The Wolf I'm With (LGBT-BOYxB...

By bittersalt

252K 7.7K 887


The wolf I'm with
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15

chapter 3

15K 542 64
By bittersalt

(Patrick’s POV)



Not long after Sterl’s transfer here in our place, I got closer to him. He’s funny, bubbly, lazy and good at playing his flute. Speaking of flute, whenever he plays it, it would relax me. It makes me forget about my worries, even just for a while. Sterl’s stay here for 2 months is fun, he would always receive a scowl or a glare from students that hates him for being together with Carlo. And it was kind of shocking knowing that they are cousins. Sterl told me about their true relationship when we were at the rock, I think he got irritated about me teasing him about Carlo so he told me that they were just pretending.

            After another two weeks. The whole school knew about their real relationship. It was when that Bianca girl ranted about them. I remember Carlo fuming that his face is so red. I’m sure as hell that he would have punched the girl in the face if Sterl did not stop him. Later I discovered that that Bianca was Carlo’s ex-girlfriend. After the revelation of their true relationship, some made friends with Sterl but some hated him even more, and I would go all protective and all to Sterl. In those two months too, I develop a stronger relationship with Sterl. I’m happy and relaxed when I’m with him, he makes me laugh, and he makes me feel lively again. At first I think it’s weird to feel that way towards another man, but with Sterl. It’s a whole new different story. He makes me forget about things I don’t want to remember. I didn’t try to avoid him, and I go with him all the time. We are practically are best of friends. And I trust him with all my secrets and stuff except for the wolf part. But he would give me weird looks every time I don’t want to touch anything made of pure silver, or how my eyes turn a shade of violet every time it’s full moon, or how much I eat like I haven’t eaten for month.

            It’s Saturday and we are seating on the park near their house. We would just watch kids fool around and play. I remember those old times and I can’t help but wonder; what would my childhood would be if Sterl is a part of my whole life?

            “Do you think the school still hates me?” Sterl asks suddenly and I laugh a little because of his outburst.

            “The school don’t hate you Pearl, some students does and it’s called insecurity” I say and he shove me playfully because of the nickname I gave him, but he’s used to it.

            “Doesn’t matter…” he says with a shrug “As long as I have my real friends” he continue. I smile at him as he gave me a grin. I pull him into a hug and he happily hugs me back. Our day continued with just that; me and him playing all around, telling stories about ourselves.

            Monday came and the same usual routine came by; me, waiting for Sterl at his locker since we have all the same classes. Eating together with our friends at lunch, go to class. But of course Sterl’s day won’t be complete without making Capulet Romero’s life a living hell. I laugh at the thought. Capulet Romero is considered as the biggest bully at school, but now that Sterl is here, Capulet is the one being bullied.

            “Fags” Capulet murmured as he walks right by us. Sterl rolled his eyes and turned around to face Capulet with a smirk.

            “Oh please Juliet, don’t be such a hypocrite sister. My gaydar is actually pointing right at you right now.” Sterl practically raised his voice and I have to restrain myself from bursting out laughing at Capulet’s red face. If this was another person telling him this, he would have killed them. But this is Sterl he is facing. Well, hard to believe but Sterl actually gives a big shot at fighting a tall and buff guy like Capulet.

            Sterl smirks one last time to Capulet before turning around and walking towards our last class, and we’re late.

            “Want me to walk you home?” I ask Sterl as we got up from our seats and headed out to go home. Sterl smiled at me and nods at me.

            “But I need to get something at Mrs. Kora in the faculty lounge, mind if we head there first?” he asks and I nod. We headed there and I waited for him outside the office when the old lady of the laboratory appeared wearing a sweet smile. I smile back as she passes by me carrying a tray full of heavy things for the lab. Sterl came out of the room as I offered her a help. But I didn’t see it coming; the tray was made of pure silver. But I didn’t stop until we were at the laboratory. I hiss at the sight of my palm, it was all red. Sterl’s eyes widen when he saw my hands. He quickly grabbed my hands and examined it. He said it was just a slight burn but I couldn’t help noticing the doubt he gives me.

