Returning Sins

By GamingObli

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Izuku Midoriya. He was framed of being the UA traitor because of a video that showed him stealing several fil... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6

Chapter 1

25.3K 276 1.1K
By GamingObli

It was a wonderful start to Izuku's day. He had a wonderful dream of being able to control 100% of One For All (OFA) and saving many civilians from villains. When he went to have breakfast, the dorm was so peaceful and quiet, a bit weird but hey....peace and quiet. So after breakfast, he went to class.

He wore the normal UA uniform, his red sneakers, his normal yellow bad and wore white earphones listening to 'Passionate Spectrum'. (Foreshadowing...) 

While walking through UA, Izuku felt nervous. It was quiet, too damn quiet. It felt like something bad was gonna happen....

He was in front of the door of his class, Class 1-A. His stomach became uncomfortable. He felt like if he opened the door, a wave of 'fuck you' was gonna roll over him.

He slowly opened it to see something that...really confused him.

He saw his class, Aizawa, Midnight, Present Mic, Nezu, All Might in his muscle form standing at the front of the door, as if waiting for him. (This happens after Eri's rescue and also AFO didn't get caught)

"Ummm....what's going on?" Izuku ask nervous.

"Shut up you damn traitor Deku!" screamed Bakugou angrily creating mini explosions in his palms readying to strike.

"Um what do you mean?" Izuku ask confused and nervous.

"Don't try to act innocent you sneaky bastard!" Kaminari said also angrily, electricity covering his body.

"Now now students no need to act so violent." Nezu said making Kaminari and Bakugou deactivate his quirk.

"Now...Izuku Midoriya."Nezu said coldly, expression changing.

"Yes?" Izuku says nervous and shivering to the bone.

He was then suddenly trapped by Aizawa's scarf and can feel All Might's presence behind him.

"Wha-What are you-" Izuku could say before Nezu interrupts.

"Izuku Midoriya, on 11:53 PM yesterday, you sneaked into my office and stole  several flies about you classmate's quirks and skills." he stated.

"WHAT!" Izuku's screams confused.

"But I was sleeping during that time!' He states.

"Don't try to fight a loosing battle. We have evidence that you sneaked into Nezu's office and stole the files." Aizawa says, his red eye's glowing a deadly shade of red.

Midnight then proceeds to show a video of Izuku in his hero costume going into Nezu's office via window and opening a cabinet and taking several files and exiting.

Saying that Izuku was confuse would be the greatest understatement, as great at saying that Goku is only a little afraid of needles.

"Bu-but that wasn't me...."Izuku managed to say.

"Shut your mouth your traitor!" Uraraka says angrily.

"Ura..raka..." Izuku says as his head fell down and tears threaten to come out.

"I'm very disappointed in you Young Midoriya. You were the last person I expected to be the traitor." All Might said as he had a frown full of disappointment.

".......All....Might..." Izuku said softly.

"You will be put in the world's worst prison for life. The plane is already here." Present Mic says.

The Pro Hero's then put Anti-Quirk handcuffs on him. All the way Izuku stayed quiet as his head held  down. Not in disappointment no...but in betrayal. He walked to the air plane with All Might, Midnight, Nezu, Aizawa and Present Mic. As they were about to enter the air plane, All Might plucked out a string of Izuku's hair, making him wince. Izuku knew why he did take away Izuku's OFA. Now tears REALLY was gonna come out, some already have.

"I'm taking back what's mine.." All Might said coldly.

As they went into the air plane, Izuku just stayed silent as tears ran down his face.

'What did I ever do to deserve this?' he thought.

He was placed in Prison Z.( Hey think of a better name)

In Prison Z, it held the most ruthless and cruellest of villains across the world.

1 Week 

In the first week, Izuku was abused and harassed by the other prisoners. The only thing that kept him alive was the help of several guards that believed in Izuku's innocence. When they first met him, they asked him why he was here since he was so young.

