My Reality (Trafalgar Law X R...

By Roseforl

131K 6.4K 2.3K

You receive some bad news which results in you getting a computer with a virtual reality system leading to so... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Trivia Chapter

Chapter 56

2.1K 85 26
By Roseforl

Despite your tribe completely ignoring the plan you had succeeded overall. There was only one enemy player that ended up escaping and your death was the only one.

Luckily enough you respawned in the starting zone right next to the player Killer had accidentally killed. You gave him a fright and in his fear he ran out of the safe zone and gave you the opportunity to take him down. You aren't exactly great at fist fights but you were good enough to win.

You found some berries with sedative properties and force fed them to him while taking the long trek back through the jungle to the Mugiwara base.

You had forgotten how difficult it could be on foot and dragging along an unconscious player made it twice as difficult.

The Heart tribe were already there when you returned and all of Magician's tribe were tied up in a locked building. Most of them had logged off but there were a couple that stayed online to spy on the base.

The Mugiwara tribe returned shortly after you with the On Air tribe.

Everyone is alert and ready for Captain to strike at any moment. There is no way he is unaware of his allies being attacked and kidnapped, especially after your run in with MassacreSoldier.

While you keep your defences up you and Law also focus of the offensive. The only way to win this war is to completely destroy Captain's tribe and base.

Just one day after the assaults on Magician's tribe and the On Air tribe your alliance is preparing for the next attack. The two captured tribes stay mostly offline, apart from the odd one logging on to see if the situation has changed. You all make sure to stay quiet when near the windowless building they have all been imprisoned in so there is no way they know to warn Captain and his tribe.

When everyone is armed and ready you take off as a large convoy, flattening a section of the jungle with the larger tames.

Vivi takes the lead on her large falcon, scouting ahead and using the birds eye view to watch for enemy players. You, Shachi and Penguin scout along the ground. You are on your golden oscet while the boys have two large dire wolves that aren't as suited for the jungle but are still faster than many other mounts.

Next in line is the largest tame. A huge elephantidae with four curled tusks on the sides of the long trunk and two smaller tusks on the bottom lip. On its back is a structure that holds Luffy, Nami, Usopp and five of the Heart tribe. They are all armed with weapons attached to the back of the massive herbivore. Luffy had insisted he would be the one to drive this tame as it is the largest and apparently therefore the coolest.

A huge quadrupedal monster comes next. The Odogaron is only half the size of the elephantidae but easily has over twice the power. The beast lets out a rumbling growl as it follows the trail of devastated forest left behind by the large herbivore. The teeth are too large for its mouth and both of the lower and upper canines poke out so far they could be considered more like tusks. Its scales are dark red and all over its large body. The body shape seems to be that of a canine but instead of paws it has four large claws with extra sheathed talons hidden above the first set. Zoro sits atop the monstrosity, proud of the creature he tamed by himself.

The next two beasts are slightly smaller than the Odogaron and are both similar to a woolly rhinoceros. They have three long horns on top of their noses. A member of the Heart tribe sits on top of each of them.

Small beasts scamper around between the legs of the larger ones, avoiding the large feet that could easily crush them. The onyc swarm around the rhinos, bothering them slightly.

Behind the Rhinos is Law on his massive polar bear Bepo. Trotting along beside him is the Mugiwara reindeer Chopper.

Medium sized and small creatures trail behind the four giants. Large lizards with venomous bites with the huge snake slithering alongside them. A pack of dire wolves and large hyenas trail along with most of the Heart tribe on them. Many more falcons circle above with more players on them, often spreading out to keep an eye on the convoy below. At the very back is Robin on her snow owl and gliding slowly behind her is the giant moth.

All in all the two tribes together make a seemingly unbeatable army.

The sound of crashing trees stops as the tribes reach the next biome over and the trees disperse. Any wild creatures that there were scamper away in fear of the massive beasts wandering through their home.

Your pace slows as you approach Captain's base and the scouts spread out more.

Vivi flies even higher up to the point where she is almost impossible to spot. She rises right above Captain's base and hovers there, waiting for the command.

