The Dragoste Mate

By Nuckingfutscass

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The Queen calls on her most trusted, The Hellsing Organization and her Loyal Guard Dog, to introduce a woman... More

Introductions from the Queen
Limousines and Memories
Tired Conversations
Making Devious Plans
Revealing the Truth
Breakfast and Bloodletting
Shades of Flame
The Dragoste Estate
Violet Companion and Lavender Bubbles
Razo Vilkas
Big Brother's Battle
The Dragoste Servants
Blood Bath
Claiming their Mate
Siblings and Section XIII
The Awaiting Evil
The Nights Destraction
A Pleasant Morning
Father Dearest
The Astral Plain
Unbridled Rage
Welcoming Her King
A Day In London
A Brief History
The Trancy Ball
The Spider, The Witch and The Wings
Lucifer's Wrath
The Devil's Blood
The Hall Of Kink
Helping Hands
Frightened Spiders
Training the Masters
Plans Of Destruction
A Playful Nature
Spider Hunting
A Calming Touch
Morning Ritual
Bloody Lessons
The Deal
Visiting the Phantomhive Manor
A Daring Approach
Demon Baths and Fleeting Concerns
Love Bites
Phantom Collie
The Round Table Confrence
Creatures Of The Void
The Final Round
Reigner Lupis and Sons of Odin
Summoning Stones
Godly Weapons
Mercenary Training
Back at the Phantomhives
The Guest Room
Midford Manor
Memories of a True Form
The Truth
A Silent Summons
The Lycans Approach
A Witches Deal
The White Witch
The Mission
Hot Waters
Decorating for Halloween
New Coffins
Peeping Toms
Harvest Season
Story Time
Casting Party
Family Reunion
Insecure Preparations
The Halloween Ball
Long Awaited Battle
Stubborn Woman
A Royal Summons
Change of Plans
The Traitors
A Familiar Face
Hell Hound
Affectionate Monsters
Unexpected Visit
Knowledge of an Urgent Matter
Practice Makes Perfect
Witches Den
Backyard Battle
The Scotts Breed
Authors Note
Porcelain Fear
Early Morning
The Possession
Royal Attire
The Shadow Queens Disdain
Apprehensive Dining
Archangel Brothers
Authors Note
Return to America
Telling Secrets
The Night Before
Saint Louis
The Dreaded Return
To The Rescue
Dungeons of Discovery
The Bastard Son
Big Brothers
The Trauma
Welcome to the Family
Cosmic Alliance
The Thirteen Territories
The Missing Mark
Update/ Authors Note

Arriving at Dragoste Estate

665 12 0
By Nuckingfutscass

Chapter 31

Cassandra was seated on the sofa nearest to the roaring fireplace. Her hand was laced into the hair of a moaning Lucifer who was knelt down in front of her with a hand on her knee and the other in her hair, while her teeth were sunk deeply into his neck. The nails of her other hand were dug into his shoulder holding him tightly against her torso.
Hysterical laughter filled their ears as Undertaker rolled on the floor several yards away and Samael sat across from them, covering his amused chortles with a hand on his chin and a finger curved over his lips. He sat next to a giggling and slightly blushing Rebecca who held a hand over her mouth.
The six beings that entered gazed upon Cassandra as Seras and Pip gasped with fearful expressions,
"What the hell?!"
They both moved to stop her when Alucard and Sebastian held them back with wicked smirks. Ciel looked slightly horrified, watching the woman drink from the male deeply. He looked up at Sebastian while sir Integra looked at Alucard, both wearing almost angered expressions. Assuming the reason for her expression Alucard responded.
"She is not infectious. She cannot create vampires or ghouls unless her own vampiric blood is separated from the other breeds and consumed. She is fine."
Ciel hummed,
"She bears no risk of infecting but can absorb the venom and toxins of others?"
Sebastian nodded his head,
"Correct, My Lord."
