By lush_rush

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Josie's career begins to take off winning Project Runway with 20k to start her business; when she and Ricky w... More

Chapter 1: ICE ME OUT
Chapter 2: Ex-change
Chapter 3: Tart
Chapter 4: Clarity
Chapter 5: Fresh Start
Chapter 6: He said, She said
Chapter 7: Bittersweet
Chapter 8: Let me Know
Chapter 9: All Falls Down
Chapter 11: Fashion Week
Chapter 12: Perfectly Imperfect
Chapter 13: Recall
Chapter 14: Newsflash
Chapter 15: Jaded
Chapter 16: Sorry Boys
Chapter 17: Goodtimes?
Chapter 18: Blame Game
Chapter 19: Target on My Chest
Chapter 20: Reset
Chapter 21: Playtime
Chapter 22: Show Me
Chapter 23: Love is___
Chapter 24: School of Hardknocks Pt 1
Chapter 25: School of Hardknocks Pt 2
Chapter 26: Is this what it comes down to?
Chapter 27: Sure Thing
Chapter 28: Troubled Waters
Chapter 30: Contradiction
Chapter 31: Before I wake
Chapter 32: I Been
Chapter 33: The Code
Chapter 34: My Affection
Chapter 35: Take Care
Chapter 36: Nobody But YOU
Chapter 37:Fate
Chapter 38: Sorrows
Chapter 39: Running Out
Chapter 40: L'amour
Chapter 41: Love Jones
Chapter 42: Dangerously in Love
Chapter 43: For However Long
Chapter 44: The Session
Chapter 45: Temporary Highs
Chapter 46: Killin Me Softly
Chapter 47: Paranoid
Chapter 48: Funny How Time Flies
Chapter 49:Forever More
Chapter 50: Unhinged
Chapter 51: The Good Guys
Chapter 52: Karma
Chapter 53: It's Up
Chapter 54: Trouble in Paradise
Chapter 55: Out$ide pt.1
Chapter 56: Out$ide Pt 2.
Chapter 57: I Guess It's F**k Me
Chapter 58: Paranoid
Chapter 59: Wants and Needs
Chapter 60: Other Side of The Game
Chapter 61: Payback

Chapter 10: The Fence

3.3K 135 166
By lush_rush


It was the first day of school and I was dropping the kids off to school. Raymond was riding with me to walk Jace into school. I was highly emotional today my baby boy starts pre-k. It seems like yesterday I found out I was pregnant. "Alright big baby, have a good day at school" I stopped in front of Morgan's school. She put her purple braids up into a ponytail. "Make sure you give that documentation to all your teachers" I said

"I will" she said. I really have to stay on top of Morgan about these things regarding her health, she just doesn't understand how important it is. I don't want any teachers giving her hell this year because they don't know what's going on so I got a letter from the hospital explaining her illness better. "Have a good day Morgan" Raymond said

"Thank you Raymond, thanks Jo... I'll see y'all later" she said. I watched her immediately run into her squad she was so cute watching her walk with her friends. The moment she wanted a side backpack was the moment I knew she wasn't a baby anymore. Raymond looked in the backseat to see Jace knocked out.

"I don't know why he's sleep, he's about to be in that line" he laughed. I turned off the car "Jace" I called. He opened his eyes "Time for school" I said. We all got of the car I felt my eyes get teary eyed. "Here you go" he said. We both held his hand walking to the line of preschoolers. "Alright lil man, you ready to start school? Raymond asked him. "No" he shook his head scared. The both of us laughed "You'll be fine, you're a smart little boy" he told him. "Oh God" I wiped my eyes. "Okay baby, mommy loves you give me a hug," I said. He turned around hugging me as I picked him up. "My babyy, omg you're getting old on me" I rubbed his back. "Mommy put me down" he said. "Okay," I said putting him down. Wanna be phony already I see. The teacher approached us "Hi, my name is Ms. Myers and who is this lucky guy? She asked us.

