The Unordinary

By elephant576

2.8K 113 16

Six high school students looks like anyone else acts like anyone else but are capable of things no one else i... More

Character 1-1
Character 3-2
Character 1-3
Character 2-6
Character 5 and Justin-7
Joseph and Justin-8
Character 5-10
The Hospital Visiter-28
The Hospital Vist-29
The Argument-30
Everything Has Changed-31
Still Unbreakable Twinship?-32
The Meeting-33
The Encounter-34
My Family Hates Me-35
Is she dead?-36
What's going on?-37
It's Dad's Fault...-38
Oh Oh-39
Calm, Taliah Calm-40
Newspaper Report
I'm Glad I have you-41
My Brother is Super Annoying-42
My Sweet Little Sister-43
Why am I Friends With Him?-44
Coming here was a mistake-45
What happened? Who did this? Where?-46
Do I have to be here?-47
That blonde girl-48
If only I could-50
Doesn't matter-52
Questions Need Answers-53
Pain, Stop-54
Where did they put it?-55
I'm Ok-56
What's wrong?-57
Argh, Stupid Joseph-59
What-60-is happening?
Breathe. Breathe-61
My Precious Crystal-62
Questions Leave!-63
Why not have two 63?
What's Your Name?-63
Beauty Turns to Chaos-64
No Butterflies Aloud-65
The Old Me-67
His face-68
No...This is my fault-69
Don't Let This Happen-70
What am I Supposed to do?-71
I wish I did-73
Be Ok-74
Why Do They Want Me to Say Something?-75
Calling my mum shouldn't be this difficult-77
Who is he?-78
Her Room-79
Are you fine with small spaces?-80
Water isn't always a friend-82
I Hope everything is alright-85
This time I am-87
I wish I could say-88
Is it possible to trust?-89
What have I done?-90
I'm just a child-93
Hot or Cold-94
I hope-95
I shouldn't-96
I Don't Think I Could Feel Safer-99
Take me-100

You Ok?-51

13 1 0
By elephant576

Justin's Pov

"You know her name?" 

"Yes," I saw Sarah sitting in the middle of the room. "Her name is Sarah. Sarah Harrison." He nodded. Sarah was facing away from us the whole time. "What's wrong with her?"

"No one knows. Many people have tried to contact her with no luck." He stops and starts again. "None of those people knew her. You do." He whispers the last part. He pushes me forwards so I'm facing Sarah. Her sapphire blue eyes were glazed over. She was looking, but not at anything in particular. She was looking at me, whilst looking behind me. It was creepy. It reminded me of Taliah after...what happened. Just this time it was worse because I didn't know what was going through her head...her thoughts were blank. Well, nearly blank. There was something there but I couldn't see or hear what. 

"Sarah?" No response. She was properly gone. I leaned closer to her and waved my hand in front of her face.  "Sarah, you ok?" I placed my hand on her shoulder. Her eyes shifted. They shifted towards me. It startled me. It had caused me to jump back in the chair I was sitting in. What's going on with her? 

Her wavy blonde hair had turned straight and darker. Her lips started to move, but no sound came out. The words she mouthed wasn't English if it was actual words. Something was wrong but I didn't know what. Her glazed over eyes...changed. They tinted to a red than the right one fully turned red. A tear of blood came out of her right eye.

"SARAH!" I shouted. I put my good arm on her shoulder and started to shake her whilst entering her head. The doctor didn't seem to be happy with me shaking her but when he saw her face he realized Sarah could possibly die if she didn't wake up. 

I was walking in a dense forest. They trailed their leaves on the ground where they had tossed their branches. the forest I found myself in was cloaked in a blanket of darkness and shrouded in mist. All colour that could have been here had been drained like a vampire drinking away all blood from a victim. Branches where like bony fingers trapping me in a thorny grasp.

I need to find Sarah. I need to find Sarah in her own mind. I could feel my fingers change with my head, my height and legs. By the end of some sort of transformation, I was on all fours. I broke free from the fingers of the trees. I ran and ran. I ran through the veil of mist. Through the speeds I was going I hadn't noticed the lack of ground or that I had burst through the forest. I was no longer running. I looked down and saw my hand was a white paw covered with leopard prints. I was high in the sky. I was flying. I was free.

I NEED TO FIND SARAH! I can't get distracted admiring the landscape. Suddenly I had started to fall. The wind screamed like a boiling kettle as I lost control. That's when I realized my leg and arm was no longer broken. Out of all times.

I should've hit the ground but I didn't. I started to float. Suspended in air everything changed. Everything changed to a bright orange. The forest was gone just orange. The sky, a foggy orange. EVERWHERE was orange it stung my eyes. Then I saw her. I ran towards her. The closer I came the more people I saw. In the end, there was eight of them: Sarah, two girls I had never seen before, four girls who looked like my sister and a boy standing in the far distance just watching. I struggled to get to Sarah. They were clawing at her. For a brief moment, my bare leopard printed skin brushed past hers and they all disappeared. All except the boy in the distance. Even Sarah was gone.

I took a deep breath and looked around. I was back  in the hospital. Well, my body never left but my mind did. My mind was far, FAR away from here. Sarah was in front of me still. her mouth was still moving. This time I could read what she mouthed. She mouthed "Who".

"Who?" She said quickly turning around in distress. Sarah quickly examined the situation and where she was.

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