
By SuperStriker642

317K 5.7K 3.8K

In this story izuku doesn't get a quirk but he refuses to give up his dream then his parents died when he is... More

1. Child hood (part 1)
2. Childhood (part 2)
3. Training and tragic night
4. Aftermath and Family funeral
5 growing up
6. A visit and a appearance
7. Entrance exames
8. First day of UA
9. Combat Training (Dekuwing vs kacchan)
10 Class Represtatives
11. USJ
12. Return and Sportsfestival
13.The Race and The Calvary Battle
15.Izuku vs Shoto
16.Hero Names and chosing an intership
17.Training with gran torino
18. Internships day 2 and 3
19. Stain vs nightwing
20. Aftermath
21. Back to school
22.Getting ready for the Exams
23 Written and Final exam pt 1
24. Nightwing vs All Might Written and Final exam Pt 2
25 Encounter
26. Summer
27 Summer Training Camp pt 1
28 Summer Training camp pt 2
29. Attack at camp
30. Nightwing vs muscular
32. Nightwing and Robin vs villains pt 2
33. Red Hood vs slade
34. Red Hood: Origin
35. Rescue Mission
36. Ambush
37. All for one
38. The Symbol of Vengance
39.What now
40. To our dorms
41. Ultamite moves
42.The test
43. 1-a GO!
44. Show them what we got
46. Rescue Exercises
47 Nightwing and Robin vs Gang Orca
48 Somethings up
49 Dekuwing vs Kacchan part 2
50. A season of encounter
51. The Big Three
52. Overhaul
53 Open up world
54 Boys meet...
55. Eri
56. Investigation
57.Hero metting
58. Investigation part 2
59 Red Riot
60 Temp Squad
61. Robin and Lemillion.
62.Nightwing VS Overhaul
63.Justice Buster
64. Bright Future
65. Roots
66.School festival
67.Prepping for the School festival is the funnest part
68. Welcome to UA, Eri
69. Nightwing vs Gentle
70 School festival Starts
71 Seeing her smile
72 Japanese Hero Billboard Chart
73. Guess im with the Big Leagues?

31. Nightwing and Robin vs Villians pt 1

4.1K 75 58
By SuperStriker642


After my fight with muscular and Kota finally liking the heroes again he decided he want me to be his mentor to become a hero.

Izuku: you'll be known to the world as Robin

Kota: I like that name

Izuku: now come on it's not over we gotta help the others

Kota: all right

Izuku: hey on my back

Kota: ok

As he was on I use my boots to jump down into the forest and went off while running through Kota wanted to know what was going on.

Izuku: they're going after my classmates trying to capture them but I'm not gonna let that happen we gotta tell Mr Aizawa and the other pussycats once we find one of them you go with them

Kota: no

Izuku: what

Kota: ever since that fight I want to see more of that I want to help

Izuku: Kota I cant let you get hurt by the other villains

Kota: I know you'll protect me so let me come it'll be a experience for me then if you're in trouble I'll step in and help I want to be a hero too

Izuku: alright but stay behind me got it.....partner

Kota: got it Nightwing

A few minutes earlier

Dabi: nice move guess you really are a pro

Dabi saw that Aizawa use his scarf to avoid his blast. As he was gonna go for another attack my Aizawa use his scarf to grab him and pull him towards Aizawa as he gave him a knee to the face . Then the got him in a lock and grab his arm

Aizawa: where are your friends and where are they hiding

Dabi: what

Aizawa: your right arm is next

He broke Dabi's arm

Aizawa: be logical about this at least save your legs

Dabi: you can take your time

All of a sudden Iida and a few of the others arrive

Tenya: Mr. Aizawa

Aizawa: stay back

Dabi got out of the lock but was stilled tied up so Aizawa pulled his scarf to be tighten but dabi started melting

Dabi: tell me are you worried for your students

Aizawa mind: that fire wasn't his quirk

Mineta: did he just melt

Aizawa ran past them

Aizawa: get inside


Twice: come on dabi you got your ass handed to him by a magic scarf

Dabi: that was weak make another to keep the pros occupied

Twice: another small fry coming up

Back with Izuku

Kota: look

We saw mr Aizawa to our right

Izuku: mr Aizawa

Aizawa: Midoriya thank god your safe I see Kota is with you

Izuku: listen there's no time to explain but I gotta go help the others

Aizawa: ok Kota come with me

Izuku: actually he wants to follow me but don't worry I'll keep him safe

Aizawa: I only allowing this because I trust you ok

Izuku: ok robin lets go

As we left Mr Aizawa thought of something

Aizawa: Robin?

With mandalay

Tiger was struggling to pay a hit of magne

Tigers mind: how is he predicting my cat combat

While that mandalay and Red hood were still fighting spinner as he was swinging his weapon and they kept dodging mandalay and tiger were getting tired while red hood was still fully energized he help tiger a bit laying hits on magne then saw that mandalay was gonna get hit so he ran towards her as spinner raise his weapon high but red hood made it in time and him and spinner were having a tug of war with the weapon

Red Hood: you're not gonna hurt her

Spinner: well look what we got here looks like the villain killer actually has a heart for a kitty cat

Just then his weapon was destroyed by a kick all of them looked that I has arrived

Izuku: mandalay Kota safe with me

Mandalay saw that Kota was running towards spinner and he kick him in the face at the same time grabbed his staff and aim it at his leg causing spinner to feel pain, they both land in front of red hood as mandalay noticed that Kota was wearing a hero costume

Red Hood: what the hell took you so long

Izuku: shut up and fight and mandalay use your quirk to tell everyone that they're allow to use their quirks to protect themselves

Mandalay: o.ok

Mandalay(using her quirk): everyone this is mandalay by the words of your friend Izuku and teacher Aizawa you're allowed to use your quirks to protect yourselves.

