Lucifer; A New Beginning (fan...

By DerpyPigeon

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I wrote this a while ago and it's my first Fanfiction it's kind of crappy. *Lucifer and Chloe's partnership... More

Chapter 1 | "Are you afraid of me?"
Chapter 2 | "Heartbroken Devil"
Chapter 3 | "They're just wings."
Chapter 4 | "This is unbelievable"
Chapter 5 | "And dear old dad strikes again"
Chapter 6 | "An angel in the darkest disguise"
Chapter 7 | "Pudding Algebraic Expression"
Chapter 8 | "It's nice to be back"
Chapter 9 | "What is happening to me?"
Chapter 10 | "Died from an angel's light"
Chapter 11 | "Watching you suffer over someone else's sadness is fun."
Chapter 12 | "The world's first murderer VS a detective"
Chapter 14 | "Reunited Deckerstar"
Chapter 15 | "Soulmates"
Chapter 16 | "Angel of Death's return"
Chapter 17 | "Punisher's punishment"

Chapter 13 | "I've been punished"

1K 25 2
By DerpyPigeon

Setting: Chloe's Apartment

Chloe looked up at Cain, who had a bullet in the middle of his chest. "What have I done..." She muttered to herself, and dropped her gun.

"And... the detective wins!" Maze exclaimed from outside the door. 

"I-I'm going to Heaven." Cain collapsed to the floor.

"No... you're going to Hell..." Chloe walked over to him.

Cain glared at Chloe as his heartbeat slowed.

Chloe then realized she killed Lucifer's killer, and grinned. "You got what you deserve."

Cain rolled his eyes and decided to just let himself die. 


Chloe turned around to see Trixie in the hallway with a stuffed animal in her hand.

 "Monkey what are you doing up? It's midnight."

"I heard a gun shot, and I wanted to make sure you were okay."

"I'm fine. It's just police stuff, okay? Now go back to bed."

"Okay." She walked back to her room.

Chloe looked back at Cain, his eyes narrow and his chest still. She smirked again. "Have a nice time in Hell."

Setting: Hell

Lucifer sat in his throne in boredom. "Since when is being the King of Hell so boring?" He rolled his eyes. "Can somebody give me something to do, please?"

The dark room stayed quiet.

"Typical." The Devil snarled.

 Suddenly he heard crying. "What on earth.." Lucifer stood up from his throne and followed the sound. He eventually reached the door of a cell, and opened it. He walked inside to find Cain standing there with Chloe crying in her apartment.

"Well hello, Cain.."

Cain turned around and looked at Lucifer "You were right, I deserve to be here. I've done so many terrible things."

"Right, like breaking the detective's heart?"

Cain nodded. "And killing you was... a huge mistake."

"You said I deserved to die, why are you thinking it's a mistake now?"

"Chloe killed me because of your death."

"The detective killed you?...because... I'm...dead?"

"That's how much she cares about you, yes."

"Right... I suggest you stay in here. Torture is nice every once in a while." The Devil walked out of the door.

Cain glared at Lucifer as he left the room.

The next day

Setting: Doctor Linda's Office

Chloe walked in from the door. "Hey Linda, I um... I have to tell you something."

Linda looked up at her from her desk. "Oh! Sure." She sat up in her seat.

"It's about Lucifer, he's.. he's dead." Chloe's blue eyes teared up. "Cain killed him—and—and then I killed Cain..."

"Hold up. Cain killed Lucifer?"

Chloe nodded, wiping her eyes.

"He always comes back, Chloe. He has wings, he can fly himself back."

"He—he can?"

Linda nodded.

"Then—then why doesn't he?"

"That I don't know. But we can only hope he will come back."

Chloe nodded. "So I don't have to worry anymore?"

Linda shook her head. "Nope."

Setting: Precinct

Amenadiel walked over to Chloe who was at her desk. "You don't seem very broken up about Lucifer's death."

"Well I know he'll come back, so what is there to worry about?" Chloe grinned cheerily.

"Actually Chloe... he can't come back."

Chloe's smile faded. "What do you mean?"

