chapter 3: laws of redaction

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There's pain in Trevor's neck when he enters the Performance Center that morning that he tries and fails to soothe out with his knuckles. He sighs, greeting the receptionist as he pushes forward, the memory of falling asleep on the couch and waking up on Adam's shoulder ever present each time his neck aches.

The third movie (which Adam had never seen) had just started when both of them started to doze and next thing Trevor knew, he was waking up during the credits hugging an empty popcorn bowl and drooling on Adam Cole. He then woke up Adam, who left soon after that. The apartment felt strangely empty in a way it hadn't in a long time. Trevor didn't dwell on it.

Though the two spent the majority of that time debating on what the movie would have been like had Sharpay succeeded in her many schemes, Trevor had fun. Since he's only ever hung out in public with Adam in a group setting, he can't gauge how it might be to spend time with him in public one-on-one, but if it's as fun as last night, there won't be a problem.

He makes his way to the gym, heading directly to the ring in the back when he spots his friends in it. Johnny Gargano and Mia Yim are running some drills, while Lacey Lane sits on a top turnbuckle watching, face drenched in sweat. Trevor pulls out a cold bottled water from his bag, hopping onto the apron. "You guys started without me?" He hands the water to Lacey, who takes it with a breathless thanks.

The two stop their drills, staring at Trevor with differing looks: Mia one of annoyance and Johnny with one that looks like curiosity. Trevor's not so sure. "What happened to we're all in this together," he asks.

Through heavy breaths, Mia points an accusatory finger at him. "I know you didn't just interrupt us to make a High School Musical reference."

"Pfft, never." Trevor bends his knees just enough so he can clear the top rope when he jumps into the ring. When his feet hit the mat, he takes a second to look around, not seeing the fifth member in their usual band of misfits. "Where's B?"

"Car trouble," Lacey answers after swallowing a gulp of water. She caps it, letting the bottle fall to the mat. "Which you would've known had you gotten here earlier."

Trevor smiles. Words can't describe how thankful he is to have friends who love him enough to give him this kind of crap daily. "Is this gang up on Trevor day?" He looks at the two women, not expecting an answer and not getting one. He glances to Johnny, who's been quiet since he arrived. "Go ahead, Johnny. I know you want to tag in."

Johnny doesn't say anything, just takes a step closer to Trevor, looking him up and down. And Trevor lives and breathes smartass, so he's about to make an unnecessary remark about buying him dinner first when Johnny's voice cuts in. "My God, you're glowing," he says certainly, eyebrows raised and a challenging stare boring into Trevor.

As long as he's known Johnny, Trevor has been humoring him. If only because rattling such a gifted wrestler brings him the smallest of joys. But now? He doesn't even know where to begin to play along.

"Whoa, back up a bit. Glowing? I spent most of yesterday getting my ass handed to me on the paintball field by Bianca. I think I might still have paint lodged in my ears." He tilts his head and knocks a hand against it for emphasis. "So, if I'm glowing, those are probably the bruises showing up on my skin."

"No, Johnny's right," Mia muses, coming closer with her arms crossed as she studies him. "But I would use the word blushing, not glowing. You know, like a bride."

"Ooh, that means you have someone new in your life. Who is it?" Lacey hops down from the turnbuckle, her tone a little too eager for Trevor's liking. "You finally taking a chance with Nana Crawford?"

Trevor rolls his eyes at his friends' snickers. "Funny. But for real, there's no glow or blush on this face. And anyway, we're not going on a date, we're just hanging out." He hopes that's enough to sate the curiosity of his nosy friends, but as he bends down to tighten his laces, he glances up to see them all staring at him expectantly. His eyes narrow, wondering what lines they're reading between. "What?"

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