Against his will

By Bluedragon95

3.7M 118K 9.1K

It's been two years since he has gone to study abroad. I still remember the day I came to live in this house... More

chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 18
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Chapter 51
Chapter 52
Chapter 53
Chapter 54
Chapter 55
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 61
Chapter 62
Epilogue 1
Epilogue 2
New Book

Chapter 60

55K 1.6K 319
By Bluedragon95

***Update Update***

***I'm sorry guys for the late update. Yeah I know I'm such a bad author but I wanted to thank you guys for waiting***

***Vote for chapters guys***


At the same time, the doorbell rang telling me Scott's arrival. With a happy smile, I went to open the door. A bright smile was on my face when I opened the door wide to close it back in fear with a thud.

I stood there placing my back to the door to support my weak frame. My small hands were placed on my wildly beating heart to console my poor heart.

When I opened my door I saw deep sea-colored eyes looking at my soul passing the barrier of my body. And when our eyes meet I feet him striping my soul out of me and It caused me to immediately close the door.

“What is he doing here? What does he want from me now.” I whispered in my small fear and angry voice to myself. Again the doorbell rang making me flinch at my place. But I don't move from my place because I'm too busy calming my wildly beating heart. Five minutes passed by me sitting there like that and he didn't ring the bell again.

Did he leave?

I was about to sign in relief when he bangs the door making me jump in my place. “Open the door, Jane. Don't make me break it,” he said in his firm warning voice making my heart jump out of my ribcage.

What the hell he is doing here from all places. How does he even know where I was. What does he want from me now after taking everything from me? I have nothing left to give him or wait does, he knows I'm pregnant?

Thousands of questions were coming into my mind but the last one caught my breath in my lungs giving birth to new fear in me.

Shut up Jane how will he know? He doesn't know about it.

My inner debate made my decision firm not to talk with him. I don't want to see his face and that's why I'm not opening this door. Can't he take this as no and go away? I won't open the door let him stand like that. But all my thoughts were put in vain when he again banged the door with force making me run away from the door in little fear.

“Open this damn fucking door” he cursed loudly in his angry voice making me grind my teeth in anger and frustration while thinking how can I make him get lost.

I could imagine him standing behind this door with clenched jaw and fury in his eyes. He won't listen like that and he won't even get lost like that. How did I forget how stubborn impatient devil he is. If he wants to hear it from my mouth so let it be like that. In anger and with this new courage in me, I stomped in the direction of the door and opened it wide to face him with anger face. “Get lost I don't want to talk to you,” I said in my anger firm voice while looking into his angry impatient eyes. Those are making me lose my little courage which I gather to fight against him.

Listening to me he clenched his teeth in anger and his all demeanor changed. It was a signal for me to close the door as soon as possible and run for my life. I immediately put it into action what my brain screamed for me to do it and I was about to close the door but he stopped it by holding the door in one hand. He was making it hard for me to close it but I tried my best by pushing the door with both hands. But I failed miserably because he is so much stronger than me.

Only using his one hand, he opened it against my protest and he entered my house giving me his victory angry smirk while closing the door with a thud making me flinched at that noise. I know he is pissed beyond his limits. I know I made him angry but I have all the rights to behave like this and I won't get affected by his actions. I'm not good to know what is going in his head. For that he needs to tell me and if he choosing not to tell me that he deserves this behavior.

I looked at him with a clenched jaw and tried to show him that I'm not afraid of his actions but fear was visible in my eyes. He started taking steps in my direction making me take my steps backward involuntarily. Looking in his deep sea-colored eyes I gulped involuntarily but still opened my mouth to show him my anger. “ dare you entered my house forcefully,” I said in an angry voice while trying to keep my voice firm still taking steps in the backward direction.

He didn't say anything but kept cutting the distance between us making me take my breath more deeply to control my heart increase pace. My back hit the wall increasing my uneasiness because he was only two steps away from me. I looked left-right furiously to run away but my brain screamed at me not to do it and face him. I can't always run away from him but I need to stop him where he is. I don't want him to get any closer to me.