            The week pass and I notice Sterl eyeing my every move, the way I react on everything that I touch. God! I need to be careful more. Aside from noticing Sterl observing me, I could also notice the way Capulet looks at Sterl, he looks like he wants to kill someone.

            I was eating my pizza while watching this chick-flick movie when my phone rang. I glance at the clock and I scowled seeing it was past 9. I took the phone and answered it, not bothering to check who have called me this late night.

            “Oy!” Sterl’s voice rings through my ears. I chuckle and answered him with the same words. I got pretty used to using it ever since I started being friends with Sterl. He’s cool actually. But for this short period of time, I know that he may be tough and cool on the outside, he is as fragile as a thin glass inside. He’s strong but he also has limits. He’s energetic but becomes very lonely whenever he is alone.

            “What do you need master?” I ask in a mocking tone. He laughs a little and started talking.

            “Can you come with me now? I need to buy something and it’s urgent” he says. I agreed and took a jacket with me. I survive the coldness in the air but I just want to make sure that whenever he feels cold, I could offer him something.

            I reach the place that Sterl told me but he’s still wasn’t there. I waited for another 5 minutes but still, he’s nowhere. I can’t smell his scent in here so he must have been stranded somewhere. And I started to panic, what if he’s in trouble. I heightened my senses and tried to sniff his scent. I can smell him faintly but with a mix of blood. I got worried instantly and ran towards the direction. It leads to a dark street. I can already hear his muffling sounds so I turned around a corner and was shock to what I saw.

            It was Capulet, on the process of unbuckling his belt with Sterl in his tight grip with his other hand. Sterl’s mouth was covered with a tape; preventing him from making any noise. Soon, Capulet notices me as I hear myself growl, my wolf was actually starting to scratch; wanting to kill Capulet for doing this. I can see Sterl’s eyes water, but he refuses it to fall. And I’m glad with that, he shouldn’t give Capulet the satisfaction of his tears. It would mean that Capulet wins in their fight.

            I ran towards Capulet with the button on his pants still not closed. I launch at him and landed a punch on his face. He fought back and hits me too but I didn’t care. He was attempting to rape Sterl. I could use that as an excuse to kill him.

(Sterl’s POV)


            I fumbled with tape in my mouth and slowly peeled it off. Patrick and Capulet were still throwing punches as they both cusses at each other. I run in between them but almost met the punches they threw to each other, but luckily I duck in time. They stumbled backwards and I run towards Patrick. He quickly pulled me towards him and placed me behind him, protecting me from Capulet. I am still scared from what happened just a while ago and I thought I’d lose my virginity. But what I am worried most now is that Capulet brought a knife and he might use it against Patrick. I can still feel the blood from the small cut in my neck; Capulet gave it to me when I struggled against him.

            “Fuck you Capulet! Are you really that desperate to fuck someone huh!?” Patrick raged. It was kinda hot for him to go all protective for me but the situation kinda stops me from dreaming about him in this.

            “Are you mad that I almost fucked your boyfriend?!” Capulet exclaimed, I knew it he was gay, or rather bisexual. But whatever, he tried to rape me. And in an instant, they were throwing punches to each other. I ran to them and tried pulling Patrick away from Capulet, but instead, I flew towards a wall and hit my head as Capulet shoved me. Patrick ran towards me and helped me stand up. I stand but my head was spinning around. I have to close my eyes and try to relax to get my right sight again. They were yelling again at each other and I yelled stopping them, but Capulet brought out his knife. My eyes widen at that and ran towards Patrick and shielded him from the knife, but I got instantly twisted around and I heard the stabbing sound. It was hell in the ear to hear. I look down to see the knife still burrowed deep in his sides. Capulet ran off and I was remained there as we slid down to the ground.

            I keep shaking Patrick and he reach out for the knife in his side. He pulled it out and I check it only to see the wound slowly healing. I was stunned to what I saw. And Patrick has wide eyes, as if realizing what he has done. I step back and ran towards our house not bothering to answer his calls. I need to confirm and clear my mind.

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