The Decision (The dragon quee...

By Avengergirl99

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~Sequel to The dragon queen of Narnia. IMPORTANT NOTE: READ THE FIRST ONE BEFORE READING THIS. The love of f... More

1. Back to Narnia
2. Flying trip
3. Reunited with old friends
4. Landfall
5. Slave traders
7. Is my father
8. The storyteller
9. The blue star
10. The battle for Narnia
11. The light is back
12. The decision (Not the last Chapter)
13. Where she belong

6. Coriakin

548 6 0
By Avengergirl99

When Clara and her friends had stopped on the next island, the decided to set up camp for the night.

While they was sleeping, someone invisible creatures walked into the camp, "Look, they brought a pig" said one of them and look over at Eustace, who was snoring, "This one is a female" said one of them and looked at Lucy, "This one too" said another and looked at Clara, "Which one of them shall we take"one of them said before they looked at Clara, and walked closer to her, but stopped when they saw Toothless who was laying like a C and slept, he had his tail around Clara, and had his right left wing over her, "We can't take her, look, who is guarded her" said one of them, "Then let's take her" said another and they cover Lucy's mouth, lifted her up and carried her away without the others saw or heard anything.

Time skip...

"Everybody up! Get up" Caspian said, everyone started to get up. "What?" Simon asked looking at Edmund "Lucy is not here" Edmund answered and Clara looked at Toothless "Toothless, you need find Lucy" she said, Toothless bowed down and started to sniff after Lucy before Clara and the others followed him into the forest.


"Stop right there" a voice said, stopping Clara and the others from moving, they looked around, but they couldn't see anyone, Toothless began to growled. 

Suddenly their weapons was taking away from them. Clara and the others try to fight, but it was impossible to fight someone you can't see.


"What sort of creatures are you?" Edmund asked as they slowly started to appear. "Great ones" said one of them "With the head of a tiger and the body of um- different tiger" said another "You don't want to mess with us" said another "Or what?" Clara asked "Or I'll claw you to death!" said one of them "I'll run my touch right through you!" said another "I will crush you with my teeth" said another, "And I'll bite you with my fangs" said another. 

Suddenly they could see the creatures, they looked like dwarf, but they only had one leg "You mean squash us with your fat bellies?" Caspian joked "Fatty bellies?" the creatures looking at each other confused "Or tickle us with your toes?" Clara continued.

Then Toothless came jumping towards the one with the white beard and pushed him off his friend, he had his left front paw on the chest of him while he was looking at him growling "Please, don't eat me" said the creatures with the white beard "Toothless, calm down" Clara said and Toothless looked at her, then back at the creatures, he growled at him before he turned around and walked away. 

Edmund took his sword "What have you done with my sister, you little pip squid?" he asked as he pointed his sword on the creatures, "Now, calm down" he said as they knew Edmund and the others could see them.

Edmund looked at Toothless who was standing next to him, "Toothless" he said, Toothless looked at the creatures and growled at him. 

"Tell me where she is, or this dragon will opened you up like a can" Edmund said with a threatening voice, the creatures looked at Edmund then at Toothless who growled more at him, "I will tell him, if I were you" Simon said, "Tell him, chief" said one of the other creatures "In the mansion" The 'chief' answered and Edmund looked confused. "What mansion?" then it appeared "Oh. That mansion" they all looked at the mansion, then Eustace decided to show up "Now, I'm getting tired of you leaving me behind" he said angrily "Look the pig is back" said one of the creatures, Eustace stopped when he saw the creatures "This place is getting weirder and weirder" he said, "He's calling us weird" one of them hissed, which caused the others to laugh. Then Lucy came with a man by her side "Lucy" Edmund breath in relief, knowing that his sister were fine now. "Caspian, Edmund, Clara. This is Coriakin. It's his island" she said.

"That's what he think. You have wronged us, magician" the creatures said and started to jump away "I have not wronged you, I've made you invisible for your own protection" Coriakin said and started to throw some power on them "Protection? That's aggressive! Oppressor!" said the creatures, "I have not oppressed you" Coriakin said "But you could have?" said the creatures "If you wanted to! Be gone" Coriakin said and then they disappeared. 

Clara, Edmund, Lucy, Caspian, Eustace and Simon, followed Coriakin inside his house "What did you mean, when you said you made them invisible for their own good?" Caspian asked "It seems to be the easiest way to protect them. From the evil" Coriakin said, "You mean the mist?" Simon asked "I mean what lies behind the mist" Coriakin said and folded out a big map before he lay it on the floor. 

Clara and the other looked at the map, "That's quite beautiful" Eustace said, Edmund and Lucy looked at him "Mean, for a make-believe map of a make-believe world" Eustace said, "There is the source of your troubles" Coriakin said and pointed on an island "Dark Island. A place where evil lurks" Coriakin said. 

Clara and Simon looked at each other "It can take any form. It can make your darkest dreams come true. It seeks to corrupt all goodness... to steal the light from this world" Coriakin said, "How do we stop it?" Clara asked, looking at Coriakin and Coriakin looked at her "You must break its spell" he said, and looked at Simon and Edmund, who stood next to each other "Those swords you two are carrying, there are four other" Coriakin said "Have you seem them?" Edmund asked "Yes" Coriakin said, "The six lords..." Caspian said and was about to say something more, but Simon cut him off "They passed through here?" he asked "Indeed" Coriakin said "Where were they headed?" Caspian asked "Where I sent them" Coriakin said and looked at another island on the map "To break the spell... You must follow the Blue Star to Ramandu's Island. There the seven swords must be laid at Aslan's table. Only then can their true magical power be released" Coriakin said, Clara and the others all looked at each other "But beware. You are all about to be tested" Coriakin said, "Tested?" Lucy asked "Until you lay down the seventh sword, evil has the upper hand. It will do everything in its power to tempt you" Coriakin said looking at them "Be strong. Don't fall to temptation. To defeat the darkness out there, you must defeat the darkness inside yourself" he said.

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