By jxx_xoxo

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"I like you more as time goes by." What will you do once you realized you got played? Especially by the perso... More



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By jxx_xoxo

Everyone in the school heard about the suspension of Jennie and Lisa including their friends, of course it's gonna be a hot topic when they are one of the best top-notcher students with the highest GPAs, a lot of universities wanted to get them. Everyone's whispering and gossiping about the issue, both of their circle of friends are together walking through the school hallways. The girls remained a straight face trying not to be bothered about the stares people are giving them.

"I guess everyone heard about them already." Rosé sighed as they went their way to the parking lot, Irene just shook her head feeling disappointed.

"It's their fault anyways. We never lacked to remind and lecture them. We told them multiple times to make up already before this happens but they didn't listen." Irene told everyone.

"I'm just really disappointed that this has gotten this far..." Jennie's cousin trailed off closing her eyes while shaking her head, everyone just nodded agreeing.

"Don't get me wrong, they are our friends but they really deserve this right now. This should be a lesson to them from now on." Yeri blurted out shrugging her shoulders up and down.

"But we can't just let them be expelled out here, can we?" Chahee asked, earning a nod from everyone.

"Especially Lisa, it's gonna be a down fall for her career if she gets to be expelled, universities might not want to give her scholarships anymore because Mr. Yang said so. This is really important to the both of them, their dreams are depending on this scholarships from prestigious universities... like it's a stepping stone for them to reach their goals." Joy said while frowning, it makes her sad to think about it. They care so much for their friends.

"We won't let that happen." Rosé stated, determination in her voice. Yeri just chuckled at her.

"It's not like we can do anything to stop this, knowing how much they hate each other. No matter what we do, they just wouldn't stop being kids." Yeri rolled her eyes at Rosé, Joy then suddenly smacked the back of her head.

"Stop talking you, idiot. You aren't helping at all." She glared at Yeri who's holding the spot she hitted with her hand.

"What? I was just stating facts plus we can't really do nothing about it. Both of them are stubborn as hell." Yeri replied huffing at Joy.

"Unnie, do you have any idea what we should do?" Rosé turned her gaze to Jisoo.

"Honestly... I-I don't really know. I can't think of any effective solutions. We did everything for the last years and none of them worked out." Jisoo sighed.

"They just keep getting worse." Yeri laughed yet again. Everyone just glared at her and she just shrugged her shoulders.

"Any of you have an idea?" Rosé looked at everyone, asking.

"Jisoo is right, we literally did anything but nothing happened." Chahee slumped her shoulders in defeat.

"I really don't know what to do with them anymore." Irene said, nodding at Chahee.

"But we can't just let them get worse and get expelled from here. We really should do something to avoid this matter..." Rosé exclaimed trying to think of an idea but nothing is really popping out.

"Argh. I hate them for doing this." She added while groaning.

"I don't understand them. I don't understand their reason to hate each other. I don't understand why is it so hard for them to get along. Oh my God this is stressing me out." The chimpunk continue ranting.

"How about we hook them up? I mean let's make them date each other so this shit will stop now." Irene jokingly said making everyone looked at her in disbelief but except for one person.

"Are you kidding us, Irene? You know that won't work either." Yeri laughed and rolled her eyes.

"I was just kidding, moron." Irene replied and rolled her eyes back at the girl.

"We all know they'd rather be expelled and die than be together and for sure Jennie's not gonna agree with this. She's not into girls and we all know it." Yeri continued still chuckling.

Everyone laughed and nodded their heads in agreement. It's true though, the two would rather be expelled and die than to be in each other's presence. Just being meters away from each other suffocate them. They despise each other that much.

"That's not actually a bad idea." Rosé suddenly blurted out while smiling, now having an idea so the two would get along. Everyone looked at her in confusion and disbelief trying to find out what she's trying to say.

"What do you mean, chipmunk?" Jisoo tilted her head towards the red haired girl, waiting for an answer.

"I suggest that we force them to date each other. If being friends isn't gonna work out with them then I guess forced date will do." Rosé explained flipping her hair and smiling cheekily at everyone.

