Don't Let Me...

By double-xo

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One boy with a troubled past not knowing who he is anymore, lost and broken. Another boy not caring and compl... More

Don't Let Me...
Chapter 1 - Party
Chapter 2 - Temptation
Chapter 3 - Coping
Chapter 5 - Fangirling
Chapter 6 - Different
Chapter 7 - What If...
Chapter 8 - Memories
Chapter 9 - Letting Go
Chapter 10 - Gym, Sex, Ambulance
New Book

Chapter 4 - Carter

233 34 37
By double-xo

Dedicated To fandom_adri

Shes a great perosn and helps a ton ive known her for a while now and shes helped me through alot. Love you :D and thank you

8 Years Ago

I can't believe they're both gone. We were just playing outside a few days ago. It seems unreal that you can lose someone so quickly. I believe I can go to jail quickly because it's me but I never expected this I don't think anyone ever does. One minute your here the next your not.

 "Austin," I walked into the room and saw him lying down on his bed like every other day. I used to love hanging out here it was my favorite place but now it's just a broken home.

 "Come on you can't keep doing this," I told him standing over him. He shrugged and turned around on his side.

 "Listen Austin it's been a little more than a week you can't stay cooped up in your room all fucking day. Do you think they would like what you’re doing to yourself right now? You haven't eaten, you haven't gotten out of your room let alone your bed, and they wouldn't want you to do this to yourself. You think I don't fucking miss them?!"

 "I know you miss them it's just not the same," he murmured to me and I swear I just wanted to punch him. I took a breath so I wouldn't punch him and stepped back.

 "You don't think it's the same?! How fucking dare you Austin?! How about how they were the closest things I had to family? How about all those times I spend over here? How i spent more time here with you guys than with my actual family? How about that I was actually falling for Ashley?! Don't you fucking tell me it's not the same!” I finished yelling feeling a lot better to finally say it out loud and left his room.

 Present Time

 "Ace get your ass out of bed it's our first day of work," I told him trying to wake him up. He groaned and pushed me away. “Ace c’mon man,” I groaned annoyed

 “Go away Austin,” he mumbled pulling a pillow over his head to block the light and me. “Ace it’s not my fault your hung over now get your lazy ass out of bed."

 “Actually it’s your fault, your liquor hence your fault,” he said and then pulled the pillow back down.

 “I did not in any way force you to drink it though Ace and if you don’t get up now you’re going to wish you did,” I threatened warningly. He flipped me off and turned on his side with the pillow still wrapped around his head. I sighed and walked to the bathroom; pulling out the bucket I kept there for times like these and filled it up with water. I walked back to Ace and threw it on him backing away quickly.

 He woke up quickly his eyes darkening, which is something they do when he’s pissed off, “Austin you fucking asshole, I’ll fucking kill you if you don’t get your ass out of this damn fucking room right now,” he yelled and I had to admit if I wasn’t used to it any normal person would be fucking terrified.I shrugged, "just get ready Ace," he flipped me off and pushed his wet hair back. He should really get a hir cut.

"Don't worry about cleaning it up Amy will do it," I said referring to the maid.

"As if I was going to clean up whether we had a maid or not and we don't have Amy anymore Austin," he said as he pulled off his wet shirt.

"What you do this time?" I asked him rolling my eyes

"This took both of us because if not I'm pretty sure it would be called rape," I flinched lightly remembering and nodded.

"You shouldn't make jokes about that Ace," I said and he looked at me confused. The thing is I told the cops everything I told my family and ace everything...except for that part.

He shrugged and turned to his cabinet as I started walking out. "Seriously though ace stop fucking with my employees" I told him walking out.

"Then stop hiring hot maids and we won't have a problem," he shouted since I was out of the room

"Fine I'll hire a fifty year old just don't fucking fuck her," I yelled back laughing.

"Yes sir," he replied and we were both laughing

"Can you fucking morons shut up the rest of us want to sleep," Brooke shouted slamming her door and I heard Ace's thunderous laugh making me laugh as well.