"Hey kid. Why you in here? You're too young to be in prison." One of the guards asked him coldly.

"....I was betrayed...betrayed by the ones that I thought cared for me....the ones that I thought would help me in the darkest of times. I was framed for something that I didn't even do...something that I would never do in a thousand years..."Izuku said the sadness obviously noticeable in his voice.

This obviously peaked their attention since by the way he said it, the way his eyes and voice was filled with nothing but despair, pain, loss......betrayal. Whenever they asked this to other prisoners, it was obvious if they faked their sadness or despair. But for Izuku, it was so true and it was obvious that he felt broken.

"I was a hero in training in UA. I did well in my classes, managed  to save many people, helped my teachers, classmates and people that didn't even knew me that much." he said sad again, remembering him saving Kota from Muscular, and Eri from Overhaul. 

"I thought life was on my side, helping me a good life with good people. As a kid I wanted to be a hero. But when I learn that my quirk may not even appear, nobody believed in my dream, not my friends,not my teachers, not even my family." Izuku said tears coming out of his eyes. 

"I was bullied by my 'friends', put at the edge of death almost everyday. My father left me because of my absence of a quirk. I learned that day when I was four were not born equal. For 11 years, my life was full of people that didn't believe in me, people that hurt me, destroyed me! For something I had no control over!" Izuku screamed as tears fell down from his cheeks.

" *Sniff* When I was 15, my 'best friend', Katsuki Bakugou told me to....he told me to....he told me to take a swan dive off the roof off the building....." Izuku said, managing to say what Bakugou told him.

This obviously caught the already heartbroken guards who were crying tears of sympathy for the boy off guard. He only wanted to be a hero that protect others as a kid...but life had other plans. No one believed in him...

"That same day... the slime villain that All Might was chasing caught me...almost killing me if not for All Might. That same day, I asked him....I asked him whether I, a quirkless kid, could be a hero like him....he said no...he said no in the coldest way possible...." Izuku said as more tears dripped off of his, and the guards, faces.

"After that, the slime villain caught Bakugou. When I reached the scene, I saw no Pro Hero's helping him...they were standing there as they watched him suffer..waiting for  a hero with a 'better quirk' to appear...On instinct...I ran to him...I ran to Bakugou to save the person that torment me for years....I managed to make him breathe by my useless and stupid attempt to save him....Thankfully All Might managed to blow that slimy bastard into pieces all over." Izuku said still laying and sitting on the cold cement floor with his back against the wall.

"I got scolded by the Pro Hero's because of my recklessness...that same day, All Might came to me to tell me that I could be a hero which obviously made me happy since he was the first person to ever believe in me....He also told me to meet him at Dagobah Muncipal Beach Park to train with was probably the happiest day of my life.." Izuku said as although tears came out of his eyes, he managed to smile, causing the guards to also smile.

"After cleaning the beach for ten months, he beach was spotless. My quirk manifested.. According to All Might, it was because I had to be physical enough to maintain the power...of my quirk.."Izuku said surprising the guards since it turned out that he was the one that cleaned Dagobah Muncipal Beach Park and that his quirk had to come out when he grew physical enough. 

"After the UA entrance exam, I went to UA...I met and made new memories...Then came the USJ event that traumatised me and my friends..then there was the UA Sports Festival, the events at Hosuh, the Camp and kidnapping of Bakugou, the battle of All Might and All For One that despite All For One's escape, it also caused him to be even weaker. There was also the Hero Licensing Exam and finally...the Eight Precepts Of Death...and...then I am...betrayed by the ones I loved and in the prison that kept the worst of the worst..." Izuku said returning from slightly happy to sad again.

Then....there was silence....Nobody spoke..the only sounds were the sound of sniffs from the guards..Izuku managed to sleep while the guards just sympathised with Izuku and his life...

The next day, they told Izuku's life story to several other guards which also grew sympathetic with Izuku and his life. They helped Izuku in protecting him from the other prisoner's that tortured and tormented him.

