Demons (Fairy Tail X Seven De...

By Psycho_Emz

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What happens When Team Natsu and their exceeds gets thrown into another world? What secrets will be revealed... More

Ch. 1 - Another World
Ch. 2 - Meeting the Tavern Owner
Ch. 3 - Sir Twigo
Ch. 4 - The Dragon Sin
Ch. 5 - Helping At The Tavern
Ch. 6 - The Necropolis Part 1
Ch. 7 - The Necropolis Part 2
Ch. 9 - Out of the Necropolis
Ch. 10 - Vaizel Fighting Festival
Chp. 11 - Veronica and Attack on Vaizel
Ch. 12 - Demons?
Ch. 13 - More Fairys?
Ch. 14 - Hendrickson
Ch. 15 - Mavis!?
Ch. 16 - Death Trap Fighting Festival! Pt. 1
Ch. 17 - Death Trap Fighting Festival! Pt. 2
Ch. 18 - Death Trap Fighting Festival! Pt. 3
Ch. 19 - A Fight of Demons

Ch. 8 - The Necropolis Part 3

2.9K 61 29
By Psycho_Emz


"NATSU-SAN!" came a shout from the little Wendy, who -together with Carla- somehow got themselves lost

Wendy ran and Carla flew over to Natsu, beginning to heal him, but he took her wrist, stopping her.

Natsu: "No, go over and help Luce."

Wendy: "B-but you need healing-"

Natsu: "No! Go and help her, she needs it more then me"

Wendy: "O-okay" then she and Carla went over to the still unconscious Lucy


No One's P.O.V

Natsu got up again and ran at Guila, trying to sweep her feet off under her. But she saw through it and sent another Explosion after him, sending him flying at Diane who caught him

Diane: "Natsu!"

"Even if you can somehow eat my Explosions, it still does not pose as a threat to me if you can't anticipate their timing and direction. hehe"


Natsu: "Ow..."

Diane: "You okay?"

Natsu: "Yeah, I've gone through worse"

Ban: "You alive there Natsu?" He said as he stood up, only having one sleeve left og his shirt

Guila: "I admit, I'm impressed. Your indestrucibility is very nice indeed"

Ban: "Better believe it. There's no way you can beat somebody you can't kill"

Guila: "hmhm. Unkillable and Unbeatable are two different things."

Guila: "If i wanted you defeated i have a number of ways that would work"

Ban: "Man, this chick is stating to freak me out" he said, standing besides Natsu

Natsu: "You think she's right man?"

Diane: "Why don't you two save the chatting for later, okay?"

*While all of this is happening, Erza is talking to Simon, Gray is talking to Ur and King is Talking to Elaine, while also getting interrupted by Elizabeth, who after a bit of talking tries to carry Kings Spear together with Hawk but it does not work*

A Giant explosion just went off, sending Smoke everywhere.

Guila: "And what do we have here?"

The smoke clears a little to see Diane on her knees, her side shown to Guila, covering Meliodas with Ban sitting against her leg and Natsu a little bit away from Diane's head covering Happy, Carla and Wendy who is still healing Lucy and is almost done. Guila is only seeing an lokoking at Diane

Guila: "Even if y explosion wasn't full power, I'm impressed that you didn't go flying with the pressure wave. The strength of you Giants is really something to behold"


Diane: "Hey, Captain, you okay?"

Meli: "Yeah, Thanks a lot Diane!"

Ban: "If you where gonna take the hit one of you could have shielded me a little-"

Natsu & Diane: "Nope."

Ban: "Greeeat"

Diane: "Captain, I, I don't think I'm gonna make it. Send me off with a Sweet Kiss" 

Meli: "Just rest a little and you'll be okay"


Natsu: "Hey, you guys okay?" he said looking at Wendy, Happy, Carla and a passed out Lucy

Wendy: "Yeah, and Lucy-San is all healed up"

Natsu: "Great. Now guys, i want you to protect Luce for me, okay?"

