The Bittersweet Addiction: Lo...

By pureAddictions

351 8 4

Although Birdie is gone away for her fathers murder and Kenzo is left raising their two year old son Cole, As... More

The Bitter...
...Sweet revenge.
Beautifully dangerous
Birdie be free
No Worries, No wars
Leo The Lion
A Lion or A Cub.
Ready or Not.
Here I Come.
chess not checkers
The safe to unknown disloyalty
The plot
The twist.

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18 1 0
By pureAddictions

        Staring up at the stars I cant even recognize where I'm at, the sound of birds and water fill my ears the sharp pain and soaked clothes cling to me with all its might sort of how I'm clinging on for life at this moment. I can hear footsteps and sticks crack under the feet approaching me, gathering all the strength that I have in my body I begin to sit myself up just in case I have to protect myself only forgetting that they took my gun when they dropped me. I finally muscle myself up holding onto the tree that was nearby I hold myself up almost hugging it for dear life. The night fades in and out and I can see a figure about five foot but the light from the flashlight blocked their face it was at that moment I told myself if in harms ways anybody dies even if its me I will not die like this, as the steps got closer I got myself prepared to lunge at them I know I'm to weak for Christ sakes I was shot and left for dead by my baby mother.

"Slow down there honey I got you don't hurt yourself more by trying to hurt me." She holds my body up against hers and we stagger to the distant light. Once we walked into the house I could smell herbs and incense floating through the air my body sits limp as she struggles to clear the bed that sits in the corner she finally clears the bed and she looks at me with the most sweetest look and begins to undress me.

"'Lets get you in a mud bath it will heal you from the inside out you'll feel better in the morning I promise."

    Sitting me slowly into the mud bath and I begin to sink deep into the bath soaking my body forgetting that I was just shot by Kenzo and that she felt some type of betrayal but its just business. The house goes dim and all I can really make out is the flickering from the few candles she has lit, she walks over and places a hot towel over my head then lifts a mug to her mouth.

"whatever trouble your in you've really took a beating out of it, who are you?"

     Before I could answer I felt myself fading in and out of reality then it just fades to black.

    I can hear birds outside singing and talking between each other, sunlight peaking through the shades of the ran down house do I  remember what happened? Do I care to remember what happen? In all honesty I don't but whatever happened wont be a faint memory for too long. Rising up from the cot that was placed in the corner of the house I take a slight glance around noticing dream catchers and herbs hanging from the ceiling, The smell of nature and spring water puts me at peace even though I don't even know where I'm at.

"oh your finally up, how are you feeling?" Lifting the mug to her lips and taking a sip from the mug "You were hurt pretty bad last night I hope your feeling okay today."

   Nudging towards my side the bandages on my side shocked me because I really didn't think last night really happened I held my side feeling anger fill me instantly. Walking toward the lake I can smell the fresh lake water and the fresh pine tress that surrounded the area, Its quite up here no wonder she's out here.

"who are you if you don't mind me asking?" She looks at me and smiles at me

"I'm Leo the hippy." Leo giggles and takes a sip from her mug "Who are you stranger?"

"I'm Birdie what were you doing out there last night? was you hunting or some shit"

   Leo laughs and sits on the rock then reaches her hand into her bra pulling out a joint, lighting it then putting it to her mouth. The sun glows off her caramel skin show casing her hazel eyes to me. Leo's Long red hair falls down her perfect frame falling short just of her butt, she looks at me and passes me the joint exhaling the smoke.

"What was I doing out there? no sir you were out there and this is my land and seeing bright lights speed from my land causes me to be out late at night hunting."

   Leo laughs and walks over to me placing her hand on my shoulder "If I wasn't concerned you would of been shot dead on sight."

   As it gets darker in the day Leo shows me her land over two county's are hers and no one would of ever known seeing she grows everything herself. She got the land from her family which means its been passed on for a while, we walked down a path to a little house further down by the lake maybe a couple miles from where I was found.

"Leo where's your man?"

"I don't have one Birdie I'm a free spirit and I like my peace" She laughs and pulls a joint out

"So you like it up here just alone?" Leo nods at me and opens the door to the house and by my surprise she's growing weed on her land That's why she's okay with being here. We walk in and there's plants everywhere fully grown and ready for sell.

"Birdie I live here by myself because I have a lot of secrets that id like to keep that way but with you I feel a vibe that I can show you my land and not a word be spoken, am I correct?" Leo leans against the door and hits the joint.

"Yea that's right loyalty means everything to me and if you feel you can trust me then guess what Leo you can."

   Leo walks past me and starts up the pathway to her home her figure is amazing kind of reminds me of Kenzo and her frame so beautiful. The rest of the night I couldn't stop looking at Leo without thinking about Kenzo and what she did to me, Leo fixed dinner that night and we sat at the table in pure silence just staring at each other. Of course two shot of whiskey in she became more of a friend then a stranger.

"Look Birdie what happened to you was horrible and im here for whatever you need not as a stranger but as a friend if you need more time away your welcome to stay as long as you please."

"Thanks but I should really be going soon you've done enough." Leo smirks and walks over to me, I can feel the vibe between us and its intoxicating. Leo leans down bending over facing me nose to nose so close I can smell the sweet wine she's been sipping on.

"Birdie lets be honest I'm up here for a reason, you were dumped here for a reason why wont you see that I'm not you average farmer." Leo stands up and undresses herself before walking to the back room.

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