"And what makes you think that's actually gonna work?" Yeri asked, raising an eyebrow.

"If we can't get them in the easy way then we have no choice but to get them in the hard way. They wanted it anways." The chipmunk continued while shrugging her shoulders.

"Jennie will not agree with this so is Lisa. Don't be silly, Chaeng." Yeri blurted out.

"No, no. I get it. It's actually a great idea because they have no choice but to get along since they are stuck with each other and they also need to look okay when they are in school or Mr. Yang will expel them... but the only last problem here is how do we get them agree to this?" Jisoo suddenly butted in, getting what was Chaeng's saying. The idea of it made her smile.

"WHAT?!" Chahee and Yeri shouted in unison.

"You're kidding us, Jisoo." Chahee said, shaking her head at the small girl.

"No I'm not, I'm serious. It really is a great idea." Jisoo grinned at them.

"I don't know why I'm agreeing to this but whatever." Irene stated while giggling at the end of her sentence.

"I think this is gonna be fun so I'm in. Let's see if they can play this game." Joy smirked evilly and the three girls just chuckled at her.

"So how do we do this?" Jisoo asked Rosé.

"I'm gonna throw a little party at my house for us tomorrow. Bring Jennie with you but don't tell her Lisa's coming and I'll do the same with Lisa. Let's do it using the truth or dare game." Rosé explained at them and smiled.

"How are you so sure it's gonna work?" Yeri asked crossing her arms.

"If they don't want to agree with the dare then we'll blackmail them. As easy as that. They don't want the whole school knowing about their little secrets, don't they?" Rosé answered wiggling her eyebrows while smiling mischievously.

"This is surely gonna be fun and I can see it coming." Irene laughed while rubbing her hands together.

"So are you guys in or not?" Rosé asked everyone and putting her hand infront of the girls. Jisoo slumped her hands on top of Rosé's followed by Irene and Joy.

Chahee just looked at their hands contemplating wether to join their games or not knowing her bestfriend and Lisa will end up being the same but she did put her hands on top of the rest anyways.

"Are you joining us or what?" Joy judged Yeri. She just crossed her arms and looked at the other way.

"Come on, Yeri. It's for our friends. Don't be like that." Rosé told her but she just ignored the girl, then suddenly Joy smacked her head again making her shout.

"Yah! You always do that!" She glared at Joy and crossed her arms again earning another smack.

"Urgh! Fine! I'll join so you will just stop hitting me." She groaned in annoyance and put her hands along with the others in defeat.

"Let's do this. Let's see how it goes." Rosé smiled feeling determined.

"For Jennie and Lisa..." Jisoo started.

"For Jennie and Lisa." They shouted in unison and put their hands on the air in sync, smiling at each other and giggling.

The girls gave each other a beso and hugged, bidding their goodbyes reminding each other about their plan tomorrow, all of them just keeps nodding and giggling. They went their separate ways around the parking lot and went inside their cars.

But on the other hand Lisa went home exhausted.

Exhausted about the news that she just received and exhausted about all her fights with Jennie. She can't help but to feel guilty though, she knows Jennie started it but whenever she gets revenge it's always beyond limits and it just hit her now. Jennie's voice keep on ringing through her mind...


"I didn't know that car means that much to her. I've never seen someone that mad yet vulnerable over a car..." she sighed while massaging her temples and slumped her back on the mattress.

You're fucking disgusting. You don't value stuffs, you don't value anything. You're just so fucking argh!!!

She closed her eyes trying to shrug the scene earlier that keeps on replaying in her head.

And do you even fucking know I got harrased by two fucking creeps because of your shit?!

Lisa groaned in frustration, covering her face with a pillow. Those words keep repeating on her head since she got inside the bus, she even tried listening to music but it just won't work. She knows that it was partially her fault why they were put in that position but she was mad earlier and can't help herself but to find someone to blame it all on. All she ever want to do right now is just apologise sincerely to Jennie. She thought that she finally hit the spot and went really beyond the belt, it was such a dumb move as she told herself. She finally gathered everything in her and took her phone from the bed side table and started typing...