Week 2

Izuku's torture continued sometimes he almost died if the guards didn't reached him in time. All the guards could tell from his aura,voice, eyes that he was broken. He almost became..emotionless. They became worried.

Week 3-4

This week was hell for Izuku. While he was walking to get food, several of the other prisoners pinned him to the wall before stabbing his left eye with a dagger they made. Izuku screamed in pain as he managed to kick off the person with the dagger. His scream alerted several guards as they came to Izuku's aid and carried him to the infirmary as the doctor aid him. Many of the guards guarded the infirmary so that no prisoner could enter...They really cared for Izuku...

Sadly, Izuku lost his left eye and can no longer see from his left eye...since he lost it..(Well done me) This worried the guards even more since Izuku now looks like an empty husk with no emotion nor soul. Now, 3 guards will stay with him whenever he walked around to make sure he isn't attack again. Over his left eye, he wore bandages around it.

( Just Imagine its Izuku and that the bandage is covering his left eye and that his right eyes has a dull green color )

Week 5

It was night and Izuku was sleeping somewhat peacefully if you call sleeping on a pillow and on the cement floor peaceful as the guards that first listened to his tale.

Izukus Mindscape

In Izuku's dream he was in a black void with nothing.

"Where am I?" he asked himself.

"Sate sate sate, so you're the one that Merlin said was worthy to inherit our power." a voice said alerting Izuku.

"Who are you! Show yourself!" Izuku said getting into a fighting stance.

"No need to worry pal we're not gonna hurt you." the voice said as someone came out from the darkness.

"Who are you? And wait 'we'?" Izuku asks confused.

"The name's Meliodas, The Dragon Sin of Wrath. And 'we' are the Seven Deadly Sins.  Come out guys!" Meliodas says.

Suddenly, seven other figures come out.

"So your that kid that Merlin's been talking about. You look pretty worthy for a kid. The name's Ban, The Fox Sin Of Greed." Ban says.

"Yes Ban, this is the child I've been talking about. I've been watching him for years and he is definitely worthy." a voice says.

"Greetings! My name is Merlin, The Boar Sin Of Gluttony." Merlin introduced.

"Oh My God! He looks so cute!" A voice said as a pair of large arms grabs him.

"Hi there! My name is Diane, the Serpent Sin Of Envy!"  Diane says as she rubs Izuku on her cheek who blushes slightly but still looks dead inside.

(Like this but instead of Meliodas, it's Izuku)

"So you guys are 100% sure he's the one that is the most worthy to give our power to? *Yawn*" a voice that came from a child who was sitting on a green floating pillow.

"Yes King, he is the best candidate. I've looked through his memories and he has shown true selflessness, courage, care and loyalty." a voice that belonged to a girl? boy? with pink hair and glasses.

"If so, then I do believe he is the best choice to be our successors." said a large man with orange hair, an orange moustache and is large and tall,possibly rivalling that of All Might.

"Power? Successor? What do you mean by that?" Izuku asked almost no emotion in his voice.

"Oh, so you must be Izuku!" a voice suddenly said from behind Izuku.

As Izuku turned, he saw a girl with long silver hair. Her left eye was blue while her right was orange. She also had 4 white wings on her back.

"Hi there, my name is Elizabeth. It's a pleasure to meet you." Elizabeth said politely to Izuku causing Izuku to crack a slight smile.

"The pleasure is mine." Izuku said politely as he smiled.

"Anyways..." Merlin said as she floated down.

"I think introductions are needed." Merlin continued.

" That is King, Gowther and Escanor." Merlin said as she pointed to King, Gowther and Escanor.

"Yo," King replied loking at Izuku.

"Greetings," Escanor replied.

"Hello," Gowther replied.

"So, what am I doing here? And also what do you mean by... successor?" Izuku asked, still no emotion in his voice.

