Miya the Nerd (x Alucard? Cla...

By Bananaeni

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[edited] This is miya's story. She's a bookworm that has been dreaming of having a dreamy romance life. She's... More

One, days at Dawn High
Two, sudden misfortune
Three, gatherings of friend and foe
Four, a soap opera
Five, unfair favor
Six, contract in progress
Seven , but not all answers
Eight, you! wait..
Ten, recovery and bonding
Eleven, a New friend?
Twelve, swoosh!
Thirteen, really?
Fourteen, strolling
Fifteen, loss and gain
Sixteen, heart unlock
Seventeen, one or two?
Eighteen, inside yourself
Ending : Rooftop
Ending : Dojo

Nine, Why?

181 7 0
By Bananaeni

It's the end of school again and i'm with alucard at the library. No Claude today. Thank you Moon God, one person is enough for me to deal with. Although, knowing the reason behind those attack brings some understanding from their perspective, my body still refuses to forget.

So, it's math day, and Alucard looks like he got no trouble doing his problems i made while i checked his homework from yesterday about biology.

Checking here and there, i remembered that he's terrible at memorising. But his problem solving and logic is in fact isn't anywhere near bad. If he can wrap his finger on it, he'll answer correctly. Probably 2-3 weeks later he can even beat my score. Why i said so? because his chemistry is better then i am now. Bummer. But that's a fact. I can no longer teach him at it, (because i'm also bad at explaining chemistry, not because i'm stupid it it!) and so he moved on to Claude as his teacher. That makes my Tuesday off from him.

"Miya," he tapped the table thrice with his fingers near me so i caught his attention. "How do you solve this again?" He asked. I leer at the problem. But then because i'm not in a good mood, from bloody monthly thingy, i looked back to his biology homework. Yes, it's probably an excuse.

"Finish what you can first," i said short. His face looked like he want to say something but stopping midway. Probably because he how my face is, looking un'argue'able. So he shifted his position and back to his problems. 5 minutes later, i find something from one of the question on his biology homework to be odd, so i stood up and go to find a biology book. After getting the book i wanted to in hand, i noticed Alpha to be looking at me, somewhat eagerly. I waved at him, and was about to go back sit, but there's just this feeling that i should probably go to Alpha. So i did. And i was right.

"Hello, Alpha. I see you're alone again here," i said when i arrived there.

"Hello, miya. Saber and Angela are off to somewhere. They're kinda busy lately," he said in his robotic voice nicely. Ooh how i liked that tone! Any other boys talking to me are either trying to pick a fight, or wanting something from me (i could be wrong. But so far, it's like this. Take alucard before this deal as an example). Nope, not from this sibling, and definitely not from Estes. But he do lecture me. "Um, actually, i want to ask you some things." I nodded enthusiastic. Then he moved the book from in front of him to me and pointed at the problem. As you guessed it, it's sociology.

I laughed quietly, "I thought you've done asking me question because there's angela. She is the expert in sociology." He looked to the side bashfully, playing with his thumb. "Alright," i said, pulling a chair to sit. But someone tugged my arm, pulling it, so i took 2 or 3 steps backward. I looked at who it is and is immediately feeling agitated. But before i could say anything he beat me at it.

"I thought you're teaching me?" Alucard looked at me with a cocked brow. I want to answer but his face goes to Alpha. "Look buddy, you have tons of other people you can ask to, so leave her be, ok? She's currently taken." He stated in a somewhat low tone, almost threatening. "I heard your sister is the expert at this," he took the sociology book looking at it, "so go to her. Ain't she your sister?" He placed the book back, then take a turn, pulling me with him. I tried to take my hands back from alucard's grip and stay with the poor guy. Not successful. So I mouthed sorry to Alpha before finally disappear from taking a turn, covered by the shelf.

Alucard pulled a chair and making me sit there. I eyed him with pure irritation visible but he just ignore me.

"What was that all about?!" I said, leaning myself towards him so i don't have to freakin' yell in this library.

"You're my teacher," he said, tapping his book with a pen, not looking at me, and resting his head to his free hand.

"I can be anyone's teacher, Alucard!"

