The Decision (The dragon quee...

By Avengergirl99

10.2K 127 9

~Sequel to The dragon queen of Narnia. IMPORTANT NOTE: READ THE FIRST ONE BEFORE READING THIS. The love of f... More

1. Back to Narnia
2. Flying trip
3. Reunited with old friends
4. Landfall
6. Coriakin
7. Is my father
8. The storyteller
9. The blue star
10. The battle for Narnia
11. The light is back
12. The decision (Not the last Chapter)
13. Where she belong

5. Slave traders

660 11 0
By Avengergirl99

"You all right?" Caspian asked Edmund as he started to get up slowly "Yeah" Edmund answered "They took our weapon, also my sword, I have to get it back" Simon said. "Is just a sword" Caspian said and Simon looked at him "No, is not just a sword, is a magic sword, is the only thing I have from my father, he gave it to me, before he disappeared" Simon said causing Caspian and Edmund to looked at him "Who was your father?" Caspian asked, "My father was a man name Lord Octesian" Simon said, causing their eyes to widened "What?" Simon asked looking at them "You are him, the lost son of Lord Octesian" Caspian said, "You know my father?" Simon asked and Caspian nodded "Yes, he was one of the seven lord who served under my father" Caspian said, "Do you know where your father is?" Edmund asked "No, to protect me, he gave me to a family, who lived in a small village when I was a kid, and before he left, he told me that I shall never tell anyone who my real father was, he then gave me his sword and told me to never lose it, he then boarded his ship, sailed away and I have not heard from him since" Simon said, "Don't worry, we will find your father and all the other Lords" Caspian said, Simon just nodded.

"How did you get the ability to fly?" Edmund asked and Simon looked at him "I don't know. Four years ago, I decided to sail out and find my father, so I bought a little boat, and sail out on the ocean, but it was cold and it stormed a lot. I don't know what happen, but my boat rolled around and I felled off, I tried to swim to the surface, but it was too cold and I started to ran out of air. Suddenly anything went dark and it was not so cold anymore." Simon said.

Caspian and Edmund looked at him "You died?" Caspian asked and Simon nodded "I think so" he said, "But how?" Edmund asked confused "I don't know what happen, but after a few minutes, I opened my eyes and it was like I was carry up from the water by the air. I saw the ice break and I was carried up from the ice and I saw the night sky, the stars, the moon, and suddenly I was over the ground and up in the sky, it was like I was reborn. I've had the ability to fly ever since" Simon said and looked at Caspian and Edmund who looked confused "I think it was a gift from Aslan, that he told me that my life on the ground was not over yet" Simon said, "Luckily I didn't get immortal. I wouldn't be able to see everyone around me died and I was the only one left, I wouldn't handel it" he finished. 

"What happen after this?" Caspian asked and Simon looked at him "I try to flew around Narnia asking people about the lords, but they were afraid of me" he said "Why?" Edmund asked, "Because I think they were not use to see a flying boy. Every time I met someone, they either got scared and ran or ignore me, like I was invisible. I felt more alone than ever. Then one day, I met Clara, and she was the only and first person I have met that didn't ignore me or was afraid of me, and thanks to her, people started to accept me, and not ignore me or be afraid of me. I owe Clara so much, she help be the one I'm today, I don't know what had happen, if I had not met her" Simon said looking at them. "I am sorry about our past and what happen to you about people being afraid of you" Caspian said "Is okay, what is life without challenges" Simon said with a smiled, turned around and walked over to the gate before he started hitting the door with his leg.

"It is hopeless, You'll never get out" A voice said, cutting him off. "Who's there?" Edmund asked. "Nobody, just a voice in your head" the voice said, Simon walked closer to where the voice was coming from. "Lord Bern?" he asked, shocked as he saw one of his father's friends. Lord Bern looked at Simon "You looked like my friend Octesian" Lord Bern said and Simon smiled "I am his son, Simon" he said and Lord Bern looked at him "Simon is that you" he said and Simon nodded "You have grown, last time I saw you, you were a kid and looked at you now, you are a man, you look like your father" Bern said and Simon smiled, before he looked at Caspian "Caspian is Lord Bern" he said and Caspian walked closer to Lord Bern "That was me once. I do not deserve that title anymore" Lord Bern answered, "Is he one of the seven?" Edmund asked, looking at Caspian and Simon who nodded. "Your face. You remind me of a king that I once know" Lord Bern said looking closely to Caspian "That man was my father" Caspian said. "My Lord, please forgive me" Lord Bern, started to bow down, but Caspian stopped him.

And then screams cut them off, "No, please" Edmund ran to the small window and looked outside, he, Simon and Caspian watched as they were taking people somewhere. "Where are they taking them?" Edmund asked and Lord Bern looked at them, "Keep watching" And soon they put the people in a boat and then it disappeared. "What happen?" Simon asked "It's a sacrifice" Lord Bern answered him "Where did they go?" Caspian asked "No one know. The mist was first seen in the east. Reports of fishermen and sailors disappearing out at sea. We lords have made a pact to find the source of the mist and to destroy them. They each set sail, But none of them came back" Lord Bern said, causing both Edmund, Caspian and Simon look at each other "You see, if they don't sell you to the salve traders. You're likely to be fed to the mist" Lord Bern said, "It is the same mist, that took Bella" Simon said and Edmund and Caspian looked him "We have to find Clara and the others" Simon said and Edmund nodded "We need to find them! Before it's too late" he said.

Lucy was standing on some kind of stage made of wood with her hand in chain, while people stood in front of her trying to buy her.

