Little Swan: Jasper Hale x OC...

By Wall_Flower04

160K 3.4K 593

Aurora, or Rory Swan is the second and youngest child to Charlie Swan and Renée Dwyer. Her parents split when... More



11.5K 283 38
By Wall_Flower04

Auroras POV

It's sunny out today, which is really weird because this is forks, I swear it never stops raining. But because it is sunny for the first time in ages, I got to put on nice clothes. Which, not gonna lie, kinda excited me.

I chose this because it'll keep me a bit warmer if it decides to get a little cold, but I've got my coat in my bag just in case.
"They're not here" I voice from above me says, it Jessica. She's trying to get her tan in but obviously that's not working because she's still just as pasty as yesterday. "Whenever the weathers nice the cullens disappear" she tells Bella, who is looking around for them, "What, so they just ditch?" I ask, "No" Jessica says, "Doctor and Mrs Cullen yank em' out for like hiking and camping. I tried that on my parents, not even close" She finishes. I nod my head and go back to drawing. The thing is with me and Jessica, if she's not being a Bitch to me, I won't be a bitch to her, real simple. "Guys" Angela says, running and sitting beside me, "I'm going to prom with Eric, it just took control and asked" I smile at her before pulling her into a hug, "Well don Ang!" I say pulling away. Bella leans past me and hugs her too, "See? I knew you could it" She tells Angela, letting go and sitting back down beside me. "Are you sure you two have to go out of town?" Angela asks us, "Yea, it's this family thing" I say. "Okay, we should go shopping in port angles before all the good dresses get clean out" Jessica says, right before the bell goes, "port angles? Mind if we come?" Bella asks, My head flies over towards her and I raise my eyebrows, "Uh yea? I need you twos opinion" Angela says in a duh tone.


We're sitting in the dress shop with Angela and Jessica. "Rory, you're good a fashion, does this green go with me?" Jessica asks, "oh god no" I say, quickly standing up and grabbing two pink dresses. I see her face faulted but I quickly lifts back up as I put the dresses against her to see if it looks good. "Here, try these two" I say, hanging them to her. "Thanks" She says with a small smile, walking into the dressing room, "Hey, what about this one?" Angela asks me. I turn around and see her with a light blue dress on. I think for a minute before grabbing a purple one of the rack, "The blue doesn't look bad" I tell her, "but I feel like purples more of your colour Ang" holding the dress up against her like I did with Jessica. "Thanks Rory" And disappears into the dressing room. Once both Angela and Jessica come out I sit back down beside Bella, who puts her feet on my lap, not that I mind though. That's when a group of boys come and tap on the window, some wolf whistling and a guy complimenting Jessica's boobs. I shiver runs down my spine as a guy taps the window gaining mine and Bella's attention, winking at me and smirking at Bella. "That is uncomfortable" Jessica says, "That's disgusting" Bella and I say together. "Bella, what do you think?" Jessica asks, "It looks great" Bella says again. I roll my eyes before turning to Jess "Pink is definitely your colour Jess" I say with a small smile, she smiles brightly at me before Angela speaks up, "You've said that about the last five dresses though" looking kind of sad, "Yea, I mean I just really want to go to this book store" Bella tells them, starting to grab her stuff "meet you guys at the restaurant?" Bella asks them, "Are you sure?" Jessica asks. "Yea" Bella says before standing up. "Come on Ro" she says to me, "oh okay, see you girls later" I say, grabbing my bag and skipping off too Bella before stopping her. "Hang on, I'm putting my coat on" I tell her.