The Odogaron and two rhinos split up from the elephantidae and sneak round the base, staying out wide enough so as not to raise any alarms. One rhino goes to the right and the other to the left while the terrifying Odogaron loops around behind. The rest of the players and tames spread out between the large ones and freeze.

Everything is still.

Everything is quiet.

Even though there are no enemies close you force your breathing to be quiet.

There is a whoosh as the falcon and Vivi fall from the sky, dive bombing straight to the enemy base. At the last second she pulls up but you watch as a small box continues to fall. It impacts the centre building and explodes.

With that you push Kat forwards and start charging towards the base.

The elephantidae crashes through the main gate, tusks ripping through the ground and spraying dirt across the stunned enemy.

The rhinos charge through the left and right walls, knocking aside players as if they weigh nothing. Your allies stream through the gaps after them and you follow them.

Kat runs inside and you see absolute chaos. People shooting each other left and right. Blades clashing and fangs ripping into flesh.

You turn Kat and charge towards a couple of enemy players with your bow out and ready to shoot. You hit the first one in the chest, wounding him but not fatally. You hit the second one in the knee just before you reach them. As you run past you hit one of them in the face with your bow, stunning him and knocking him back a little. You turn and shoot the other one in the back of the head. The other player is quickly taken out by a group of needle teeth onyc.

You pull Kat back to a halt in preparation for turning around and going after more players but find your path blocked by none other than MassacreSoldier.

"You again." You groan. Kat snarls at him.

"Yes. This is my tribe's base after all." The masked player replies.

You jump off the back of Kat and notch another arrow in your bow.

"I guess we're going to fight again." You sigh.

"We may have had some close fights in the past but I am going to defeat you." He says dramatically.

He raises his scythe and you raise your bow, ready to shoot as soon as he makes a move. But he never gets the chance.

Just as he pushes off the ground to dash towards you a huge red shape leaps over the base wall and engulfed him with one bite. You glance up at the Odogaron as it holds up its head to swallow the enemy player.

The beast glances down and you realise that it doesn't have a rider at the moment. Zoro must have gotten lost again.

Another shadow falls over you and you glance up to see the enemy drake glowering down at you with none other than Captain himself sitting upon its back.

He recognises you instantly and jumps down with his sword out and swinging towards you and Kat.

You dodge out of the way just as the Odogaron leaps over you and plants itself on the back of the drake.

It's large claws dig into the back of the enemy beast while the jagged teeth clamp onto its neck.

The drake thrashes and screams, turning in circles to get the other beast off it. You duck and dodge the large tail while Kat gets hit and swept aside. Unfortunately Captain had also managed to dodge and he does not look happy with you.

You shoot at him a couple of times while backing away from the fight between the two monsters. You hit most of your shots but not anywhere for there to be much damage.

The tail thrashes again and this time hits both you and Captain, throwing you halfway across the base and into the main fight.

Clouds of dust rise behind large angry tames as they charge at each other and the clanging of swords fills the air. It is difficult to tell ally apart from enemy in this disorientating bubble of chaos.

One thing that stands out is the angry redhead storming towards you.

"That's not good." You say to yourself as you reach for your bow. Luckily it didn't fall too far from you so you can pick it up and shoot Captain once in the side before he reaches you.

You dodge back as he swipes at you with a long sword. He isn't nearly as quick as MassacreSoldier but he puts a lot more power into each swing and is pretty accurate.

You are pushed back with every attack and have no time to shoot him with another arrow. He strikes you across your shoulder and down to your leg. Another strike grazes your torso. You end up using the bow to block some strikes that would have hit you.

He gets angry and places both hands on his weapon before swinging it down and chopping your bow in half. The sword carries on to cut deeply down your front.

You fall back.

Captain breathes heavily before raising his sword again. You are exhausted and unable to defend yourself as his sword comes flying down towards your head.

You close your eyes and expect death only for nothing to happen.

When you reopen your eyes you see Law standing over you with his nodachi against Captain's sword.

"Back off!" He commands, pushing his sword up towards Captain's face.

The redhead stumbles back then steadies himself and prepares for the fight.

"Your voice sounds familiar." He says before charging at Law.