"Sorry Brooke don't worry though we'll be leaving in a bit," I shouted at her knowing it'll piss her off.

"Austin you fucking asshole just leave before I kick your ass out and Ace you'll be right next to him we can't have the two lovers apart now can we?!" She shouted back and I can practically see her smirking.

"We're not gay!" Ace and I both shouted simultaneously

"If that's your story now get your asses out before I kick you out I want to sleep," she shouted again

"Have you forgotten it's my fucking house Brooke?!" I shouted and I heard Ace practically dying of laughter.

"Have you forgotten what I have on you and Ace Austin?" She said and then slammed the door

Well fuck she's right. I sighed and then waited for Ace downstairs. When he came down he still looked hung over and stumbled a bit and had some dark black shades to cover the light.

I stifled a laugh and he looked over to me and glared. "Not one word Austin," he threatened and I raised my hands in surrender biting my lip holding the laugh.

"Well let's go then," I told him and stood up heading over to the cars. I looked around wondering which car we should take for our first day. Should we try to blend in or just go all out showing off and being the center of attention? I looked over to Ace who was also looking at the cars thinking the same.

We looked at each other and smirked we knew exactly which car to take and we were definitely going to be the center of attention.

I got the keys and then opened the door to my white Lamborghini and got in. Ace then got the keys to the grey Porsche and we started our cars and he followed me to our first day of work.

We raced a little to be honest and Ace being hung over almost crashed a few times.

When we both arrived speeding into our parking spaces right next to each other flawlessly we stepped out of our cars and I have to say we looked like bad asses.

Ace with his dark shades and piercings and me with my ripped jeans and we looked great. We walked inside not caring about the people who were staring. I walked to the front desk as Ace waited and asked for my friend he worked here which is how I found out about the jobs.

Jake then came out and let us in greeting us and he smiled.

"Damn I'm so happy to see you guys here this place is to depressing for just me," he said laughing lightly

I looked over at Ace who was looking around or rather checking out the girls and he turned to us and nodded, "depressing Jake really? You just don't know how to have a good time," he said and gave Jake a smirk looking around again.

I was starting to think getting Ace a job here and then was snapped out of my thoughts when Jake led us to our rooms.

"Okay so you two are just responsible right now for filing and logging it's really easy," he explained everything to us and like he said it was super easy they could get little kids to do this shit actually.

After an hour of working Ace announced he was done working. I looked at him and saw that he actually did shit which I was not expecting. I gave him a weird look and he crossed his arms, “What? Surprised I actually worked?” he asked and I nodded

“Yea well don’t get used to it we’re still going to need that maid,” he said smirking

“Oh don’t worry I know,” I said laughing

“Well I’m done so now what do I do?” he questioned

“Well you—”

“That sucks nothing for me to do here so I’ll be back in a bit okay I’ll bring you back one ok,” he said and walked out of the room leaving me confused. I was suddenly really thirsty so I went out of our little office and went to the front desk. Since I was still new I didn’t know where anything was.

“Excuse me, where’s the water fountain here?” I asked her and she pointed me in the direction of the water fountain and I started walking. Why were these things so fucking far? I sighed and kept walking until I heard an ear-piercing scream. What the fuck? I looked around and kept hearing the screaming and they turned into crying. I looked around forgetting about how thirsty I was and headed in the direction of the crying.

I made a couple turns not knowing where I was going until I reached and heard the crying and screams perfectly. I looked into the room and the image in front literally broke me again. It was a mother standing by her son who from the looks of it just lost his life. The mother was alone just like I was and something came over me that I just walked inside quietly and looked at them both.

She turned around quickly to face me she was still crying and I felt myself go weak I couldn’t feel anything or hear anything. I regained focus and looked over to the mom. I remember one thing I hated was how everyone kept saying sorry when all I really needed was for someone to be there for me.