Integra turned her attention to the hysterical reaper rolling in the floor as they both raised their brows at the undertaker. An unhindered and almost horrifying growl escaped the male she was drinking from and drew their attention as he gripped harder onto her, trembling slightly. Undertaker laughed even harder at him and slammed his fist against the ground. Ciel looked up at Sebastian for and explanation as her mates both smirked at the spectacle. Sebastian caught the gaze and responded,
"Probably the most dangerous part of her bite is that the venom injected into the victim is not toxic, but is an aphrodisiac. The victim is engulfed in unimaginable pleasure as she consumes their blood but has no risk of becoming a vampire or ghoul. The only risk is that they become addicted to her bite and beg for her to drink from them repeatedly."
Lucifer's grip on the woman loosened slightly when her eyes finally opened to reveal that they had become entirely white once more. She released her teeth from the male and licked the wound clean before she let him go completely and he fell backwards on the floor staring up at the ceiling with dazed eyes and a wide smirk. Luckily for the group, a coffee table that stood next to him, blocked their view of the erection in his pants as he breathed heavily,
"Dear Father. That was phenomenal."
Samael laughed as the woman sat back in her chair with her head tilted back. She licked her lips clean of the remaining blood and faced the ceiling with an astounded expression across her features. She arched her back off the sofa and gripped the arm of the chair as she squirmed in her seat. The group that entered saw her eyes and, all but her mates, gasped at the stark white they had become as a soft moan escaped her lips before she spoke,
"You can say that again. Sweet Unholy Fuck! I think even I came that time."
Undertaker screamed with laughter shaking the room slightly as Alucard and Sebastian laughed along at her reaction. Lucifer looked up from where he laid on the floor at her with a wicked grin,
"Is it truly that delicious, My Dear?"
She chuckled and turned her white gaze to him making him and Samael gasp slightly. Samael sat forward in his seat as Lucifer sat up on his elbows with surprised expressions. Her voice seemed almost ethereal as she spoke,
"It is very delicious. But it's also the power in your blood that's given me that reaction."
Samael stood and approached her side quickly, cupping her face in his hands and turned her to face him as he examined her eyes.
"How long have your eyes been changing like this?"
She scrunched her brows together as Undertakers laughter suddenly stopped. He was suddenly beside the pair with a worried expression as he examined her white eyes as well.
"What do you mean; Are they different?"
The two nodded as Undertaker moved his bangs from his eyes and took her face in his hands. He examined her white eyes closely before a wide smile spread across his features and he giggled creepily,
"My, my, isn't this this a surprise. Absolutely seamless. Can you see?"
Her eyes widened and she nodded her head quickly,
"Yes, I can see clearer than ever."
Undertaker and Samael exchanged a glance while Lucifer moved to stand and wobbled on his feet slightly,
"Holy shit! Damn, woman. I can barely stand."
She chuckled at him as Samael spoke,
"Baby, your eyes are white. Fully white."
She gasped and put a hand to one of her eyes as undertaker smiled with a creepy giggle as he pulled a mirror from his robe. He handed it to the ravenette as the group filed in around her. She looked at her reflection with awe and looked around at all the faces before turning back to the mirror as her eyes slowly returned to their slitted red, purple and black.
"Whoa, what the hell?"
Lucifer chuckled and made his way through the group,
"Well would you look at that. Your eye color adapts to the power that you consume. I like it."
She rolled her eyes and held her hand out for someone to help her up. Sebastian gripped her hand to pull her up and against him as she wobbled slightly. She flexed her legs working them out before she snuggled into the demon, taking in his scent happily as she sighed into the embrace.
After a moment she stepped away from him and stretched, testing her legs with a few bounces before jumping up and clinging to the ceiling above their heads on all fours. Pip looked fearful as Seras smiled brightly while the masters eyes widened. She crawled along on the ceiling, visibly creeping out the humans before going to the chandelier and climbed across it. She reached the bottom of it and hung upside down with a wide grin as she held her braless chest in place with her hands.
"That is so much better."
Alucard and Sebastian chuckled and the demon spoke happily to the woman above his head,
"Are we done creeping out the humans?"
She looked at them thoughtfully and smirked,
"Should I make it worse? Because I could scare the shit out of everyone."
Undertaker giggled happily and Becca got a nervous expression on her face,
"There's no doubt that you're terrifying, Cassie. But I mean, if you want them to shit their pants..."
