Alive (Sequel to Breathing)

By AnnMarie119712

931K 32.7K 15.2K

This is the sequel to Breathing. Highest ranking in FanFiction so far #32. More

Please Read!!!!
Chapter 1
Authors note
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14 Part 1
Chapter 14 Part 2
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Authors Note
Chapter 24
Please Disregard
Be nice to nice...
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 9

20.4K 1K 735
By AnnMarie119712

Chapter 9

Charlie's pov

"Ok I'll be back a little later. He will probably need a nap. I'm sure you heard me up with him last night"

"He wasn't too loud. Did his fever break?"

"Yea, finally. He was still fussy until 4am though"

"Did Harry ever call you back?"

"No, he didn't"

"Even after you left that message? I mean you were crying. How could he ignore that?"

"I don't know Payton. Harry's done a lot of things out of character these last few days"

After Harry stormed out I did my best to keep myself together. He hadn't come home and I wasn't sure where he was at. Ed was going nuts running everything by himself. He called daily to see if I had heard anything. It had been a full three days since he left. I was finally heading to my doctors appointment and it was taking everything in me to not hunt him down and demand he come home.

Planning a wedding, taking care of Aidan who had a cold, work, and now this doctors appointment were going to cause me to have a mental break down. Yes Harry was dealing with something I couldn't imagine happening to me, but he couldn't just abandon his life. We needed to work through this together.

Aidan started crying as I passed him to Payton. I sighed looking at my watch. My appointment was in twenty minutes and I knew I was already going to be late.

"Go! I'll take care of him. That's what I'm here for" She pushed me towards the door.

"Okay, I just feel awful leaving him knowing he's not well"

"He will be fine. Now go so you're not late"

I nodded and headed for the door before I could change my mind.

Louis pov

"I got it Niall, room 2817. I'm getting off on the floor right now. I'll call you back after I talk to him mate. By the way I'll never get that front desk girl off my back. I had to flirt with her for the key card. Erin will kill me if she finds out. You owe me, Ok bye"

The long hallway smelled musty and

old. The red carpet had faded designs and stains from years of being walked on. I stopped in front of the door and slid the card into the slot. It clicked and I was granted access to a dark room that smelled even worse.

"Aw Jesus. Harry are you dead? This is disgusting" I turned on the light and he was laying across his bed. Several take out bags and boxes littered the floor and table "Harry? Wake up your room smells like old people and beer"

He groaned, but didn't move. I had been around for his partying stage years ago and knew a quick fix, sure to have him awake and alert.

I grabbed the ice bucket and almost chucked it across the room seeing it was half full with vomit.

"Oh mate that's rank. You better be lucky I'm a real friend" I walked to the bathroom, dumping the contents of the bucket in the toilet. I only gagged a couple times while rinsing it before I filled it with cold water.

"Ok this is your last warning. Get up or you drown"

He laid there, hair all over the place. His shirt was unbuttoned and open. I couldn't stand to stare at his lazy body on the bed any longer. I moved to the side of the bed where his head lay and poured the water directly over him.

He jumped up scrambling away from the cold liquid. His hair sticking to his face.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He growled.

"Waking you up. Did you forget you have a wife and a kid?" I tossed the empty bucket onto the bed.

"She's not my wife"

"Good. I'll gladly take her. Can I have your baby also? He's got your looks, but I'll be a better dad than you right about how"

"Fuck off Louis"

"No thank you. I'll just head back to your house and spend some quality time with your non wife"

I stepped towards the door and he moved in front of me fist bawled at his sides.

"Did I strike a nerve?"

He shoved me and I stumbled back a few steps.

"Really Harry? You want to fight me? Let's go then. We will see who wins. You and your drunken half slumber state. Or me and my sober competent state"

I pushed his chest and he grabbed my shirt rushing me back into the wall. He swung his fist and I ducked my head. Barely missing he recovered quickly.

"Stay away from her and my son"

"Then maybe you should man up and be there for them"

"I'm grieving in my own way. Now leave before I kick your ass Tomlinson"

"If I leave I'm going to your place-"

His fist connected with my mouth. The stinging in my lip and the blood on my hand when I pulled it back was the last straw. I delivered a quick kick to his groin. All my years as a footballer had paid off. Even if I didn't play anymore. He was brought to his knees. Both hands between his legs.