"Jace McCall" Raymond spoke. She looked down at her list. "Alright, are you ready? She asked him. "Yes," he said

"He's in great care you two," she said taking his hand. "Thank you" I said watching him lead him to the line. This was amazing and sad at the same time the fact that Raymond was in his child's life felt good in my spirit. We both grew years ago and I'm just glad were co-parenting effortlessly. I really didn't want to do this alone forever. We watched them all enter the building. Jace turned around waving at me. "Bye baby," I said. Raymond waved "Be good" he said. Botha of us got back in the car. I sat there for a second wiping my eyes. Jace will never understand the joy he gave me when I was going through that rough time in my life. Just being able to wake up to my kid that loves me unconditional was enough to motivate me. I don't know what I would do if it wasn't for Jace and my little sis. "You act like he's going to college" he laughed. "Soon he will, time flies," I said starting the car. "Shit, is crazy tho we got a pre-schooler" he leaned back in the car. I was dropping him back to his house. Raymond still works the night promoting as well as being a brand ambassador for his looks. He was making his money to take care of his fiancé and our son so I wasn't mad.

"What you bout to do? I asked. "Mm, probably get my hair braided, workout take my girl out" he said. "Gotta get the hair silky smooth for those photoshoots huh? I asked

"You ain't know," he said. Raymond never knew how to act since he's been blessed with long hair. "What you about to do? He asked. "Yoga then rehearsals for the show," I said. "I heard about the shop, you good? He asked. "Yeah, got the ceiling fixed and the dresses cleaned, it costs a small fortune but I got it done," I said

"I respect it, just a little setback," he said.

"I know right, you and Kayla are more welcomed to come to the show if you want. I know she's looking for a wedding dress" I smiled. "Girl, you want everybody to fuck with your dresses," he said playfully.

"And you want everybody to buy your workout gear soooo" I laughed. He laughed "I'm playing, but we won't even be in town were going on vacay" he said

"Oh okay, well have fun," I said. "We will," he said. A notification popped on my screen it was a text from Ricky. I could tell Raymond was trying not to look at my business on the screen.


You good ma? Just checking on you, you scared me last week. Hope everything is gucci"

"So you messing with Ricky again? He asked me. I looked over at him "Umm no, we're just doing business" I said

"Oh okay" he said making a face going on his phone. It was one of those "okayyy" faces when someone doesn't agree with you.

"What? I asked him. We were now 5 minutes from his home. "I ain't say nothing," he said. "Yes, you did," I said.

"I just asked a question Jo" he said.

"Yeah but you made a little shady face," I said. He chuckled "It's just funny... that's all" he said. "Funny how? I asked

"It's just crazy that he's in New York now, I'm just not surprised that's all," he said. I was catching offense quick. "It is crazy, but he has this nice venue that's where the show is," I said. "I've heard," he said

"Just don't bring my son around him," he said. I pulled in front of his house "What? I asked.

"I don't really want him around him, I know he's still involved in that lifestyle," he said.

"No, he's not," I said. He looked over at me almost laughing. "You really think that shit just leaves like that? He asked

"Well clearly not, I never planned on Jace being around him because we're not even on that level but let's not act like Ricky would harm my kid" I rolled my eyes. It seems like everyone that has abandoned me once is worried about Ricky. He's a nutcase for sure but he wouldn't harm a child.

"I'm just saying," he said

"And you used to work with him so-

"Look, I'm just being cautious. I'm not doing this" he said. "I'm not either but you brought it up" I rolled my eyes.

"Jo, I'm just saying be careful, everything isn't what it seems," he said.

"Raymond you're making me mad, don't sit up here and act like I'm being gullible when all I told you was were working together. At the end of the day, Ricky made sure Jace was good-

"I knew you were gonna bring that shit up. Okay, I wasn't doing what I was supposed to do at the time and he filled in. Great, he stepped in for a few but don't throw that shit in my face" he sucked his teeth

"That's not what I was trying to do, you're a great father. I just don't like how you said it, like I have bad judgment or something. All I'm saying is you have a past too so don't forget about that" I rolled my eyes.