'Well Izuku. You are here because we want you to inherit our power. The power of the Seven Deadly Sins!" Meliodas informed Izuku.

"The captains right. We find you worthy enough to have our power." Ban also said.

"We've been watching you throughout your life. You have showed true courage, selflessness, loyalty, and the need to help others, no matter the cost." Merlin also said.

The Sins could see Izuku, head hung low looking at the floor. Izuku recalled All Might wanting him to be his successor and inherit his power before taking it back from him.

How could he trust these people that also want him to inherit his power?

How does he know whether this is a trap by the villains?

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Suddenly, Izuku was hugged by everyone.

"We know you feel betrayed,lost,broken. I understand that this is confusing for you and you feel lost and confused. But, trust us. We won't betray you. We will always be here with you. By your side." said Meliodas as he hugged Izuku tighter.

Izuku was shocked by the sudden action but.....he embraced the hug. The care. The love. The tears haunting his eyes for so long let loose. His tears fell like waterfalls. For a long time they weren't tears of sadness,grief or betrayal.

They were tears of happiness.

After the event, the Seven Deady Sins went to tell Izuku about each of their powers and abilities.

"Alright Izuku! We're gonna teach you and train you to be able to contain and use our power!" Meliodas said excited.

"How long will it take?" Izuku asked wiping the tears on his cheeks.

"At least 8 years!" Meliodas replied non-chalantly.

"8 YEARS!?" Izuku screamed shock.

"Don't worry Izuku. In here, time goes far faster than here. 7 years here would be 7 hours in the real dimension." Merlin replied calming Izuku's nerves.

"Oh. In that case...I'm ready!" Izuku replied,ready for what may be ahead.

"That's the spirit!" Meliodas said.

"Let's begin with the captain first, then Ban, Diane, King, Gowther, then me, and lastly Escanor." Merlin told everyone.

"Alright then! Let's start Izuku!"

1 Year

For the first year, Izuku learnt how to use a sword, to learn to use Lostvayne. Meliodas also made Izuku into a demon, allowing him to go into the various demon forms and use Hellblaze. He successfully learnt 'Full Counter' and also managed to evolved the attack to 'True Counter' where he can successfully counter magical,range and physical attacks with triple the power. He also managed to fully keep his emotions with his demon mark and successfully have his emotions in Assault Mode for 20 minutes. He also mastered using Lostvayne.

Year 2

With Ban, Izuku learned how to  use his sacred treasure Courechouse. He also managed to learn all of Ban's abilities and managed to get his immortality to an extent. Despite getting Ban's immortality, he doesn't regenerate his left eye as a reminder of his current life in prison. He also managed to learn how to cook nice food.

Year 3

With Diane, Izuku managed to learn how to control the Earth, use Diane's sacred treasure, Gideon and use her techniques like Heavy Metal.

Year 4

With King, Izuku learned on how to use Chastiefol and use all of its forms. King also turned Izuku into a fairy but he doesn't choose to show his wings. Izuku also manged to use Disaster. 

Year 5

With Gowther, Izuku managed to master his sacred treasure, Herritt. Izuku managed to better his magic abilities with Gowther's help.

Year 6

With Merlin, Izuku mastered using her sacred treasure Aldan. Izuku also managed to use Infinity too. Izuku managed to use all Merlin's techniques and also have a very great control in his magic. 

Year 7

With Escanor, Izuku manged to use Escanor's sacred treasure, Rhitta. Izuku also attained his ability Sunshine and managed to learn all his techniques.

Year 8

With Elizabeth, Izuku managed to learn the techniques of the goddesses and their history with the other races. During this, Izuku was also turned into part goddess, making him 1/4 demon, 1/4 fairy, 1/4 goddess and 1/4 human.

And thus, Izukus 8 years of training with the Sins had concluded. He learned their history, techniques and power. Izuku felt happy with the Sins. They treated him like family.

"Well Izuku I think its time for you to go back to the living world." Meliodas said to Izuku.