"Take a shower and I'll clean up the room. We can continue talking hopefully less violently when you're done"

"Fuck you!"

"Don't make me bust up your face too. Now go shower"

He stood up wincing, his hand still pressed against the black fabric of his jeans.

He stumbled to the bathroom and I called the front desk requesting the maids assistance. I picked up most of the trash and about 10 minutes later two older women knocked on the door. I let them finish and they whispered back and forth, both throwing me glances when they thought I wasn't looking.

In just a few minutes the room was decent and almost smelled normal. I tipped them as they left, still mumbling back and forth. Harry stepped out of the bathroom as the hotel door closed with a thud.

He sat on the freshly made bed in just black briefs. A towel draped over his head. He didn't look up as he continued to rub it over his wet hair.


"Don't talk to me"

"Guess that's a no then"

"Why are you here? Did Charlie send you? I'm fine. I don't need any of you to tell me it's going to be ok. I-"

"Get over yourself. I was sent by Niall for Charlie's sake. She's worried and you need to go home"

"I'll go home when I'm ready"

"What a role model. I hope Aidan turns out to be a selfish asshole when he grows up!"

"Louis! Seriously why did you come? You're not helping. You're jokes aren't funny and I would prefer going back to sleep"

"You know your son is sick right?"

His head shot up and the concern overpowered the anger for the first time since I arrived.

"Sick? Is he ok?"

"Wouldn't you like to know. Maybe you should go home and find out"

He shook his head and looked away.

"Your family needs you and you can't just run away from the problems anymore. Maybe if it were just you and Charlie, not that she deserves it either, but you both have Aidan to think about and he comes before yourself right now"

"Leave Louis. I'll figure everything out"

"Yea, you will on the drive home. Let's go"

"No I can take myself"

" I don't trust you, so I'll take you"

"Louis I swear to god if you don't leave and let me handle this"

He slammed his fist down on the bed.

"Ouch. Harry smash!"

He stood up and I side stepped towards the door.

"Fine. Get dressed we can get something to eat before you go home"

"Whatever. I'll meet you downstairs in a few minutes"


Harry's pov

Once Louis was out of the room I finished getting dressed. I couldn't even remember the last few days after all of the alcohol I had consumed. Charlie was going to kill me and as much as I deserved the disappointment and argument sure to come. I was being selfish and handling my dad's death exactly how I wanted.

Instead of meeting Louis downstairs like I was supposed too. I checked out of the hotel and exited out of the side entrance. He wasn't going to tell me anything I wouldn't already hear from Ed or Niall so I pushed off the heart to heart for at least a little longer.

I was almost to my car when I noticed a figure leaning against it.

"I knew you would try to leave without talking to me. So I made sure to find your car in the garage before going up to the room"

I ignored him and unlocked the doors. He was in before I was and I contemplated locking him in and catching the subway home.


Charlie's pov.

Sitting in the doctors office was bringing back old memories of finding out about Aidan. The cold room and the harsh light made me feel like a science project on display.

"Results are in!"

The enthusiasm in my doctors voice was unnerving. It could honestly go either way. 'Yay you're pregnant..again. Or sorry better luck next time. I prayed for the latter.


"I hate to break it to ya, but Aidan is still an only child"

"Really? Are you sure? Because I took the test and I got yes and no. Should we double check?"

"Charlie. Our test is much more accurate than anything you would find at the drug store. You're not pregnant. Besides what time of day did you take the test?"

"Afternoon. Maybe one ish"

"See your hormone levels are more accurate when you first wake up. That's why your results were all over the place"

"Thank god" I covered my face sighing.

"What would be so bad about being pregnant again?" He sat my folder down and crossed his arms.

"I don't know. I just don't think we're ready"

"Have you discussed it with Harry?"

I felt guilty for coming here and not telling him. However he hadn't been home and I was currently blinded by my own anger to care.


"Are you really not ready or are you scared that you will have complications again?"

I looked down picking at my finger nails. No one had called me on it and I had managed to avoid it if they got close. I loved Aidan, but risking a situation similar to my pregnancy with him was not okay with me. Harry wanted another baby at some point and Aidan wanted a sibling. Aidan was too young to understand and Harry didn't seem to think twice about how risky it was for me.

