Not Your Typical Prom

By northofinfinity

6.3K 267 42

'Because I know that there is strength in the difference between between us and there is comfort where we ove... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven

Chapter Eight

197 9 0
By northofinfinity

Dedicated to the lovely @EmilyMahTippetts because she is a beautiful writer and her stories are so realistic and truthful and refreshing and she is just amazing!

And the song that is linked to the side is Superheroes by The Script and it has nothing to do with this chapter but I just love the song so much and I feel like everyone should listen to it :)




I winced at the situation. Brandon was glaring daggers at Cole who stood in front of us, pen and pad in hand, ready for us to order. Cole looked blank and indifferent and I mentally chastened him for it. It would be sure to just aggravate Brandon more.

I could guess why Brandon hated Cole after what happened at the party. And I suppose Brandon thought it would be a good idea to teach him a lesson.

I was honestly surprised to see Cole. I hadn't pictured him as someone that would be out working, but then again, here he was.

I put my hand over Brandon's as a silent plea to not cause a scene. He relaxed slightly. I looked over the menu and then shrugged and looked back up at Cole.

"Whatever's on special," I said indifferently and he scribbled it down.

"Okay. And sir," he turned to Brandon "you?"

Brandon pursed his lips and looked over the menu. "Yeah, the special for me too."

Cole nodded and walked away, calmly, not scurrying like I would have expected him to.

I turned to look at Brandon. "Relax, okay? Don't let him ruin our first date," I smiled and the mention of the date made Brandon relax instantaneously and he looked at me and smiled.

"Of course, babe. I'm sorry, I let my temper get the best of me."

I shook my head. "No, no, it's okay. I'm just so glad we're doing this!"

Brandon took my hand and laced our fingers together. "Yeah, me too!"

I had to smile.


The food was taking it's time in coming. My stomach had begun to grumble and I could see Brandon getting more and more aggravated. I had half a mind to go into the kitchen and demand to know what was taking so long when I spotted Cole, carrying a couple of dishes expertly towards our tables.

He set two delicious smelling soups in front of us with some crusty bread on the side and then two plates of pasta. He bowed slightly and left.

I dug in straight away. The soup was hot, but not enough to burn my tongue and the bread was warm and buttery which wasn't good for my figure, but at this point, I didn't care.

I could see Brandon across from me, doing the same thing.

We had wiped our plates clean when we both sat back with a sigh. I patted my tummy and laughed.

"This place does take a long time to deliver, but man, the food is amazing!" Brandon groaned and I laughed again, nodding.

"Mmm...I don't think I can eat another bite!"

"Not even ice cream?" Brandon teased and I shook my head.

I shouldn't. I couldn't. I worked hard to stay in shape, not only to look good but for my dancing and if I let loose it would be hard to stop but looking at Brandon's puppy dog eyes made me falter.

"Oh...maybe just one scoop then," I sighed, giving in.

Brandon grinned brightly and motioned with his fingers for someone to come over.

The girl that was previously carrying the trays came over, grinning brightly.

"Hi, there. What can I get you today?"

Brandon looked at me, indicating with his hand for me to order and I pursed my lips and thought about it.

"Uh... a chocolate fudge Sunday," I decided.

She scribbled it down and looked at Brandon. "And you, sir?"

"The same as the lady," Brandon smiled at me and I swooned internally.

He could be so sweet!

The waitress nodded and giving us one last friendly, she turned on her heel and disappeared. I turned back to Brandon and we made some small talk until she reappeared carrying our deserts.

She set them down, with a quick 'enjoy' and backed away. We both dug into the icy treat and I smiled as it melted on my tongue.

We polished off our ice creams within a matter of seconds and sat back and sighed, simultaneously.

"Ready to leave?" Brandon asked and I nodded.

I waited while he paid and then we both began the walk back to his car. I was quite surprised when he took my hand into his. It was large and warm and smooth, just like I had expected it to be.

I couldn't help the smile that had begun to curve my mouth.

He opened the door for me, like a perfect gentleman and waited for me to climb in before closing it shut. He walked around to his side and got in.

Starting his car, he reversed out of the parking and began to drive me home.


We had reached the awkward stage in our date when he stood outside my house and the two of us looked at each other, unsurely.

Did this date mean we were together? As in a relationship? Did this mean I would have to change my facebook status? What happens now?