Hey. I don't know what to say, I don't even know why I'm texting you and I don't know what's the reason but I just realised how much that car means to you and I'm very sorry for pulling out such stunts... I thought it was really funny but it's not. It was dumb I know, I felt really guilty doing it. I admit it's my fault too and I'm sorry for blaming it all on you earlier. I was just mad and frustrated that I didn't realised you were feeling that too. I don't expect from you right now but I just wanted to say how sorry I really am and I promise to stop causing problems with you...

She paused for a minute contemplating wether to send it or not but her finger has its own life and clicked the send button. She sighed and put her phone down beside her, she was so eager to get a reply from Jennie but she didn't receive any.

2 hours had passed and she's still waiting for the reply, she checked her phone after playing a console game but again, nothing. She sighed and throw herself at the bed, she just stare at the ceiling feeling really tired. Minutes later, her eyes started to feel heavy. She closed her eyes, feeling comfortable by the bed and dozing herself into a deep slumber.


I was sleeping until I heard my phone ringing making me opened my eyes from my pretty sleep. I groaned and scratched my eyes, I feel really tired today and even resting isn't enough to get my energy back. I slowly sat down on my bed and grabbed my phone not checking who the caller is...

"Hello?" I mumbled still feeling sleepy.

"Lisayah! Oh my God! Finally after 7 tries you answered!" The familiar voice exclaimed on the other line, she was shouting that I had to move the phone away from my ears.

"Are you okay? How are you?" She asked me.

"I'm fine. I'm just tired with today..." I replied while fixing my bangs.

"I'm sorry about what happened earlier, Liz." Rosé's voice suddenly softened.

"No. I should be the one saying sorry because I caused the problem not even thinking before doing anything stupid. I'm sorry though..." I sighed but all I hear was silence from the other line.

"It was actually my fault too that this happened and I'm regretting it now. I don't wanna get expelled, Chaeng. I would definitely lose all my achievements if that happens..." I just heard her sighed, I closed my eyes and continue.

"I finally apologised to Jennie..." I whispered through the phone hoping she didn't hear it.

"What?! Am I hearing this right? Or maybe my mind is just messing with me right now, there's no way you will do i----" She finally spoke up but I cutted her off.

"You heard me right, Chaeng. As much as I hate to do it, I apologised to her. I felt really guilty though..." I said and leaned my head towards the head board.

"Oh my God! This is such a good news! And I'm so happy you finally did it after all these years. We should celebrate this!" She exclaimed, happiness evidence in her voice. I just chuckled at her.

"Is this the start of a new friendship?" She asked me, she is probably wiggling her eyebrows right now. I know this girl too much. I laughed at her question.

"No. Just because I apologised doesn't mean I wanna be friends. I just promised her I'm not gonna cause anything with her anymore but I don't think I can fulfill that." I chuckled at the end of my sentence. Don't get me wrong, I really felt guilty and I really am sorry but I don't really think we can be friends. We annoy each other so much, it's not that easy.

"But you might get expelled if you don't work your relationship out with her..." Rosé's voice suddenly changed from cheerful to sad.

"I'll try it. I promise." I smiled even though she can't see it.

"Anyways, we still have to celebrate it. I'm throwing a little party tomorrow at my house for us including Jennie's friends and you should come..." I gulped and I suddenly feel nervous.

"Does that mean Jennie will be there too? If yes, then I won't go. It's gonna be awkward." I told her while biting my fingernails.

"I don't think she's gonna come. Come on, Lisa. Let's just have fun after all the stress you made for yourself. You'll definitely need it." I chuckled at my bestfriend. This chipmunk never really failed to make me happy. She's honestly my mood maker.

"Fine. I'll come." I said finally agreeing to her.

"Yay!!! Be here at 6 p.m okay? We're also having a sleep over." Just when I was about to debate she hung up the phone call.

Well, shit sherlock. I'm doomed. I face palmed my face and went my way downstairs to get myself a water. I checked my phone if Jennie replied... nope, still no replies. I guess she isn't gonna accept my apologies anymore, I might as well not bother her.

Well, I'll try not to.

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