The nodachi is good for Law being able to stay out of range of the enemy while still doing damage to them but it gets a little harder when they get right in his face.

The raven haired man defects Captain's aggressive attacks, slowly being pushed back towards you.

His anger has made him faster, stronger and more spontaneous so hitting him becomes more of a challenge. You don't land any game changing shots but still cause him some hindrance.

Soon Captain has gotten close enough to Law that the nodachi has almost no effect. The wild swings the redhead is throwing at your boyfriend begin to hit and cause damage.

You pick up a half of your ruined bow and throw it hard at Captain, hitting his dominant hand and causing him to drop the weapon in shock.

He glares at you before picking up the sword and stalking towards you. Law takes the opportunity to back up and resume his attacks at Captain from a safe distance.

You grab the other half of the bow and hold it in front of you defensively.

Captain continues to make his way towards you while fighting Law. It reaches the point where Law is standing right beside you as Captain swings at both of you.

Blocking a sword with just half a bow isn't exactly effective but it is the only option you have.

Captain swings again, this time only aiming for you and you have to leap back to avoid him. This gives Law and opening and he brings his sword down on the redhead but not enough to stop him.

Captain slashes back and gets both of Law's legs. Law stumbles back a bit and you can see he is having trouble standing up.

With Law seemingly no longer a threat Captain storms towards you. You panic and throw the half a bow you had left straight at his head. It hits.

Captain is stunned for a moment but his eyes refocus into a glare directed at you.

Now you are weaponless and there is an angry and armed player who is after your head.

"Let's have some fun." Captain practically growls as he stands over you.

"(Y/N)!" Law calls and you look over Captain's shoulder as your boyfriend throws his nodachi to you.

You reach out and catch it by the blade, slicing your hands in the process. You don't care that you caught it badly. You have a weapon.

You grab the hilt and swing the huge sword at Captain.

You aren't nearly as proficient as Law is with this particular weapon but somehow you manage to disarm Captain, flinging his sword several metres away.

Captain backs up out of your range then pulls a knife out of his inventory.

You move between him and his sword. Behind him Law is struggling to his feet, not doing so well but he is better than he was.

Captain charges straight at you with his knife and you try to keep him at bay with the nodachi. You are clumsy and keep stepping back so he can't reach you.

You take another step back only to feel Captain's sword flat beneath your foot.

You swing at the redhead again to keep him back then throw the nodachi behind him. You drop to the ground as Captain swings his knife wildly horizontally at where your head was and pick up his sword. You spin around and rise up, sinking his own blade into his neck at the same time that Law runs him through with the nodachi.

He freezes, eyes widening.

"Later, Kidd-ya." Law says as he withdraws his sword from Captain's torso.

"Law y-you fu-cker..." the redhead stutters as he falls to the ground and dies.

You remove the blade from his neck and put it in your inventory, figuring that he owes you after breaking your bow.

Glancing around you can see that the fight is finishing up. The base has been completely levelled and most of the enemy players and tames are dead, with the few living ones on their last legs.

The fight gets wrapped up and when the tribe wanders back up from the starting zone after all dying they admit to their defeat. Captain doesn't want to at first but MassacreSoldier speaks up and surrenders.

The war is won and all the prisoners you captured are set free.

The land of the Heart Tribe is returned and Luffy refuses to take the land of any of the defeated tribes, saying that winning was enough for him.

After a large celebration back at the Mugiwara base you sneak out the back of the base and sit down in the dirt, exhausted from all the fighting. Technically you had been lying down and not moving the whole time but your mind has been completely fatigued.

"I wouldn't mind taking a break from this game after all of this." You think out loud. "Or at least just not getting into any fights for a while."

You hear a rustling behind you and then Law plops himself down next to you. Apparently he had enough of Luffy's celebratory antics too.

"We could spend some time on that Pokemon game again. It has been forever since we were last on that." He suggests.

You lean over so your head is resting on your shoulder. He wraps his arm around you.

"I would like that."


The end.

Well this is the final chapter of My Reality.

So I have been writing this fanfiction for over a year and it is going to be really weird without it. But honestly it did need to end.

There will be a trivia chapter coming out tomorrow and in that I will address what will happen in the future. 

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