She trailed off as she shrugged and lifted her hands, palm up. A wicked grin spread across the woman's face. The grin then spread even further as her teeth narrowed and lengthened to razor sharp points, filling her mouth with monstrous needle tip teeth. The sides of her mouth appeared to rip apart as her jaw unhinged opening to an abnormal length as a solid black tongue slithered out of her mouth to curl in the masters direction. Her fingers and nails lengthened to sharp points and her skin turned a discolored grey color.
Their eyes grew wide at the horrifying visage as her eyes grew larger and became a milky grey and white as if blinded. Sebastian and Alucards jaws went slack at the horrifying image that befell their eyes as a hiss escaped her. Undertakers grin fell slightly but he continued to smile at his long time friends new form. Samaels eyes widened while Lucifer's grin spread happily. Rebecca stepped back holding her hands to her mouth while pip hid himself behind a trembling, frightened Seras. Ciel and Integra's expressions turned to pure horror as the woman continued to change before their eyes into a long, stretched out, lanky creature.
A terrifying, sinister, snarling growl escaped the woman before a loud shrieking roar erupted from her throat as she lunged at the group from her place on the chandelier. A series of screams, yelps and 'fuck's were shouted as everyone jumped away from the woman or fell backwards to try and get away from her. Sebastian and Samael gasped as they took a step back. Undertaker and Lucifer began to cackle at the groups reaction, having not been effected by the scene very much.
Wendy suddenly burst though the sitting room doors and made eye contact with the woman's terrifying form. She began jumping up and down happily before launching herself from the floor into the chandelier with her. The wendigo positioned herself upside down and snuggled herself against her chest, licking along the jaw of the terrifying thing that the Ravenette had become.
Cassandra giggled happily as the visage disappeared and was replaced with her original beautiful appearance. She cackled along with her uncle and friend, embracing the creature against her. Sebastian and alucard quickly composed themselves and smirked at the woman. Ceil continued to gawk at her with horror,
"What the bloody hell was that?!"
The woman reduced her laughter to just giggles as she responded,
"That, Ladies and Gentlemen, was my Wendigo form. The form I would have taken if Wendy's bite hadn't adapted to my body and vise versa. Clearly more frightening than Wendy herself."
She motioned to the wendigo in her arms and petted the creatures head tenderly. Sebastian chuckled and held his arms out,
"Alright, My Love. I think you've terrified them enough for one day."
She pouted cutely at the demon before smirking down at him,
"Awe, ok. You're right. For now, that is."
She dropped from the chandelier straight into Sebastian's waiting arms and snuggled into his chest tightly. She kissed him on the cheek before he set her on her feet with an amused smirk. She sighed as she dusted herself off and looked up at the wendigo that had crawled around on the chandelier.
She held her arms out to the creature, to which wendy launched herself from the light fixture and into the woman's arms. Cassandra caught her and managed to only stumble slightly at the impact. Cassandra laughed at the odd expression she received from the wendigo at being caught and not toppling the woman to the ground.
Pip gawked at the creature before she put it down and snapped her fingers. A large heart of some kind now rested in the woman's hand, about the size of a watermelon. She tossed it in her one hand as she moved away from the group so she had more space while the wendigo bounced and trotted around the woman as she spoke,
"You've been a good Girl, haven't you?"
Alucard and Sebastian smirked at her while Lucifer gave an expression that showed he was impressed. Wendy sat at the woman's feet still bouncing slightly and looking between her face and the heart.
"What; you want this? No, I don't think you want this. It's a nasty old troll heart. You wouldn't want that, would you?"
Cassandra teased her playfully as the wendigo whimpered and wrapped her arms around the woman's waist while she lifted the still pulsing heart high up in the air away from the creature.
"Are you sure? It smells terrible, Baby Girl."
The wendigo made a whimpering growl begging for the still beating heart in the woman's hand. Wendy turned to Sebastian and Alucard with a pleading expression and Cassandra tutted at her as they chuckled,
"Ah, Ah, Ah. They won't help you, Honey."
The creature turned back to her with the same whimpering growl drawn out a bit, begging as she released the woman's waist stepping back a few feet when the ravenette spoke.
"Now, I want you to be good and go to your room to eat this. The humans don't want to watch your messy eating. I will be training today so if you listen and behave I'll bring you something even bigger later on, ok?"
Wendy nodded her head furiously, bouncing even more as Cassandra slowly lowered her arm and chuckled.