“Get out of my house before I call the police,” I said in my threatening voice to scare him so he won't come near me and go away so I can breathe in relief. Listening to me he didn't stop in his track or say anything but came so near me invading my private space his hands were firmly placed in his pants pocket. His eyes were telling me that my threats were not affecting him a bit. I didn't want to back out so I kept looking into his eyes to show him that I'm not afraid of his actions.

His body was only one inch apart from mine. His cologne was all over my nostrils making me weak in my knees. He stood in front of me not touching me but still, his presence in front of me gave goosebumps all over my body. Like he was touching me with his dark gaze. How I want to close my eyes to hide from his dark gaze but I can't do that. I will face him and let him know his presence does not affect me a bit.

Studying my face he smirked at me like he knows what was going on in my mind. He kept moving his face nearer to mine while straight looking in my eyes like challenging me. His face was only a half-inch apart from mine. I can't take this anymore and at that moment, I moved my face to another side closing my eyes tightly. I didn't fail to miss his victory smirk on his face before closing my eyes.

With my actions, he got his confirmation that his nearness still affects me so badly. Not a second after I close my eyes shut I felt the tip of his nose touching my cheeks and running all over the length of my pale neck while inhaled deeply in my scent. Stopping at bottom of my neck his teeth glazed on my skin. His mear action of touch caused electricity to run all over my body causing me to curl my finger and dug my nails in my palm while increasing my breathing to calm my poor heart.

I can't let him do this with me. He has no right to touch me after destroying everything in my life.

Anger tears dwell in my closed eyes lifting my hands I pushed him to get him away from my body. He moved a little bit backward with my sudden push. Swallowing my anger a little bit which was making it hard for me to speak I looked at him with anger tear-filled eyes. His face was showing pure annoyance because of my actions. As if I care how he feels. I took a deep breath to make my voice come out of my mouth without shuttering. “I'm serious get out of my house before I call the police and report you,” I said in anger. Listening to me he smirked at me making me furrow my brows at him in annoyance.

He never took my threats seriously.

“Please do explain to me. How will you tell the police to get the owner out of his own house,” he asked with an angry smirk. Listening to him my heart started beating fast in fear.

“W..what do you mean,” I said in my shocked voice while shuttering.

“When your father died he had a loan on his head and after his death house was sold to pay his debt but I bought it and that how I'm the owner of this house,” he said in his angry but controlled voice.

Listening to him my eyes widened in realization causing the ground beneath me to slip putting me in a shocking state. “So are you calling the police or should I do it for you,” he asked with a victory smirk plastered to his face.

His words hit me like a brick. From starting he knew where I was and I being a fool thought I can get away from his grip.

I don't even have the last memory of my parents left with me. Know it a single tear slipped from my left eye. Wiping my tear I looked straight into his eyes and said in my shaken voice  “A..are you happy after taking away last memory of my parents from me” saying it I bit my quivering lower lip to stop myself from crying out loud in front of him. Listening to me he clenched his jaw in anger.

It's the reason why he came here. He was kind enough to let this homeless girl stay in his property free for a month and now he wants me to leave this place. Does he think I would still stay in this place after knowing he owes this property? He is wrong. If I knew this fact from the starting. I would have never come to stay here in the first place. I will be happy leaving on the streets rather than here.

“You don't need to call the police I will leave your house on my own,” I said while looking into his eyes with a teary gaze and then moving my eyes all over the house to see it for the last time.

Mom dad I will miss your presence beside me but you will always stay in my heart.

That thought caused a warm stream of tears to run down my pale cheeks against my protests. I won't cry. I won't cry anymore in front of him. I repeated it in my brain and took a deep breath to calm my shaken state. I turn to go to my room and collect my little sweet memories of my parents that he would never be able to take away from me.

