That boy.

By bklb-96

82 1 0

When Dan and Kirsen first meet they know they're ment to be. More

Part 1 of that boy.
Part 3 of that boy.
Part 4 of that boy.

Part 2 of that boy.

27 1 0
By bklb-96

Part 2 ... getting it up pretty fast .


At last lunch had arrived after 2hours of science and math, me and Dan walked over to the canteen together hand in hand, it felt weird in a way because I only just met this guy but it also felt right.

I grabbed a tuna sandwich off the counter , paid then went and sat down with Dan, it was just us until Max came over' Omg, Kirsen , when did you transfer here?

'Only today, you know how it is , mum moves work I move school, Dan's been showing me around'

'yes hahaha i know how it is , and Dan's cool '

' Kirsen seems like a really , really nice girl..... and she's hot too' Dan said.

I just blushed and carried on the conversation 'So where are you going now Max?'

'Anywhere but here, see you later Kirsen. Dan.'

I turned to Dan to see him looking confused just as much as I was, 'What was that all about?' I questioned, ' I was about to ask you the same? I think he got a bit annoyed because I said your hot'

' oh hehe , good joke '

'No Kirsen, really, you are beautiful'

'Thanks, and I thought the same about you when I first saw you'

'Yea I kinda guessed when you stuttered my name hahahaha it's a big giveaway'

'Shut up' I said punching him in the arm, he just laughed and said ' I like you Kirsen Vasen'.

' I like you too Dan Worvick' I giggled , then we both got up , cleared out trays and walked to our next class, History. The hour dragged but most of it I just doodled in my book and paid attention every few minutes in case Mrs. Maney asked me any questions. Then last lesson of the day, Art :D.

As expected art went incredibly fast and before I knew it I was walking to my car with Dan, he also had a car a black Audi. We walked to his car and I noticed the back of it was full of boxes ' what's in those?'

' Oh I forgot to tell you I'm moving house tonight, somewhere closer to the school, in fact I'm driving there not to drop these off, fancy coming with me?'

'Er.. sure , lets just drive to my house first so I can leave my car there'

So we both drove to my house , I parked my car then hopped into Dan's Audi. Man, he drove fast, I was actually a bit scared to be in the car with him driving. It only took 5 minutes to get there , then I realised it was the house behind mine. 'This is the house behind mine' I said pleasantly surprised.

'Really? Guess you'll be giving me a lift to school then , saves my petrol ;) ' he joked.

I waited in the car whilst Dan took the boxes inside, he was back in 2 minutes.

'Where do you wanna go now?

'Well you could come back to my house for a while if you like?

'I'd like that'

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