"Alright, Babygirl. Catch."
Cassandra tossed the beating heart, about ten feet, straight into the air to which Wendy launched herself upwards catching the heart and wrapping her self around it. By the time she hit the ground the heart was lodged in her long teeth, beating and bleeding down her jaw as she trotted happily out the door, swaying her head as if she had just won a prize. Cassandra laughed at the creature and shook her head before she licked her fingers clean of the blood.
The immortal males and Seras chuckled or giggled at the display with the wendigo. The masters regained their posture as the ones who fell, picked themselves off the floor. Integra and Ciel arched a brow, remembering the scene that met their gaze when they arrived,
"Miss Cassandra?"
She hummed as she looked in their direction,
"Why were you drinking your uncles blood when we arrived?"
She shrugged and gave her uncle a knowing smirk and winked at the masters as she spoke,
"Let's just say I made a deal with the devil."
He rolled his eyes and Undertaker snickered from beside him. Seras looked confused,
"Why'd you make a deal with your uncle?"
Cassandra's face suddenly became a slight pink color as she blushed and chuckled hesitantly. Everyone but the masters, Seras and pip smirked while Undertaker chuckled. Sarcasm dripped from his words as he addressed her,
"Yes, Dearie. Why did you make a deal with the devil?"
She hesitated to respond,
"Well, I uhm... Was a bit incapacitated this morning. I lost the use of my lower torso for a while but drinking his blood helped me return to normal much faster. With him being the first archangel son, his blood is much more powerful. He also has been helping me throughout the day in getting stuff done."
The masters raised a brow as Seras and Pip's eyes grew wide. Seras beat everyone to the question,
"Wait, so you couldn't walk; what happened?"
Cassandra's blush intensified as Lucifer and Undertaker chuckled. The silver haired male sat down on the sofa, while Alucard and Sebastian wore smug expressions as he spoke,
"Let's just say that something happened last night that hasn't happened to her in around eight hundred years. If I'm not mistaken, it took around twenty-four full hours for her to even begin trying to walk last time and she's much stronger now than she was then."
Sensing her slight distress, Alucard pulled her in against him and allowed her to bury her embarrassed face in his chest. Pip rubbed the back of his head as he spoke,
"So What did she do?"
Lucifer chuckled,
"Less like 'what' and more like 'Who', son. You can put the blame on the Vampire King and the Demon Prince. But I doubt they would ever pass up taking the blame for fucking her legs out of commission."
Seras, Ciel, Pip and Rebecca's faces turned bright red and Undertaker erupted in another fit of giggles. Cassandra peeked out from Alucards jacket and started giggling at their flustered expressions before sticking her tongue out at Undertaker and smacked the devils arm,
"Dammit, Lucifer! It's 'Embarrass Cassandra and Rebecca day', not Torment them until they beat your ass day. Your making the innocent ones and the mercenary uncomfortable"
He chuckled and winked at her,
"Don't threaten me with a good time. Besides, I'm Satan, Babygirl. Corrupting innocent souls is what I do."
She giggled and buried herself back in Alucards arms, snuggling into his broad chest and taking in his musky scent as she relaxed. Pip jumped where he stood and practically shouted,
"Wait, Lucifer? Satan?! You mean like the actual devil?"
Said devil chuckled alongside Alucard as he spoke,
"In the flesh, Son. Who's asking; Do you wanna make a deal too?"
Pip backed up quickly away from the male as the devil raised a brow and allowed his eyes to shift to their glowing red and black.
"Holy shit, they weren't kidding. You're uncle really is Lucifer Morningstar."
Cassandra chuckled and nodded against her vampire as he grinned wickedly at the human mercenary.
"In the flesh, Mr. Bernadotte."
Alucard petted her hair and held her gently against him. Rebecca giggled at her from behind the woman and Cassandra growled softly turning to face her sister while still holding onto her vampire,
"What are you giggling at, Arachnophile? You're the one who gets off on spider dick."
Several snickers were heard while Seras continued to blush and elbowed teasingly at the now wildly blushing, red head who scowled at her sister,
"Fight me, Bitch."
Cassandra chuckled and turned around fully,
"How about I just bite you and send you back to your eight legged freak?"
