Erchomai [Ricochet/Adam Cole]

By -MammaMia-

2.7K 183 137

Trevor has one problem: he used to be in love with Adam Cole. Not the puppy dog, batting eyelashes type of lo... More

intro + cast
playlist + watchlist
chapter 1: fools rush away
chapter 2: win a date with adam cole!
chapter 3: laws of redaction
chapter 5: say nothing
chapter 6: best friends with kid
chapter 7: life as we blow it
chapter 8: definitely, nope
chapter 9: adam & trevor's infinite watchlist
chapter 10: lies actually
chapter 11: while you were wrestling
chapter 12: just fake boyfriends
chapter 13: 500 hours of cole
chapter 14: did you hear about the jenkins?
chapter 15: breakfast at teddy's
chapter 16: trevor and adam make a pesto
chapter 17: chasing alec
chapter 18: the accidental boyfriend
chapter 19: to all the ones i've wrestled before
chapter 20: deliver us from evelyn
chapter 21: first holiday
chapter 22: he's just too into you
chapter 23: just wrong
chapter 24: that awkward match
chapter 25: love, trevor

chapter 4: how to lose a friend in 10 seconds

97 8 0
By -MammaMia-

This is not a date. So, why is it that Trevor somehow doesn't know what to wear and has found himself go through one too many outfit changes on Saturday morning like this is some movie montage? The only thing missing is the upbeat music, because he's already got the supportive best friend/roommate that gives him input on each one sitting on their couch. Scratch that. He's got a jet-lagged best friend/roommate, snoring softly on their couch, which is no help whatsoever.

"Hey." He kicks Akira's shoe, but that doesn't wake him up. Trevor had only left him alone for a minute or two, so how could he be out cold so quick? "Tozawa." Trevor bends over to slap him on the cheek yet does so maybe a little harder than intended. If the way Akira jolts up and knocks his head against his is anything to go off of. "Ow, damn it."

Akira groans, eyes squeezed shut as he rubs at his forehead. He brings up a hand, pointing a finger at where he suspects Trevor is and missing by a wide margin. "That's your karma for waking me."

Trevor and Akira have been best friends for a long time. And after their other best friend, Apollo Crews, had begun starting a family on his own and Trevor was going through a tough break-up, he and Akira decided to move in together. They're both goofballs and film lovers, and Akira's action figure collection allows him to appreciate Trevor's love of music that is often filling the house when Akira enters coming off an intense traveling schedule. Though he spends more time on the road than he does at home, traveling to cities he'd only ever dreamed of visiting, Akira is more than grateful to come home and judge outfits as his friend plays dress up.

Trevor blinks away the slight pain, then grabs Akira's hand to focus it on its intended target before dropping it to straighten up. "Yeah, next time remind me to use a ten-foot pole and a helmet. What do you think about this one?" When Akira opens his eyes, Trevor does his most casual pose: one hand resting on his chin as he stares into space in a way that makes him look thoughtful. "Too much?"

He's dressed in a sky-blue button-down shirt and jean shorts. He feels a little ridiculous modeling outfit after outfit, but he's not entirely sure of the attire for a baseball game. Akira's been to a couple, so he's his best shot.

Akira rests on the couch with his arms propped behind his head and gives him a once over. "The pose? Yes. The outfit? No." He slumps over, letting his head fall in his hands. "It's fine, just like the other 26 were fine."

Smirking, Trevor backs away to his bedroom to change once again. This outfit would be fine if he were going golfing, maybe, but not to sit outside in a crowded stadium. "Look at you, making references to 27 Dresses." Once he ducks into the room, he raises his voice so Akira can hear him as he begins unbuttoning his shirt. "And you said nothing would come out of my Katherine Heigl phase."

"Yes, because understanding all of your rom-com references is definitely a talent that will come in handy in wrestling." Trevor shakes his head, dropping the shirt onto his bed and turning back to his closet to find something else. He hears footsteps and can feel Akira's presence in the room before he sees him. "I don't understand why you have to get dressed up for Adam Cole of all people."

Trevor turns away from the closet to Akira, the prepared statement on his tongue melting away at his friend's questioning stare. He feels a little vulnerable all of a sudden, and he suspects that has little to do with the fact that he's standing there without a shirt on. He cuts his eyes back to his closet, pulling a peach one he doesn't remember owning off the rack. "It's not like that, if that's what you're thinking." Too fancy. He puts the shirt back inside.

"Then tell me what it's like? Because from where I'm standing it looks like you're getting ready for a date."

"It's not a date," Trevor snaps without meaning to, jerking his head back to Akira. "How naive do you guys think I am," he asks, shoulders sagging. "I've already got Mia and Johnny on my case about it, now I gotta hear it from you?" He scoffs, snatching a random shirt from the closet. "You know better than anyone that I'm not trying to go through that again. I won't."

Akira is quiet for a moment, but when Trevor meets his eyes, he gives him an understanding nod. He closes the distance between them, stopping in front of Trevor to ease the shirt from his grip. Trevor watches as he holds it up to his own chest with an encouraging smile. "I like this one. It's more you."

Trevor grins as he takes in the Amazing Spider-Man raglan shirt that he got last spring at a garage sale for three dollars. It's well-worn and been washed so many times the colors have almost faded out. Akira's right. There's never been a shirt that's more him.