Izuku hung his head low sadly.

"....will I ever see you guys again?" Izuku asked sadly as he looked at the Sins as tears threatened to come out

"...You will Izuku. We will always be by your side. Always." Meliodas replied as Izuku went to hug him.

"Thank you...Thank you for everything.." Izuku replied in between sniffles.

"Its no problem Izuku." Meliodas replied before returning the hug.

Soon everyone also hugged him.

"Well I guess its time I go.." Izuku said as he wiped his tears.

"Bye you guys. Thank you for everything." Izuku said as he smiled at the Sins.

"Its no problem Izuku. We will always support you." Elizabeth replied.

"Yeah you adorable brat. We will always support you, no matter what." Ban added.

"Yea what Ban said. It was really fun watching and teaching you Izuku." King also added.

"King is right Izuku. You've always been fun to hang around with." Merlin said.

"Yea. Having you around is like a light in a dark place." Diane said.

"Its true. You brought hope,joy and happiness to all of us." Gowther said as he smiled at Izuku.

"They are right Izuku. Remember that we will always be with you." Escanor said to Izuku.

"Thank you everyone. You guys mean so much to me." Izuku said.

"Well I guess its time for me to go....Bye everybody!" Izuku said as he waved at the Sins.

"BYE IZUKU!" they all said in unison as Izuku got covered in a bright flash of light.


Izuku slowly opened his eyes to see that he is inside his cell.

'Was that a dream?' he asked.

"Oh your awake Izuku! Wait, since when did your hair have yellow in it?" One of the guard asked Izuku who he saw awake.


Izuku slowly got up and looked into a mirror in his hair to see his hair did have yellow and green.

(Just the hair)

'So it was all real..'Izuku thought happily.

"Yo Sean what time is it?" Izuku asked, emotionless as normal.

"Hm? Oh its 7:45 am." replied Sean with an Irish accent.

"Ok." Izuku said as he started to stand up and stretch.

"Whats up Izuku?" Mark, another guard guarding Izuku asked.

"Oh I wanna make something to suppress my power a bit." Izuku replied.

"So you wanna go to the workshop?" Another guard, Felix, asked.

"Yea." Izuku said as he stopped stretching.

"All right let's go!" Sean said as he opened Izuku's cell.

As Izuku , Sean, Felix and Mark walk to the workshop, Izuku tried to summon a bit of Hellblaze which surprisingly worked.

'So it really was real' Izuku thought.

"So what you guys wanna do for the one month holiday next week?" Sean asks his two close friends.

"I'm gonna make a four-part backstory for some of my alter egos with my friends," Mark replied.

"I've heard that some other Youtube channel called T-Series is catching up to the throne. Thankfully Mr Beast has been supporting my spot as number 1. As a last result, I'm gonna make a distract called hmmm how bout Bitch Lasagna." Felix told.

"We'll try to help to if we can." Mark said.

"Yea that T-Series can kiss our ass!" Sean said.

"Alright guys I'm gonna make my suit now." Izuku told the three.

"Okay Izuku,  if you need anything call for us." Felix told Izuku which nodded in understanding.

2 Hours Later.

The workshop opened showing Izuku wearing a white jacket and some sort of muzzle.

(Basically Izuku's outfit now)

"Woah nice jacket Izuku!" Mark told amazed at Izuku's outfit.

"Thank Mark. Even with one eye I'm not gonna let things stop me," Izuku replied as Mark, Sean and Felix smile in happiness. 

"Anyways Izuku you have guests waiting for you," Sean informed Izuku.

"Hm? Oh that's interesting to hear. Let's go..." Izuku said to the trio.

As they walked to the place Izuku's visitor's were at, Izuku felt.....a disturbance..

As they opened the door to the waiting room, Izuku saw Nezu with Midnight with him waiting for him. Izuku's expression grew to one of of slight anger, his face showing it but his eye remaining having its dull green colour. This caught the attention of Felix. Mark and Sean.

