My Crappy Blood-line [Complet...

By TeeHarper

127K 2.9K 137

[Completed] I was forced to leave my pack. I was forced to stay away from them for two years. Now returning... More

Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 18
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30
Part 31
Part 32

Part 19

3.4K 93 3
By TeeHarper

All Rights Reserved

Picture of Abbigail to the right>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Go back to Part 1 to see a pic of Matt

Okay, so things are getting a bit sketchy for me. Question: Are you gonna vote, or not?

Oh, and shout out for the person who HAS been voting! Comment who you are and I'll dedicate a part of my book to you!


I wake up to the sound of rushing water. The empty bed reconfirmed my guess that Matt was in the shower. I stand up and stretch, having each and every joint pop at the moment. The snow was starting to melt away. It is somewhere in February, or was is March? I don't know. Everything just seems to jumble together when I don't have to write the date down everyday for school. I think at this point I should just drop out of school altogether. I've missed so much. Sure, I can catch up, but what about next year? I mean, I had a hell of a time trying to get fake paper work to prove that I was in school for the two years I was gone--which was a lie. But I knew all the stuff anyways.

Ah, well. I step off of the fuzzy carpet and onto the cold wood floor. The house is fairly quiet except for the hum of the pipes and the machinery downstairs which can only be heard be my acute wolf senses. I step towards the door carefully to ensure that no noise comes of my departure. I like Matt, sure. I mean, we were mates. But I didn't quite have it in me to try and pass a fake smile. I just couldn't get it out of my head. He was the authority. I wasn't. It hurt, ya know?

I walk down the hallway to my room and take a quick shower. Shampoo and conditioner fly through the air as I attempt to crack my record of two minutes. By the time I'm done, my mind is in a daze. One minute, thirty seconds! Take that! It really wasn't that important. I was just trying to distract myself from the hard, cold facts of my situation.

I hear a knock on the bathroom door.

"Hello?" I call out.

"Hey Abbs," oh good, it's just Chase. "I was wondering if you wanted to get out for a bit."

"Uh, yeah...sure," there's a pause at my door and then he answers.

"Okay meet me down stairs, but be quick about it."

Quick? Child didn't know the meaning of quick as put in my vocabulary. I use my werewolf speed to brush my hair and put on Nike shorts and a t-shirt. Papers rustle on my desk, and I reach a hand out to catch one as it drifts back and forth to the ground. I set it on top of my grammar book and run out the door. I can hear the faint mumbles as the rest of the pack slowly wakes up. I slide down the banister to the end of the stairs were two large hands catch me.

"In a hurry are we?" Nate asks. I look down to see his leg still wrapped up.

"Yep," I say as I turn out of his hold and walk backwards towards the front door. "You might wanna have Rebecca and Zoie check that." I run up to the door to be greeted by silence, and I decide to put on my shoes as I wait--the first thing I've done at normal speed so far.

"Ready?" Chase asks as he walks over with car keys.

"Ohhhh," I gasp in awe. "You got a car?!" He smiles proudly and holds the door open for me to walk onto the porch and down the stone steps leading to the driveway.

"Yep," he says popping the 'p'. It's a bright blue hummer. God, he knew me so well. I slide into the passenger seat and wait for him to get in and start the car. "Hurry up slowpoke."

He turns towards me as the engine roars to life. "Gosh, what's got you in a jumpy attitude?"

I couldn't tell him the truth--that I was trying to do anything and everything to distract myself from Matt. How terrible is it that the universe saw fit to put us together? I knew I had to get out of the house. If I stayed, then Matt would cloud my better judgement once again, and I wouldn't be able to resist him. The sensible thing was to resist. He was alpha. I was born to be alpha. Our personalities would clash, not even mentioning our alpha sides. The last thing the world needed was two mated alphas trying to run the same pack. Hahaha, hell no.

"Just nervous I guess," I say. Chase grins.

"You still haven't done it?" he asks. No shame there. I let my mouth drop open as I look at him. He just looks backwards to check the surroundings before slowly peeling out of the driveway, keeping one hand on the wheel and the other on the back of my seat. "Well?" he asks again as we go forward down the dirt road leading through the pack houses.

"No," I whisper. I look away before he can catch my gaze, but he still sees the look on my face.

"What's wrong Abbs?"

I hesitate. Should I tell him the truth? He's my brother. My twin brother.

"I'm just too worried about the whole alpha thing to even want to mate with Matt."

Chase doesn't say anything for a while, but there's a concerned look on his face. It was true after all. Through all this time of being back, I had to keep my alpha side at bay--a constant struggle of power and authority. Now, having found out that Matt is my mate, I don't think I can do what needs to be done to get my position back.