Cassandra snapped her jaws at her sister. Undertaker cackled loudly at the banter as he spoke,
"This is part of the reason that I stick around you people, your sibling banter is pure gold!"
Cassandra chuckled at her own joke while Rebecca's eyes flashed with a golden color that made Samael and Cassandra's jaws drop in a wide smile while Sebastian, Lucifer and Alucard smirked wickedly. Cassandra lunged at her sister making the red head yelp and run away until she was tackled to the floor in a fit of giggles in front of the fireplace.
"You did it, you did it! You found your mate! On the first try, too! I'm so happy for you! You're gonna have spider babies!!"
Several laughs filled the room along with Undertakers cackle as the ravenette snuggled the struggling red head,
"Hey! I may be mated to a spider demon but I'm using the contraceptive spell too!"
Cassandra gasped and sat up while the rest of the group found seats around the room. Cassandra was seated with her legs wrapped around the girl's waist and holding her neck while Rebecca's hands were wrapped around her sisters waist. They were seated in front of the fireplace where everyone could see them. Cassandra placed a hand on the side of Rebecca's face as she spoke,
"You're still using it; Does he know about that?"
Rebecca nibbled her bottom lip and looked away as a few surprised expressions spread across the room. Samael spoke to the girls drawing their attention from where they sat,
"Rebecca, you need to tell him. That's something you should have told him last night."
She nodded and sighed before a deep voice sounded through the room,
"Tell me what exactly?"
Every head turned in the direction of the doorway where William stood with Alois and Claude. Cassandra chuckled hesitantly as she addressed them,
"Oh! Hello, Lord Trancy! Hello Arachnid."
Claude raised a brow at them, clearly wanting an answer to his question. Rebecca and Cassandra exchanged a glance between themselves and nodded as Cassandra closed her eyes and turned to the spider demon,
"Rebecca is using a contraceptive spell."
His eyes turned in Rebecca's direction and she hugged her sister tightly with a slightly distressed expression as Cassandra continued to explain.
"Judging by her memory, it's because of me."
Several curious glances were sent her way as pip spoke,
"Why is that your fault? You didn't make her do it."
She shook her head,
"No, but something happened to me that enticed her to do it along with myself. The only difference is that I have a temporary infertility gifted to me by Odin and Freya, she is just using a simple contraceptive spell. She feared something like that happening to her as well because of the fact that she is biologically my sister."
Cassandra petted her sisters hair as a somber expression crossed their features when Alois chimed in,
"What could have possibly happened that would make you change the way you live your life like that?"
Both girls locked their eyes with his icy blue ones as they spoke simultaneously with a slightly menacing tone,
"Imprisonment, torture, rape and attempted forced impregnation."
Pip and Seras flinched while Ciel and Integra's eyes widened. Alois looked shocked for a moment before a somber expression crossed his features and he looked away.
"I-i apologize."
The rest of the immortal males in the room scowled slightly while Undertaker wore a somber expression at the memory of her calling on him. Cassandra and Rebecca stood from their spot on the floor and dusted themselves off as Cassandra spoke,
"I don't blame her ether. The bastard that imprisoned me is still out there and that's why the masters are here. Which reminds me, what are you doing here?"
She raised a brow at Claude as he cleared his throat,
"My apologies, His Highness wanted to visit the two of you today. I was going to call first but he insisted on surprising you."
Cassandra chuckled and sat across Alucards lap in one of the cushioned armchairs that he occupied.
"Well, i have training with Ciel and Integra today, unless you want to join us. I try to make it exciting but it gets boring sometimes. Has everyone eaten lunch yet?"
Several people shook their heads while Alois took a seat. Claude stood behind him and Rebecca when she took the seat beside the blond earl. Cassandra smiled happily,
"Perfect, Vincenzo is gonna love this. Will, is lunch ready yet?"
He bowed as he spoke,
"I believe so, Mistress. I shall go check on that for you."
She smiled at him and Lucifer smirked at her when he left,
"Mistress, huh?"
   He waved his index fist in the air and made the sound and motion like the crack of a whip as he waggled his brows at her. Her face turned red once more and she waved her hands,
"No, no. I don't do that."
Undertaker leaned forward slightly,
"Really, Dearie?"