When I tried to move away from him he took a hold of my arm making me stop on my track. “Where are you going,” he asked in anger.

Closing my eyes I took a deep breath and answer him calmly without looking at him. “Away from you. Away from this place which until yesterday was my home for me. Were my small family lived happily but now it's the house for me which you own and that fact is making hard for me to take one more breath in this house.” I said without turning back. Warm tears slipped from my eyes when I said that. My heart hurts so much where I can't bear it anymore.

Listening to me his hold became strong on my arm. In a blink of a second, he pulled me towards him my front clashed with his hard chest. Both hands were possessively placed on my waist caging me in his embracement making it impossible for me to go away from him.

“I always knew it was so easy for you to leave me. I so knew it from starting. I should have never believed in your empty promises” he said in his angry voice with a clenched jaw looking straight in my eyes. Looking in his eyes I saw the hurt. He tried to mask it but still, I saw it. Seeing it in his eyes pain in my chest became more unbearable.

I don't know why. Shouldn't I be happy seeing him in pain because he gave me the same pain?

“Good for you. Now you know it. Let me go so we can stop making the empty promises to each other,” I said while looking away from his eyes while trying to hide my pain which increased in my heart when I said those words to him. Listening to me his grip got more tight on me if it was even possible.

“I'm not sorry to ruin your plan but the next place you are going after stepping out of this house is to our home,” he said in his firm voice making it clear for me that I don't have any other choice.

His words made me lift my eyes and look in his see colored one in shock and anger. Why does he want me to come with him when I made it very clear to him that I won't live with the person who was the cause of my parent's death.

“I will never do that. Did you forget I told you to leave me alone?” I half yield in anger and frustration.

Is it that hard for him to understand that I want him to leave me alone?

Anger was visible in his eyes after listening to my reply.

“It's enough with your let me alone thing,” he said in anger. “I let you live alone till you were alone but now you are not alone anymore,” he said in his firm voice while looking straight into my eyes.

His words confused me about what he wants to say. “What do you mean by I'm not alone,” I said in annoyance with little confusion in my eyes.

Does he think I'm with someone?

That thought made my blood boil in anger.

“Yes you are not alone anymore don't try to hide it from me,” he said in an angry voice looking straight into my eyes. His eyes daring me to debt if he is wrong it only put more fuel to my anger.

“What the hell are you talking about,” I asked in anger while trying to get away from his possessive grip. The first thing I want to do after getting out of his grip is to slap him hard in his face for thinking so low of me again.

Getting annoyed with my pushing he pinned me to the wall with both hands on either side of my face. “Don't try to hide it from me anymore. I fucking know it” he said in anger while looking straight into my eyes.

“Get..” I didn't get to complete because he again spoke in between freeing my one hand he moved his hand on my stomach while glaring at me. I don't know why but this small act of him touching my stomach spread warmness inside me giving this unknown peace inside me.

“Don't lie to me, Jane. I know that you are with my child” he said in anger voice with a clenched jaw but his eyes were soft when he said the last part.

Listening to him my eyes widen in shock. How the hell he knows it. Fear increased in me after knowing the fact that he knows about my baby which is growing in my womb. “N…” I tried to deny it because of my fear but he again didn't let me complete my sentence.

“Don't you dare to lie to me and if you do I won't mind taking you against this wall as a punishment for keeping it away from me,” he said in his threatening voice making me weak in my knees. He knows it and I can't deny it anymore but how the hell he knows it. His knowing it increases my fear ten times.

Don't get afraid Jane. Be strong for your baby. His knowing that you are pregnant is a good thing for you. At least now you won't be leaving in a fear that he will come to know from somewhere.

My invoice tried to calm my worried thoughts. Taking a deep breath I tried to calm my tens nerves and opened my mouth “Yes I'm pregnant and it's nothing to do with me coming back to your house or you knowing the fact that I'm pregnant. What makes you think I will come with you” I said in anger while removing his hand away from my stomach and freeing myself from his other caging hand making some distance between us.