"Yeah, but right now you're teaching me! So stick to it! Here, i'm done answering!" He shove the book so it's right in front of me, pushing some of the book that got in the way. Then he crossed his hand, looking away.

I tilted my head, then look at the book, checking it. He managed to answer it after all. Since all of it is probably correct, i didn't bother to check and looking back at him with one of my brow raised in curiosity.

What is this? I feel like i'm handling a child. A pouting child, at that. What is wrong with him?Don't tell me-

"Alucard, are you-" He got up from his seat, take his bag then walk out from the library, a little bit speedy. Leaving me agape.

What the heck?

After that he doesn't come back to the library. While waiting on him, thinking he's going to be back, i checked all of his homework, biology and math, and the result take me aback by bit. Well i didn't expect it. All of his math is correct yes, but his biology, out of 20 questions, he got 14 correct, even though he's bad at memorising. And i went to look for Alpha, but he wasn't there anymore :'( God knows how hurt he is because he's such a softie. I hope it won't cause trouble later. But just when i thought of that, i looked the sociology book i gave to him (a few chapters back). There's a paper stuck on it. When i read it, it says:

Hello miya, this is Alpha. From what Alucard said, i noticed that you're probably a busy person and me, asking you is only troubling you. So in hope that i wouldn't disturb you anymore, i'll just go to other people to ask anything related to my studies. I hope you have a good day, and please tell Alucard that im sorry.

Sincerely, Alpha.

God! He's just too pure for this cruel world! I have to knock Alucard some sense! But he's not here. So, next time. But since tomorrow is Tuesday, which is his chemistry lesson, i probably won't find him to whack his head. I just have to be patience, because i won't see him during school hours.

Anyway, i'm on my way back home. With Claude.



"WhAt tHe FriCk-!!" I shouted, jumping away when i realised he's walking beside me. "Gosh, you sneaky little bas- when did you get here?!" i pointed at him, while the other hand checking my heartbeat. If it's still there, that is. But of course it would be, i don't have heart problems.

"When you passed the gate. I waved at you, you don't remember?" He ask. I don't even remember how i got here! I was grumbling about Alucard being a prick, i guess it makes him unnoticeable by me. Or he's just that sneaky. He's a thief! Not that he'll admit anytime soon.

"I don't. Apparently," i sighed, finally eased my heartbeat. Then i raised my brow, "Why... are you here?"

"I want to walk you home. I heard there's some shady looking guy here recently. I noticed it last week when i walk home that he always hangs around the area. Then i remembered your house is not that far from mine. I mean, we took the same route," He shrugs ,"so, why the hell not."

Why the hell yes.

"Ok, look," i properly stood myself, " you don't have to be so kind, i can take care of myself," i smiled. Sarcastic. I don't like you man. Tryna to, at least, so keep away from me. Please.

"Nah, i just so happen to go home late too anyway," he tucked his hands to his pockets, shrugging again. "Speaking of which, why do you always go home at this hour?" He asks.

"Well other than duties from the library, my parents also told me to be at school as much a can, and is totally fine if it's late, only if i take care of myself." At that last sentence, claude seems to be grinning, so i quickly added, "which i can do perfectly myself."

After that, we only going side by side, no talk whatsoever, just his whistling sound. At a cross section, i took a turn away from my house, and he's looking flustered, "why are you going that way?"

I expected this, so i answered quickly, "I have to go take my groceries." Since that last ramen incident, i always shop early in the morning and told the owner that i'll come back later to take it. Perhaps the perks of being a regular, she answered nicely, agreeing to it. That way, i won't ever again miss my groceries.

"Alright," he said following me. I turned quickly, halting him.

"You can go home, Claude. There's no need to take it so far." I said straightforward, "we're not that close yet. Also, it's still crowded there. Don't bother worrying about me." That ought to shut him down. When i see that he doesn't have anything to say back, I turned again to go to market area.

Having my groceries with me later, i walk back to my house, already have a thought on what to make for dinner. Checking my groceries so that everything's there, just so my luck, i don't have the eggs inside.