"I offer 60"

"I bid 80!"

"100 for the little lady"



"Anymore bids?" The man beside Lucy asked, she looked around frightened as people were just yelling numbers 'SOLD' he yelled and put a sign on her before another man took Lucy down from the stage.

"And now my gentle man, time to show you the very best" the man said as a big cage was put behind him, the cage had a blanket over it so you couldn't see what was inside, "A very living..." the man said and took the blanket off the cage and anyone gasp as their eyes widened, "Toothless" Clara said, as she saw her best friend inside the cage, "Night Fury" the man finished, they all looked at Toothless, they didn't believe what they was seeing "I tell you, this is real, what you are seeing it a living Night Fury, it's the last Night Fury, do I hear 1000" said the man




"20000" a man said.

All the people looked at the man, he took off his hood, Clara looked at him, she knew who he was, it was the shadow man, leader of the dragon hunters "Well, looked who it is, the leader of the dragon hunters, Kylan" said the man who stood by the cage "I will give you 20000 gold coins for this Night Fury and I will take it with me right away" Kylan said, "Sold" said the man. 

Kylan gave the gold to the man and the cage was put on a kind of sleigh and the sleigh drew away, "TOOTHLESS, NO" Clara yelled, and she hit the two men who was holding her before she ran after the sleigh, "Toothless" she said, and was about to jumped on the sleigh, but two men grabbed her and held her down on the ground, Toothless try to get out of the cage, but it was impossible, Clara looked up and saw the sleigh driving away. Simon, Edmund and Caspian had watch it all "No, Toothless" Simon said before he looked at Edmund and Caspian "We need to get out of here, before he is gone forever" Simon said, but then the door opened and guards enter and took them away.

"Come on move" a man said pulling Eustace on the stage "And now, for this fine specimen! Who'd kick off the bidding" the man asked, and no one answered "Come on now, me may not seem like much, but uh- he is strong"

"Yes, he's strong alright. Smells like the rear end of a Minotaur" Someone yelled from the crowd.

"That is an outrageous lie. I won the school hygiene award, two years running!" Eustace cried and everyone laughed. "Come on, someone make your bid!" The man sighed and then someone answered. "I'll take them off your hands" a man voice said "I'll take them all out of your hands" the hooded person said, and it turned out to be Drinian with Reepicheep standing on his left shoulder "For Narnia" he yelled and the Narnians attack the enemies. 

Reepicheep ran over to Lucy and help her free "Thank Reep" she said "Your majesty" Reepicheep said, Clara also got free and she quickly turned around and attack the enemies.

Edmund, Caspian and Simon got free. Simon found his sword, he flew up in the air to looked after Clara.

Clara looked around and she saw Simon up in the air "SIMON" she yelled, and he looked at her "WE NEED TO FIND TOOTHLESS, WE ARE GOING TO USE THAT TEKNIK WE HAVE PRACTICED" Clara yelled to him who nodded and flew over to her before he grabbed her shoulders and lifted her up, "Fly me to the coast, if we are lucky, he hasn't left" Clara said and Simon nodded.

They flew to the cost and they saw Toothless in a cage on a ship, they flew over to the ship and Simon put Clara down, she turned around and looked at him "Fly back and help the others, I will take care of this" Simon looked at her "Are you sure?" he asked, "I can handle this, just go" Clara said, Simon nodded, turned around and flew away. Clara opened the cage and started to cut off the rope around Toothless, but then a man grabbed her ponytail and threw her back, Clara looked up and saw Kylan, "So you are her, the dragon queen" Kylan said and Clara looked at him "Time to die" he said and took his sword, but then he heard a growling noise, he turned around and saw that Toothless, who had gotten himself loose, and he stepped closer to him. Kylan pointed his sword at Toothless, but then a knife came through his stomach "This is for all the dragons, you have hurt and killed" Clara said, Kylan felled down and was dead. Clara looked at him, she then looked at Toothless and hugged him. She got up on his back and they took off.

Simon saw Toothless came flying up from the ship, he smiled. But suddenly he got hit by a big rock from a building knocking him unconscious and he started falling down from the sky.

Clara looked behind her and saw Simon crashing down "SIMON, NO" she yelled and Toothless make a sharp turned before they flew straight down after Simon. "Come on, come on" Clara said as Simon came closer and closer to the water, "FASTER BUD" Clara said, and Toothless try to fly faster. 

But then Simon hit the water, "NO" Clara said and stopped Toothless before she jumped off his back and down into the water before she started swimming down after Simon.

She grabbed Simon and started to swim up, but she began to run out of air, and as she thought that was it she saw saw Toothless swimming down to her and he got both of them up, they came to the surface and up from the water.

Toothless shook some water off him and Clara looked at Toothless "Thanks Bud" she said. Simon opened his eyes and looked at Clara "You save me, you put your own life at risk, why?" he asked, "Because that is what we do with people we care about" Clara said and they looked at each other with a smile.


After everything was over, Clara and Simon came over to Edmund and the others as they walked through the town and people cheered, because they have got their freedom back "My king" Lord Bern said, and everyone stopped, he was holding a sword "This was given to me by your father. I hide it safely in the cave. All these years" Bern said "I thought that is a Narnian sword?" Edmund asked looking at it. "It's from your Golden Age. There are seven of those swords. Gifts from Aslan to protect Narnia, Simon already have one of them" Bern confirmed "Your father entrusted them to us. Here. Take it. And it may protect you" Bern said "Thank you, my Lord, And we shall find your lost citizens" Caspian said before they again started to leave, when Caspian yelled Edmund's name, giving him the sword.

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