I need answers. There's only one place we go for answers--the old ruins. It is said that any question, any problem you have can be solved there. I watch as the tribe lands start to fall away and the tops of the town's building come into view.

"Well," Chase begins. "I wouldn't know what it's like to have a mate, but I know that it's special. You and Matt are designed to be together."

I scoff. "Yes, maybe to kill each other in the process." Chase looks over at me disapprovingly. It was not good to talk down about "universal" matters. If the universe set something into motion, it was meant to be--no questions asked.

"I think you should give it a go," he says. My eyes widen.

"Is my brother seriously telling me that sex is the answer?" I ask incredulously. Chase bristles.

"Well--I mean, not...yeah. Pretty much," he admits. I laugh as we pull into the grocery store parking lot. Chase gets out and opens the door for me. I smile and jump out of the car. Maybe he was right. Maybe I should just let nature takes its course. Hahaha! Hell no.

We walk into the store, the bell hanging from the ceiling letting out a high pitched chime. Joe looks up from the counter.

"Hey," he smiles. "If it isn't Chase Johnson..." and then he gives me a questioning look.

"...And my sister, Abbigail Johnson..." Chase finishes off. Joe's eyes go wide.

"Well, I'll be a jackass," he laughs. "Damn right, that there's our little Abbs!?" I smile and he runs out from behind the counter.

"Hey there uncle Joe," I grunt as he wraps me in a warm hug. The one person I could trust not to spill the beans to the rest of the tribe--Uncle Joe.

"Do us a favor and keep this on the DL?" Chase asks, and Joe lets me go as he faces Chase, grease and mustard covering his work apron.

"Absolutely," he says. "What should I call her?"

"Just Abby," Chase says. "No last name." Joe nods and gives me another hug before returning to his post. The store was more of a convenient store than it was a grocery store, but it was an easy place to go to. And when it was owned by your one and only uncle, then you got some pretty good discounts.

"So scout the store, and come back for more!" Joe calls out as we thank him and head into the jungle of aisles--the store motto still hanging in the air. Chase leads us back to the cereal.

"Coco Puffs," I say excitedly, and Chase throws them in the basket.

"You're high" he mumbles while we turn the corner into the bread aisle.

"That's what she said," I say back. He turns back to look at me with a smile.

"No seriously Abbs, what's wrong with you?"

"I don't know," I shrug, but I did know. I was yet again distracting myself from the fact that Matt was my mate.

"Hmmm," Chase continues down the aisle and throws things in my general direction. I catch them with easy and put them into the cart. We pick up all the necessary groceries and step back up to the counter where Uncle Joe sits. He looks up from his newspaper and smiles, folding it and laying it down on the counter top.

"Ready to check out?" Joe asks.

"Yes sir," Chase grins and hands the stuff over as the register beeps to confirm that the item had been scanned. After bagging our stuff and giving us an incredible discount, we wave good bye and head for the door. Chase starts to load the hummer with the white plastic bags.

"Oh, hey Abbs," Joe says behind me. He has this worried look on his face--almost a grimace.


"I was told to give you this..." he holds out a white envelope with my name written on it. I smile and thank him as he drops the letter into my out stretched hand and quickly runs back through the front door,  he was looking more nervous than the time a woman with ten kids came into the store.

The hummer roars to life, and I turn around to see Chase in the driver's seat urging me to get into the car. I stuff the envelope in the back of my jeans and run over to the passenger side of the car. Chase starts to back out as I get inside.

"In a hurry are we?" I ask. Chase doesn't bother to look at me, and I buckle my seat belt.

"I was just called back to help with some--" he stops short.

"Help with some what?" I ask. He looks over at me and has a pained look in his expression. I'm tired as hell of having to wait while he thinks of the right words to say--probably not being the whole story anyways--so I close my eyes and search through my mind for his link. It hurts, but I pull at it and get into his head. I begin to shuffle around until I reach his thoughts.

'She would never stay put if I told her... She'd want to be out there fighting as well...'

I open my eyes and stare at Chase.

"You will too tell me, and I can do whatever the hell I want!" I growl. His mouth falls open in shock.

"Did you just--"

"Yep," I say curtly.

"There are rouges invading the tribe lands," he says, my heart pounding in my chest. "Some of them from the Dark Mountain pack."


Don't forget to vote!

I recently figured out how to add pictures, so now you can see what the characters look like.

Abbigail's pic is to the right>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Check it out!

Thanks for reading xxx<3

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