I shook it off. I was Scarlett Anderson. Guys dreamed of being with me.

Brandon smiled at me. "I hope you had fun today," he said, breaking me out of my thoughts.

I nodded. "Yeah, it was great. We should do this again," I said.

He nodded in return. "Yeah, I thought so too."

I smiled at him. He smiled back. I loved how sweet he was being.

"Come on, I'll walk you to the door," he said, interlacing our fingers and pulled me gently along.

I turned to face him and smiled, again. I seemed to smile a lot around him, I noted.

"Thanks for today," I said quietly. I was shocked at how bashful I now felt. It was a strange and slightly elating feeling to meet someone who made me feel all fluttery and blushy.

"It's okay," he said, just as quietly. He lifted the hand he still held and brushed his lips, briefly over my knuckles.

I looked up.

He looked up.

I knew the moment when he decided to close the distance between us. It was in his eyes.

I closed mine as his lips brushed over mine, sweet and warm. His lips were soft and smooth. His breath was warm. He pulled back.

I breathed out.

So did he.

I looked at him.

He looked back at me.

I smiled.

He smiled back.

"Thanks," I whispered, blushing slightly. He touched my cheek, where it felt hot and winked.

"No, thank you," he grinned and then turned around towards his car.

I watched him go and when he had finally disappeared down the road, I unlocked the front door and stepped inside. Slamming it shut, I slowly slid down it, putting my hand to my heart that was thrumming in my chest.

Breathing out a sigh, I dropped my head into my hands and groaned.

"What was that?" a clipped voice asked. Mom.

I looked up. She stood before me, dressed immaculately with her makeup and hair done perfectly. It was strange how she always looked so put together and professional, even at home.

It was something I could only dream to accomplish.

"That was Brandon," I said, standing up and brushing my dress off.

"Why was he here?"

"He was dropping me off. We went on a date today," I smiled.

Mom frowned. "A date?"

"Yeah Mom, a date. You know, when a person takes another out for some fun? So they can get to know each other and spend some quality time..."

"I know what a date is!" she snapped. "But I was under the assumption we would spend the day together," she frowned at me and I felt my anger rising.

"So was I before you blew me off!"

"I'm sorry darling but it was work stuff. I had to go!"

I shook my head. "You always have work 'stuff' to do."

"Because I'm a busy woman," Mom sighed exasperatedly and ran a manicured hand through her freshly blow-dried hair.

"And I know what, but why are you so stuck on the whole, I went on a date thing. I've been on dates before and besides, he's a nice guy. Brandon Taylor. I think you might know his mother."

Mom's face brightened. "Taylor?"

I nodded. It was common knowledge that the Taylor family were quite rich, especially because Mr Taylor, Brandon's father, owned a large business and had many shares in the stock market. Brandon's mother, Mrs Taylor bought large amounts of clothing items that Mom designed for her own, personal use. She was pretty big in the fashion industry as well, a writer for one of the most prestigious magazines, rivalling Vogue. When she was seen wearing one of my mother's pieces, it was great publicity.

"Yeah, Mrs Taylor's son, Brandon. He asked me out and I said yes," I told Mom going back to the conversation.

I could see the cogs moving around inside her head as she nodded. I guessed she was plotting as to how she could use it to the best advantage and get Mrs Taylor to write an article on the newest clothing collection she had produced.

I sighed. Typical.

"Oh," she said. "Well, okay then."

She looked down at her phone and then sighed.

"Sorry darling, I have to go, there's an emergency with one of the clothing pieces," she sighed and shoved her feet into her high heels while picking up her bag.

I shrugged. "Nothing new."

She kissed my forehead and raced out the door. I was left watching after her, the good mood from my date suddenly evaporating.


A/N : Hey, hey, hey! Thank you all for the votes and reads I have been getting, I appreciate it so, so much! It's very nice to know that there are people out there that are actually enjoying my writing. So another update for your lovelies, unfortunately not as long as the previous one.

And lately, school has been really dragging me down with all the pressure and work and all my other activities and I just feel like time runs out so quickly and wow, I am totally rambling and this a/n doesn't even make sense and I am so sorry if this chapter isn't great because I am just so exhausted.

But if you actually did enjoy this update, please support my work by voting, commenting and maybe even fanning. Thank you all so much and ily!

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