The Decision (The dragon quee...

By Avengergirl99

10.2K 127 9

~Sequel to The dragon queen of Narnia. IMPORTANT NOTE: READ THE FIRST ONE BEFORE READING THIS. The love of f... More

1. Back to Narnia
2. Flying trip
3. Reunited with old friends
5. Slave traders
6. Coriakin
7. Is my father
8. The storyteller
9. The blue star
10. The battle for Narnia
11. The light is back
12. The decision (Not the last Chapter)
13. Where she belong

4. Landfall

800 9 0
By Avengergirl99

Clara was standing on the edge of the ship and was looking at the sky when Edmund came and stood next to her.

"How has it been in those three years?" he asked and Clara looked at him "Fine, how has it been for you, how is Susan and Peter?" she asked, "They are okay, we don't hear from them so much, now when they are living far away" Edmund said  "Well, it's hard to have contact with someone who live far away" she said, "Clara, I never wanted you to move, I tried to get my uncle and aunt to change their mind, even weeks after you moved out" Edmund said and Clara looked at him "I know. And I hope that you understand why I broke up with you, it was not because I stop having feelings for you, it was just, we hardly ever saw each other, and when we finally saw each other it was short time we had together. I broke up with you because of the distance not because I stop loving you" she said, Edmund looked at her and took her hand "I know, I never stop loving you either" he said as they looked at each other "I hope you understand, that you still mean a lot to me" Edmund said and Clara smiled "You still mean a lot to me too" she said and Edmund smiled.

This sweet moment between Clara and Edmund got interrupted by a man who yelled "LAND IN SIGHT"

Caspian, Lucy and Simon walked over to the edge of the ship where Clara and Edmund stood. "Landfall" Simon said looking at another island "The Lone Islands. Narrow Haven's portal" Clara said looking around. 

"Strange. No Narnia flag in sight" Edmund said looking confused "The Lone Island always been of Narnia's" Caspian said "Seems suspicious. I say we prepare a party, Drinian?" Edmund suggested looking at the captain then at Caspian "Forgive me, your Majesty, but the chain of command started with prince Caspian on this ship right" Drinian answered, not really pleased. Edmund gave him a look then looked away quickly "We use rowboats. Drinian, pick some men and come on shore" Caspian said "Men the row boats! Throw the sail and prepare to go out, and ready to lower the anchor" Drinian yelled to the crews.

"Can't we just wait till morning?" Eustace asked from behind, "There is no honor in turning away from adventure land" Clara answered but he just sighed and rolled his eyes. They got on the boats and soon they were on the island. Clara, Toothless and Simon landed next to the others and Clara got off Toothless' back.

"Come on" Reep said and reached out his hand to help Eustace up from the boat "I can handle it" Eustace said getting out of the boat, but felled causing Reep to roll his eyes "Are you sure that he is related to you by blood?" Caspian asked looking at Eustace then on Lucy and Edmund, hoping that he was not their cousin after all.

"Listen!" Clara whispered making them all stopped and looked around. "Where is everyone?" Lucy asked worried "Reepicheep, stay here with Drinian's men and secure the place" Caspian said holding a crossbow "We will head up, if we don't come back by dawn, send the party" Caspian said, "Yes, your Majesty" Reepicheep said and Caspian looked at Clara "Clara you stay here too" he said and Clara looked at him "Yeah, not going to happen" she said and walked past him.


Eustace followed them, but they weren't really pleased about it. 

They enter the small city, Toothless walked behind them, but when he was about to step on some sand, Clara stopped him "Toothless, stop" she said and Toothless stopped "Don't move a muscle" Clara said pulled up a knife and threw it down on the sand, when the knife hit the sand, a big metal trap closed, Edmund and the others looked at the trap with widened eyes "Dragon trap" Simon said, "I think that was the only one here" Clara said, Toothless walked past the trap and over to Clara.

"Yeah looks like nobody is home, so do you think we should go back?" Eustace said as he was following them. 

"Do you want to come here and guard.... Something?" Edmund asked, "Ah yes, good idea cousin" he said as he went closer to them, Caspian walked over to Eustace and gave him a small knife. 

"I've got it, don't worry" Eustace said as Clara and the others started to go inside the big building they heard Eustace's small voice "I'm ready to go when you are!"

Clara, Edmund, Simon, Caspian, Lucy and Toothless walked into the building, they saw an opened book on a small table in the middle on the room, Clara, Edmund, Simon, Caspian and Lucy walked over to it, while Toothless was walking around the room. "Who are all these people?" Clara asked looking down at the book, and looked at the names there was writing in it. "Why are they've been crowed out?" Lucy looked at Edmund with the same confused look.

"Looks like some kind, slave traders" Simon said and was about to say something else but got interrupted by a rope that came flying and wrapped around Toothless' body.

"TOOTHLESS" Clara yelled and would have run over to him, but then some men jumped down from some rope, who came from the ceiling. Clara and the others started to fight the men. 

To protect him, Simon and Clara stood over with Toothless who lay defenseless on the floor. But then someone screamed, and the fight stopped, Caspian and the others looked over at the door and saw a man holding Eustace "Unless you want to hear this one scream like a girl again, I would say, you should drop your weapons" said the man who was holding Eustace "Like a girl" Eustace said. 

"Now! Put it down" the man said, "Useless" Edmund mumbled giving Eustace a dirty look "Put them in irons" the men took Clara and Lucy away from where Caspian, Edmund and Simon was. "Get your hands off me. Let go" Clara and Lucy screamed, pushing the men away "Take these three to the market. Send those other three to the dungeons" said the leader "Listen to me, you insolent fool. I am your king!" Caspian yelled angrily. 

Some men slapped, him, Edmund and Simon in the face "You're gonna pay for that" Edmund yelled "Actually...someone else is going to pay for all of you" said a voice and another man walked out of the shadow and walked over to Toothless, who looked at him and growled, "What do we have here, the last of the Night Fury, I will make a lot of money, when I sell you" the man said and took his knife before he put it under Toothless' chin and lifted his head "DON'T YOU DARE TOUCH HIM" Clara said, the man turned around and looked at Clara before he walked over to her "What do we have the dragon queen, I'm going to be so rich" he said with a smile. "Take the dragon to the market too" he said looking at another man and the man nodded "EDMUND" Lucy started to scream for help, "LUCY" Edmund screamed but it was too late.

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