Once I put it on, Bella grabs my hand and we start walking to the book store. It took a little longer than we expected, by the time we went in the sun was setting. I look around for a book while Bella goes to a specific area. After a while I find a good book, called The Fault in Our Stars and Bella is ready to leave. We buy our stuff and walk out, I shiver because of sudden winds. It's a dark blue outside, the sun will be gone any minute now. We walk down the steps and try to cut through and ally way but as we walk down it, two drunk men walk past ahead of us. Bella stiffens and grabs my hand, dragging me away from the drunk men who have started to call after us. We walk into a parking lot only to see four other people, and by this time I realise they're the boys that tapped on the window at the dress shop. "Hey-hey-hey, where do you think you're going?" One of them ask, standing in front of Bella. Bella pushes me behind her but doesn't let go of my hand, she couldn't even if she tried I'm gripping it too hard. "Well you're a pretty little thing aren't you?" Someone says behind me, grabbing my shoulders and turning me around. Bella and I are now back to back as we get circled by these dudes. "Why don't we take that coat of and see what we have, Huh?" The guy whispers in my ear. Bella then turns around and shoves the guy off me, "Don't touch her!" She yells. I just look at the guys as tears start to come to my eyes as fear shakes my whole body. Another one grabs me and pulls me away from Bella hard, forcing me to crash into another who wraps his arms around me. "L-Let go" I say, trying to desperately get out of his arms. I manage to knee him where the sun don't shine just before a car comes speeding around the corner. The car stops a few feet away from us, stunning me. One drunk guy takes advantage of this and grabs me again, spinning me around and forcing me to look at him. He's about to say something when a fist connects with his jaw, throwing him to the ground at such a force it knocks him out immediately. "Get in the car, now!" A voice says, I turn around realising it was Edwards but Jasper is standing beside me, he's the one who knocked the guy out. I look up at him with the tears still my eyes as he turns and looks at me. His face softens as he wraps his arms around me and leads me to the car, hopping in the back set with me. He buckled up my set belt and sits in the middle so he's next to me. I lean against him, my whole body still shaking from fear and from being cold. The car suddenly lurches forward, Edward purposely trying to scare the guys before turning away and driving off. I continue to lean against jasper, his arm wrapped around my shoulder as I have my eyes closed. I ignore the conversation Bella and Edward are having, suddenly felling waves of calm coming at me. I turn and look at jasper who's eyes are gold, not black like the other times I've seen him. His eye flicker to me, and I now realise how close we actually were, but I don't wanna move. "Are you Alright?" He whispers to me. I slowly nod my head, trying to forget those people. After driving for a little We pull up to the restaurant where we were suppose to meet Jessica and Angela. We all climb out, Bella and I walking up first and meeting the girls half way. "Hey guys, we're sorr-" Bella begins, but is cut of by Jessica. "Where were you?" She asks, "We left messages, and we were going to wait for you but we were like starving so we-" Angela tells us, but is cut off but Edward and Jasper walking up behind me and Bella. "We're sorry if we kept Bella and Rory waiting, we sorta ran into each other and just started talking" Edward says for both him and Jasper, "No-No it's fine, we totally understand" Jessica says, "Are you coming with us or?.." Angela says as her and Jessica start to walk to their car. "Uh, we should make sure the girls eat something" Jasper says, laying a gentle hand on the bridge of my back. "Oh okay, see you two tomorrow" Angela says. I nod my head and wave a little before walking inside with jasper. We find a seperate table from Bella and Edward and I pick at the menu. "Are you not going to eat anything?" Jasper asks me, I quickly look up at him before shaking my head. "I have no money" I say with a shrug. He laughs lightly at me, "who said you're the one paying?" He tells me, That's when the waitress comes over. "Hey, what can I get for you two today?" She asks, not looking away from jasper. He looks up at me and smirks before looking at the menu, "Can she please get a pumpkin soup and a coke" he says, placing the menu back down. "Sure, anything for you?" She says, writing it down. "No, I'm okay" he says, not looking away from me. I quickly look down, hating making eye contact with someone for to long. "Well, let me know" the waitress says before walking away. "H-how did you and Edward know where we were?" I ask quietly, not want to draw attention. He quickly looks over to Edward, who was already looking at us. Edward nods his head, saying yes to something I didn't know. "M-my brother and I, we're different. We fell very, protective over you and Bella." He tells me, "is that w-why you came to my house when I was sick?" I ask. Suddenly a plate is slammed down in front of me. I jump before looking up and seeing the waitress looking at me with a glare. She then places my coke down, spilling some of it onto the white table cloth. She turns away from and looks at jasper, who's looking at her in shock. "Are you sure you don't want anything?" She asks yet again. "No, I already told you I'm fine" He says, almost growling threw his teeth. She looks at him in shock before huffing and walking away. "What did you mean by you and Edward are different." I continue speaking quietly, grabbing my spoon and eating some of my soup. "We're not normal, so to speak. Edward, He can-he can read minds" Jasper says. I look up from my soup and smile excitedly, "that's so cool!" I say, spinning around and seeing Edward already looking at me, You can read minds?! I think in my head, just as excitedly as I said out loud. A smile appears on his face as he nods his head, That's wicked!. I turn back to jasper who laughs quietly, "What can you do?" I ask him with a huge smile on my face. "Well, I'm an empath. I can feel people's emotions and I can change them." He tells me, "Wicked" I whisper, barely believing what they're saying. "S-so that was you in the car, calming me down?" I ask, He laughs and nods before pointing at my food, "eat, you need to get home soon" he tells me. I nod my head before spooning mouthfuls of soup into my mouth, drinking my coke too.

This day just got even better.

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