"That's right, i told the owner to keep it cool so it won't rot right away," i sighed, turning around. Thank dear Moon God that it's still open. It just so happen she knew i'll come back to take the eggs. Walking back the 2nd time, i'm starting to feel tired, especially because of blood loss (yes it's just an excuse). It's a long way up from where the market place is, and i'm starting to worry because of how dark the road ahead of me. Because today, there's about 4 broken lights on the road i'm going take. 2 in a row is dead, then one light, then another 2 broken. Just past that, there's the block to my house.

I shudder. It's somewhat windy, and i can smell that it'll rain. But i hesitate to walk there. That night where they beat me up is starting to come back. I want to stay, calm myself down, but at the back of my head, what claude said is starting to worry me. So i mustered some courage and took a step. One at a time while i check my phone on what time is it, because it's odd how there's almost no soul visible and to distract myself. Just a bit more, and i'll go into the light.

"Hold on, miya," i said, squeezing my chest, because of the fear and flashback playing on my head. Then i remember selena's face and it put off of what's left of my courage. I stood there, in the dark. With heavy breathing. I try to drag myself into the light. At least, it'll make me secure, but just to make things worse, the light flickered, startling me. Before i knew it, the only light near me is gone. The darkness feed my fear and suddenly i'm dizzy, and being breathless doesn't help. I'm down on my knees. On my head selena's kicks and punches playing, and i'm paralysed from the feeling. I shut my eyes, trying to think of something else, but couldn't.

"Hey there, what are you doing?"

Who? I don't know anyone with this kind of voice. So it must be the shady guy Claude talks about.

"Shoot." i force myself to get up, stumbling and leaning to the wall for some support, i managed to take a few steps ahead with it.

"Hey! where are you goin'! Don't leave me alone!" This time, i don't know if it's because of him shouting, but it sounded closer. Sudden tug on my shirt pulled me aback, surprising me and making me face to face with whoever it is that's been following me.

It's an old man. Creepy looking with alcoholic smell reeking from him. I'm down to the ground from the fall, and my glasses are anywhere but near. Must've fallen when he pulled me. I can hear him saying that i'm so light, asking me why i'm on the ground. His body then leaning down to look at me, stronger smell of alcohol is proof. Then he waved his hand in front of me. But my panic attack, vision blurring, and little strength make me unable to move.

"You're pretty, missy, do you mind..?" He said hoarse, then clanking sound of something is echoing to my ear. The next sound after that scared me to death. He just unzip his pants, and with that thought in mind i kicked him anywhere, got up, running past him, back to the market area. But a bottle of alcohol tripped me, and i'm stumbling down. When i'm about to get up, my feet are being pulled. I screamed, trying to get away with kicking but no avail. Then i remembered that Claude is living nearby he said.

"Claude! Claude! Claudee!" The third time i screamed, this guy muffled my mouth with his hands.

"Shh, sshh shhh, why're you screaming?" That make me to be more frantic, kicking more powerful, and trying to get his hand off of me. When i managed to do so, i took a deep breath with tears pricking my eyes.

"CLAUDE!!" i screamed at the top of my lungs. The guy somewhat panicked, and he slapped me once.

"Be quiet! You moron!" he said, covering my mouth with a cloth.

I cried thinking that this is it. But suddenly his hands are no longer on me, i opened my eyes to see claude kicking the old man on his stomach, rendering him down on his knees, barfing at that. Claude pulled me with one tug and make a run.

I looked back. "Don't look back. He deserved that," Claude said in an offhand way of talking. He take a turn after passing two blocks, he kept on going until we're taking another turn to a narrow alley.

"We'll wait here. Don't wanna make him know which one's your house." He explained shortly. I immediately fall onto my knees. Taking my breaths, adjusting it and taking off the cloth on my mouth. Looking at my state, he kneel, checking on me. Suddenly cupping my face looking at my cheek, finding it red and is starting to swell. He furrows his brows then clicked his tongue. He turned to face his shoulder.

"Hey buddy, mind going to the store for a bit?" He asked nicely. Dexter showed up from his back, looking at me then to Claude again, "i need you to buy some things." Claude said when dexter faced him. Dexter looked eager to help, but i felt bad.