"You just defending him like y'all mess with each other stop playing the fence," he said

"No, we don't mess with each other. I'm with Frenchie and you know that. I don't know why you're worried about what I'm doing anyways. At the end of the day if Jace runs into Ricky one way or another then he runs into him. I don't know if its your ego or what-

"My ego is straight Josie, you heard what I said" he took his seatbelt off. "And you heard what I said," I said back. "You be easy; I'll see you in a few" he slammed the door. What the fuck was that? Did he know something I didn't know?

"Why was he so worried about Jace being around him? I only had minor conversations with the guy and I have my show at his venue that's it. He acts like we've been dating or something. I pulled off furious as hell. People put you in situations when you gotta fend for yourself then get mad at how you got by or who helped you get by.


Dreux, Maya and I were walking Kyle to class. My little boy was starting pre-k and it was big none of us was missing that for anything. "You ready Scottie? Maya asked him. "Yes," he answered.

"Baby bro becoming a man" Dreux recorded it. "No, he isn't, he's still my baby" Kamaya frowned. We were 15 minutes late so now we have to interrupt class. "I'm scared" he stopped turning towards me. "Don't be scared, you're gonna make some friends" I said. "Aren't you tired of being under me and Dreux? I asked. He shook his head we knocked on the door. The teacher opened the door excited to see us it looked like there was a little party going on there. There were a few parents still in there. "I think Grant just dropped our asses off and went about his business," Dreux said. We both laughed "Hell yeah" I laughed. "Hi, come on in," she said.

"You must be Kyle's parents? She asked

"We're his guardians," I said. She looked confused "and you must be his mommy? The teacher asked Maya." I don't have a mommy" Kyle said. The teacher looked heartbroken. "Were his older siblings and we rotate but he mainly stays with Ricky" Dreux pointed at me. "Okay, well I am Ms. Cunnings nice to meet you" she shook our hands. "And nice to meet you Kyle" she smiled.

"Scottie" he corrected her. "Okay Scottie it is, well Scottie your desk is over there if you want to put your things down" she smiled. He ran over to his desk. "He likes to go by his middle name instead," I said.

"That is no problem," she said. "Class is going to start in about 10 minutes," she said before greeting the next parents. We walked over to his desk as he took his things up. "She spelled it wrong," he said

"She'll correct it later okay," I said. He nodded his head. "Hi" a little girl in front of him smiled waving. "Hi" he smiled back. Dreux and I looked at each other. "Okay, Scottie have a good day love you" Maya kissed his cheek before stepping out to take a phone call. "Be good chump" Dreux hugged him. "You're a chump," he said sticking out his tongue

He laughed back. "Yeah, well see about that" Dreux laughed putting him down. "Alright big head, be good" I bent down watching him take the juice box that was in front of him. "Okay," he said.

"You're gonna do great and make new friends, love you"'I told him. "Love you too" he hugged me. I was surprised he wasn't crying. Kyle was cool as a fan eating his donut and juice. If anything he was ready for me to leave. "Bye kid" I hugged him back before leaving.

"Poor baby, ugh I can't believe she passed birthing him" Maya sighed. "I know if anything he's gonna start to see the difference of not having a mother figure. I hate Grant for that, just the whole situation is fucked up" Dreux said. Ricky was quiet he doesn't like talking about it at all. "What y'all bout to do? I asked.

"Mmm look at some apartments here, I think Kasey and I may make that move here," she said. "Oh lawd," Dreux said. Kamaya pushed him "Shut up, it's for my career," I said.

"Welp! Do what's best for you" Ricky said on his phone. Kamaya looked at him she knew he had a lot on his mind lately. "What you bout to do boss? She asked Ricky

"Go to work and boss folks around," he said as they got in his car. "Your specialty" she laughed.


I did a little tidying up in my shop. Nicole was sick as well as Bre today was a slow day and I was going to rehearsals after the shop closes. "Hello hello hello" I looked up to see Erica coming in. "Hey boo" I smiled as she wobbled over to hug me. She was 7 months now little did she know I have a surprise baby shower at the shop for her. "Hey girl, thank you for the gift," she said. I got her the cutest stroller ever for my god baby still couldn't believe her crazy ass was going to be a mother.

