By jxx_xoxo

882K 22.2K 9.9K

"I like you more as time goes by." What will you do once you realized you got played? Especially by the perso... More



17.7K 489 153
By jxx_xoxo


Today's the 3rd week of classes, I'm in the last class with Rosé. Jennie and I been having prank wars with each other since she put those firecrackers inside my locker. I did get my revenge on her, it was the best though. We keep doing this for the past weeks now, I locked her once inside the comfort room and turned off the lights while she's inside the cubicle, she started shouting like a hyena and had a major panic. I threw multiple of paint water balloons at her, it was a dozen. I swear to God y'all should have seen her face. She walked outside the comfort room looking like a human rainbow. Well, of course I recorded a video of her too. She chased me all over the whole school soaking in water paint. It was really a funny scene to watch especially when she ran towards me mad as fuck. That was the best prank I pulled on her so far.

And just yesterday, the moment I enter my 3rd class with her, a water and a flour suddenly poured all over me making me look like Casper the ghost. I had no choice but to go home and skip my remaining classes. I don't have any clothes with me to change. For the past weeks, everyone's attention was on Jennie and I and all our friends seems to be so done with the both of us. They even tried to stopped us from having this war, our circle of friends planned to sit together at lunch but the both of us just ended throwing sphagetti at each other's faces.

Today I'm planning on pulling another prank, I stood up from my seat and walked towards the guy sitting beside Jennie. Thankfully she didn't notice me because she's too engrossed with the lesson. I pretended like I'm borrowing something from this guy who I don't know what name is. I looked around trying to spot a perfect timing to put the mouse trap inside her bag, the guy gave me the book I borrowed from him but before I walk back to my seat, I quickly put the mouse trap inside Jennie's bag. I smiled mischievously and went my way to sat beside Rosé again.

"I see what you did there, Lisa. When the hell are you both gonna stop this shit?!" She glared at me, slapping her forehead.

"Like seriously?! Enough of your stupid games with each other, we seriously had enough." I just chuckled at her, she rolled her eyes and went back to what she was doing.

Well, I'm gonna lie if I said I'm not loving every seconds of it. I love seeing her getting mad and annoyed at me, it's really amusing to watch.

I looked over at Jennie, she's writing down everything that this bald man was saying. I saw her turning around facing her bag, I got excited as soon as I saw her hands getting its way inside it. The moment her hands reached her bag she released a loud groan in pain.

"OOOOOOOOOWWWWW!!!" That made everyone turn to her direction including the teacher.

"What was that for Ms. Kim? Is there a problem?" Mr. Lopez raised an eyebrow at her.

"I-it's n-nothing, Sir. I'm f-fine... sorry for interrupting." She quickly turned her head down. I saw her bringing out her hands from her bag, still wincing in pain.

She slowly removed the mouse trap from her hand trying not to produce any noise. She shook her hands from pain and I just watched her from a few seats away, trying not to laugh out loud. I was already clutching my stomach though.

She suddenly looked at me realising who did that to her. She glared at me, fuming. I just grinned at her and wink but she just raised her middle finger at me, I acted offended while holding my chest. I shook my head at her and laugh then went back to what I was doing.

Me and Rosé walked through the school's parking lot. I was jumping up and down, telling her about the prank I pulled on Jennie earlier. I look like a happy child, laughing her ass out.

"Did you see her reaction, Chaengie?! It was so funny hahahahaha." I exclaimed clapping my hands.

"You're such a child, Lisa. I don't even know why am I still even friends with you." She told me, giving me a serious look.

"All you ever give me is a fucking headache! God damn it!" Rosé exclaimed in frustration, I just laughed at her and hugged her.

"But seriously, Lisa? When will you guys stop this filthy games?" Rosé asked.

"Probably, when she stopped." I replied shrugging my shoulders.

"But you went beyond the limit. What you did earlier was very physical, I don't want the both of you getting hurt. You are both my friend, Lisa." She sighed, I just looked at her.