Her face burned an even brighter red and she pointed to the reaper in a mock threatening tone that only made him laugh,
"You shut your fuckin' mouth, Adrian. You know that's not what I meant. He isn't that kind of servant and I damn sure don't need you ganging up on me today too. It's bad enough my father and Lucifer do it, but you have way too much dirt on me."
The silver haired male giggled happily,
"Well it is a holiday, Sweetheart."
She scowled at him as she snuggled into Alucards lap tightly,
"No, it's not a holiday. It's a day that you all decided that tormenting us into blushing messes for an entire twenty-four hours every thousand years, was the right thing to do."
The three males nodded together and spoke simultaneously in confirmation,
Cassandra and Rebecca both sighed, dropping their heads in their hands. Ciel was seated beside her in a cushioned armchair with Sebastian standing between the two seats. He looked up at the woman in Alucards lap as he spoke,
"This training. What will we be doing?"
She looked up and tapped her chin as she thought,
"Well I'm going to start you off the way I did with my own sons. I'll start off by testing your knowledge, reflexes, weapons of preference and skills. From there we can work our way up gradually but I think I'll start you off with a creature that you're familiar with, which is a ghoul."
Their eyes widened,
"You mean you're going to have us training with these monsters?"
She shrugged her shoulders like the answer was obvious,
"Of course, it's these monsters that you're up against. So when training, you'll also be up against real monsters that I can control. I did the same thing with my boys and you see how well they turned out as far as fighting goes."
Integra smirked,
"Miss Cassandra, I think you and I are going to get along just fine."
The ravenette chuckled,
"You don't have to improve much as far as fighting kills, Sir Integra. I just need to show you how to kill certain beasts that are fairly large or difficult and help with your reflexes. No need to worry, though. If it gets out of hand, then I can easily step in for any of you."
Alois clapped his hands,
"That sounds like fun! I wanna do it too."
Claude raised a brow at his master as Cassandra smirked at the young Earl.
"If you're certain about that little Earl. Once I start I won't let you stop. No matter how far you run, I will find you and I will drag you back by your little adolescent balls."
His eyes grew wide and he shrunk backwards into the seat slightly at the little snickers that skittered around the room as he swallowed hard and nodded his head.
"You have no reason to be afraid. I'll show you how to harness your determination and use it to your own will."
He scrunched his brows together as he relaxed,
Cassandra chuckled softly,
"You each have a form of determination. Rage, loyalty, revenge, desperation... All keys to a strength that is unimaginable to your own minds. If you can harness that strength and control it, then it can become a ferocious agility and can be manipulated in your favor when fighting for your life."
Integra pondered on this for a moment and hummed softly,
"I can see how that could work. Extreme emotion can bring out hidden strength in people."
Cassandra nodded her head and looked up as the sound of little clawed paws on hard wood brought her attention to the door. Soon, the little silver poodle walked in the room and gazed at everyone until its gaze fell on the silver haired male. She barked a few times and Cassandra giggled as the dog sprinted into the room and leapt into Undertakers arms. The silver haired male laughed and held her tightly as she licked his face excitedly. He lifted her into the air, rubbing his nose against hers,
"Eva! Hello, my darling little girl!"
The poodle barked once more as undertaker brought her down to his chest. She snuggled into his embrace as she shifted back into her human form sitting across her fathers lap. Cassandra giggled at the reunion as the silverette girl giggled happily,
"Hello, Daddy!"
Alois jumped back slightly at the transformation and shook his head,
"Daddy? You mean this man has a child?"
Cassandra and undertaker looked at the boy and laughed as he addressed him,
"Of course! I couldn't let all these good looks go to waste, Little Spider."
He turned back to the girl,
"Since when have you been taking the form of a poodle? It's very cute."
The girl shrugged as she responded,
"I like being a poodle sometimes. Its fun being so light, I practically glide through the air when I jump."
Cassandra laughed,
"That's for damn sure, you practically flew into his lap."
Alucard and Sebastian smirked at them as they giggled. Ciel hummed,
"Well you weren't kidding about being related."
Undertaker chuckled,
"Why would we have any reason to lie. I'm very proud of my little pup."