"Charlie look at me" I looked up and he leaned forward so we were eye to eye. "You will be fine. What happened with Aidan was first pregnancy complications. Now that we know how your body works we can be better prepared"

I nodded and he patted the back of my hands.

"Now go home and share the good bad news with Harry" he teased.

"Harry's going through his own issues right now. I won't bother him with this. He didn't even know I was coming today"

"What's going on with him?"

"His dad just passed away. He's not taking it well. Which is expected. So dropping a baby bomb would not be ideal"

"I'm sorry to hear that. Well I'll keep your family in my thoughts."

I stood up and he hugged me.

"Thank you! You're very sweet"

"Your family will be fine. Get a sucker from Susan at the front desk for Aidan"

"He does not need any candy. Harry gives him enough as it is" I laughed.

"Aww he's what three almost? Let him have it now while he's got baby teeth. They're gonna fall out anyways"

"You're the doctor! You're not suppose to tell me that!"

"I'm a family friend and your doctor. He will be fine! Give him the candy"

He handed me my negative result sheet to keep and I nodded leaving the room.


Harry's pov


I closed the door behind me before walking down the hallway and realizing the apartment was empty.

It crossed my mind to say fuck it and head back to the hotel, but instead I decided to grab a soda from the fridge and wait for her. I slumped down on the couch as I pulled out my phone. A door clicked and I looked up as Payton stepped into the living room.


"Payton" I rolled my eyes as she stood staring at me like I was a burglar lounging on the couch.

"How are you? Everyone was worried-"

"I'm fine. Where's Charlie?"

"A doctors appointment-oh shit"

She covered her mouth and I straightened up, setting my soda on the table.

"Doctors appointment?"

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have said anything. It's not my place and-"

"For what?" I said a little louder than intended.

She jumped, taking a step back.

"I'll let you talk to her. I really shouldn't have said anything"

I crossed the room so I was standing in front of her. She cowered away and I stepped back to give her space.

"Why is she at the doctor?"

She hesitated obviously not wanting to answer the question.

"She thinks she's pregnant" she almost whispered.

Pregnant? Why would she keep that from me?


"She took a couple test. They all came back different. So she went to the doctor to make sure"

"When did she take the test?"

"Last week"

"Last week? She's known for a week that she might be pregnant?"

"Harry I'm sorry I don't think she was trying to upset you by not telling you she -"

"When is she suppose to be back?"

"Soon. She's been gone for a couple hours"

"Is Aidan asleep?

"No, he's playing in his room. I was just coming to get him a snack"

"Louis said he was sick. Is he okay?"

"He's fine. Just a cold"

"Can you take him to Lo and Niall's?"

"Sure. For how long?"

"Until Charlie or I call you"

"Harry you said you wouldn't tell her I told you" she seemed more worried now. Probably because her trust with Charlie would be broken.

"I won't. Now take him please"

She nodded and I walked to the bedroom to stay out of Aidan's sight. She would never get him out of here if he saw me and I was afraid if I saw him my anger would subside and that's the last thing I wanted.

How could Charlie think she was pregnant and not tell me? She knew how bad I wanted another baby and to keep that from me hurt more than she would ever know.

Well she would know. As soon as she got home.


Charlie's pov


I had seen his truck outside and rushed to the apartment. A mixture of feelings were running through me as I internally debated slapping him for dispersing and hugging him so tight he bruised.


He stood in the living room. The same distant and angry glare I had received the day he left.


Not sure what to say now that he was standing there, I stayed silent. Trying to gage his mood.

"When were you going to tell me? Or were you back to keeping your secrets again"

"What?" I asked confused.

"Are you pregnant or not?"

I swallowed trying to find the right words. It was no problem telling him the truth. The issue was explaining why I had waited.

"I'm not"


As much as I had been praying I wasn't, the fact he was happy I wasn't actually hurt my feelings. We both knew he wanted more kids. For him to say it was good that I wasn't led me to believe maybe I didn't know him as well as I thought.

"Good? I thought-"

"Why did you lie to me?"

"I didn't lie to you. I just didn't tell you until I was sure-"

"Bullshit Charlie! Even fucking Payton knew. I swear being in a relationship with you is like being in a relationship with the entire fucking world. Everyone knows what's going on before I do!" he spoke through gritted teeth and I felt like a child being scolded.