"Well, we all know who started this mess. If she can't finish what she started then I might as well be the one to finished it for her." I patted Chaeyoung's shoulder not looking at her.

"No, Lisa you don't understand! I feel like I'm being torned! Gosh." She exclaimed, now shouting at me. I just stayed quiet still not bothering to look at her.


Rosé huffed and went inside the car leaving Lisa behind. She started the car engine, she's not mad. She's just frustrated that the two of her friends don't really get along, it's making her sad that she had to adjust whenever the two is having a war. It is true though, she feels really torned between the two. She doesn't know where she should go. Yeah, Lisa is her bestfriend but Jennie is a close friend too. She sighed.

"Are you just gonna stand there or are you gonna come in?" The chipmunk asked the blonde outside her window.

Lisa looked at her for a brief second and walked towards the passenger seat. She's feeling slightly guilty about her bestfriend but not for the stuffs she did to Jennie.

"Look, Rosé... I-I'm sorry. I'll try to be the bigger person and try apologising to her." She looked at Rosé who's too focused on the road.

"Don't just say it. Please, do it." Rosé silently answered her bestfriend her eyes still on the road.

Lisa held her head down the whole ride. Contemplating wether to just be the 'bigger person' and apologise to Jennie Kim.

Rosé dropped Lisa to her house and bid their goodbyes to each other. She went straight to her room and slumped on her bed, as much as she hates do it. She needs to. Her bestfriend's voice keeps on echoing through her head...

"Don't just say it. Please, do it."

She sighed and took her phone out from her pocket, searching for Jennie's contact.

"I guess I have to do it now." She sighed before typing.

To: Jennie.

Hi... uhm. Idk where to start and I know it's kinda weird but I just wanna say that I'm sorry. I know you won't believe me but I really am sorry... and I know we had bad history through the years lol and I kinda wanma change that soo like uhmmm can we start over again and be friends, yeah? You know... let's give it a try I guess? I'm not expecting you to reply but I just like want to let you know. Haha!

Just when she was about to hit send...

"Argh!!!! Fuck this! I'm not gonna do it. I don't wanna do this shit." She groaned and deleted the messages and threw her phone beside her, leaving her thinking wether she did the right thing or not.

But on the other hand, Jennie went home not in the mood. This time, Lisa actually hurt her physically... She knows she was the one who started this thing but she never once thought that Lisa could go that far.

"She doesn't really think before doing something. Fucking stupid." Jennie mumbled through gritted teeth.

She then remember that Lisa is having her solo stage rehearsal at the dance room tomorrow and an idea popped in her mind. Smiling mischievously, she mumbled to herself...

"Let's see who can play this game good."

The morning came, the sun ray's beaming through Satan's daughter's face, making her Goddess-like beauty glow. She groaned and opened her eyes and smile, she must be in a very good mood today. She sat up at the side of the bed and fixed her hair.

"Today is gonna be a revenge for Lisa day." She said, rubbing her hands together while grinning from ear to ear.

She got up from her bed and started getting ready for school. An hour passed and she's done, she made her way downstairs seeing her mom. She was surprised to see her mom, she didn't expect her to be home today...

"Weren't you supposed to be home by next week?" She asked the mid-aged lady, still shocked.

"Oh hey, sweetie. Good morning." Her mom greeted her with a sweet smile.

"I finished my business schedules with my partners and clients earlier..." She added, answering Jennie's question.

"But where's dad?"

"He's not finished with his business yet, he's coming back home next week." Jennie just rolled eyes.

"Of course." She chuckled sarcastically.

"Anyways, I have to go mom. I honestly missed you. I'll catch up with you later after class, aight?" She walked towards her mom and gave her a tight hug. 

"I missed you too, sweetie. Take care of school, okay?" She just nodded and smiled, she then went her way outside to get to her car.