He hugged her tightly against his chest, with her head on his shoulder. Seras giggled happily from where she sat next to pip, smirking at them. William came back to the room at that moment with a low bow,
"Lunch is ready when you are, Mistress."
Lucifer smirked as he stood,
"I don't know about you, but I'm starving."
Everyone else stood as well while Alucard flipped Cassandra over on his shoulder.
"Ah! Gods dammit Vampire! I can walk!"
He and several others simply chuckled as he followed William to the dining hall. Alois looked up at the woman's annoyed face and turned to Ciel, who wore a slight smirk,
"Is it always like this?"
Ciel scoffed at him, side glancing the blond,
"It gets worse. They are very possessive of their mate but her father and uncle love to tease her. It's quite amusing. Just wait until the tiger shows up."
Alois's eyes widened,
"You mean there's a tiger wandering around here?"
Cassandra giggled from her place on Alucards shoulder,
"A massive underworldian saber toothed white tiger. His name is Saber. Just be glad that I've already sent Wendy to her room for a short while."
The blond Earls eyes widened slightly before raising a brow.
Lucifer chuckled behind them,
"Oh yes. You missed a beautiful display of terror earlier. Cassandra scared the shit out of everyone just before you arrived, it was hilarious."
Pip grumbled a bit, muttering about nearly pissing his pants. Alois scoffed,
"Bullshit, it can't have been that bad."
Cassandra gave him a smug smirk and raised a brow at him,
"Are you willing to make a bet, Young lord? And please, you're only fifteen, watch your language."
He giggled happily, getting cocky as Sebastian and Ciel smirked knowingly at him,
"Sure, what's the bet?"
Samael and Lucifer chuckled from behind them and Alucard smirked, gripping onto her ass blatantly, making the girl yelp and smack his shoulder,
"That's not funny, Alucard."
Him and Sebastian chuckled softly as he began to massage her rear end. She relaxed slightly, looking up at Integra's smirk with a feigned annoyed groan before returning her gaze to the blond Earl,
"Ok, so. Alois, I bet that I could scare you into pissing your pants. Without even touching you which does not count if you touch me."
He laughed,
"I doubt it, but what happens if I win?"
She smiled,
"If you win, than I will serve you in place of Claude for an entire day while him and Becca can go and fuck off."
He grinned widely,
"And what if I loose?"
She tapped her chin with a claw tipped finger as she thought. Sebastian smirked at her thoughts before she spoke,
"If I win, then you attend the next ball as a female. Dress, makeup, high heals, all of it. You play the part of a woman, flirting with every male that flirts with you while trying everything you can to avoid ruining your 'family name'. Me and Rebecca get to dress you up however we want."
Ciel snorted slightly while Claude's eyes narrowed. Rebecca covered her mouth to try and fight the giggles that threatened to escape her. They all looked to Alois as he thought, before he smiled widely and nodded his head,
"Alright, deal."
She held her hand out to him and he shook it, making Lucifer chuckle.
"I hope you're prepared to loose, child. That woman almost made the trained mercenary piss his pants. Even her own demon mate was a little frightened."
Alois looked at the devil with a lightly surprised expression before turning to Sebastian as he spoke,
"I will admit, I never expected her to be so frightening. The way she changed..."
He shook his head as he trailed off,
"I'm a demon and I drew away from her."
Cassandra now held her head in her hands with her elbows resting on Alucards back, grinning smugly at the demon. She winked at him playfully flashing her new black and purple eye color at him. Alois looked hesitantly at the woman as she spoke,
"Don't worry, I won't embarrass you in front of everyone if you don't want, we can go to a separate room while the others begin lunch."
He smiled at her smugly,
"Is that for my benefit, or yours?"
She chuckled,
"Well, I don't want you to freak out in front of everyone."
Ciel smirked at her,
"Why not? I'm sure it would be rather amusing."
She gazed at the blunette as they arrived at the dining hall,
"Do you want to see it again and moving around this time?"
He cringed slightly and looked away,
"Perhaps I'll not be as surprised this time."
Alucard brought her down from his shoulder and into his arms, making her squeak at the action. He smirked at her as he set her on her feet and spoke,
"Everyone can eat and those who aren't hungry just yet can come with us. How does that sound?"
She smiled brightly at him and kissed his cheek,
"Perfect! Come along spiders."

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