He pairs it with some navy shorts and tells himself to stop overthinking.


They get to the game early enough to get food before they find their seats. Since Adam is paying, Trevor has no qualms about denying himself anything and orders a corn dog, chili cheese nachos, a soft pretzel, blue cotton candy, and a large root beer to wash it all down. Adam only orders himself popcorn and a hot dog with relish, but then has the nerve to ask for some of Trevor's cotton candy. Of course, Trevor doesn't mind sharing. It's just that Adam had a chance to get some of his own, okay?

So, that's what he tells him. It should be telling that he's spent enough time around Adam to already begin moving the cotton candy out of his grasp before he's even started reaching for it, but Trevor doesn't notice. He's too busy using his elbow to keep Adam away from his cotton candy at all costs.

They shouldn't be having fun fighting over cotton candy like children, but it's clear to see why they are. Especially to the teenage girl beside them who's looked up from replying to a text to catch sight of the playful scuffle. She grins at the two men, assuming from their proximity and behavior that they're naturally a couple. As a friend calls out to her, she wanders off with one last glance their way. She hopes one day she might find something like them, because as she leaves, she just can't help but think how adorable it is that Adam's bright smile and Trevor's joyous laughter slot together like puzzle pieces.

And just as Adam moves in closer from over his shoulder, one hand finding itself on Trevor's waist, Trevor drops his defense to tune in a little harder to what's playing on the overhead speaker. "Wait, stop. Is that what I think it is playing?"

His distracted state allows Adam to swoop in and snag a piece of the fluffy treat, stuffing it in his mouth while he responds, "I don't know."

Trevor turns around, backing out of Adam's space as he does and stopping Adam from taking any more of his cotton candy. Trevor gets the confirmation he wanted from the speaker as the song fades out. "It was. 'You're so Vain' by Carly Simon." Adam stares at him, unaware of what he's talking about. Trevor's eyebrows furrow. "You know, from that one scene in How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days?" Adam shakes his head and Trevor can't believe it. "Wow, you've gotta get out more."

The two begin heading towards their seats, and Adam's grin is teasing as he glances at Trevor. "It's a good thing I'm out now then, gracing you with my presence."

Trevor rolls his eyes and knocks his shoulder against Adam playfully. "You're so vain, I'll bet you think this song is about you, don't you?"

Adam nudges him back with his elbow, unaware that what Trevor has spoken are lyrics from the song. "I'll think whatever you want me to think if it means I can have another—I mean, a piece of your cotton candy." He gives Trevor his best innocent face. "My first piece, obviously."

Despite what Adam thinks, he's not slick, and Trevor saw him take a piece of cotton candy. But he stops their trek and lets him have another piece anyway, because he's pretty happy in the moment. All smiles as he eats another bite too, enjoying the way it melts on his tongue as smooth as the memory of buying a bag from the fair and splitting it with his mother on a late-night walk through the park.

Trevor and Adam find their seats, and Trevor has just enough food to tide him over while he struggles with the rules and regulations. Adam tries his best to explain everything to him, but he gets sucked into the game an awful lot, standing up from his seat to talk plenty of trash for someone not on the field.

Either way, Trevor's having a good time. Way better than expected. Adam's reactions to everything going down are priceless, and he's very content on just sitting there eating food for the rest of the game.

That's probably why he should've been prepared for it all to go wrong. But he let his guard down, and what came next sucker punched him right in the face.

During a timeout or lull in the game, Trevor is munching down on his nachos, which have grown a little cold over time, when Adam glances at him and does a double take. He squints, gesturing vaguely around his own mouth. "You've got a little cheese right there."

"Oh, thanks." Trevor brings a hand to his chin and wipes at it. "Gone?"

"No, it's to the right." Adam shakes his head as Trevor moves his hand to the right side of his face. "No, not—here, I got it."

Trevor thinks nothing of it as Adam reaches up, placing the tips of his fingers on his chin as he wipes away the stain with his thumb. There's nothing inherently romantic in the gesture. Yeah, maybe Trevor's reminded of just how blue Adam's eyes are, but he's not focused on that fact for long because the crowd is ear-splitting. The game must have been starting up again.

When Adam drops his hand, Trevor thanks him, and the two turn back to the overhead monitor to see what's got everyone screaming bloody murder. The sight causes Trevor to instantly still. Because what they see is the Kiss Cam with their faces plastered on it.

The lump in Trevor's throat that he swallows is showcased for everyone to see on the Kiss Cam. He's mentally freaking out and thinks he can feel himself about to start sweating. He inhales and exhales unnoticeably on the camera, realizing there's no need to blow things out of proportion when there's a simple solution. He turns to Adam, who is holding it together a lot better than he is, prepared to kiss him on the cheek so the cam will switch to an actual couple.

Adam turns to look at him as well, perhaps thinking the same thing. Except, he isn't thinking the same thing at all, and Trevor couldn't have possibly predicted what came next. Because Adam brings his hand back to Trevor's chin, and instead of wiping anything away this time, he draws in closer.

Closer until he's close enough to do the unthinkable: catch Trevor's lips in a spontaneous kiss.

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