“Don't make it hard Jane. You will lose it badly” he said in an angry warning voice.

“I'm not afraid of your threats. I won't come with you not now. Not tomorrow and it will continue till never” I said while folding my hands in front of me to show him my decision is final.

Looking at my actions he took a deep breath to calm himself while pinching his nose bridge in annoyance. When he was done he looked straight into my eyes while putting his both hands in his pocket and bringing his businessman orra which he uses to deal with his rival company. To destroy them completely and in the end, leaves them with nothing but to beg for his mercy. I saw the change in demeanor in his cold eyes causing me to swallow hard. I know he is capable of doing anything and it's making me worry for my baby. I don't care what happens to me.

Be strong for your baby. You can still win from the devil don't lose your hope.

My inner voice motivated me.

“It's everything to do with me. Let me make you clear cut familiar to some facts” he said in his dangerous low voice sending chills to my spine while again coming near me invading my private space to intimated me. “First the child growing in your womb is mine and it gives me every right to be in his or her life,” he said in his same dangerous low voice while invading my private space. “Second he or she is going to be the heir to my growing empire. So I'm the one who will decide what best for it healthy upbringing,” he said while standing in front of me while giving me his hard gaze “Third if you don't obey me and try to act stubborn and play with my baby health. Remember as soon as my child comes into this world. I will file for full custody of my baby and do best within my power not to make you part of our lives” he said with his determined smirk plastered to his face.

His smirk told me he won't think twice before doing it. Looking at his determined gaze my eyes widened in fear. The thought of my baby not being in my life made it seem everything lifeless in front of my eyes. Just knowing the fact about my baby growing in my womb made my thoughts my breathing my everything revolves around him. Making me eager for its arrival. But when my baby comes in this word it will be not mine because of this devil. Who is willing to take my life away from me if I don't listen to him. My sense stops working making me lose my command over my body. I was about to fall on a floor but two strong hands captured my lifeless body.

“Jane...Jane are you alright” he said in his panicked voice while patting my cheeks to bring my consciousness back. With half-open eyes, I saw worriedness in his eyes for his baby. A single tear slipped from the corner of my left eye. I knew he can do anything to get what he wants. By hook or crook, he had everything that he desires but this time he has crossed his limits. He is trying to separate a child from its mother and that thought gave a sharp sting pain in my heart.

He was still patting my face to get my consciousness back. Lifting my weak hand I moved his hand away from my face and took my weak frame away from his body while trying to keep my balance.

“D..don't touch me,” I said in my weak breaking voice while settling my back to the wall to support my weak frame. Tears were following from my hurt orbs. They unleashed on their own because I can't hold them back any longer.

“Jane lise…” he tried to come near me to take me again in his arms.

“No stop! Don't you dare to touch me with those hands of yours which are dreaming of separating my child from me” I said in pure hatred. Listing to me his jaw clench with fury in his eyes. “F..first you took my parents away from my life. T..then you took this house from me which is the last place where I felt my dead parents p..presence and now you want to take my away from me by taking my baby” I said in my angry hurt voice while sobbing hard.

“ low you are willing to fall,” I said in the same voice while sobbing hard while wiping my tears with the back of my hand which was blurring my vision. I was so drained out of the energy that I didn't know when I lost my complete consciousness while waiting to hit my weak frame to the floor but it never happened.  

I tried to open my eyes but my heavy eyelids were not letting me open my eyes completely. I slowly open it and found I was in my room lying on my bed. I tried to adjust my eyes to the lights. “Your awake” listening to this unfamiliar voice I looked in the direction from where it came. I saw a lady doctor from the clinch where I went. She is sitting beside me and checking my pulse. My head was hurting a little bit.

“Doctor, how is she? Is everything fine with the baby?” I heard a familiar worried voice asking questions to the doctor. When I moved my heavy eyes in the direction of the voice. I saw him standing beside my bed holding my pale hand.