That was a feeling I hadn't felt in a long time and had hoped I wouldn't ever feel again. He stepped around the couch so we were face to face. I looked up at him waiting for his next dig.

"Who else knew? Fucking Lo knew too, didn't she?"

I chewed my bottom lip as I looked away. The tears were on the brink of falling and I knew I couldn't stop them.

"Answer me!" He stepped closer.

"Back up Harry" I pushed his chest slightly. He was hovering over me. His chest heaving as he grew angrier by the second.

I was trying to pull my answer together, however I was in shock by this new side of him. A side I had never seen. He was angry, intimidating, and scary.

"Don't fucking touch me" grabbing my wrist he shoved my hands down.

"Ow!" I looked at him wide eyed as I pulled my hands to my chest. No he hadn't hit me, but the force of him gripping my hands hurt more than I wanted to admit.

"Lo knows doesn't she?" He ignored my shock.

"Yes of course she does"

"Of course she does? Fuck you charlie! Fuck you and all your goddamn secrets. Why don't you marry Lo next month? She's your go to for everything. Hell, even Payton has earned her spot next to you. She gets to know shit and she's only been around for a few months!! I've been here for almost 4 years! I'm the father of our fucking son and I don't even get to know when you're possibly expecting again?"

"I'm sorry. I was scared and confused. I didn't know if I wanted another child Harry. You know that and-"

"So what if you were? Would you have gotten an abortion? Is that what your saying?"

"What? No! I would never I-"

"Then why keep it a secret? Hmm? Why not just tell me? I could of gone with you"

"How? You've been gone for three days Harry!" I yelled back at him. "You found out about your dad and you left. You ran, from me from your friends, and from your family. Do you think it was fun wondering if you were okay the last few days? Having you hit ignore every time I called! Aidan had a fever last night and the only one helping me was Payton! You want to talk about being let down. Try getting a glimpse of what being a single parent is like when the other disappears for days and you're left to depend on no one but yourself. Yes Lo knew about my doctors appointment, because she was the one there when I first realized I might be pregnant. Payton only knew because Lo has a big ass mouth. Plus if anything were to happen she needed to know how and where to reach me. Since you were fucking MIA!"

My blood was boiling. Yet again we stood in a heated argument that we were both at fault for causing. My eyes narrowed at him and he returned my glare. I suddenly remembered Payton and Aidan and turned rushing to his room. If he had heard anything he would surly be upset with his parents yelling and screaming at each other.

"We aren't done" Harry bellowed following behind me.

"Fuck you!" I turned to him. "I'm checking on Aidan!"

"He's not here. I sent him and Payton to Niall's"

I rolled my eyes though I was thanking him mentally for making the first bright decision since this whole argument had started.

"What else do you have to yell at me for Harry?

"How about being and untrustworthy bitch!" He huffed.

I cocked my head to the side.

"Excuse me?"

Calling me out of my name was very Eric Styles of him. It had only happen one or two other times since we met, but never this vicious of an insult.

"You're being a fucking bitch! Should I spell it out for you?"

Forget slapping him. I bawled my fist and threw my entire body into the punch. His head snapped back and a steady stream of blood dripped from his nose when he lifted it. My hands shot to my mouth as I stepped back surprised by my own strength. I didn't mean to hit him that hard. I just wanted him to feel even a small amount of the pain I did from him referring to me as a bitch.

He didn't say anything at first, as he wiped the red liquid from his face.

"The wedding is off"

He spoke calmly before tilting his head back and gripping his nose.

"Good" I replied. "I'm packing a bag for Aidan and I. We will stay with Lo or my parents, anywhere but here"

He laughed and I frowned watching him.

"You're not taking him anywhere" he shook his head clearly amused.

"Excuse me? He's not staying here with you. So you can disappear and leave him for multiple days? Yea right"

I pushed past him towards our bedroom and he used his body to back me into the hallway wall.

"He stays. You go"

"I don't know what's gotten into you. Obviously you are suffering from daddy issues at the moment and taking it out on me. So if I go, Aidan goes" I pushed him away from me.

I turned and his fist slammed into the wall only an inch from my face. I froze before turning to him.

"He's not fucking going anywhere!"