Wendy: "b-but Natsu-San! we can help too!"

Happy: "Aye!"

Natsu: "No you guys. I want you to protect Lucy. I'm gonna go help Ban and Meliodas" he said as he walked over to stand beside Ban and Meliodas

Ban: "Guess it's time for us to wrap this up." 

Guila: *Sigh* "This is a Legendary order? huh?"

Ban, Natsu and Meliodas ran at Guila. Ban at her front. Natsu at her Left and Meliodas at her Right. 

She sends an Explosion at Ban, and snaps her fingers, making a smoke cloud blinding Meliodas at she kicks behind herself effectively hitting Meliodas. She then hits Natsu with her Rapier sending him back a few meters.

Ban then attempts to hit her with a side chop, but she sees right through him and stabs his throat, making him cough up blood

Guila: "In the end, I suppose that Legends are just fantasies anyway"

Suddenly, at Spear get plunged through Ban, while a Sword is right beside hit face; hitting Guild and sending her back into a big crystal. Hard.

Ban: "What?" he says after he look down to see the Spear and to the side to see the Sword

King floats down; standing on the Spear

King: "Hello there, Ban"

The sword flyes back from it's place besides Band head, and back to Fairy Tail's red head, Erza

Ban: Come on now, what's the Big Idea King, Erza?"

King: "Well isn't it obvious? I'm here to save you"

Erza: "I am here to help as well"

Ban: "Well isn't that Special. Thanks a lot, Pal" he tells king

King: "Think nothing of it. Anything for the Captain and Diane"

Ban: "I see, but not for me huh?"

King: "No not really but, My Sister cares about you, a Lot"

*Somewhere Else: Elaine: 'Please. Please, keep Ban safe'

Erza: "I will avenge what you have done to my Friends and Family!" she shouts at Guila. 

Erza changes into her Heaven's Wheel Armor; Sending lots of sword toward, the crystal Guila was buried under.

Ban: "Wooow..." He says sarcastically

Guila: "Though your betrayal is to be expected, I do find myself a bit disappointed. Even Teaming up with these weak people"

King: "Well that's a bit unexpected to say to me. I didn't ever swear that I would be your life long partner in whatever your plans where. The realm wanted to defeat the Seven Deadly Sins and I wanted to see Ban destroyed. We had neutral interests for a while. But hats no longer the case. And I don't even know who these other people are."

Ban: "Blah blah blah. I'm really tires of you talking behind my back"

Guila: "Poor King. An entirely predictable excuse."

She said as she made some explosions forming a sideways S

Guila: "Shotbomb!" she said as she shot  the explosions forward

Erza: "Dance My Swords!" she sent a cirkle of swords foward

King only did one swift motion with his and, while Erza sent one of her magic attacks forward; stopping Guila's attack. 

you see Kings Spear and Erza's Swords spinning around; clearing the smoke

Guila: "Magnificent" she said. Still holding a pose ready for battle

Guila: "The Spirit Spear Chastiefol. Forged from the Holy Tree in the Fairy Realm. More Durable than Steel. Possessing the Awesome powers of the Holy tree itself.
Your magical ability can summon all of those properties: Disaster.
And then we have those Strong Magical Swords. Tell me, where did these swords come from? it seems pretty hard walking around with so many"

Erza: "I keep them in my magic space. I have many more Armors and Weapons than just these"

Guila: "oh? please, do tell me more" (Psycho: If anyone gets this reference. I Love You)

Erza: "Sorry, but I think we had a fight to get on with"

Guila: "Oh, yes. Well than, please fell free to attack me, Six-On-One"

King: "No, One-On-One will do." he said, floating slowly towards Guila, he spear spinning above his head

Guila: "Seriously?"


Hai Guys! Sorry if it was a long wait! I've just been Chatting with my new Boyfriends so much and my Dad's Birthday came up so I didn't have that much time to update 😅 Anyways;

I hope that ya'll liked this Chappie! See ya' Next Chappie!

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