When Things Go the Wrong Righ...

By CDMarie

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Excerpt: "What the hell?" I said pulling at my right wrist that was attached to the headboard. "It's about t... More

Chapter 1: The Beginning
Chapter 2: New Path
Chapter 3: Dante
Chapter 4: Best Day Of His Life
Chapter 5: Lipgloss
Chapter 6: Becoming a Slayer
Chapter 7: Surprises and School
Chapter 8: Just a Typical High School Party
Chapter 9: Let's Not Get Sacrificed
Chapter 10: Escape
Chapter 11: Him Again
Chapter 12: Scary Dreams
Chapter 13: Betrayal
Chapter 15: Sacrifice
Chapter 16: Reborn
Chapter 17: Opposite Day
Chapter 18: Vampira
Chapter 19: No Plan
Chapter 20: Blue Potion
Chapter 21: Sight
Chapter 22: Early Visitor
Chapter 23: Family
Chapter 24: Failed Escape
Chapter 25: Weak
Chapter 26: Heart Broken
Chapter 27: New Legal Guardian
Chapter 28: The New World
Chapter 29: Old Friend
Chapter 30: Working With The Enemy
Chapter 31: Betrayal
Chapter 32: Dreams Do Come True
Chapter 33: Reunited... ish
Chapter 34: Father Daughter Moment
Chapter 35: Annoying Witch
Chapter 36: Escape
Chapter 37: We Had A Deal
Chapter 38: Battle lines
Chapter 39: Lives Lost
Chapter 40: New Threat
Chapter 41: Not Again
Chapter 42: Strange Places
Chapter 43: Not So Friendly
Chapter 44: Surprise
Chapter 45: Changing the Future
Chapter 46: The End

Chapter 14: Brotherly Love

36 6 0
By CDMarie

Chapter 14: (Unedited)

I just look away shaking my head and laid down. Eventually I drifted into sleep.

I slowly opened my eyes and out of habit looked at the alarm clock to read it was 3 a.m. Dante was just standing in the corner observing me. Cause that's not creepy. I just rolled over and went back to bed.

The sun sliced through the curtains and I squinted from the light exposure.

"Last 17 hours of your life." Dante announced.

I went downstairs and cooked breakfast. It was rather annoying that Dante won't let me get two feet away from him. My last day alive and I am stuck with this jerk. How can I just sit here all day and pretend like everything is fine. I may put on a good face, but the truth is inside I am crying. Inside I am a little girl who doesn't want to die.

Then there is the other part of me. The angry part of me. I still have hours left till the full moon is in place. Plenty of time to get far far away from here. I will have to come up with a plan that is unexpected so that Dante won't even be able to figure it out. It would take some time, but I will get out of here.

"Lipgloss the sacrifice is in just 3 short hours. Ready to die?"

The question was clearly rhetorical. I mean how can one be ready to die. I mean I am so young, there are so many things I want to do with my life. I am going to make sure that I get to do all the things I want to do with my life.

This plan better work. It's just about time to execute it. First part of the plan distraction. I told Dante I wanted to look nice for my last evening alive, so I went to do my hair in the bathroom.

"Hurry up Lipgloss, you have two minutes!"

I put my hair up in a bun and stuck two stake like objects in the bun. That way I always have a weapon, no matter how big or small.

"Times up." Dante announced walking into the bathroom and shoving me out of the room into two vampires who grabbed my arms tightly.

"What the hell?" I yelled trying to break free from the vampires, unsuccessfully I might add.

This I did not plan on. Why is it they are always one step ahead of me?

"You're known for trying to escape, I can't let that happen. There might not be anything to weaken you physically, but that doesn't mean I can't weaken you mentally." He smirked.

This is really freaking. What are they going to do to make me mentally weakened? Well I guess I should rephrase that. What more could they do to make me anymore mentally weakened they I am right now?

"I know your whole life story Lipgloss and because of that I know the only thing that will distract you for the last two hours and forty minutes."

OH MY GOD! There is no way in hell Dante did what I think he did.

"Dante, you didn't?" I could hear the hurt in my voice as the tears threatened to spill.

"Boys let's show Marie where her surprise is."

He called me Marie?! That's not good. The vampires took me back to the room where there was a figure who I recognized instantly. I was not happy to see this figure. The dark clothed figure turned around and look me over. It has been months since I have seen him. Jake.

"You brought my brother here?!" I yelled turning back to Dante.

"Yup, surprise! Have fun, I'll just wait outside and if you are thinking of escaping from the window there are vampires guarding it." He warned.