I walked over to her slowly and kneeled down next to her pulling her into a hug. She was taken by surprise and I could understand a random stranger hugging her is quite odd and out of the ordinary but she pushed it away and hugged back laying her head on my shoulder and continued to cry.

I held back the tears that threatened to come out I knew I had to be strong for her even though I didn’t know her or her son who laid down there lifeless. “It’s going to get better I promise,” I told her and I held her letting her cry.

After a few minutes of that I stood up and helped her up leading her outside of the room.

“I’m Austin by the way,” I told her quietly not really sure of what to do at this point I decided to buy her a coffee.

“Grace,” she replied I nodded and we walked quietly to the Starbucks that was in the hospital. I led her to a table and told her to wait there as I went to buy us the coffees. I returned and it was like looking into the past. The pain, the depression the feeling of having no hope it was how I felt, it was like everything about that day was coming back to me at once. I handed her the coffee and she tried giving me a smile and I sat down as well.

We sat in silence for a few minutes until I spoke up, “What was his name? If you don’t mind me asking of course,” I told her

“It’s Carter, he was seven years old,” she told me. I felt my heart drop. Only seven he hadn’t even lived seven years was all he got.

“What happened?”

“Cancer,” she simply stated and I looked down at my coffee feeling myself go rigid. He didn’t deserve it, and neither did she but then again no one ever does.

“Can you tell me about him?” I asked and her eyes lit up ta little bit thinking of him and all their memories together probably.

She told me everything about him. His favorite color, food and I laughed at that one because surprisingly just like mine it was Mac and Cheese. She told me his favorite sports and talked about their memories and I could tell it was making her a little bit happier. We talked for an hour two and by the time she finished she looked a lot better but her smile was fading slowly.

I sighed and took her hand and gave her a smile, “Listen I’ve been through something very similar to this and I know it’s hard. Hell I know it hurts like shit but I also know that they are never truly gone. Carter would want for you to continue and move on he would want you to be happy and to live your life to the fullest. You’re still so young. He’ll never truly be gone he’ll always be with you and don’t worry because everyday I promise it’ll get easier and better. I know the first few days will be hard but it can only get better at this point,” I told her and she looked a little surprised that a sixteen year old boy just gave her advice on how to deal with a situation this big.

“How do you do it?” she asked me and I was confused

“Do what?”

“You obviously lost someone very close to you, how do you do it?” I looked down at my arms under the table and shook my head

“I don’t, I’m still learning how,” I told her and looked back up to her, she gave me a small smile and I nodded getting up. She got up as well and we embraced each other in a hug and we went our separate ways. I knew it would most probably be the last time I see her but I think I did right by her.

I sighed and turned back finding my way to the office. When I got there Ace was sitting there feet on table dead asleep. I woke him up and he groaned getting up, he rubbed his neck and stood up.

“Ace can we just go home I don’t feel like doing shit,” I told him and he nodded confused but didn’t question it. We both went to our cars and I felt like shit. Why is it that I can give her advice and make it sound amazing when I can’t do it? Im a fucking hypocrite. I got in the car and sped home pulling into the driveway with Ace behind me.

Everyone was in the kitchen and they all went silent when I walked in. That’s the bad thing about having friends who have known you for a long time, they know when something’s wrong. I walked past them all and reached for the liquor cabinet and I heard Brooke ask Ace what happened and he said he didn’t have a fucking clue.

I pulled out a tequila bottle and pushed my way past all of them only making eye contact with Taylor. She looked sad and I think she knew where I was headed and you know what I honestly don’t care. What I need now is to relieve all the pain and get drunk off my ass and forget about everything. I want to forget my past and forget about recent events. Yes I told grace that everything only gets better but it’s only getting better for me because I hide it.

But not tonight, tonight I’m letting it all go. I walk into my room and open up the bottle chugging some of it before heading to the bathroom and tearing through the cabinets. When I finally found what I was looking for I sat down with my bottle on the floor and began.

What did you guys think? I hope it was worth the wait! Love you all

Song:  The Fault In Our Stars By Troye Sivan

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