“Miss Austin do you feel pain anywhere in your lower body,” the doctor asked me.

Listening to her his hold on my hand became strong with the clenched jaw. I tried to remove it but he didn't let me do it. “Doctor she is Mrs. Adam’s,” he said in his firm voice.

She moved her eyes between us with a small smile like she understood the situation. “So Mrs. Adam's do you feel any pain in your lower body” she ask me again. I moved my head in denial. “Good then you are fine and baby is doing well,” she said while writing something on her notepad. “Those are some vitamin tablets make sure to give her after she eats her food,” she said while giving to Zanvil. He took it while looking at the prescription.

“Doctor why she fainted,” he asked with a serious face.

“It can happen due to many reasons stress, pressure or not having a proper diet. It happens in the early stage of pregnancy but after checking her I found out her body is weak” she replied with the same face. He nodded his head. “So Mrs. Addams you take proper rest and don't stress yourself”, she said with a small friendly smile. I nodded at her with a small smile. “Mr. Adams I would like to talk with you alone,” she said while looking at Zanvil.

I saw how his relaxed expressions changed to worried one. He nodded in yes and they went outside the room. What she wants to talk about now. Didn't she say that I'm fine? After a few minutes, he came back to the room with a serious angry face “We are leaving” he said while lifting me in his arms like the bridal style.

“What..” I didn't get time to protest because he showed me his death glare making me shut. I knew the consequence if I open my mouth and it causes me to shut my mouth. He took me to the car making me sit inside it with him. I tried to move away from him but he did let me go and made me sit so near to him.

“Airport” he commanded to the drive without giving him a second glance.

“Why doctor wanted to talk with you alone,” I asked after some time while looking out of the window. That thought kept eating my mind from the moment we left the house.

“Nothing you should worry about” he replied after some time while taking a deep breath.

I already knew his answer like always he will choose not to tell me. Can't he even tell me about my health problems? Tears dwell in corner of my eyes making me close my eyes so as not to let them out. I always tried to get used to this behavior of his but like always it hurts so badly every time. In a few minutes, we reached the airport. Getting out of the car he again carried me in his arms not letting me walk on my own feet.

“I can walk,” I said while trying to get him to know the fact.

He just glared at me telling me to shut up while entering his private plane. He made me sit comfortably on a seat and then talked with the pilot giving his instruction for taking off. I took that time to admire the plane It's a luxurious one. He sat in front of me taking out his laptop he started working on it while me looking out of the window at the clouds to ignore his presence.

“Sir ma'am do you need something to drink,” stewardesses asked us with a professional smile.

“Bring food for her and that medicine too which I gave you,” he said without looking up from his laptop screen.

“Anything else sir,” she asked with the same smiling face not getting affected by his rude behavior like she is used to it.

“No” he again replied without looking at her.

How rude he is. God how did I even got married to him in the first place.

I thought while narrowing my eyes in his direction. In a few minutes, she came with food and smile at me while placing the tray in front of me. I repaid her gesture nodding her head and then she left. I shifted my gaze to the try from her descending back. The food looks tasty and it was so much for one person to eat.

My stomach growled telling me my baby is hungry. I took some bites from pasta and fruits and then I couldn't eat it anymore. If I eat more I have to run to the bathroom to vomit. Discarding that thought I took tablets to eat but a strong hand stopped me. “What are you doing,” I asked with an annoyed face.

“That what I'm supposed to ask you. Why are you taking tablets without finishing your food?” he asked with a serious face

“I'm not feeling like eating it anymore,” I said while trying to take away my hand from his hold.

“You won't take your medicine after eating food like a bird,” he said in his firm voice.

“But I don't want to eat more,” I said in annoyance.

“You are full but my baby is still hungry so you are going to finish everything present in this tray,” he said while closing his laptop and keeping it away. Taking a spoonful of pasta he brings it to my mouth to eat.

