Frog (Jung Wooyoung FF)

By storhea

63.1K 3.2K 959

in which a young girl kisses a frog to make her prince appear. started: 12/6/2018 ended: 4/4/2019 More

ch 1: my way
ch 2: croak croak
ch 3: brother
ch 4: species
ch 5: knight and shining armor
ch 6: spark
ch 7: pond
ch 8: few days
ch 9: call
ch 10: dreams
ch 11: one
ch 12: sunset
ch 13: limo
ch 14: lost in seoul
ch 15: jacket
ch 16: boba tea
ch 18: san
ch 19: kiss
ch 20: trainee
ch 21: challenges
ch 22: magic
ch 23: purple
ch 24: frog
ch 25: note
ch 26: fireflies
ch 27: found
ch 28: reality
ch 29: never give up
ch 30: frog
thank you so mucho

ch 17: run

1.3K 77 26
By storhea

"lulu i don't think this is a good idea!" wooyoung yelled at lulu who was ahead of him by 5 meters.

"we only ran for like 3 minutes and now you're complaining?"

wooyoung panted as he caught up with lulu. "you know, i understand that you wanted to make friends in seoul but why make friends when you have me?"

lulu shrugged. "your my boyfriend, not friend."

"it still has friend in it!" he argued back.

"oh so you wanna be unpromoted to friends now, huh?" she kept running ahead and he was already exhausted.

"no i was just kidding luluuu~" he laughed awkwardly.

"thought so." lulu smirked and jogged again.

"lulu i swear! if you leave me all alone here in the dark and wilderness!" wooyoung panted and closed his eyes for a while as he took a breathing break.

wooyoung opened his eyes to see an empty street and a flickering light, only the sound of cars speeding were audible.

"lulu?" he shouted out but no response.

"lulu!" he shouted again and started jogging to who knows where.

whereas, lulu tip-toed behind wooyoung and covered his eyes.

wooyoung screamed and accidentally (not really accidental) punched lulu in the stomach.

wooyoung looked around and saw nothing but after a few seconds he saw lulu on the ground.

once he caught sight of her, wooyoung rushed to lulu's aid who was suffering on the ground while wincing and holding her stomach.

"oh my god lulu! who did this?" he asked with a worried voice, looking down at his girlfriend suffering because of his own doings.

"dumbass!" she yelled at wooyoung.

"huh? what!? some dumbass did it?"

lulu punched his shin while on the ground and wooyoung held his ankle, screaming in agony.

"that hurt lulu! sometimes you have to be careful around your boyfriend!" he cried out in pain.

"well sometimes you can't just punch your girlfriend in the stomach!"

wooyoung widened his eyes in realization. "oh my i'm so sorry lulu here let me help you." he rushed to her but tripped on his way.

"are you fucking kidding me." lulu muttered still on the ground.

lulu stood up and tried to balance herself.

"lulu i don't think i can walk." he pouted and looked up to lulu who had her hands on her hips.

"yeah no shit."

lulu helped wooyoung up and put his arm around her shoulder, wooyoung limped while lulu tried to walk normally.

they've been walking for a while now and lulu kept looking at her drawn map once in a while.

"gosh damnit wooyoung, we're not even half way yet." she said and looked over to wooyoung who seemed to be half asleep.

"wooyoung? wooyoung?" she asked repeatedly and slapped his cheek slightly.

"what?" he muttered, eyes still closed.

"are you seriously sleeping while we're walking?"

"what?" he asked in a louder voice this time.

"are you sleeping while we're walking!?"

wooyoung responded with a light snore and that caused lulu to let out a loud groan.

she found a small park with a bench and so she sat down and carefully sat wooyoung down as well, she laid his head on her shoulder.

lulu noticed the pond across the bench and she couldn't help but get nostalgia from it.

just then, she took out her phone and took a picture of sleeping wooyoung.

"now i can use this photo to blackmail him any time." she let out a devilish laugh and checked the time.

"holy shit it's already 9:23?!"

lulu tried to wake up wooyoung but failed to do so.

"oh so you can come to my house early in the morning but can't wake up in this type of situation." she groaned out loud.

"i'm up i'm up." wooyoung got up and attempted to stand up but sat back down due to the pain.

"we need to start walking, we're not even half way yet." lulu said and helped wooyoung up. wooyoung stubbornly got up with the help of lulu and limped.

"lulu, if we ever get home."

"if? are you saying we won't get home?" lulu asked wooyoung.

"no, i mean maybe, i mean no. anyways let me just continue. if we ever get home, will you still let me live with you?" his hands were clasped together, expecting a good anwser.

"i don't know, living with a dumbass and a boyfriend and a brother is really hard."

"who's the dumbass? someone else is living with us?"

lulu heaved a sigh. "you know what woowoo, just go to sleep and i'll drag you." she smiled innocently at wooyoung.

"okay lulu." he started to close his eyes and lulu dragged him.

her shoulders were about to die and she was about to fall but she never gave up! lulu crossed mountains and lakes and rivers and even fought a buffalo just to get home!

lol just kidding

"great! just a few more kilometres and we're home."

wooyoung woke up and looked at lulu who was sweating a ton.

"oh are we home yet?"

"yeah we're home." lulu responded sarcastically to see his reaction.

wooyoung walked as if he wasn't just injured a while ago and jumped around.

"woo we're home!!" he looked around and noticed that they're still on the streets. "no we're not."

"and i thought you were injured." she blinked slowly at him.

"oh well i was but you see the excitement healed my broken injured ankle but since you liED to me," he emphasized the word lied, then he leaned on lulu. "i'm hurt again, not only physically but also mentally because you lied."

lulu huffed and pushed wooyoung away.

"you know how much sweat i've gone through? my shoulders were dying! i sacrificed my precious body for your sake. you have to pay me back. now i'm running." lulu flashed a smile before running off.

lulu ran as fast as she could and wooyoung ran after her while yelling.

"hey lulu come back! you don't want it to be like before do you?"

they both ran back to their new house by 12:01am.


this chapter was mostly uwus hehehe
yaaaaaayyayaay i published two chapters in one day huhu

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