"Well... he cut off his so-called 'useless wings' again and now he can't fly himself back to earth."

"Oh... why can't you fly him back? You're an angel, right?"

"I could, but I don't want to."

Chloe glared at him and stood up. "Give me one good reason."

Amenadiel folded his arms. "Well you see, me and Lucifer don't get along well... and..."


"My life is sort of better with him gone."

Chloe scowled at him. "Bring him back."

"But I can finally have peace without him!"

"What an angel you are." Chloe snarled sarcastically. 

"Okay fine, I'll bring him back. But promise to keep him company so he doesn't come and irritate me."

"Of course."

Amenadiel rolled his eyes and walked out of the department.

Setting: Hell

Amenadiel flew down to Hell and searched the dark hallway for his brother. "Luci! I'm here to take you back to earth!"

No answer.

"Luci?" The angel walked down the dark hallway. "Lucifer?"

There was no sign of The Devil. 

"Lucifer don't play games with me." Amenadiel snarled.

Still no answer.

"Luci! Seriously! I know you hate talking to me but I'll bring you back this time!" Amenadiel walked farther down the hallway.

 Suddenly Amenadiel spotted a large white feather on the floor. He picked it up and examined it. "Well, maybe you already came back." The angel started out of the hallway.

"No, brother. I'm still here."

Amenadiel stopped in his tracks. "Lucifer?" He walked down the hallway again.

No answer.

 He then spotted a white feather trail of multiple sizes and some were ripped slightly. He tilted his head in confusion and followed them.

He eventually reached a pile of them. "Lucifer what is this?" He then looked up to see his brother standing in the hallway with his head down. His wings had hundreds of feathers that appeared either ripped out or sliced off.

"What happened, Luci?" Amenadiel walked over to him, looking at his decaying wings.

"I've been punished, brother." 

"What could you have you done to deserve this punishment?"

Lucifer turned around to face his brother. "I don't know."

" you want to come back to earth?"

"Well, I could. But... you never know what dad will do to punish me on earth, such as harm the detective..."

"You don't know that, Luci."

"Which is why I don't want to risk it!" Lucifer glanced at his wings. "Brother just... just cut them off." He willingly lifted his deteriorating wings, wincing at the pain. He pulled out a blade from his pocket.

Amenadiel nodded and took the blade from him. 

Setting: Precinct

Chloe sat at her desk, wondering what was taking Amenadiel so long. She checked her watch. "Its been 20 minutes, he should be back by now.."

"Should who be back?" Dan confusingly walked over to her.

"Oh no one. I'm just—talking to myself." 

Dan nodded, raising an eyebrow in suspicion.

"Uh.. have you found anything that could help with the case?" Chloe hastily changed the subject.

"Well I found some evidence." Dan gave her a file with pictures in it.

Chloe examined the pictures and nodded. "We'll see what we can do."

"Yeah. And uh.. where's Pierce?"

"...Pierce? Oh.... uh..."

"And where's Lucifer?"  Dan questioned Chloe.

"Uh...long story."

"I've got plenty of time." Dan snarled at her.

Chloe hesitated for a moment. "Well..."

"Just spit it out."

Chloe glanced around the room. "Well... this is going to sound crazy but..." She took a deep breath. "Lucifer's dead."

"Dead? Like dead, dead?"

Chloe nodded.

"Like not living dead?"

"Yes. Cain—or—Pierce—killed him."

"What?" Dan's eyebrows raised. "I knew something was up with him after he killed Charlotte..." his eyes teared up slightly.

"Yeah and... I—I killed Pierce."

Dan gasped somewhat quietly. "You did? You... literally killed him?" He muttered to her. 

Chloe nodded. "You just don't understand."

"I mean he really was a jerk but..."

"Please just keep quiet, okay? I don't want to lose my job."

Dan nodded.

Setting: Hell

Lucifer looked down at his severed almost-featherless wings, then up at the ceiling. "Dad, whatever the reason is for punishing me, please promise me you won't harm Chloe in any way possible." He sighed worriedly.

"Are you ready, brother?" Amenadiel unfolded his gray wings.

"Yes. Take me back."

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