his name. He thought about the pressure and the pleasure of Dean pushing himself into him, hard, slow, fast, and soft. Cas bit his lower lip and slightly slapped his forehead. Focus, he thought. This room should be black, he thought, but it's white. Cas thought about the nightmare room, and the more he thought about it, he could see himself tied up in that bed, Dean standing over him, with a whip ready to-

The bell rang, his last exam was over and he looked down. He wasn't even half finished. He was going to fail. He quickly wrote down what he thought was the answers to the rest of the questions, just in time for the old lady to collect it. This semester was over. He had no more classes. Now he only had to wait for the result on his finals.

     Anna was zapping through all the channels and Cas was looking at the wall, he was sure he had failed the last one. There was no way he could pass that. Dean had been on his mind the entire time, Dean had ruined his final exam, but Cas didn't mind. He liked thinking about Dean, no matter how much it hurt sometimes, he liked it.

"Are you okay?" Anna asked and turned her head, Cas nodded and she gave her full attention to the TV again.

Castiel slowly got up and walked into his bedroom. He had to see Dean.


From: Castiel Novak

Topic: I need to see you

Date: June 26th , 04:23pm

To: Dean Winchester

     I really need to see you. I need to touch you. Feel you. Please, sir, come pick me up!

- Castiel Novak.


Castiel closed his eyes and thought about Dean. He thought about his chest, his arms, his jaw line, the sweet taste of his lips, like cherry. The smell of Dean, a strong sent, his cologne. He couldn't place the smell, but he liked it. He thought about his finger's touching every part of Castiel's body, his lips on his, eyes locked to each other. He thought about Dean's hard, but at the same time soft cock, and then Cas found himself slowly slipping his hand under his pants, stroking himself through his boxers, before he let his hand go all the way. He thought about the color of Dean's eyes, hazel green, hypnotic, he thought about how salty he tasted in Cas' mouth when Cas had been a good boy, he bit his lower lip as he thought about Dean's ass and how badly Cas wanted to be in that one day. Feeling how Dean felt. He let out a silent moan, hoping Anna wouldn't hear. He stroked himself, harder and faster, the more he thought about Dean, and when he came, he yelled out Dean's name and he could hear Anna chuckle from the living room. Cas coughed and slid his hand back out, before stripping down, changing boxer and going to the bathroom to wash his hand.

"Cas?" he could hear Anna ask on his way back to his bedroom.


He shut the door and sat down, placing the laptop on his lap. He got mail.


From: Dean Winchester

Topic: Right around the corner

Date: June 26th, 04:30pm

To: Castiel Novak

     It makes me very happy to hear that. I need that too. I'll pick you up now. Can't wait to feel you again, baby!

Dean Winchester
M! magazine Inc.


Castiel looked at the watch, 04:55pm, he jumped out of bed, he had been going for a while. Dean was probably already outside. He ran out to the living room to look out the window, he was right. The black, Chevrolet Impala, was standing right outside, but for how long? He didn't answer Anna's questions as he threw on his shoes and ran down, not caring about tying them. He almost fell down the stairs, but he managed to catch up with his own feet just in time, luckily. Outside, Dean was sitting in the car, eyes closed, waiting for Cas. Castiel walked slowly over and when he opened the door, Dean opened his eyes and smiled at Cas.

     Dean looked at Castiel before opening the apartment door, 317, a door Cas never thought he would walk through again. When inside Dean gestured for Cas to walk into the bedroom, but Cas shook his head.

"What?" Dean asked, but Castiel didn't answer. He walked over to the oddly placed bookshelf, pulled it out from the wall and opened the door, revealing the nightmare room.

"Really?" Dean asked with big eyes and Cas bit his lip as he nodded, he really wanted to do it, in that room, giving himself fully to Dean. He wanted it, he needed it, he craved it.

"If you think you're ready"

"Oh, I'm ready, sir" Cas said and started walking in the door, but said "don't go easy on me" before he disappeared trough the frame and he could hear Dean gasp. They both wanted this, so badly.

     "All tied up" Dean said, taking a step back to look at Cas.

His hands were tied on the bed frame, above his head, his legs, tied on each side, separated, only wearing his boxers. Dean was standing on the end of the bed, looking at Cas, biting his lip.

"I'm going to take real good care of you baby" he said and turned to the dresser and pulled out a piece of cloth out from one of the drawers along with a whip. He then walked back over to Cas.

