seaycee// one shots

By sandk2125

65.4K 1.9K 312

-just for fun More

plane tings
beyond my control
worthy of my love
worthy of my love pt.2
wish come true
new york pt.1
new york pt.2
I can't live if you hate me
i see the light (pt 1)
i see the light (pt 2)
seventy two hours later
the way to a girls heart (1)
the way to a girls heart (2)

seventy two hours

3.3K 126 18
By sandk2125

an// ok so this is really random, and really dramatic, and has a kind of crappy ending, but i guess its something right? ;)

also, this is a quick sketch i did yesterday and felt the need to share it with someone, aka you guys:)

should i do more?

-anyways... happy reading:)


Kaycee woke to a loud chime coming from the night table beside her. She opened her eyes slowly, groaning when she grabbed her phone, flipping it over to reveal the time. 5:00 am. she pressed stop on the alarm and turned back around to face the sleeping sean next to her.

He was still and peaceful, despite the annoying ringer that had just gone off, she swore he could sleep through anything. She knew she should wake him, they had to go to the airport, his flight to Denmark was leaving in only a few hours, but she couldn't help stealing a few moments just to admire him. His hair messy from the pillow, his cheeks pink from the heat of the covers, and his hand that was rested on her waist. No matter how far apart they were at the start of the night, somehow sean always ended up next to her by morning, as if they were drawn together by a force of nature. Sometimes she questioned whether this was normal, she knew that ordinary best friends were not as close as they were, weren't as reliant on each other, weren't as physically close as they were. In spite of this, kaycee didnt mind them being this way, she craved his closeness and she knew he did as well. Ever since they competed on WOD, it was as if they were each others oxygen, knowing that they couldn't breathe properly when they were apart.

They spent days upon days with each other, sometimes for project rehearsal when it just made more sense to stay at one house, other times just to be with each other, lazying around on the couch watching tv, just relaxing from their daily stress. When they eventually went to their separate houses, kaycee always had trouble sleeping, being used to having sean there with her, always inches away. She'd laid awake many a night, thinking on their memories together; their major accomplishments, but also the small moments when they were alone; seans sleepy smile in the morning, the way he knew her favourite breakfasts and how she took her coffee, fooling around in the garage when they knew they should be practicing, and the feeling of his fingers when he played with her hair, something she loved.

Kaycee blinked a few times, shaking herself out of her daze. She moved her hand up to the boys face, cupping his cheek in the palm of her hand.

"shamu. its time to get up." she whispered.

Sean groaned, shifting his body and moving the hand that had been resting on her waist up to grab her hand, pulling it down to hold it against his chest.

"sean. you've gotta get up, we have to get you to the airport." kaycee said, slightly louder than before. all she got for a reply was a grunt and a sour expression on the boys face, his eyes still glued shut.

"ok... i guess ill just get up without you." kaycee said, knowing that this would get him up. Sean hated being left alone in the morning.

"no kayc, stay." he murmured, his eyes slowly prying open. She smiled and rolled her eyes, she secretly loved how stubborn he was in the mornings, she found it adorable.

"ok well then up and at em' lew." she said, sitting up and looking back down at him.

"i dont want to go." he said, releasing her hand from his grasp and rubbing the slep out of his eyes.

"you have to go to the airport to get to denmark though dumby." she laughed.

"no, i dont wanna go to denmark." seans voice was steady, his eyes locked on hers.

"why?" kaycee asked, immediately confused. this was all he had been talking about for the past month.

"because i dont want to leave you," he said simply, stretching his arm up and tucking a loose curl behind kaycees ear.

"its only for a few days sean, we can survive." she said. Them being together had become second nature to them both, meaning that when one left for a long period of time (meaning a few days), it hurt both of them, a part of their typical routine ripped out from under them.

"i dont sleep without you." sean said, turning onto his side and movig his arm so he could lay on his tricep.

Kaycee blushed, she knew that she never slept well without him either, but hearing him say it made her heart flutter. 

"its only for 3 days bubs, 72 hours, then you can come back and tell me all the weird danish foods you eat." kaycee laughed, trying to put him in good spirits.

"i guess. but what happens when i cant teach because i havent slept all night?" sean said, a smirk visible even in the dark of the room.

"i put one of my hoodies in your suitcase and i downloaded our favourite friends episodes on your laptop." this was their tradition when one of them left california, an article of clothing and their favourite episodes of their favourite show, just enough to pretend that the other was with them.

"ugh youre the best kayc." sean said, reaching out his arms towards her and pulling her back down to the bed, crushing her in a bear hug.