“But I don't want to eat it,” I said with an annoyed face.

“Don't argue with me. I will only let you eat your medicine when you finish eating everything from this tray so eat” he said in his firm voice.

As much as I would love to argue with him but I have no energy left in me to waste on him. Glaring at him I eat it. I was for sure that I will soon run anytime to the bathroom to puke so he will come to know that baby didn't feel like eating more but it never happened. He fed me everything slowly and with patience and I was shocked to see it in him. From where he got this so suddenly. I felt like the baby taking the side of his dad.

“Do you want to rest?” he asked me when he was don feeding me. I moved my head in denial and rested my head on my set while looking out of the window and I don't know when I drifted to sleep. He woke me up when we were ready to land. I found myself sleeping on a bed in the plane room.

Did he again carry me without letting me know?

The ride back home was silent because I didn't want to talk to him. When we reach home mom came running to me. “O my God my Jane is back,” she said happily while hugging me tightly. “We missed you so much,” she said while breaking our hug cupping my cheeks in motherly affection. She was crying while saying it making me cry too.

“Yes, sweetheart, we missed you so much,” dad said while hugging me.

“I'm mad at you. How could you leave us? If you both fight you should come and talk with us not leave the house” she said with anger. I knew it was not her anger but her worries for me. Thank God they don't know why I left the house. “I'm still mad at you,” she said with cute fake anger causing me to smile at her with teary eyes. I knew she was trying to show me how worried she was for me all this time.

“Will, you still be mad at me after knowing that you are going to become a grandmother?” I asked with a small smile.

“Yes..what!” mom said with a surprised face. “I'm going to become a grandmother,” mom asked with still surprised eyes. I nodded my head in shyness and I saw how her face lighted up in happiness. “O God I'm going to be a grandmother,” she said happily while hugging me tightly.

“Janney let our daughter and grandchild breath you are hugging her so tightly,” dad said with a happy smile.

“Yeah, you are right. Sorry dear but I couldn't stop myself from hugging you both” mom said with a smile making dad move his head in understanding.

“I'm so happy for my children,” dad said while hugging me and Zanvil.

“Enough of crying now come let's go inside so I can cook your favorite food to celebrate this happy news,” mom said while taking me inside.

We were sitting in the living room and mom was talking all about baby stuff and I was enjoying it. It made me more excited for my baby's arrival. Zanvil was sitting so near beside me. I don't know why. His one hand was resting on the back of my head on the couch headboard while his fingers were playing with my hair. I tried to behave like his actions doesn't affect me but I was feeling something in my stomach. Most of the time he was gazing at me while conversing with his parents making me conscious if something is on my face.

Doesn't he have work to do?

I want to remove his hand but I can't do it in front of mom and dad because they think everything is sorted out between us now. I don't want to take their happiness away from them. Mom and dad, we're talking about something from their olden time and I saw mom blushing when dad said something. Seeing her like that a smile formed on my lips. They have so much love for each other in their hearts and it warms my cold heart.

“Do you want to rest?” Zanvil whispered in my ear while his lips brushing on my skin giving me a tingling sensation it getting me completely off-guard in this situation. I looked at him with shocked eyes. His face was a mere inches away from mine. When I moved my face to see him. He lifted my hand and pressed it to his lips giving the same tingling sensation on the skin of the back of my hand. I don't know when he took a hold of my hand in his or he was holding it from starting. Our proximity made me gulp in this sweet fear in me. It again gives birth to the same sensation in my stomach. Is something wrong with me. Why I'm feeling like this.

What is he trying to do to me?

I thought while looking into his sea-colored eyes. I immediately moved my head in denial when I came back to my senses. I would sit here alone rather than being in his presence like this.

“Dinner is ready,” mom said breaking my thoughts.

I immediately stood up and head in direction of the dining room while trying to get away from his closeness and this feeling of uneasiness in me. We should stay away from each other for the good being of both of us. We eat our dinner and the food was so delicious and this time I eat everything that Zanvil was serving me on my plate. One or other dishes throughout the dinner like he knew what I wanted to eat next and after that, I took my tablets.