"W-wha-" he started but was cut off by Dean shushing on him and gagging him the piece of cloth.

"No talking"

Cas nodded and laid his head down on one of the pillows.

"If you make a sound, I will have to punish you, got it?"

Cas nodded again.


He had his head down on the pillow, but he could hear Dean's bet unbuckle and his zipper go down. He took a deep breath, he was more than turned on right now. He felt the pressure from his boxers and prayed that Dean would remove them soon. Then he felt the madras move beneath him and then, he had the most beautiful man in this whole world on top of him, wearing nothing but an open, white shirt and a pair of black boxers. Dean didn't say anything, he just started kissing Cas' neck, his collarbones, his shoulders, down his left arm, then up again, down his stomach and all the way down to the waistband of his boxers, before tugging on it with his teeth. Cas' twisted in pleasure, just waiting for Dean to get to business.

Dean started stroking his thighs, outside, topside, inside. All of them, and Cas wanted to moan, but he wasn't allowed, it was torture. Not being able to say Dean's name, or call him sir or ask him to just get on with it. Then he felt Dean stroking him through the fabric of his boxers and Cas leaned his head back, closing his eyes, lifting his hips a little. He felt the waistband being lifted, but released again, smacking against his body, burning a little bit, but Castiel found himself turned on by that and for some reason he wanted Dean to do it again, but he couldn't ask.

Dean leaned his whole body against Cas' and grinded himself against him. Cas wanted to touch Dean, he wanted to wrap his arms and legs around him, but he couldn't. Then he felt a burning sensation on his chest, it was as if a thousand needles pierced his skin at the same time, but he knew what it was, it was the whip.

"Not a sound" Dean commanded.

Cas hadn't noticed, but he had moaned, not loudly, but a small one had escaped his throat and now Dean had punished him, Castiel didn't mind the punishment, so he was tempted to moan again.

The foreplay wasn't long, there was no touching, no kissing, only Dean slowly feeling his thighs and kissing them sometimes, before he ripped of his boxers, literally ripped them, and each pieced landed on each side of the room. Then he felt the cold, sticky feeling, that he knew was the lube and then, the pressure of Dean.

He could hear Dean moan loudly and Cas wanted to moan too, but he couldn't, he could, but Dean didn't want that and he only wanted to do as Dean said. Dean was his master, his king and he was completely in love with him.

"Oh fuck me Cas!" Dean yelled and slapped his thigh, hard and Castiel almost made a noise, almost.

Dean kept going faster and harder and sometimes he bent down and bit on Cas' neck, chest and nipples, Cas wanted to moan so badly, screaming Dean's name, this was pure torture, but he liked it. The feeling of having someone take full control, maybe he was a natural submissive after all.

Dean pushed one, hard, last time and Cas felt it, inside of him, and when he thought it was over, he felt a pair of lips on his cock, Dean was sucking him. He swallowed hard and twisted, again in pleasure. It didn't take long before he ejected and he could feel Dean not pulling away before everything was out. Hazel green eyes, locked to his, while the cloth was being removed and Dean's lips met him, giving Cas all of himself. He tasted himself. Dean wanted him to, so he did. After making out for what seemed forever, Dean pulled away and smiled at Castiel.

"Good boy" he said and patted Dean's cheek, "I'm going to take shower, you just lay here until I come get you"

Cas nodded and watched as Dean left, the door closed and the room got dark. He couldn't see anything and finally he could release a silent moan. He did not regret going into this room. Dean was good.

     Thirty minutes later and Cas was standing in the shower, thinking about the recent happening. He wanted it to happen again. He scrubbed his body, even though he didn't want to, he didn't want to scrub Dean off of him, but Dean had commanded him to take a shower, so he had to.

     They ate dinner, talked and when Cas walked up to go to bed, Dean pulled him back down, slamming his lips on his and Cas was startled. No acts of love outside the act. Dean pulled away and smiled at the blue eyed man.

"Good night Cas"

"G-good night"

Castiel slowly walked into his bedroom and before he fell asleep, he relived the whole act in his head, unconsciously touching himself again. He couldn't get enough of Dean and luckily, tomorrow wasn't far away. It would happen again tomorrow and Castiel could barely wait. He craved Dean on a level that was far beyond his understanding, but he didn't want to understand it, he didn't have to. This was all he needed. Dean.  

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