"Dante." I said hoping he wasn't actually leaving me here with...with this... monster.

He only smirked and closed the door.

"Dante!" I yelled trying to open the door.

"Have fun." He said through the door.

I turned back to the shaggy dark haired, brown eyed, and really scary buff person known as my brother. You would hardly be able to tell we were related except our olive skin town.

"Like what you did to your hair. How's rehab going?" He said his voice as harsh as I remember.

"We both know that I was never really depressed."

"So what exactly does that Dante guy mean when he says vampires?"

Wow, this is going to be quite the conversation.

"Um...vampires are real, Jake."

"You expect me to believe that vampires are actually really?" He laughed.

"Dante want to help me out?" I shouted through the door.

Dante was in faster than expected and unwrapped my arm.

"Don't mind if I bite you do you?" He asked smirking as he brought my arm up to his mouth.

"Wouldn't be the first time." I shrugged.

His fangs appeared breafly before he bit into my wrist, took a swallow or two, then released.It didn't hurt nearly as much as I remember.

"Thanks." I said as he walked out the door.

Thanks to my slayer healing the wound from earlier was healed up pretty well. I took the ace badge and wrapped it around the my wrist. When I was finally turned back to Jake his jaw was still on the floor.

"Jake, it's real. Vampires are real."

He ran his hands through his hair as if to help him process.

"Also I am a vampire slayer." I confessed.

"How?" He asked after about a minute of silence.

I told him the short version of what had happened to me in the last couple of months. Ironically the short version still took 30 minutes to explain.

"Wow, so you're super strong? Think you can take me?"

"Please it would be easier than snapping a pencil."

"Sure." He said sarcastically.

"Challenge accepted.:

He got in potion to fight and was on the floor in less than 15 second. I am pretty proud of myself.

"Wow." He said standing up and regaining his balance. "How long have you been a slayer?"

"Over a month now." I responded.

"Wow." Was all he could say.

THen we fell into a very awkward silence. I had no idea what to say to the guy who personally wrecked my life. Now here is here just in time to watch it all end.

"So these vampires want to sacrifice you?"

"Yup and you are just in time to watch." I said frustrated.

"You really hate me, don't you?"

"You spent months torturing me and beating me up. You are no better than them." I said truthfully.

It felt nice to finally speak the truth to his face. It was also weird to see my brother hurt.

"I'm sorry, I wish I could fix it, but I can't. It sucks that I can't because now you are getting sacrificed. I was too late."

He has no idea how long I have been waiting to hear those words.

"Life sucks, you'll get over it."

"Isn't there anyway we can get out of here?" He asked looking around.

"No, they have all the exits blocked."

He nodded.

That's when I cracked. That's when I realized that if my brother stays he is as good as dead. I started crying.

"Marie don't cry, have some respect for yourself." He joked.

"I'm sorry." I laughed through the tears. "I've just missed you."

He smiled then hugged me. I tried to save it in my memories because this family reunion is going to be cut short.

"We have to get you out of here."

"I thought you said there wasn't a way out?"

"I will make a way."

I honestly had no idea how to get my brother out of here alive, but I have to try. Jake has to get out of here. I don't have much time to get him out though, it's already 10:30 and I am expected to be down there at 11:15.

"Dante open the door or I will break it down myself." I yelled through the door.

"Go ahead and try Lipgloss."

Ugh, I hate that he calls me that. It's okay though, that just helps the anger build up inside of me. Everyone knows I am some much stronger when I am pissed. I charged at the door and the hinges snapped and the door landed on Dante.

"Ouch." Dante whinned.

"I told you I would. Now come on Jake, you're getting outta here."

We climbed over the door and I lead him over to the stairs. I observed the situation and the still broken front door would be the best way out. I dragged him down and led him out the door as fast as I could.

"Dante move, my brother is getting outta here." I said as he stood blocking our path.

"Not gonna happen, Seth is going to need someone to feed on."

"Seth isn't getting anywhere near my brother."

"Fine, have it your way." He said grabbing Jake and making access to his neck.

"Let him go." I hissed.

I stepped closer to them, but Dante stuck his hand out warningly.

"Stay there or I will break his arm."

I stepped back with my hands up in defeat.

"Good, now how do I get you back for the door incident?" He pondered.

I grew worried that Dante was about to do something stupid.

"How about turning your brother into the one thing you hate?" He asked before sinking his fangs into my brother's neck.

"No!" I yelled running closer.

It was no use though because two vampires who had my arms when I first was shown to Jake returned. There was nothing to do except watch as my brother got drained of his blood, then fell to the ground lifelessly.

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