"i know, i know... but now we actually have to get up." she giggled.


sean watched as Kaycee pulled the covers off of herself, placing her feet on the ground and pushing herself up, his sweater that she had been wearing covering her shorts. her hair falling in tights curls down her back, swaying slightly as she bent down to the bottom drawer of his dresser where she kept her spare clothes. 

"youre beautiful." he said as if it was the simplest thing in the world, moving to sit on the edge of the bed, his feet landing softly on the ground. Kaycee turned suddenly from her spot on the ground, making her way over to him.

"you must not have slept well golden boy, youre seeing things." she laughed, placing the heel of her hand on his forehead and pushing him so his back fell onto the covers.

sean could only shake his head and laugh as he watched her leave the room to get ready.


Sean, Kaycee, Serris, and Sarah made their way out the door after a quick breakfast and some goodbyes to their parents. Sarah had offered to drive sean to the airport, trying to help out around the house during her week off school.

they placed his bags into the back, and slotted into their seats, serris sitting passenger next to sarah, allowing sean to sit beside kaycee in the back.

The drive was quiet save for the low radio playing in the front seat, everyone tired from being up so early, sean sighed in content when kaycee leaned her head on his shoulder, the scent of her shampoo still present from the night before. He wrapped his arm around her, both of them putting weight on each other, neither more reliant than the other.

"is it too late for you to stay here?" kaycee asked quietly so it wouldnt be heard above the radio in the front row.

"im afraid so angel." sean replied at the same volume, turning and placing a light kiss on the top on her head. "remember, its only 3 days, 72 hours, not that long in the scheme of things."

"but its a long time for us." kaycee said, emphasizing her last word.

"i know kayc. but ill facetime you when I'm done classes and well talk til you fall asleep." he spoke softly, his heart hurting as bad as hers.

"i know you will, you always do." she said, looking up at him and giving a sad smile. It pained sean to see that smile, the one that always came when he left. He had always promised himself that he would never hurt her, but it was clear in her smile that he had failed in that mission.

"im sorry ricebowl." he said, and she nodded, reading his thoughts, before turning her head back to face the front of the car, her face flush with his shoulder. Sean leaned over, placing his cheek against her curls and moving his hand to hers, intertwining their fingers and giving a soft squeeze.


Kaycee held back her tears as they walked through the doors of the airport, knowing that she was going to have to leave him. She knew it was only 3 days, that he would be back before she knew it, but her anxiety kept reminding her that anything could happen in 3 days, the plane could crash, he could be kidnapped, or he could meet a beautiful Danish girl and fall in love. Kaycee wished more than anything to tell sean how she felt, but she couldn't risk losing him, his presence in her life being one of the only permanent feelings she had, one of the only things she could rely on.

Sean and his sisters walked in front, kaycee trailing slowly behind the, dreading the inevitable. He rolled his suitcase to the check-in desk, the airport emptier than usual. He gave each of his sisters tight hugs, promising them to behave and to call their mother when he landed. Kaycee watched him, with tears in her eyes, knowing that i was ridiculous to be crying over him leaving. But he was her best friend, more than that, he was a piece of her, and every time he left it felt as if she couldn't be herself. 

Kaycee watched as sean pulled away from serris and turned to look at her. 

"cm here kayc," he said, opening his arms to her. Kaycee felt her tears spill out over her cheeks as she rushed towards him, wrapping her arms tightly around his neck. Sean's arms crossed over her torso, his hands ending up on either side of her waist where his thumbs drew lazy lines up and down her side.

"im gonna miss you sean." she said through her quiet tears, shoving her face deeper into his neck.

"im gonna miss you too weirdo." sean replied, kaycee hearing the hurt behind his words. They held their embrace for a few moments before pulling away slightly. Kaycee felt his hands land on her cheeks, wiping her face with his sleeve.

"dont cry beautiful." he whispered to her, making kaycees tears come even harder. He wrapped her into his arms one ast time, squeezing her as tight as he could without hurting her, before releasing her.

"i have to go now kaycee." he said softly, his eyes stuck on hers.

"ok..." was all she managed to get out, biting back the tears.

"ill see you in 3 days."

"72 hours.." she whimpered, sticking her bottom lip out, pouting.

sean laughed shortly, shaking his head. 

"you are extraordinary kaycee rice." he said, placing his lips on her forehead before walking towards security, turning to give one last wave as he moved out of view.


an// so that was basically just a soft seaycee moment, no plot really, and really no ending, but oh well. we all need some soft seaycee once in a while.

! i know i dont post much on this anymore, but im almost finished my other book 'i see the light' (which you should go check out if you havent already) so i should be more active on here very shortly:)

thank you for all the support! it means the world!

dont forget to like, comment and lemme know your thoughts, good or bad are welcome! 

love you guys <3

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