"Anything for my Zo, but how are you momma? I asked. "Girl" she sat down on my white sofa. "I think I'm breaking up with Zel after I have the baby," she said

"What? No

"Yeah, he's just too busy for me. I feel like we're in a long distance relationship and we live at home" she said.

"Do you think he's cheating? I asked. Zel would never but you never know these days. She ran her hands through her hair. "No I don't feel insecure around him he still can't balance work and me," she said

"Ughh, I feel like he just really goes hard cuz you know he was poor growing up," I said sweeping. "And I get it, I swear but we're comfortable. I have money and he has money I want him to know if something happens I can hold it down too" she explained

"Men want to cover it all and he's a first-time daddy ..they be going in super hard. My homegirl's baby daddy already painted the nursery and she's only 4 weeks" I laughed

Erica laughed "Can't be mad at that" she said. "Speaking of baby daddy, Ray tried to check me over Ricky, he doesn't want Jace around him" I explained. Erica laughed "Whaaaatt? She exaggerated

"Yeah like he assumed we were messing around because a message popped out on my screen and he was like as long as you don't bring our son around him," I said

"That's weird! I mean he has the right but Ricky really took care of Jace as if he was his, changing diapers and everything" she said

"Girl it was weird," I said. "You don't think that he has feelin-

"Uh uh please don't" I laughed.


"Ricky stop it; I don't have time" Shani laughed as I placed her on the counter. "Sure you do.. come on its been a minute I know you miss daddy" I kissed on her neck. She bit her lip "I do... but I don't have time" she said. My phone vibrated I stopped what I was doing getting my phone from my back pocket. I looked at a message from Renzo

Renz: "Yo, we need you asap"

"You lucky, gotta go," I said. She sucked her teeth "I was just playing" she pouted. "See what happens when you don't move when I move" I said. She hopped off the counter. "How long will you be? She asked I looked her up and down. "Not too long, you trying to wait? I asked.

"I suppose" she slouched on the couch. "Yup, better be up imma take you down in a few," I said grabbing my keys. "I'll be waiting daddy," she said. I laughed closing the door behind me. Halfway there I got a missed call from Cortez but I decided not to answer I didn't feel like hearing him shade his ex-wife for the thousandth time. I pulled up to see an ambulance outside of the building. I quickly parked my car and jumped out. "I'm glad you came Shawn had a bad accident," Jaxon said. "What happened? I asked. "One of the cooks wasn't looking Shawn happened to be in the way and he has second-degree burns" He explained. "A pot of hot water spilled on him and the lead cook called out" he explained. "Damn, what the fuck? He walked passed them. He was not trying to get sued that was bad for business. Ricky went to the kitchen to see everybody worried in a frenzy. "What happened? He asked.

"It happened so fast, I lost the balance of the pot and ended up spilling all over his lower half" Jonathan explained. Was everyone clumsy? Jonathan was worried sick "Okay just go home," he told him. Jonathan took off his apron walking away. "Is everything else okay? I asked. The kitchen team nodded continuing to get back to work. Ricky turned back around heading to his office.


After lunch, I invited my dad to rehearsal to see the behind the scenes. His eyes lit up seeing my dreams coming alive. Due to the incident we had to cut back on the dresses and models that was hard. The good thing is I didn't book the models until and now. "I'm proud of you sweetheart, you're doing the damn thing," he said.

"Thank you daddy, it's all coming along I can't wait" I smiled. I walked near Tavia I hired her to produce my fashion show and to keep the models in line because I had no idea how it works thank god for her. "I was thinking Tory start the show, she has a strong walk or Chloe? She asked me. "Mmm Chloe," I said. "Okay Chloe I want you to start let's take it from the top," she said. "What kind of music are they walking out to? My dad asked me.

