Before the Rise

By Hoseok_is_life_

656 27 15

"Well, look who I ran into." Crowed Coincidence. "Oh no," flirted Fate. "This was meant to be." - - - "Mayb... More

Chapter 2: New and Old
Chapter 3: Eyes

Chapter 1: Tickets

171 10 8
By Hoseok_is_life_

"Order 273."

Your voice rang out over the multiple conversations of the coffee house as you placed down the plastic cup, containing the hot substance known as macchiato, a heavy sigh left your lips as you wiped your brow.

You watched the customer as they slowly approached, taking their drink and dropping a quarter in the tip jar.

You frowned at the tiny tip and ran a hand through your hair.

There was no use getting upset.

Your shift was over anyways.

You reached behind you, pulling off your tan colored apron and laying it on the counter as you turned, walking towards your employee locker and opening it.


The voice of your employer rang throughout the locker room, sending a cold chill down your spine.

Your boss had always come off as a bit of a sleaze. He was constantly sweating and rubbing his hands together, he never seemed to leave the shop while you were working. He was constantly checking you out and coming up with excuses to be near you or brush your hand with his.

If you didn't need the money, you would have left ages ago, but did.

Resisting the urge to roll your eyes, you nodded your head.

"Yup. My shift is over and I'm beat."

He hummed in response, taking a step closer to you.

"Well, if you aren't doing anything...Why don't you go to dinner with me?"

You let out a chuckle, covering it up with a fake cough.

"I can't. I have a date....with my bed...Sorry."

A smirk appeared on his face at your response, his feet moving closer to you.

"What a coincidence....I was planning to go to your bed too."

You scoffed, slamming your locker shut.

"Not in this life time, Brad."

Before he had a chance to respond, you were out the door, walking back towards your small apartment.


"Sunny, Sunny!"

Your high-pitched voice carried over the small playground as you ran towards the old swing set your tiny legs moving as fast as they could carry you.

The little boy on the swing slowly raised his head, his brown eyes lighting up at your presence.


You smiled widely, finally making it to the young boy.

"Guess what!" You yelled with excitement, your finger moving to your mouth and pulling down your lip, showing a large gap between your bottom teeth. "I lost my tooth today!"

His eyes widened as he stared at the empty space.

"Oh my gosh! You're so big now!"

You nodded your head proudly, placing your hands on your hips.

"Yeah. Mommy said I'm a big girl now, so you have to listen to me."

A pout formed on the older boys lips.

"Nu-uh! I'm still a whole, big year older than you!"

You pointed to your mouth again.

"But, I lost a tooth. I'm bigger than you."

Sunny crossed his arms.

"No you're not!"

"Yes I am!"

"No! I'm bigger! You're just a baby!"

You froze, a small gasp leaving your lips as you stared at him, tears welling in your eyes as your lip quivered.

Sunny's eyes widened as he watched large tears begin to roll down your cheeks, loud sobs leaving your lips.

"I-I'm not a baby!" You hiccupped. "I'm-I'm a big girl!"

The young boy nodded his head fervently, his hand resting on your shoulder.

"I-I know that! I didn't mean to call you a baby."

You shoved his hand away from you.

"Y-Yes you did! You're a big, fat meanie!"

He frowned sadly, his arms wrapping around your small form.

"I really am sorry, Biscuit."

You slowly gave in at the familiar nickname, your arms wrapping around his waist.

"I-I forgive you, Sunny." You said. "Just pinky promise me that you won't call me a baby again."

He smiled widely, pulling away and holding out his pinky.

"I pinky promise, Biscuit."


Music was playing in your headphones as you walked home.

You only lived like five minutes from work.

So you walked.

You arrived finally.

Going to the second story of your apartment building.

You saw your door from a distance. Something was different though.

Your door was open.

So being the crazy person you are.

You grabbed your purse tight, ready to swing.

You slowly walked into your small apartment hallway.

Looking into the living area.

Nothing, it was safe.

You must have left your door cracked. You were in a hurry that morning.

The worry you once had left which meant you could relax.

But all of that worry came rushing back in when you walked into your bedroom.


Your defense mood was back on. You swung your purse.

Hitting the person in the face.




"Ohh My God. I am so sorry. But don't scare me like that."

"I though it would be funny. Apparently I thought wrong."

"Anyways. How did you get in my apartment?"

Shelly rubbed the back of her neck.


She was nervous.

"Shelly. Why are you nervous?"

"No reason just that I maybe kind of had to make out with your landlord to convince him to let me in."


"Well..I mean technically.."

"Seriously Shelly, I could have to move out because of this."

You scoffed moving to sit comfortably on your bed.

Shelly following you, joining you on your bed.

You sighed once more.

"I have some good news."

"Shelly if you made out with my boss too, then I don't want to know."

She gasped as if she was offended.

"I would never. Anyways that isn't the point. Point is I have some good news which will get you some relaxation time. Since you have been working so much I took the liberty of planning a wonderful trip for us. You're Welcome."

"I have work I can't just drop work and go on a trip."

"You can and you will, you boss is in love with you and you don't need to be in that toxic environment any longer. You should just quit. Try and find another job."

"You know I can't do that. I want to sing as my career and you know it's to hard to find anywhere around here where I can sing."

"Well, I have a surprise that might just help you with that."

"Biscuit. I have a surprise."

"I don't really like surprises."

"Close your eyes."

Even though you didn't really like surprises because he might put a spider on you, you obliged and closed you eyes.

"Can I open my eyes yet?"

"Just give me a minute biscuit."

You nodded.

"Ok open ."

When you opened your eyes you looked down to see a beautiful necklace made of sunflowers.

"Sunny! I love it. Did you make it?"

"I did. My mom says you give things to the people you love, so I made this for you."

"I didn't make you anything. I am sorry Sunny."

"It's ok Biscuit. I will take a hug."

You nodded, giving him a big bear hug.



"Be my friend forever. Mommy says to find good friends, and hope they never leave."

"Don't worry Sunny. I wont leave. We will be friends forever."


"I don't like surprises."

You groaned at your friend. She knew you hated surprises.

"I promise you will like this one."

"Fine, I swear to god if it's a spider you're dead to me."

"Yeah, yeah sure whatever."

"I got you a job at BigHit."

This is why you guys were friends, she knew how to make you happy. Although you were still trying to take this in. This was a very big deal.

"Are you serious?!?"

"Yes. Look."

She pulled her phone out of her pocket to show you the email.

"So this means I can quit? I can be free from BRAD!"

You gave her a huge hug, you enjoyed the present but somewhere deep inside Shelly knew she did this act of "kindness" out of spite.

"There something I need to tell all of you."

The boys voice came out shaky, like he was nervous.

I am sorry I broke our promise.

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