She arrived at the school 30 minutes before it starts. She got out from her car and locked it, a red haired girl suddenly approaching her, she gave her a gummy smile.

"Unnie, are you okay? I'm sorry about Lisa yesterday. I tried to stop her it just couldn't work." Rosé told her frowning, concerned written on her face.

"I'm okay. My fingers just kinda hurt still but I'm okay..." Jennie gave her a smile.

"Also don't apologise, it's not like you were the one who did it." She added while giving the girl  a pat on the cheek.

"I know but I feel like I need to do something in Lisa's part." Jennie chuckled at her.

"But unnie, can I ask a favor?" She looked at the chipmunk waiting for her to continue.

"Can you like please stop this pranks with each other? Like, just be friends and give each other a chance or just try it... please, Unnie?" Jennie was caught off guard she just looked at Rosé.

"I... I don't know Rosé I'll think about it because to be honest, I don't really like her and I don't even wanna be friends with her. It's just hard, I guess. But I promise, I'll think about it."

"Thank you, unnie." Rosé hugged her and they walked together clinging onto each other.

They were walking beside the school's field when a familiar girl caught Jennie's attention. She's looking straight to the cheerleaders at the field, focusing her gaze to the girl.

"Captain, Mr. Yang wants to talk with you." The girl from behind shouted at the other girl.

Oh so she's the school's cheer captain. Jennie thought to herself still looking at the field.

"Who are you staring at, Unnie?" Rosé suddenly asked catching Jennie's attention.

"Nothing. I was just thinking." Jennie just smiled at her.

She doesn't know why but she feel really insecure whenever she sees that girl. It always made her feel less beautiful even though she is their school's IT girl.

Rosé and her made their separate ways when the school bell rang. They bid their goodbye and gave each other a beso then walked away.

It was finally their dismissal Lisa told her bestfriend that she couldn't go home with her since she has to rehearse for her solo stage, she went straight to the dance room and made herself comfortable being alone but little did she know someone is actually following her and is with her. Someone who has evil intention towards her.

Lisa put her bag down on the cold floor and went to her locker to change into her dance clothes. The other person quickly took her chance and grabbed the olive oil from her bag and spread it on the center of the dance room with a mop, she was very careful not to get caught when she heard footsteps. She quickly hide behind the large speakers...

Lisa came out wearing her dancing clothes when she noticed something strange. The mop is infront of the mirror.

"Why the fuck is this here? I don't even remember putting it here..." she said to herself feeling really strange.

"Oh shit. I forgot to take the mop away." The person behind the speakers whispered and silently groaned to herself.

Lisa started setting everything up, she went to her bag and took out her phone, she connected it to the speakers' bluetooth line. She was scrolling through her music when she finally came to find the perfect song for her solo stage...

Swalla by Jason Derulo started playing.

Lisa automatically grooved her body along with the music once it started playing, it was kind of a sexy song. She really is a good dancer, that's no doubt. The person behind the speakers peeked in the middle of the sound system to get a view of Lisa's dancing, she was shocked, she never knew Lisa is THIS good. The song is created for Lisa. That's what her brain was telling her, she never once saw someone dance this gracefully. She didn't even realised she was adoring the blonde for her talent.

"Wow... she's actually amazing. Now I get it why everyone likes her, she has a really nice charm when she dance." She mumbled to herself still watching at Lisa and finally admitting that the blonde is indeed charming.

"She looks like a whole different person while dancing..." she added not realising that she's smiling while watching the girl infront of her dance gracefully through the music.

But just when Lisa was about to take another dance move, she slipped on the floor making her lay on her back.

"Ouch. Argh!" Lisa groaned in pain.

The person just watched her while laughing, she is trying her best to not make any noise. Lisa felt something on the floor, feeling uncomfortable. She slowly sat up and looked at the floor making her fingers ran through it.

"What the fuck is this?!" She said then ran her fingers for the second time around.