Everyone retired for a day after saying goodnight. I reaching the room with him following me. I want to stay in my old room to be away from him but he won't let me do it so I will sleep on the couch of this room. It's a better option I got in the current situation for myself. I got changed in my pajamas and came out of the bathroom. Zanvil was already changed in his sweatpants and was laying on his side leaving his bare chest for exposure like always. I didn't give a glance in his direction and moved to my side to take my pillow. His eyes were following me from the moment I came out of the bathroom. Taking my pillow I kept it on the couch.

“What are you doing,” he asked me.

“Making my bed,” I said while taking the blanket from the closet without looking at him.

He immediately stood up and came in front of me blocking me from going further. “Really. What are you trying to prove by this,” he asked me in anger.

“What will I try to prove by making my bed,” I said while moving away from him and keeping my blanket on the couch but he caught my hand.

“You are not sleeping on that couch,” he said in anger.

“Good so you are going to sleep on it,” I asked while looking into his angry eyes.

He clenched his jaw in anger “No one fucking is sleeping on it. You will sleep with me on the bed. I don't want my baby to sleep uncomfortably on that fucking couch” he said taking my hand and moving in direction of the bed.

“I don't want to sleep on the same bed with you,” I said in anger while snatching my hand away from his hold.

“You won't listen like that” saying it he took out his mobile phone and called someone. In a few minutes, I heard a knock on the door. He opened and few servants came and started lifting the couch making me furrow my brows in anger.

“What are they doing,” I asked in anger.

“There will be no coach in this room from now onwards for you to sleep on it,” he said while giving me his victory smirking making my blood boil in anger.

That night I had to sleep with him on the same bed. I slept in the corner of bed but I don't know how I found myself sleeping so near to him in the morning. Now it happens every day and It's been almost a month I return to the house. I always wake up him kissing my belly and wishing his little love good morning and after that, I again drifted back to sleep. Yes, you heard it right he has a nickname for baby and it's his little love. Please tell me how to resist this man because it's an everyday routine and I'm failing in it.

I try my best to stay away from him but he succumbs to my plan all the time in his favorite possible way. He never misses a chance to touch me in front of mom and where he knows I can't deny his touch. He would come so near me invading my private space. It's like I try to take ten steps away from him but the next moment he comes eleven steps nearer to me increasing this feeling of uneasiness in me.

I always saw a want in his eyes it made me feel more uneasy. I don't want to be close to him because the fear of getting lost in his touch was building up every day. It made me stay away from him.

In the meantime, Nina came to meet me and she was so angry with me but after hearing my pregnancy news she is busy in her aunty dreamland. Scott too visited me and he was hell worried that I got disappeared without any traces on the day he came to meet me at my old house and the good news is three weeks ago he became a dad to a cute little chubby boy. He looked exactly like his mother. I'm eager to visit him back soon and hold him in my hands.

I was so overwhelmed after seeing Mia and her cute little boy whom she was holding so near to her chest in motherly affection. It makes me eager to hold my baby. With that thought in my mind, I moved my hand on my very little bulge belly affection. I'm almost two and a half months. pregnant and my body has started to change a little bit. I'm getting over my morning sickness but for the past two days, I'm feeling lightheaded like everything going blank in front of my eyes. But one good thing has happened that my appetite has increased making me crave different things like something more sour thing. Thinking about it my stomach grumbled tell me to eat something but I just had my lunch an hour ago.

Jane don't forget you are eating for two people so lift your lazy ass and go to the kitchen and eat something.

My invoice commanded me. I stood up and went to the kitchen. Mom and dad went to the dad's therapist so it leaves me alone in the whole house. Opening the fridge I took out the chess dip and moved to the cabins of the kitchen to take out my nachos. When I turned again I felt light-headed but I composed my balance taking the hold of the kitchen island. After I was feeling better I again tiptoed on my toes to take the packet but someone else did it for me.