"Woah calm down Izuku. I don't think there to hurt you," Felix said reassuring Izuku.

"Hope you're right..." Izuku replied as he hesitantly sat down.

"So...what do you guys want? To torment me some more?" Izuku asked annoyed at seeing his 'teachers'.

"Izuku Midoriya, we're sorry.." Nezu said as he and Midnight bowed at Izuku, obviously confusing him.

"What?"Izuku asked confused at the twos actions.

"We were too rash in our decision that we didn't consider looking at footage from other camera's of the school to see Himiko Toga shape shifting into you and stealing the papers." Nezu informed with a sad smile.

"After finding that info, we quickly came to take you back to UA so you can continue with you hero studies. Do you accept?" Nezu asked Izuku as Izuku had a face devoid of emotion.

".......and what if I said no?" Izuku asked surprising everyone.

"I guess if you said no than you will have to stay here for-"


The sound of Nezu's phone suddenly beeped. A he looked at his phone, his face morphed to one of horror.

"Class 1A, 1B and The Big Three are being attacked by villains in the USJ not long before we arrived!" Nezu informed, shocking everyone.

"WHAT!?" everyone said in unison.

"Dammit we have to go!" Nezu told Midnight who nod in agreement.

"Wait!" Izuku shouted gaining the twos attention.

"I will come back.." Izuku told them.

"If it means protecting other people...than I will come back to UA..."Izuku told them.

"Alright then come with us to the jet." Nezu told them.

"No need, I got my own ways to come but faster.."Izuku told them as the two nod and run to the jet outside.

"Well, I guess this is goodbye guys.." Izuku said looking at the trio.

"Tell the other guys that I've been released and that I'll come back.."Izuku said cracking a slight smile.

"Ok, we'll miss you Izuku."Sean said.

"We all will.." Mark said.

"Thanks guys.."  Izuku said smiling.

"Shunkan Ido!' Izuku said as he disappeared in the blink of an eye.

In Another Place

All Might POVs

'Damnit, The League of Villain can't win this now...Damnit!' All Might thought as he was in his buff form but he was bleeding greatly. Blood coming out of his mouth, a trail of blood going down his forehead and his shirt in pieces as he was bleeding heavily.

In front of him was three Nomus. A similar Nomu to the first USJ attack, another similar Nomu to the USJ attack but green, and another Nomu similar to the first one but with two extra arms attached to his back and having a bright red coloured skin.

They all seemed to have greater shock resistance and greater hyper regeneration. Not even a 120% Detroit Smash could damage the Nomus.

'Damnit at this rate, me, the students, the other teachers....we'll all get killed....'

"HAHAHAHAHA! It's time for you to die All Might! Nomu Red, Kill Him!" Shigaraki ordered as the Red Nomu  started to rush at All Might.

'Damnit! I'm sorry everyone!' 

No One's POV

Everyone could only watch in terror as the Red Nomu rushed to All Might.

They were all bloody and beaten to the ground at the floor on the ground. No one was dead but everyone was severely injured and bloodied.

Before the Nomu could reach All Might, it was suddenly kicked by a figure that caused a large cloud of dust to form.

"You guys been doing some bad things while I've been gone..." a voice spoke from the dust.

"That voice....You're!" All Might said before the dust blew away...

'Sate, Sate, Sate..." in the middle of the dust cloud was Izuku with an emotionless expression but deep inside, his blood was boiling.

"I'm stopping you now.." Izuku finished as everyone looked in shock.

Izuku stood there in the middle of the USJ, wearing his white straight jacket and muzzle, facing the League Of Villains, prepared for a massacre. 

Well I'm done with this chapter of a brand new story other than the Multiverse One. I might be able to upload more recently now thanks to school break for a week. Either way, I'm gonna try to more of this chapter as I think of a way to put the villains in the Multiverse Book....maybe an Undertale AU...

Well Other than than that...stay awesome you guys....

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