"Wait... is this... OIL?! IS THIS A FUCKING OIL?!" She shouted already knowing who was the mastermind behind this.

"JENNIEEEEEE KIIIIIIIIIIIM!!!" She shouted at the top of her lungs just like what she did on the second day of school.

A laugh echoed through the room making Lisa turn her direction everywhere, the laugh isn't stopping though. Someone popped out behind the large speakers revealing herself, still laughing making Lisa's blood boil.

"YOU!!! I SWEAR TO GOD I WILL FUCKING SUE YOU!" Lisa pointed at Jennie, anger showing in her every word.

Jennie just laughed at her and clutched her stomach.

"You? Hahahahahahaha. Sue me? Hahahahahahaha." She pointed at Lisa then herself.

"I would like to see that, Manoban." She chuckled.

"I. Fucking. Hate. You." Lisa told her shooting daggers.

"So am I. So am I." Jennie replied flipping her hair.

"Get the fuck outta here before I fucking kill you." The blonde hissed at the brunette.

"Awe, it's okay Manoban. Don't get pressed, you're good at dancing..." Jennie paused.

"Until you slipped." She then bursted out laughing.

"Run, Jennie. Run while you still have the chance." Lisa looked at her intently. Jennie just put her hands on her hips.

"Save your life, Jennie." Lisa said slowly getting up, Jennie on the other hand is slowly backing up.

"RUUUUUUUUUUUN!!!" Lisa shouted, Jennie quickly ran outside as soon as she can, still laughing out loud.

Lisa was about to chase after Jennie when she groaned in pain, holding her back.

"Argh. Fuck this!" She groaned and slumped her ass back to the cold hard floor.

Jennie was still running and laughing like a kid who just got her freedom, everyone is looking at her in strange. She ran towards the school parking lot and stopped infront of her car. She was panting hard.

"That was a good revenge." She giggled at herself feeling proud.

"Wait. Fuck. I didn't record it." She groaned and face palmed.

"How could I forgot? Oh my Lord."

Because you were too engrossed by her that you almost forgot you are taking revenge. Her conscience told her.

"What the fuck, no. She's not even that good. Disgusting." She made a disgusted face and poked her tounge out. She got into her car and drove off feeling happy and satisfied.

Lisa got out from the dance room holding her back and still groaning in pain.

"Fuck this!"

She was walking through the hallway when she saw that one girl. She automatically smiled to herself.

"Hey... what happened to you? Are you okay?" The girl approached her, worried.

"I'm fine. I just slipped so my back kinda hurts." Lisa explained and smiled cheekily at the girl.

"Do you need help? Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yes, I am. I can handle it though, don't worry." She chuckled.

"Okay... you want me to walk you at the bus stop?" The girl asked her and gave Lisa her warmest smile which made her heart flutter.

"O-of course. Sure, n-no problem..." Lisa stuttered getting shy all of a sudden.

The girl's smile went wide and assist Lisa as she was kind of limping due to the impact of her slipping through the hard floor. Lisa blushed at the lady's gesture but she didn't show it. She kept her head down, trying not to be obvious. The girl just chuckled at her.

"Come on, Lisa. Don't be shy."

"Uh--- eh... I mean, thank you?" She mentally face palmed herself.

"It's okay. You're welcome." The girl giggled making Lisa's heart flutter once again.

"I should get going, yeah?" She gave Lisa a small hug and smiled at her.

"Yeah, thanks for bothering though. It means a lot." She smiled sweetly at the girl.

"It's no problem. I'm just helping you in return. Take care okay?"

"Yeah. I will. You too."

The girl left Lisa on the bus stop, she watched the girl vanished from her sight. She smiled ear to ear, looking like an idiot. A bus finally came and Lisa got inside and search for a seat, she sat near the window and took her earphone and phone out. She turned the music on and closed her eyes, thinking about the girl who was with her minutes ago. She smiled cheekily and doze off.

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