Mandalay: Kota what are you doing here it's dangerous and what are you wearing

Kota: mandalay Izuku taught me what it means to be a hero so I'm gonna be a hero too and Izuku is always gonna protect me so don't worry Nightwing and I are gonna save all of you

Red hood: kids got guts you really taught him that

Izuku: well he wants to be a hero and also wants to follow my path so yeah now everyone let's show these villains a lesson that they'll learn and that is never hurt my friends

Izuku: let's go Kota and you red hood my friends could also use some help so if you have time try to help them too

Red Hood: I was here because of slade and the villains but seeing why stain spared you I come along but first

He threw a smoke grenade at spinner and magne and grabbed mandalay and threw her at spinner while tiger went for magne

Red Hood: your turn red head

Spinner and magne couldn't see so that give an advantage for mandalay and tiger to knock them out

Izuku: nice plan

Red Hood: Thanks

Mandalay: bout time I get a solid hit In also hey red

Red hood look at her

Mandalay: next time ask first then you threw me but *gets closer to his head and whispers* did you like what you see

All of a sudden red hood got embarrassed

Red Hood: LETS GO KID!!!

(A/N: I some how feel like I ship these two besides maybe Kota needs a uncle don't judge me)

As we left mandalay sent a message saying that they're after kacchan.

Tiger: you like him don't you

Mandalay: well he save me so

Play the music*

We continue running in the woods with Kota on my right and red hood on my left

With Shoto

Bakugou was as running towards the villains but he use his quirk and was about to injure him but todoroki use his ice to block

Shoto: you don't just run in carelessly

Moonfish: haft to keep going haft to do my work

Shoto: didn't you listen they're after you

Bakugou: it could be dekus fault that they're here well I don't care

As they continue to attack they saw him

Moonfish: show me your flesh

Shoto: don't use your explosion everyone can die by that

Bakugou: fine

With kendo and tetsutetsu

Ituska : tetsutetsu I figure out something mandalay didn't say anything about the grass that means there's only one source of it so if we find it we can get rid of it

Tetsutetsu: ok lets teach this bad guy a lesson

As they ran they ran towards a villain knew they were coming

Mustard: I guess a few only avoided my gas and realized that I'm here

As he loaded his gun tetsutetsu tried a sneak attack so he pulled a trigger


I stopped at the sound of the gun shot it brought back memories of my parents death

Kota: Izuku what's wrong

Red Hood: you look like you saw a ghost

I turn to a direction to where was gas and I pulled out a gas mask that was on my belt

Izuku: Kota there's a gas mask in your belt put it in red hood to you need one

Red Hood: my mask and a built in one so I'll be fine

Izuku: stay behind me

Once our masks was gon I ran straight in the gas without stopping

Kota: wait up

Red Hood: I like this kid rushing in is kinda like my thing

Back with ituska

Mustard: well look who it is I saw you on tv you're the one with the metal quirk gotta say looks like you're defenseless without your mask oh well

Tetsutetsu mind: damn really he brought a gun doesn't matter but he looks like he's at my age

As he rush at him again mustard shot another bullet causing tetsutetsu to fall back

Mustard: really that's a fools move

He then saw kendo tried to snake up on him but tetsutetsu took the shot

Ituska: tetsutetsu are you ok you're bleeding

Tetsutetsu: I'm fine

Mustard: really two on one I expected better well *points gun that them* good night

Just then the hole on his gun was blocked he saw that there was a Wingding on it

Mustard: what the wait that symbol that must mean

He looked up and I came crashing down as I kick his gun out of his hands and punch him in the face and he was knocked out and the gas was gone I tuned to ituska and tetsutetsu and walk towards them ituska rush at me and gave me a hug she was also crying

Ituska: Thank you i almost lost him

Izuku: don't worry he's knock out and everything's fine

Tetsutetsu: hey Nightwing

I look at him

Tetsutetsu: Thanks

Izuku: no problem

I turn around to see that mustard was getting up

Mustard: you're him the quirkless hero Nightwing
I always wanted to meet you in person I heard about your parents such a shame for them

He grabbed another gun and pointed it at me

Izuku: stay behind me

Mustard: the them I said hi

I threw another Wingding at his gun then walk towards him and punch him strains in the face

Izuku: sorry I'm gonna cancel that message you two get to camp

Ituska: ok you be safe please let's go tetsutetsu

Red hood and Kota came

Red Hood: sounds like she likes you

Izuku: I'm already taken

Kota went it mustard and put hand cuffs on him

Izuku: let's go

As we continue a giant hand was launched at us but we dodge and found shoji who's one of his tentacles was bleeding

Izuku: shoji what happen your hurt

Shoji: we were attack by a villain but I protected us but that villain said something about Asui that triggered Tokoyami quirk

Izuku: don't tell me m

Shoji: yeah if we wanna make it to the others we gotta get past dark shadow

Tokoyami: stay away from me you'll die

The four of us got in fighting stance

Red Hood: I'm shaking in my boots but it's gonna take more than that to scare me

Kota: did Izuku are you sure we can handle this

Izuku: we can do this we haft to save everyone but don't hurt Tokoyami


Izuku mind: shigaraki I don't what you planned but I'm gonna come after you for what you've done

To be continue....

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