That April In The Rain

By Sara_Hoffman

854 145 355

"If I were you, I would never believe them", it was hard to see his expression, due to the heavy rain, drench... More

Best Friend Things
Introductions and Glances
Damn Hot
Drawn to Her
Slow Mindless
Oh Boy!
What have I got to loose?
We're Cool?
I missed you
Air Dancer
Horrendous Potion

Beginnings and Blue Eyes

175 23 69
By Sara_Hoffman

Author's Note:

Before you start reading, I'd like to thank you for giving this book a chance.

I am not from America, so I don't know how the colleges work there, the college and it's working that I have mentioned in the further story is just my idea of it.

Also, Sara Hoffman is my pen name.

This story is very special to me and an original work, I'd really appreciate if there's no kind of recreation of it at all. 

With that said, I welcome you to a journey filled with fun, love, laughter and many other emotions. Hope I make it worth your while.



It was warm inside the cafe as I sat by the window seat watching the rain drizzle on the busy streets, the way the lights lit up the city, the moon half hidden behind the skyscrapers, people walking by the sidewalk engrossed in their own thoughts and here I was busy thinking about the last encounter or near accident, you may say I just had.


It was my first day, in the city of my dreams; New York.

So yes, I finally made it to New York. A yay and applause for me!

My friend Rachel calls me and I put her on speaker,"Myla Wilson where do you think are you going all by yourself without informing me, in this big new city, what if you get lost, what if anybody kidnaps you......" I cut my over dramatic friend in the middle and tell her that I was going to visit my aunt and had my GPS on so she need not worry, with that I hang up.

I always had a love for reading, it was my escape, it was a world I chose to lead, it was somewhere, where the fictional characters were more of a home to me, than the ones in the real world. So I decided to turn this love and passion, into my career, because that way, I'd be doing what I love through out my life, and never get tired of it. Hence, I'm here to complete my degree in Literature.

Currently I'm staying with my best friend Rachel in a small row house, which my mom had left behind for me, the only memory I had of her. Just the thought of her brings a saddening feeling, only if she was still here, what would my life be now, how different would it be.

But wherever she is, I just hope, she's proud of me. I've worked really hard, worked my ass off to be here, and made it on my own. I'm looking forward to make the best out of this city, this journey. A step closer to my dreams. Lost in all these thoughts, I have already arrived at my aunt's house.

As I enter her home, I'm welcomed by her warm embrace which I have been craving for. She's a pretty lady in her early thirties, married to Uncle Thomas, they were childhood sweethearts.

"I've missed you so much Myla, it's been forever" she says with a smile, and fixes the creases on her apron, which is a sign that she had been cooking, which, in turn means, I'm not leaving this home without feeling like a hippopotamus.

I tell her that I missed her too, when Tyler comes and jumps onto me taking me completely off guard, "Hey champ! Nice way of welcoming, huh!" and he gives me a grin with two missing teeth, I ruffle his hair and chuckle at his gesture. He's a very sweet boy and too smart for a five year old. It never felt that this was not my family, Tyler was more of my own sibling than a cousin to me.

"I'm still upset that she's not staying here with us." Uncle Thomas enters in an attempt of scolding me which he merely fails at and I give him a hug which he returns.

"I've told you Uncle Thomas I want to achieve every bit of my life, all by myself." I state with a proud smile on my face.

"Okay, Okay! but you're visiting us on every weekend and for now, we have a lot of catching up to do." Aunt Amy says and with that, I never realized that I spent all my day with these super sweet people, talking, laughing and sharing stories. Soon I bid them farewell with a promise of meeting them as soon as possible.

It's almost six when I leave and is slightly pouring. Oh the month of April! Just adds on to the beauty of this city with the droplets of rain.

Enjoying the drive with "I like me better" by Lauv, blasting through my music system, I'm driving at a reasonable speed.

Not that I don't like speed, actually I'm a sucker for speed and thrill, but, I won't do it myself and never have I done it with someone else. It's so exhilarating, I wish I could just speed up, skid all the way, race with myself, but I didn't have the guts to do so. I've had a pretty boring life, with a one or two parties, no outings, no adventures nothing. But I have Rachel by my side, since high school, she literally adopted me. Rachel is a party girl. She's an extrovert, mingles with everyone, the loud one, y'know! On the other side there's me, I won't say I'm a complete introvert but neither an extrovert. I'm an ambivert, proud ambivert! I'm a shy person but sarcastic at the same time, won't just talk to everybody, and to top it all, I'm a shy shit, wait I already mentioned that, that's just double shy then. But I smile a lot, and I'm polite to everyone, most of the time. That's what my mom taught me, to be polite to everyone.

Humming to the song I continue taking in the beauty of this city, when suddenly something or most probably someone comes right in front of my car and I just stop in time, followed by the screeching sound of the tires.

All I can hear now is my panting, the pouring of rain, which I now realized has turned heavy, and Lauv liking himself better in the background. Once my breathing turns even, and I'm not panting like a mad dog anymore, I look up to find out who the hell chose my car to pull this stunt on.

There he is, right in front of my car, staring at me with an unknown expression. His blue eyes are so captivating even through the pouring rain on my windshield. His hair falling on his forehead soaking wet due to the rain. I'm at a loss of words looking at this much of a hot mess in front of me.

He catches me checking him out and smirks at me, rounds the car and goes way. He's nowhere! Oh god, is this some dream or what? I think to myself only to be interrupted by a thud on my car from back side.

I turn and find the same guy there, oh lord. The water from the rain on my car is sliding down in small waves on the glass behind, his face is a blur but still doesn't fail to show how gorgeous he is.

He winks at me, turns around and walks away. I'm here gape mouthed, staring behind ..what does he think about himself ? Just because he is so attractive, it doesn't mean I'm not mad at him or won't take this lightly, but wait, what can I even do he's not even here, it's almost like he was never here, like an imagination.

He was so good looking with those blue eyes, I almost think it's an imagination of mine. The sharp cheek bones, perfect jaw line, tall, lean but still muscular, in black leather jacket. uhhhh. Whatever I don't like him, he didn't even apologize, jerk!

There is continuous honking and I realize that I'm building up the traffic. I quickly turn in front take a deep breath and make my way to the nearest coffee shop.

End of Flashback

I'm wondering who he may be? Not that I can see him, meet him or know him. But why am I so curious about it? May be I'm just too tired.
You rather get back to home in time than thinking about some stranger or else Rach will feed you to the wild, my subconscious reminds me. I jolt up from my seat, it's already dark, I have a lot of explaining to do now. With that I head to my home.

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