He was standing behind me his front was touching my back giving me chills all over my body. I tried to get away from the side but he caged me while making me turn to face him. I looked at his face while trying to keep my face straight but I was not able to stop myself from gulping. He looked so damn good all the time unlike me who was standing in front of him in pajamas.

“Is my little love-hungry?” he asked while moving his one hand on my waist and with the other cupping my cheek. I nodded my head while lowering my eyes and biting my lower lip. My heart was beating wildly like it was the first time he touched me. “You don't know how badly I'm craving for you. Like you are carving for this chess deep and nachos,” he said in his dark voice making me weak in my knees.

His thumb immediately freed my lip making me look at him with little surprised eyes for what he said. When our eyes met he didn't waste any time in claiming my lips. In this past month, I never let him kiss me but today he broke my not to let him touch my promise which I made to myself and he broke it in his favorite possible way. He always knew how to have his ways with me.

He kissed me hard like giving me the punishment for not letting him kiss me. Both hands we clenching the corner of the kitchen island for my life. His other hand moved slowly inside my pajama shirt touching my cold skin making me gasp for more air. Zanvil moved his wet lips to my cheeks and the on my neck placing wet kisses. His hand captured my sensitive breast causing my breath to get caught in my lungs making me close my eyes shut in this new sensation inside me. His other hand fingers moved to open my shirt to kiss the skin below my collarbone.

Jane what are you doing. Stop him before you will regret it. You can't let him touch you did you forget what he has done to you. He is even plane to separate your baby from you and that thought made me push him away from him. He again tried to take me his cage but I stopped him.

“No,” I said while stopping him. Anger and hurt were visible in his eyes. “What part you didn't understand when I told you not to touch me,” I asked in anger.

Hearing me he opens his mouth in anger. “Every fucking thing about it. You can't deprive me if you like this. When you didn't want me near you I stayed away from you but I won't tolerate it anymore because you are fucking my” he said in anger while moving his fingers in his hair in annoyance.

“I'm not a thing to be yours. I'm a living breathing human and it gives me the right to make my own decisions and I choose to not be yours forever so stop saying it” I said in anger.

Listening to me a range of anger flowed through his body and in anger he punches the kitchen island with force making me flinch at my place. His knuckles were bleeding badly making my heart drop in my stomach.

“Zanvil what the hell,” I said in an angry and worried voice while trying to get a hold of his bleeding hand but he took it away from me.

“No stay away,” he said in anger while breathing heavily. “Stop showing me your fake concern. Don't think that you can make me stop from getting what I want. The only thing stopping me from taking you on this floor hard to embed in your brain that you belong to me until you will be not able to walk on your own feet. Until you're throat hurting badly from screaming my name is my baby. My little love growing in your womb” he said in his pure determined dangerous voice making me so hard while tears blurring my vision.

He left the kitchen with blood dripping from his knuckles on the floor. I know he won't bandage his hand with this anger of his. I tried to give him pain but I failed every time because it always caused me more pain.

I wiped my tears with the back of my hand and tried to follow him but as soon as I took a step everything became blank in front of my eyes.

Last thing I remember my body falling on the cold floor while tears falling from my half-open eyes.                                                                         


Hey, my lovely readers.

Update for you guys.

Hope you like the update.

Did you guys enjoy today's update?

Is Jane doing the right thing by not letting Zanvil near her?

Do you think guys it's that easy to forgive someone who destroyed your family?

What would you have done if you were in her place?

Let me know your answers guys.

Thanks, guys for taking out your little time for me and following me on my Instagram account, and who didn't do it till now please do it now. I need your support guys.

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Guys keep voting and commenting on chapters. I love to read your comments.

So till then, me the Bluedragon95 sing-off. Meet you guys at the next update. Have fun guys.

Thank you😊

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