By jeaIous

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o. cherry bomb when a virgin meet the cherry popper. jeaious © 2018 More

cherry bomb.
twenty one.
twenty two.
twenty three.
twenty four.
twenty five.
twenty six.
twenty seven.
twenty eight.
twenty nine.
thirty one.
thirty two.
thirty three.
thirty four.
thirty five.
thirty six.
thirty eight.
thirty nine.
forty one.
forty two.
forty three.
forty four.
forty five.
forty six.
forty seven.
forty eight.
forty nine.
fifty one.
fifty two.
fifty three.
fifty four.
fifty five.
fifty six.
fifty seven.
fifty eight.
fifty nine.
sixty one.
sixty two.
sixty three.
sixty four.
sixty five.
sixty six.
sixty seven.
sixty eight.
sixty nine.
seventy one.
seventy two.
seventy three.
seventy four.
seventy five.
seventy six.
seventy seven.
seventy eight.
seventy nine.
eighty one.
eighty two.
eighty three.
eighty four.
eighty five.
eighty six.
eighty seven.
eighty eight.
eighty nine.
ninety one.
ninety two.
ninety three.
ninety four.
ninety five.
ninety six.
ninety seven.
ninety eight.
ninety nine.
one hundred.
one hundred one.
one hundred two.
one hundred three.
one hundred four.
one hundred five.
one hundred six.
one hundred seven.
one hundred eight.
one hundred nine.
one hundred ten.
one hundred eleven.
one hundred twelve.
one hundred thirteen.
one hundred fourteen.
one hundred fifteen.
one hundred sixteen.
one hundred seventeen.
one hundred eighteen.
one hundred nineteen.
one hundred twenty.

thirty seven.

1.1K 34 20
By jeaIous

chérie doesn't exactly remember how she got to gina's place.

she clearly recollected getting out of the house with a heavy heart. she was determinated to tell jason about how she felt towards him and explain her reasons face to face.

yet as she got into her car and drove, she realized she didn't know his address. shamefully, she parked into a starbucks station and contemplated her choices.

one, go back home and face ashley and vanessa if they aren't already busy with each other. two, text jason for his address which will totally ruin her mood if he doesn't respond right away or if he replies he's busy. three, get herself a damm coffee and think about what she's gonna say before facing him.

chérie went with the third option. she was already in front of starbucks and thinking about what she will say to him seemed better than just simply meet up and stutter her feelings.

and so, chérie sat on the bench outside the front store. starbucks was already crowded which made her uneasy, adding to her stress.

she didn't know how long she sat there. many went in and out, loud teenagers, busy workers in need of a cup of coffee, couple too busy drinking saliva to take an actual sip of their expensive drink.

in short, chérie took a lot more time than she thought she needed as she watched the sun slowly set for the day. just like how she wanted to, sleep her problems away. however, she knew both ashley and vanessa will be waiting for her back home since she practically ignored their calls and messages.

chérie wasn't ready for their pep talk. it's was almost eight as chérie got up to head home when she heard a loud shrill.

chérie blossom ? she heard someone say behind her. at first she thought it was in her head, all the caffeine must have finally taken affect however when she turned around, she was surprised to see her old best friend, back from cuba.

gina ? chérie replied back confused. gina was once chérie's bestfriend, back before she met ashley or vanessa. they went through middle school glued by the hips until high school when chérie moved away to california with her family.

they both tried to keep in touch but even they both knew that there was so much someone can do before realizing that not everyone is meant to stay in your life.

five texts and two phone calls turned to one text and a call until none was send by either. life got in the way but neither were bothered by that.

nonetheless, seeing the once upon little pigtailed girl in front of her now a gown up, made her more than just confused.

this is weird, gina exclaimed while walking over chérie and gave a hug. you call this weird ? if only you knew, chérie thought while she tried to hug her back.

i haven't seen you since you were like what ? twelve chérie responded and took a good look at her. chérie must admit that gina grew out of her chubby cheeks and baby fat, in fact she was skinnier and no longer had the fashion sense of a boy.

i know right ? gosh it's been so long, i see i was right, we were going to meet each other again gina swiftly moved her coffee in one hand while she held her phone with other.

i guess you were, chérie awkwardly moved back and forth on her foot. she didn't feel like talking to someone which was why she didn't head home in first place and now not only was she talking to someone, she was talking with a girl she hasn't seen for over eight years.

i mean you look so good, and i heard from my auntie that you were in college studying to become a lawyer gina replied with a smile, her soft hair caressing the side of her jaw.

a little confused on how her auntie knew such thing, chérie simply kept it to herself as she cleared her throat. ready to end this conversation so she could go home.