"Wedding" I laughed. "Really? He asked. "Yes, really. It's going to look like a real wedding up in here" I said. "All you need his groomsmen," he said. My eyes widened and I just had a brilliant idea. "Dad, you just gave me a brilliant idea" I jumped. "Oh, god I won't have the time but what if I had groomsmen maybe two on the side, that would be... that would be different," I said.

"I see you're doing alright" I stopped talking I turned around to see Ricky walk inside. "Hey, yes everything is going" I smiled. My father looked at me and then Ricky. "That's good, I'm glad it's coming along," he said. "Oh, um Ricky you met my father before-

"Nice to meet you again" Ricky extended his hand. "Nice to meet you too young man, this is a lovely place you have. I'm glad my daughter could brighten it with her talents" he said. I blushed internally "Oh stop it dad" I laughed.

"Me too" he looked over at me. "Better keep doing business with her" he smiled. "For sure, I'm going to make sure of that but how are you? Are you feeling any better? He asked him.

"I have good and bad days but as long as I have my football and my girls then I'm alright," he said. "What's your favorite team and please don't say the cowboys" Ricky laughed. "What kind of man do you think I am" he laughed

"I love my dolphins but I love the steelers," he said. "Okay, I can work with that," he said. It was crazy to see my dad and Ricky have a conversation. I remember when they first met and it was awkward as hell. "Well, I'll be going over there-

"No need to I have to use the restroom I'll be back," he said.

"Aye there's a free bar downstairs just tell them it's on the house," Ricky told him. "I may like you now Ricky" he walked off leaving them two in front of each other. "Now he has no business drinking," I said

"Let the man release his feathers," he said. "I suppose," I said looking at my models walk down the stage. "GO LADIES" I yelled. "So you feeling better you scared me the other night? He asked

"Yeah, just needed some rest" I nodded. The truth was I still, in fact, wasn't getting that. I may get a good 4 hours daily but after this fashion show, I'll be good. "Glad you got some, you excited? He asked me.

"Yes, But I'm so nervous" I sighed. "Don't be, you know I ain't gon let shit go down. It's going to be great" he said. Ricky's new vibe was great. He was super chill these days and positive and I liked the change. "I appreciate that," I said.

"No doubt, I'll come back later and check on ya let me or Yasmine know if you need anything," he said. "Okay thanks," I said watching him walk out. I walked over to Tavia giving her a high five "Our girls are ready" I said


Ricky went in his car to get his charger  He grabbed the charger stopping once he received a text from Cortez.

Tez: Why aren't you answering the phone? I'll be at her your spot in 10 minutes.

He looked confused quickly calling him. He shut his door turning around only to be bombarded with Zero and his gang. Ricky just looked at them unaffected. He hung up the phone. "Wassup with you popping up at my joint? Ricky asked him. He told his boys to go back inside the truck. Ricky didn't know what was going on but he was over the pop-ups fast because he will really POP UP if he has too.

"One of my niggas got robbed and shot by your niggas. I thought we agreed we would stay out each other's way" he said smoking a cigar. No man was going to talk to him like a child.

"What the fuck are you talking about? He asked.

"Cortez... whatever that nigga is to you he shot one of my niggas" he explained. Ricky rolled his eyes "This shit doesn't have shit to do with me, but you not gon keep pulling up on me like shit is sweet, like I'm some bitch or something.Handle that shit with Cortez nigga" he spat. He laughed "Tell that nigga I'm looking for him," he said

"Nah, you tell him yourself, real rap don't come here no more with the bullshit. You may not have shit to lose but I do nigga" Ricky said he was heated. He was starting to think if he was being set up if they were working for Grant some kind of way but now he had to figure it out. "Yeah ightt, you deliver the message... pussy," he said before slamming the door. The truck pulled off Ricky clinched his jaw. "Bitches, niggas just don't know" he said balling up his fist. He saw Cortez come out of an uber. "Yo what the fuck, why you not answering the phone? Cortez said getting out the car. "What type of shit you got going on? That fat nigga pulled up on me tryna bitch me and shit... this the second time yo-

"Look my niggas got us in some shit-

"Us??? Ain't no us... I told you not to hire them lil ass niggas that don't know the street code, that don't know how to be cool" Ricky yelled.