He shook with anger and I actually feared what could come next. Arguing was one thing. Being hateful to each other was not the best way to express ourselves, but it was better than getting physical. He had roughly pushed my hands away. I had punched him. I didn't like where this was going and one of us needed to leave before a line was crossed.

"Move" I whispered.

"He stays"

"Fine he will stay. I will go" I was going to tell him whatever I had to, to leave this apartment. I would intercept Payton before she could bring him back. If Harry thought she was bringing him back he probably wouldn't think twice about me getting to them first.

"Your ring" he held out his hand.

I laughed taking it off, but instead of handing it to him I threw it down the hall towards the living room. His nostrils flared and I ducked under his arm to our bedroom.

He followed me and I grabbed a duffle bag from the closet. He watched my every move and I watched his. When he tried stuffing my things into my bag I almost hit him again.

"Don't touch my shit. I can pack it myself"

"I just want you out of here"

"What has happened to you? I get that you're upset about your dad. I know your mad about me not telling you I could be pregnant. But-"

"I can't stand looking at you!" He spat. "I gave up on a relationship with my dad for you. I fought for a relationship where I'm the last to know anything! I have proved myself to you more times than I should have to and I'm fucking tired Charlie! I'm tired of all of it. Now it's hitting me how much I have actually done for you and you still treat me like a fucking enemy."

"I'm not treating you like anything. I never asked you to give up your family for me. You chose to do that on your own. I tried helping and you never wanted me to talk to your dad. Even when he sent us all that stuff for Aidan. You pushed him away and refused to let anything get better between the two of you. You did that Harry! Not me!"

He stared back at me and I waited only a second for any kind of response. I reached down stuffing the last of my necessities into the bag.

"I'm taking Aidan Harry. You're too upset right now to handle him. He's sick and needs more attention than you can give him. You need to focus on yourself before you can even think about taking care of him"

"Don't leave me"

His words almost knocked me over. Only seconds ago he was saying he couldn't stand to look at me. Now he had flipped and was asking me to stay?

"What?" I asked exhausted by the back and forth.

"Don't leave me Charlie. I can't say sorry for what just happened right now, but I already feel a hole forming in my chest at the thought of you being gone. So please, just don't leave me"

Harry and I needed time apart. What had just unfolded in our seemingly happy home was darker than I ever expected. We were angry and physical with each other like we were strangers. However I also agreed that he didn't need to be alone.

"I'll go to Niall and Lo's. I'll see if Niall can come by tonight. Maybe he can stay so you're not alone-"

"I don't want Niall to stay Charlie! He's not who I'm losing right now. He's not the one I want comforting me"

"Comforting you? You just told me you couldn't stand to look at me. You made me give back my ring. You called off our wedding! I don't want to comfort you I want to kick your ass!"

"I'm angry Charlie! My dad and now this and I just feel very alone right now. I don't want you to leave"

"Well you have a shitty way of showing it"

"Don't leave"

"I'm already gone Harry"

He looked up and I knew my empty gaze matched his. The thought of dropping my bag and running into his arms was strongly considered, but I turned exiting the room instead.

"Charlie!" He was behind me as I grabbed my phone and keys from the counter.

"No! You're staying. I didn't mean to yell I was mad and I'm frustrated and-"

"Harry we've only been through a real break up like this, one other time. Last time the time apart helped. Maybe it will this time too. Like you said our wedding is off. We need to figure things out before we even try to put this back together"

"We can't do this to Aidan, Charlie. He will notice something is wrong if you two are staying at Lo's. We have to figure this out together and-"

"What do you suggest Harry?"

"Stay here.

"No fucking way" I actually laughed in his face.

"I'm being serious. I'll sleep on the couch or something. We could kick Payton out and I'll sleep in the guest room. Let's just figure this out before anyone leaves"

"Harry you were very aggressive when you pushed me away 10 minutes ago. You just dumped the weight of your failed relationship with your father on me. Not to mention I just gave you a bloody nose. We need space. A lot of space"

"I didn't mean to hurt you. I wasn't thinking straight. I would of pushed my mum away the same"

"That's not helping your case"

"Fuck! No, I just meant I wasn't trying to hurt you."

He drug his fingers through his hair and gripped it tightly as he paced in a circle.