yeah. . , chérie trailed while glancing down at her watch. she was just about to say nice seeing you gina, i hope i never see you again because this is awkward as hell but before she could, gina beat her to it.

i'm not a creep, don't worry, my auntie was still in contact with your mom before she passed away, chérie was about to apologize when gina stopped her.

don't have to say sorry either, i wasn't close with her anyway, chérie wouldn't help but glance to her phone. cursing at herself when she realized she wouldn't fake a phone call since it was turned off.

i know this might seem weird but wanna hang out ? i just moved from cuba and i'm still confused with the area and honestly i wouldn't mind having a friend, at that chérie wouldn't help but flush.

one flaw she always hated about herself is that she wouldn't say no to no one. her mind quickly tried to calculate an excuse as chérie's mouth opened and closed like a fish which obviously gina noticed.

you know what, forget it, i am being a creep, it's was nice seeing you again chérie gina started to walk away but curse chérie's need of sastifying everyone, wait, i mean i'm free now, i wouldn't mind as soon as those words left chérie's lips, gina's face lighted up and chérie cringed.

way to go genius.

chérie was strangely pleased. it's was past nine and chérie found herself enjoying gina's presence. neither had to share an awkward car ride on the way to gina's place but they did share an awkward welcome when they reached her apartment.

compared to her flat, gina's apartment was smaller yet not suffocating. the first thing you saw when you come in the room was the huge kitchen connected with the living room. the living room had giants windows and chérie questioned how scary it would be living alone with wide open screen, especially at night.

there was also a small hallway that had two rooms on each sides. on the left was gina's room and the guest room which gina kept for her younger sister who often visited her. the right had a bathroom and another room which gina made her personal walk in closet. it was a good thing she was studying in designing, chérie noted.

chérie and gina settled in the living room. eventually, chérie broke out of her sell and both began a conversation.

chérie learned that gina moved to california because she wanted to expand her career options. she said she would have moved years ago if her mother wasn't so insisting on having her daughters close.

chérie talked a lot too but kept out most things. she talked about vanessa and ashley. her mother and her studies yet she preserved the dating part even though gina always tried to tease and get more information out of her.

remember when my brother caught us playing with his condoms, trying to make balloons with them for your birthday party because your mom forgot to buy some, chérie burst out laughing, holding her stomach from the cramp she felt from laughing too hard.

and then he yelled so loud that mom walked in and he was the one who got scolded, saying it out loud wasn't as funny but remembering his face and gina's mother ready to whoop him was too funny.

and then-, chérie was about to continue the story when gina's phone suddendly rang.

shit that's my boss, be right back gina rushed out of the living room to the hallway. gina was an intern in a magazine company and she had been working on a project during that time along side the boss of the company so chérie wasn't surprised at the late night call.

chérie sighed and took a sip of her water, unlocking her phone at the same time and regretted it immediately.

MESSAGE - 34 messages from horres. CALL - 12 missed calls from nessa, 7 missed calls from ash and 2 missed calls from jason.

at the last name, her mouth fell agape. jason called ? fuck chérie thought as she got ready to text him and ask why he called but gina came rushing back in.

chérie i'm so sorry but i have to meet with my boss for work, it would only take like twenty minutes but i will be right back don't worry, gina quickly grabbed her purse and shoes, already standing in front of the door.

wait i'm staying here, alone ? chérie questioned, it was late and surely she didn't mind going home now.

do you mind ? i just really want us to catch up and it would only be twenty minutes, promise chérie was about to protest, not wanting to stay in an unknown area at her old friend's house she barely knew.

yet, before she could protest, gina was out of the door.

and i'm alone, chérie muttered under her breath before she quickly texted ash and nessa do not worry about her, that she was out with a friend and will be home soon before her thumb froze over one specific name.


chérie bite her lips, not really sure what to say to him, sup ? no too out there. allo ? too simple, no.

hey sorry i was out with a friend, you called ? better, she thought just as she hit send.

ding, dong !

chérie's head snapped towards the door, wondering who would ring the door bell unless gina forgot her keys. she got up from the couch and walked over to the door, obviously thinking that gina forgot something.

did you forget anything ? you could have just called i would have brought it to you, chérie froze seeing the unexpected person at the door.

jason ?

( this chapter is a bore i know
but just wait for the next one,
this chapter is divided in two
parts. some may like the next
chapter, some won't but i'm
lowkey not looking forward to
writing it because it's going to
take so much time and also, after
part two, the whole vibe of the
story is changing, for the better
or the worst, i don't know yet,
we shall see )

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