"N-no, don't. I i-it's fine, i-i think i'll j-just take care of it at h-home.." I said, stuttering. He sighs. Stroking my head.

"You're ok now. Calm down, miya. Don't overwhelm yourself," he said sweetly, and it makes my eyes watery, enough to blur my vision more than it should. He took notice, "speaking of which, dexter have a gift," he said, nudging dexter. The monkey put my glasses on my lap carefully, then jumped on to Claude's back yet again. Claude sighs and take a seat, leaning on the walls while keeping watch.

I wiped my eyes, then checked my glasses. Thankfully it's totally fine, so i put it on. I gazed at Claude afterwards, thinking on how he could possibly be there to help. I took notice that he hasn't changes his uniform, assuming he hadn't go home. By the time i stopped musing, Claude also looked at me, making me blush and look away.

"You had not idea how surprised i am to find you like that," he sighs, combing his hair back, "to be honest, i followed you to the market. But stopped midway because a group of children that's still outside at this hour. I told dexter to follow you then." He said, as if he read my mind.

"Thank you..." i said ," and i'm sorry i rejected your offer. But... i just want to be able to depend on myself. Being strong," I looked down, tearing up yet again. Because the last time i remember trying to be tough, i got beaten, then today. That the world must've wanted to bring me down.

Claude smiled, "you're already strong, miya. I don't blame you that you wanted to be more stronger, but i also just want to protect you from these kind of things." Claude patted me then stood up. "It's probably save now," he said, held out a hand to me. I gaze at his hand. Just for now, please, let me take his hand. Even though i know if i do, this feelings won't stop. And even though that he just so happen to be there. But it is him. It is Claude that saved me, and at the back of my mind, i hope that he is the one that saved at that night too. Just to let this feelings flow.

So i took his hand, and he pulled me up. The whole time on the road i just keep on looking down. Looking at his step in front of me, and my own. These hands that held mine are so warm, and it put me at ease already. At least, for now.

He took me to my block, walking slowly as he looked left and right, trying to guess which is my house. When i realised that, i showed him.

"That one," i said weakly, pointing at a modern classic english house with a lot of windows visible. He nodded and after reaching there, he waited for me while i opened the gate and the front door to my house.

"Good night miya," he said with a smile. But i keep looking down, fidgeting. His smile faded then he bend his body to try looking at my face. "What's wrong?" he ask sweetly with such concern audible. I can't lie to that..

"I-i'm scared," i said, with voice getting hoarse, and eyes getting teary. "I-i... i don't think i want to be on my own for now." I said with tears starting to flow down from my cheek and soon my shoulder shook, going up and down in rhythm with my sobbing.

Claude cupped my face, wiping away my tears with his thumb, "alright, i'll accompany you. Tell me whenever you're ready to be left alone." I shook quickly.

"No, not tonight, please," i said with tears flowing again. "Please don't leave me. I'm too scared." I sob. Claude let out a small sigh with a smile on hi face. He held my hand, guiding me inside of my own house.


Hello! I made this at another dawn ;7; ) i seriously need to fix my sleeping schedule.

After doing some recap at how the story goes so far, i realised i haven't put in rafaela and miya herself, the main character to the class category. Im so ashamed ORZ. But i've edited it, so probably there's no need to say it here. Unless you're an old reader, heheh.

At this episode, i want to pull your emotion more to Claude's side, because i feel that he still doesn't get that much recognition yet. I mean, ofc a lot of you going to root for Alucard since, like, they're probably official. But i feel like there's no point in making the ending choosable if you all going to pick him in the end. So here's some competition LOL.

Tbh maybe i shouldn't tell you this, but i kinda a chatty person on screen so why the heck not. There's little to none that read A/N this long anyway hahahah (perhaps unless, you're my friend, lol)

Anyway, miya get another tragedy in her life, in which i don't intent. I was gonna use a different scene, but i'll just make it at another episode ^^. Sorry, this story is kinda long after all. I don't think i can make it shorter because i feel like love needs to grow naturally with time. Lol ok, from this you'll get how i'm not a believer in "love at first sight" kinda thing hahah!

Well i think that's all, the story is kinda long, but i hope you enjoyed it!

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