"I'll talk to Ed about Payton crashing upstairs. You can have our room. I'll sleep in the guest room. We will not discuss anything in front of Aidan. If we talk about it, it will be after he's asleep. During the day we pretend nothing is wrong. Got it?"

"Okay" he nodded in agreement.

"I need to cool off. I'll pick up Aidan and Payton from Lo's"

"Can we not tell Niall and Lo about this?" He pleaded.

"I'm pretending like everything is okay for Aidan. Not myself. Not you. And definitely not our friends. If they ask I will tell them. I'm not wearing that ring, because you made it very clear how you felt. So that's as far as my secrecy and pretending goes. Cause you know I just keep secrets to hurt you, right?" I was still fuming over his accusation. "I'll keep no more secrets. From anyone. I'll be a fucking open book to the whole world"

I moved past him to set my bag on the couch. He watched as I called Payton to tell her I was on my way. For once since I got home he really had nothing to say. And I was thankful. Even I'm sorry would of made the situation worse at this point.

"I'll be back" I walked towards the door and he followed.


"That's none of your business now is it?"

I pulled the door open and slammed it behind me. Once I was in the elevator I let out an exhausted scream. It never failed. Our relationship was always going to be a struggle and constantly tested. We were fine only a week ago. How had we fallen so far in just a few days?

I stepped off the elevator and was greeted by Ed. He immediately pulled me into a hug that caught me off guard.

"Are you okay? What happened up there?"

"How did you know?"

"Are you serious? You two were screaming so loud we had to stop recording down here. When it went silent I was more worried than before. I was coming to check on you both"

"I'm so embarrassed. I'm sorry Ed"

"Couples fight, it's okay. I just know what's been going on, so I figured that's what it was about"

"Harry and I have a lot to discuss. We both just need to calm down right now though"

"Well as his friend and boss I need to have a few words with him." He let me go and looked down at my hand in his. "Charlie your wrist!" He gently pulled my hand towards him and I noticed the small bruise forming on the side.

I knew how this looked and Ed had clearly put two and two together. He stepped on to the elevator his fist bawled and his face going red.

"No! Ed it's not what it looks like. He didn't mean to do that and I punched him. So please don't-"

"Charlie he needs to know that's not okay."

"He knows! He didn't mean to, it was an accident. I swear!" I pleaded with him not to talk to Harry about it. I knew he didn't mean it and if I thought for one second that he did, Harry would not of been able to convince me to stay. We were both caught up in the moment and the only intentional assault was mine on him.

"Charlie you can't let him do that. If he's physically hurting you he-"

"Ed he's not. I would never stay with him if he was. I promise you it was an accident. We got into a very heated argument and we both said and did things we didn't mean. We need to work through it, but Harry didn't mean to do that. Honestly."

His eyes searched mine as if looking for a reason to not believe me.

"You swear Charlie? Cause I will kick his ass. He may be taller, but I will take him down if I need to"

"Yes Ed, I promise"

He nodded and relaxed a little.

"I do need to ask you a favor though"

"Go for it"

I explained Harry and I's current situation as far as separate rooms and needing a place for Payton. He understood and agreed to let her crash in his apartment for the time being. He gave me a spare key to give to her and then insisted on talking to Harry. I warned him that his emotions were high after our fight and everything with his dad. Ed claimed to know Harry well enough to know how to talk to him in a time like this.

Trusting him I finally let him take the elevator up to our apartment. I still needed to pull myself together before picking up Aidan and Payton.

~ Short authors note today. Just a big THANK YOU for being patient and lovely :) also check out my story "Finding Nilo" it's just little one shots of Niall and Lo's pov's and Harry and Charlie's every now and then. Read the full description on the story for a better idea of what it's about. Love you guys!~

ALSO THANK YOU FOR 3K follows on wattpad! I did a follow spree! So check your follows, I may have followed you.

Since I thoroughly enjoy interacting with you guys, please feel free to follow my different accounts....

Follow my IG: AnnMarie119712

Follow my Twitter: Ann_Marie119712

Snapchat: AnnMarie119712 (I'm always updating my story with random pics/video. You will probably Learn a lot about me haha)

Also there is an Alive page on IG: AliveFanFic_ give them a follow if you wish! They are super sweet and I love their edits!!! <3

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