"I don't know what the fuck happened" he yelled back. Ricky paused hearing someone come out the back door. It was Josie's father "Something about his niggas went down Miami-

"Man be quiet" Ricky eyed him. Cortez leaned over. "Alright Ricky, I'm going... take care of my girl" he said.

"Where you headed? Ricky asked seeing him walk to a car. "You know, going to see my boo" he said. "By any means necessary huh? Ricky chuckled. Her father chuckled getting in the car. "Fuck you trying to impress? Cortez asked.

"I ain't trying to impress anybody just don't want people in my business," Ricky said.

"Like I said, I don't know a whole a lot all they told me was they got into it with his niggas they said they didn't rob him and they weren't the ones shooting-

"But they young niggas Tez, come on! I don't need this shit right now. I don't need to be associated with a damn thing. I got shit I'm tryna do. I got Kyle-

"You know I would never do any shit like this. I know you're out, shit I'm tryna get out too. My dad is getting old, this shit ain't it anymore. I want my wife back I got shit to do too that's why I warned you. I'm about to go over myself and clear this shit up" he explained. Ricky didn't like the fact that he was going alone. Cortez is still his brother. "Why do you think we never got caught bro?

"Because we moved strategically we weren't out here unnecessary fights and scenes, we were low key with it"

"Ricky don't act like half of the niggas we had working for us weren't young," he said.

"They weren't dumb," he said. "Okay I fucked up, I'm dropping them," he said. They both walked inside taking a break from the conversation. Ricky was now stressed out and irritated. Cortez walked to the side answering a phone call. Ricky checked a message from Dreux.

Bro: Niggas gotta come out of retirement tonight? 😩

Ricky: I hope its some small shit; I don't have the time.

Bro: Same! This shit is a major inconvenience; these square ass niggas have no idea who they're dealing with. I'll see you in a few tho

Ricky: Bet

He placed his phone done going upstairs to check on Josie. He walked down the hall to see her standing against it on her phone. He pressed his body on the other side placing his leg up. She looked up "Oh, hey," she said placing her phone down. Ricky felt a lot better just being in her presence.

"Joselyn," he said

"Ricardo," she said. He laughed "Stop giving me that Mexican ass name," he said

She laughed "Stop calling me Joselyn and call me Josie like everyone else" she challenged. He bit his lip "I'm not everyone else love" he said. "Sure about that? She leaned her head to the side.

Are you? He asked. It got quiet for a second. "How's everything coming along? He asked gently eying her up and down. "It's going; I can't wait this week is going to be crazy" she smiled. "Got a lot of people coming down," he said.

"Yup," she said.

"You smell good," he said

"Eat me out," she said. Ricky's eyes opened caught off guard. Josie has never been this forward in her life. He loves a girl that isn't scared to say what she wants but this was new. "Excuse me? He asked

"Eat me out, that's the name of the fragrance a black-owned company" she explained. Ricky damn near wanted to shake his head he knew he wasn't crazy or maybe he thought she said it like that. He chuckled nodding his head. "Oh okay, that's different......they got a line for men? He asked raising his brow.

Here for the minor flirtation between these two lol use your imagination with that picture with Josie in it lol

Who's on their toes more Ricky or Josie?

Is Bad Karma coming back Ricky's way? 😩

Let's talk about Raymond too

WTH is gonna happen at Fashion Week?

Where the hell is Frenchie??

Hey guys! Sorry I been gone for a minute. Y'all know I have a full-time job and its almost impossible to write when I'm off on the weekdays, so I'll be writing the weekends when I'm well rested also my mental health has been up and down so please bear with me. I get really lazy sometimes and I'm working on it. Just know I won't be ending Lemonade 2 it will get finished. I'm not one of those writers that leave y'all hanging. And another thinggg, I'm not doing any sequels to my previous stories outside of Lemonade. Y'all must think I'm a writing machine lol no that takes time and then you have the make sure you have a good plot to keep it going FYI. Goodnight! Love y'all bai

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