The Devil As A Husband (Malex...

By RoLlAndShaMmY

9.3K 251 161

"Hey look hear punk, you have no choice but to comply to my Demands, you have to let me put the ring on your... More

Not and Update
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15
chapter 16
chapter 17
chapter 19
chapter 18
chapter 20
chapter 21
chapter 22
chapter 23
chapter 24
chapter 25
chapter 26
chapter 27

chapter 5

437 14 29
By RoLlAndShaMmY


Waking up next to him was like a déjà vu, I wish it would be like this forever but I know now that he hated my guts,  looking at him all in his glory he was so cute like a puppy when he sleep, why do I hate him at the same time love him, is my mind playing game at me the guy was fucking caring, he arranged my room, bathroom, prepares me my favourite food "pancakes" I doubt he know that my favourite food he always make in the morning, but I knew something will come up that will make me flea up again I wished it won't be today, sometimes I feel like I'm possessed or something for Christ sake I'm suppose to be loving him and taking care of him I mean that all I ever wanted right from when we were still kids but I don't find it the story again what the fuck is happening to me I said to my self when I heard a "good morning" coming from someone that was laying  beside me, I looked to see the the most handsome boy in my fucking crazy world,  he stood up saying shortly "uhm..... I'm sorry for.... Kinda.. Sleeping here last night" he finally completed I could notice the fear in his voice, damn I have fucking succeeded in making him afraid of me which I wasn't happy my self I felt bad and so terrible.

Before I could respond to his greeting which I crave to hear him say just that to me he had already left the room, I rolled my eyes a few times before convincing my self that this day is going to be fucking beautiful no fighting, no boxing, no argument nothing of sort will be found today in the winter mansion I said to my self on the the other hands something tells me that today I will fuck up again which I find very irritating my self, I don't know why but I hated this feeling.

I got up from my bed finally to go do my regular hygiene I was really starting to smell like sperm which I hated the smell, my mind flew back to last night I and he on the bed romantically it was a day I would never forget I had him so close to my arm, yeah it wasn't at all like our first sex it was the second time I'm having sex with him but this one was so different last night was so different I was still drown in my thoughts when I hit the door which led to the bathroom, ouch...... I said before finally I smirked.. Did I just smirked no way........ I said to my self before getting in what wrong with me today Jessy look at what you have made be look like I said whispering down my breath,  after spending 1hour in the bathroom I got out. Then a crazy idea make through my crazy head why don't I redo my bath again but this time with Jessy I flew from my room to his room, crazy as it sound but I love him even though my temper get the better of me I just pray it won't drive him away from me, OK time to make trouble................

His door wasn't locked at all like if he left it on purpose but fuck it who cares I don't, I went straight into his room hearing the sound of the shower  put smile on my face which turn to a chuckle I went in, I was actually tiptoeing until I reached my destination "his bathroom", I slides the door open and went in making him to let out a statement "who the fuck is that" I went to him and rapped my hands around his wet waist which was covered with the fum of soap "Eva soap" yeah what what it smelt like though I didn't know whether it was or not but I don't care right now all I want his Jessy I need him now I kissed his neck shortly and he released a hum sound which made my cock stand, after s shortly while of me kissing his damn neck which was scenting so much of Eva soap, yeah I was right it Eva, I could see it boldly written on the soap it self, he turned around increasing the volume of the water at it rushed down to our body, "I and him", he kissed my lip making me to move back a little my back was against the walls it was fucking crazy how this felt I have never done this before but today was a day I would never forget I was practically in the shower with Jessy which I always wanted the guy made me go crazy, it made me go insane but not insane insane just crazy about him that all.

I went down to kiss his cock but he backed out heading straight outside the bathroom taking his towel with him he went straight to his room, I could understand him what was wrong did I do something to piss him off, I came out of the shower into his bed room where I saw him sitting all pissed out, "what the fuck was that for" I said to him glaring at him with so much anger and frustration "first you goddamn need a towel tossing an extra fresh towel over to me which I grabbed", after rapping it around my waist, so you care to explain what was that, "I aren't explaining any shit to you you are the one that suppose to be explaining shit to me you here are trying to mess with my head he said to me in an angry tone", what the hell is wrong with you I whispered yelled at him, which he only smirked, "you trying to tell me that now you have change, no apology, 3month McCall, 3month he said before letting out a breath though he was whisper yelling", and what happened to three month I said to him saying shortly because 3month ago we where married you where my husband OK!!

"You such a looser McCall are you kidding me you in those three Month you where a devil and which you are you haven't change this all a déjà vu which I know I will wake up in less than an hour or so" he said yelling out but not to much for the neighborhood to come knocking at my door, and your point is I said to him, "my point is that I hate you, you fucking messing with my head with no goddamn pity or sort, o how would I forget you are an Almighty McCall winter he said with his fingers corresponding to what he said to me" I stood there slightly, you just want me to be a lier and pretend like we OK, like I'm OK, I'm not fucking OK McCall you hear I'm loosing it every single day, I fucking hate you, at first I thought is because of my family but no, I was fucking wrong you such a selfish bastard, the other days you where hitting me and turn me to a punching bag, a punching bag McCall I was a punching bag to you which you could always practice when you feel like doing so, so tell me where that McCall you crazy piece of shit I hate you, letting out those words you crazy piece of shit in Côte,  was fucking insulting and McCall winter don't let people throw insultive words at him, before I knew it he was on the bed, I slaked him so hard, before getting to the bed with him are you done you crazy thing, remember I own you, you my property I said to him, and he pushed me away saying back off you frag I hate you you a two face piece of shit I can't wait to be done with this marriage contract, for Christ sake you acting all so cool like if we were all so cool he said with his finger, no we are not he said yelling out..

Ring Ring

It was the goddamn bell indicating I have a visitor, we aren't down yet I said to the goddamn creature which was standing close to his bed, heading down stairs I heard,  "o no we are not it was fucking Jassy"

Ring Ring!!

I'm coming I said rolling my eyes but I don't know who I rolled them for was it for the annoying door bell or for the fucking Dutch bag called Jessy Williams, I open the door with an annoying expression all written on my face, but something shocked me it was what I saw on the door they where two human being right in front of my door.........

So hey guys, who do you think it was take a wide guess, well the set of human being will be reviled in the coming next chapter

Well feel free to drop your comment who know the set of humans being?

I love you all kisses I hope you love this chapter I know it came all to soon I did it because I don't know when my next chapter will be published , you see I be going back to school next Sunday and one week isn't enough to get my self ready for hectic lectures, stress ,assignment, projects and all but I promise I will update soonest

Love you all

Don't forget to drop you answer❤❤❤

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